357,992 research outputs found

    Institutions and Practices for Restoring and Maintaining Public Order

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    In the wake of the atrocities committed in Cambodia, southern Sudan, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Haiti, many in the international community have called for the creation of ad hoc or standing international criminal courts to deal with some types of international delicts. Courts are indispensable institutions in many domestic criminal and civil systems, and any polity, no matter how structured, must have arrangements, of varying degrees of institutionalization, to apply the law to concrete cases. But lest we fall victim to a judicial romanticism in which we imagine that merely by creating entities we call courts we have solved major problems, we should review the fundamental goals that institutions designed to protect public order seek to fulfill. Goal clarification is especially important when our passions are engaged, as indeed they should be, upon encountering atrocities such as those of Rwanda. Indignation can be a powerful and productive source of political energy, but only if we tap it to stimulate the design of institutions that protect, restore, and improve public order

    Institutions and Practices for Restoring and Maintaining Public Order

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    The implementation of a copyright protection reform in Sweden in April 2009 suddenly increased the risk of being caught and punished for illegal file sharing. This paper investigates the impact of the reform on illegal file sharing and music sales using a difference-in-differences approach with Norway and Finland as control groups. We find that the reform decreased Internet traffic by 16% and increased music sales by 36% during the first six months. Pirated music therefore seems to be a strong substitute to legal music. However, the reform effects disappeared almost completely after six months, likely because of the weak enforcement of the law

    National Security Space Launch

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    The United States Space Force’s National Security Space Launch (NSSL) program, formerly known as the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program, was first established in 1994 by President William J. Clinton’s National Space Transportation Policy. The policy assigned the responsibility for expendable launch vehicles to the Department of Defense (DoD), with the goals of lowering launch costs and ensuring national security access to space. As such, the United States Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) started the EELV program to acquire more affordable and reliable launch capability for valuable U.S. military satellites, such as national reconnaissance satellites that cost billions per satellite. In March 2019, the program name was changed from EELV to NSSL, which reflected several important features: 1.) The emphasis on “assured access to space,” 2.) transition from the Russian-made RD-180 rocket engine used on the Atlas V to a US-sourced engine (now scheduled to be complete by 2022), 3.) adaptation to manifest changes (such as enabling satellite swaps and return of manifest to normal operations both within 12 months of a need or an anomaly), and 4.) potential use of reusable launch vehicles. As of August 2019, Blue Origin, Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems, SpaceX, and United Launch Alliance (ULA) have all submitted proposals. From these, the U.S. Air Force will be selecting two companies to fulfill approximately 34 launches over a period of five years, beginning in 2022. This paper will therefore first examine the objectives for the NSSL as presented in the 2017 National Security Strategy, Fiscal Year 2019, Fiscal Year 2020, and Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA), and National Presidential Directive No. 40. The paper will then identify areas of potential weakness and gaps that exist in space launch programs as a whole and explore the security implications that impact the NSSL specifically. Finally, the paper will examine how the trajectory of the NSSL program could be adjusted in order to facilitate a smooth transition into new launch vehicles, while maintaining mission success, minimizing national security vulnerabilities, and clarifying the defense acquisition process.No embargoAcademic Major: EnglishAcademic Major: International Studie

    2011-2013 Connecting Consumer with Care: Grant Area Evaluation

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    The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation has funded the Connecting Consumers with Care grant program consistently since 2001. The program supports community health centers and community-based organizations in helping consumers enroll in and maintain publicly subsidized health insurance coverage. The program also encourages collaborative problem solving to minimize system-level barriers and enhanced education and empowerment of consumers so that they may navigate systems of health coverage and care with decreasing dependence on grantee organizations. During the October 2011 -- September 2013 grant cycle, the Foundation funded 13 organizations across Massachusetts. While this funding period preceded the first Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period, lessons from the outreach, enrollment, and post-enrollment work of these grantees remain invaluable to efforts to connect consumers with health coverage and care both in Massachusetts and across the country.This report describes findings from the evaluation of the 2011 -- 2013 grant cycle. The aims of the evaluation were to 1) assess progress made across the grantee sites on select outreach and enrollment measures; 2) describe the practices grantees adopted to reach out to and enroll consumers in insurance, increase consumer self-sufficiency, and collaborate with other agencies to minimize barriers to care; and 3) characterize barriers experienced by grantees as they worked to meet the goals of the program

    National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans: Natural Catalysts for Accelerating Action on Sustainable Development Goals

