31 research outputs found

    Integrating TOC and TRIZ for service process improvement

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    Position of employer branding in large Finnish companies - An exploratory study

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    Existing international studies have shown that Employer Branding is becoming an important element when companies are trying to differentiate themselves in the eyes of potential employees. In Finland research data about the state of Employer Branding is not available. Thus, the primary contribution of this thesis to the current knowledge of the topic is to find out the position of Employer Branding in Finnish companies today. The empirical part of the study is based on data collected in a web survey conducted in November 2008 - February 2009. The survey was created based on existing Employer Branding literature and total sampling frame consisted of 190 Finnish companies that had a turnover of over 250Mā‚¬ and more than 250 employees in 2008. In total 45 applicable responses were received representing a response rate of 24 % of the sample. The results show that Employer Branding does not have a particularly distinct position in large Finnish companies and, thus, respondents felt that Employer Branding should have a more important role than it currently possesses in their companies. In fact, many companies are developing and researching Employer Branding but resources allocated to the processes were not felt to reach an adequate level. Companies headquartered outside of Finland differentiated from these results as in those companies Employer Branding had more importance and adequate resources than in companies headquartered in Finland. Finally, it was found that Employer Branding is still the responsibility of companiesā€™ human resource departments while marketing and PR departmentsā€™ role was surprisingly low


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    The purpose of this research is to implement and analyze the true lean transformation in a manufacturing start-up organization. Often, lean transformations are observed in developed manufacturing organizations having sophisticated production lines and numerous employees, where lean tools are utilized to reduce waste while increasing profit. However, this type of transformation is narrowly focused on quantifiable process results and falls short of the ultimate goal, establishing a true lean culture within the organization. As a result, it is recommended that true lean principles, philosophies, culture, operations environment and tools be applied at the very beginning stages of an organization, or during the start-up phase to embed true lean thinking and application in the entirety of the organization. In this analysis, a case study is performed on a team embarking on a start-up manufacturing enterprise. The team is trained on true lean and all the four aspects of true lean are applied for successfully implementing true lean in the start-up. In addition, a true lean implementation approach was generated and applied using PDCA (plan, do, check and act) model. The results of this case study are presented in this work

    Engaging Employees in Sustainable Continuous Improvement Strategies

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    Lack of strategies to sustain continuous improvement initiatives to serve the needs of consumers whilst restructuring to conform to regulations has resulted in the collapse of some financial service companies in Ghana. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies some leaders of financial service companies use to engage employees to sustain continuous improvement initiatives to improve organizational performance. The targeted population comprised 6 senior leaders of financial service companies in Ghana who have engaged employees to sustain organizational continuous improvement initiatives. The conceptual framework for this study was Goldratt\u27s theory of constraint complemented by the transformational leadership theory. Data were collected using semistructured face-to-face interviews, analysis of company reports, and field notes. Based on methodological triangulation and thematic analysis, 3 themes emerged from the study: operational excellence, employee engagement and incentives, and leadership strategies. The implications of these findings for positive social change include the potential to reduce poverty and improve quality of life in Ghana. Business leaders whose organizations attain improved financial performance can direct their efforts to increasing their organization\u27s corporate social responsibility in the communities where they do business by supporting local charities and other initiatives

    Effect of organizational culture on employee turnover intention

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the organizational culture has influenced the intention of employees as to leave or stay, and which motives stimulate or normalize the rate of turnover recurrence. Despite the importance of employees as a driving force for corporate, their presence in the fulfillment of companyā€™s culture has not been addressed thoroughly. The practices and the effectiveness of organizational culture have been inconsistent as the company experience undulated employee turnover. To address this gap, the study delves into the degree of organizational culture on employee behavior with a critical look from companyā€™s perspective. Based on the related concept, a comprehensive review of the literature on the subject was assembled. The research utilizes a qualitative approach to collect the employee opinion of the workplace culture and labor turnover intention. The briefing discovered critical connecting factors between the current culture and exit intentions: derogatory affairs; excessive workload; insufficient training; and disengagement of employees are few of the themes revealed in the investigation. Even though replacement plan ensures quick employee restoration, the results certainly recall that a more strategic to employee retention should be approached. The study attempt to offer suggestions in developing effective company culture which would improve employee retention ā€“ especially those with high potentials and high per-formers. The findings of the study observed that organizational culture without a doubt plays an essential role in the decisional behavior of an employee.fi=OpinnƤytetyƶ kokotekstinƤ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LƤrdomsprov tillgƤngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    A performance management model for physical asset management

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    Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two fundamental aspects in modem business success are performance management and physical asset management. The current problem in the asset management environment is the lack of structured performance management, which is required to effectively control and enhance the dynamics of the asset and its life cycle. The result is ineffective assets with high life cycle costs, which will consequently influence the bottom line and return on investment, negatively. An Asset _eerformance Management Model (APM2 , pronounced A-P-M square) was developed. A sound theoretical foundation together with the experience of a leading asset management consultant resulted in the realization of a model that (i) gives a balanced view of asset performance, (ii) link asset performance to strategic business objectives, (iii) facilitates decision-making and problem solving, and (iv) enhances asset control and continuous improvement. The APM2 was developed by rese~ching and integrating five building blocks, which encompass the model requirements. The APM2 consists of two distinct components, namely: ā€¢ the APM Reference Structure (APMRS), and ā€¢ a range of APM Dockets. The APMRS is a basic structure that integrates the various building blocks into a framework for providing guidance and control, giving perspective on the entire model and explaining the high-level content of the model. It consists of five levels, each with a distinct focus: ā€¢ Levell: Enterprise ā€¢ Level2: Factory ā€¢ Level3: Process Unit ā€¢ Level4: Aggregate ā€¢ Level5: Component The APM Dockets are a subset of the APMRS, where each level has a docket. These dockets are executable, unit-specific procedures, guiding and leading stakeholders towards improved asset performance. Also each of the five levels consists of six similar and inter-related elements. These elements are the foundation for each docket: lement 1: Stakeholders Element 2: Objectives Element 3: Measures Element 4: External Monitor & Targets Element 5: Responsibilities & Decision-Making Element 6: Control & Continuous Improvement Element 7 represents the link to the next level in the APM Reference Structure. ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ Conclusively the APM2,s simplicity and understandability is realized through the APM Reference Structure, while the range of APM Dockets contribute to the practicality objective. The model has a strong theoretical foundation, but at the same time is generic, to be used in a wide range of industries. A leading asset management consultant plans to integrate the APM2 into their asset management program based on the thesis documentation. This application will test and validate the APM2 in practice. It is further recommended that an asset management program, with the associated APM2 , be used in conjunction with the Theory of Constraints and Total Productive Maintenance, because of obvious relationships. Further research is also suggested in relation with some of the experimental asset life cycle phases as well as certain financial considerations.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee fundamentele aspekte in hedendaagse besigheidsukses is prestasiebestuur and fisiese batebestuur. Die huidige probleem binne die batebestuursomgewing is die gebrek aan gestruktureerde prestasiebestuur, wat 'n vereiste is vir effektiewe beheer en verbeterings rondom die bate en sy lewensiklus. Die resultaat is oneffektiewe bates met hoĆ« lewensikluskoste wat gevolglik wins en beleggingsopbrengs negatief beĆÆnvloed. 'n Prestasiebestuur Model vir Bates (APM2, uitgespreek as A-P-M square) is ontwikkel. 'n Deeglike teoretiese fondasie tesame metdie ondervinding van vooraanstaande raadgewende batebestuurders, het die realisering van 'n model tot gevolg gehad, wat (i) bateprestasie gebalanseerd voorstel, (ii) bateprestasie met strategiese doelstellings verbind, (iii) besluitneming and probleemoplossing fasiliteer, en (iv) batekontrole en voortdurende verbetering bevorder. Die APM2 is ontwikkel deur middel van die identifisering en integrasie van vyf boustene wat die vereistes vir die modelomvat. Die APM2 bestaan onderskeidelik uit twee komponente, naamlik: ā€¢ die APM Verwysingstruktuur (APMRS), en ā€¢ 'n reeks APM Vouers. Die APMRS is 'n basiese struktuur wat die verskillende boustene binne 'n raamwerk integreer en sodoende leiding en beheer fasiliteer, die model as geheel in perspektief stel en die modelinhoud op hoĆ« vlak verduidelik. Dit bestaan uit vyf vlakke, elk met 'n spesifieke fokus: ā€¢ Vlak 1: Onderneming ā€¢ Vlak2: Fabriek ā€¢ Vlak 3: Proseseenheid ā€¢ Vlak 4: Aggregaat ā€¢ Vlak 5: Komponent Die APM Vouers is 'n subdeel van die APMRS, waar elke vlak 'n vouer het. Hierdie vouers is uitvoerbare, eenheid-spesifieke prosedures wat deelhebbers lei na beter bateprestasie. Ook bestaan elkeen van die vyf vlakke uit ses soortgelyke en inter-afhanklike elemente. Hierdie elemente is die fondasie vir elk van die vouers: ā€¢ Element 1: Deelhebbers ā€¢ Element 2: Doelwitte ā€¢ Element 3: Metings ā€¢ Element 4: Eksterne Monitering & Mikpunte ā€¢ Element 5: Verantwoordelikhede & Besluitneming ā€¢ Element 6: Kontrole & Voortdurende Verbetering ā€¢ Element 7 stel die verbinding met die volgende vlak in die APM Verwysingstruktuur voor. Gevolglik word die eenvoud en verstaanbaarheid van die APM2 gerealiseer deur die APM Verwysingstruktuur, terwyl die reeks APM Vouers bydra tot die praktiese doelwit. Die model het 'n sterk teoretiese grondslag, maar terselfdertyd is dit generies, sodat dit in 'n wye spektrum van industrieĆ« gebruik kan word. Gebaseer op die tesis dokumentasie beplan vooraanstaande raadgewende batebestuurders om die APM2 te integreer met hul batsbestuursprogram. Hierdie toepassing sal sodoende die APM2 in die praktyk toets en bekragtig. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat 'n batebestuursprogram, met die geassosieerde APM2, tesame met die Theory of Constraints en Total Productive Maintenance gebruik word, as gevolg van voor die hand liggende verwantskappe. Verdere navorsing word ook voorgestel in verband met die eksperimentele fases binne die batelewensiklus, asook rakende sekere finansiĆ«le oorwegings

    Systems in management 7th annual ANZSYS conference 2001: The relevance of systems thinking in the contemporary world

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    Welcome to Perth, Western Australia, and to the Systems in Management 7th Annual ANZSYS Conference 2001 the relevance of systems thinking in the contemporary world hosted by the We-B Centre, School of Management Information Systems at Edith Cowan University. The conference provides an opportunity for sharing and networking among academics and industry specialists in systems and related fields. The conference has drawn participants from national and international organizations. All submitted papers were subjected to an anonymous peer review process managed by the Conference Committee. Stringent review criteria resulted in an unprecedented number of papers declined this year. Based on these reviews, the final programme was determined. A total of 54 papers were submitted for consideration and 39 were accepted for presentation. The Conference Committee would like to recognise the efforts of many people who have contributed to the success and support in the organising of this conference and without their efforts the conference could not have occurred. The authors are thanked for their continued support to the Systems in Management 7th Annual ANZSYS Conference 2001 and we hope that the conference will receive similar support into the future. The reviewers deserve a special vote of thanks for their commitment and dedication in having their reviews conducted professionally. This year saw the launch of our Best Paper and Paper of Distinction award program. Papers nominated for this honour received particularly rigorous reviews. The winners will be announced at the conference. Thank you and enjoy the conference

    Strategies to Improve Job Satisfaction and Reduce Voluntary Employee Turnover of Nurses

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    Job satisfaction and employee turnover affect the health care industry in the form of overworked staff, inadequate health care, and loss of profits. In 2015, the United States health care industry had a shortage of over 923,000 registered nurses. Health care organizations lose an estimated 1.4to1.4 to 2.1 billion each year because of registered nurse (RN) turnover. These factors indicate that some managers lack the strategies to increase job satisfaction and reduce RN turnover. The purpose of this single case study was to use the Herzberg 2-factor theory to explore strategies 5 health care leaders use to improve nurses\u27 job satisfaction and reduce voluntary employee turnover in a health care facility in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Participant selection was purposeful and based on their experiences implementing effective employee job satisfaction strategies. Data collection occurred via face-to-face semistructured interviews with 5 managers and the review of organizational policy documents. Data were analyzed using inductive coding of phrases, word frequency searchers, and theme interpretation. Three themes emerged: autonomy and supportive leadership improved job satisfaction, continued education improved job satisfaction and improved RN retention, and competitive pay and bonuses improved workplace satisfaction and increased workplace retention. Increasing job satisfaction and reducing voluntary turnover of RNs contributes to social change by providing health care managers with strategies that can lead to organizational growth and increased employment opportunities, which might promote prosperity for local families and the community

    Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Disruptions in Manufacturing Transportation Supply Chains

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    Abstract Supply chain managers in the manufacturing transportation industry grapple with reducing the impact of disruptions in transportation supply chains since 50% of U.S. companies have experienced between six to 20 disruptions per year. Ineffective transportation disruption strategies negatively impact the performance and profitability of manufacturing organizations resulting in losses and business failure. Grounded in Goldrattā€™s philosophy and thinking process of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore successful strategies supply chain managers in the manufacturing transportation industry used to reduce the impact of disruptions in transportation supply chains. The participants were three supply chain managers from three different manufacturing industries doing business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, who successfully implemented strategies that reduced the impact of disruptions in manufacturing transportation in their organizations. Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews, archival records, and social media websites. Through thematic analysis, three themes emerged: (a) technology and innovative solutions, (b) supply chain collaborative efforts, and (d) logistics and transportation innovative strategies. A key recommendation is for supply chain managers to create multi-vendor transportation ecosystems to work together rather than working by themselves. The implication for positive social change includes the potential to create employment and increase local communitiesā€™ tax revenues that could be used to provide the most needed social services