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    In 2010, the Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agreed to an ambitious set of 20 targets, called the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, as part of their commitment to the CBD Strategic Plan. One of the Targets (Target 17) called for each country to revise its National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP) in accordance with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. From 2010 to November 2016, virtually all countries have revised, or are currently completing the revision of, their NBSAP. As of November 2016, 123 countries (76 of them eligible for official development assistance) have submitted post-2010 NBSAPs. At the same time, the world agreed to an ambitious set of 17 Goals and 169 Targets in 2015, called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The absence of a widely accepted taxonomy for describing NBSAP actions makes any systematic and cross-cutting analysis of NBSAPs difficult. Moreover, the collective contribution of specific NBSAP actions to SDGs has not yet been studied. The purpose of this report is to systematically understand the breadth and depth of actions proposed across all NBSAPs, to propose a common framework for analysis, and to understand the relationship between NBSAPs and the SDGsThe data in this report comes from more than 6000 actions included in NBSAPs of 60 countries. These NBSAPs have all been submitted to the Secretariat of the CBD after 2010, and all are from countries eligible to received funding from the Global Environmental Facility. The researchers tagged each of the actions in this analysis not only by the thematic categories and generic actions of this taxonomy, but also by the associated primary and secondary SDGs and their associated targets (as well as by Aichi Biodiversity Targets). In doing so, the collective impact of the contribution of NBSAPs toward fulfilling the SDGs is beginning to emerge. The data from this analysis are far richer and more complex than this interim report can convey. However, it is clear from this preliminary analysis that the impact of NBSAP actions extends far beyond Goal 14 (Life Below Water) and Goal 15 (Life on Land). The NBSAP examples of actions provided under each of the categories illustrate how a single action can contribute to multiple goals. The actions included across all NBSAPs would, if fully implemented, catalyze progress in national food security, water security, livelihoods, economic growth, disaster risk reduction, health, gender and climate resilience, among other goals. Furthermore, because NBSAPs are adopted as policy instruments, they provide a ready pathway for fast implementation of national sustainable development goals.Investing in biodiversity and ecosystems through NBSAP actions also ensures that no one is left behind in the implementation of the SDGs. Nature provides a safety net to billions of people around the world: 1.6 billion people depend on forests for jobs, livelihoods, food and fuel; one out of eight people depend on fisheries for their livelihoods; and more than 4 billion people depend on medicines derived from forests for their health.  Investing in nature helps ensure that the most vulnerable people in society, especially the more than 800 million people living in poverty, have a durable safety net.The recommendations included at the end of this report highlight the potential need for targeted support to countries to implement key thematic areas. The authors hope that this preliminary analysis will enable governments, and the organizations that support them, to focus their efforts on supporting those thematic areas that will have the most impact in accelerating progress in implementing NBSAP actions. They also hope this report will encourage donor organizations to consider supporting the implementation of NBSAP actions that have direct SDG outcomes

    CSA Practices for Sustainable Cocoa Farming Systems

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    Climate change will shape the future production of cocoa and requires mutual cooperation amongst sector stakeholders to tailor responses to its differentiated impacts. Identifying and prioritizing climate smart agriculture (CSA) responses requires integration of multiple objectives and managing trade-offs between food security, adaptation and mitigation. Impact of future climates on growing regions is needed to select locally appropriate CSA practices. Zones of adaptation needs in Indonesia are identified and the ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ of tailored CSA practices are illustrated in an accessible guidebook format

    Essential Considerations for Establishing Partnerships Among Agencies Addressing the Employment-Related Needs of Individuals with Disabilities

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    [Excerpt] The Collaboration Brief series is intended to assist both generic and disability-specific agencies to work collaboratively and enhance their capacity to serve individuals with disabilities. To help agencies become familiar with their mandated and non-mandated partners, these briefs provide information that will contribute to better understanding of the goals, eligibility criteria, and policy parameters of the respective generic and disability-specific agencies; the development of expanded and improved collaborative relationships; and the coordination of resources, services, and supports. These briefs are consistent with and reflect the overarching goal of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)— to develop a seamless workforce investment system that includes multiple agencies and programs. The series includes briefs on the One-Stop Career Centers established under Title I of the WIA and the one disability-related mandatory partner participating in the workforce investment system (vocational rehabilitation agencies). In addition, the series includes employment-related services and supports provided by other federal, state, and local agencies and programs serving people with significant disabilities, including Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Special Education. Further, the series explains the potential role the Medicaid program can play in supporting employment and the work incentive provisions in Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs, and describes the Ticket to Work Program operated by the Social Security Administration. Each brief provides information on the purpose of the program, eligibility for benefits or services, funding sources, administrative structure, and resources provided to support jobseekers and employers. Further, the briefs provide considerations for assessing the respective programs in each state and suggestions for the development of collaborative relationships. The concepts and strategies of Customized Employment—a dynamic set of assessment and job development tools—will be used to contextualize the collaborative strategies discussed in each brief. Most importantly, the briefs show that no agency is alone or limited to their own resources in serving people with significant disabilities; this series should be used as a source for the basic information upon which cross-system partnerships are built. Collaborative relationships between One-Stop Career Centers, Vocational Rehabilitation, community provider organizations, and other systems that provide benefits and services will create new employment opportunities for people with significant disabilities

    Predictive Analytics In Higher Education: Five Guiding Practices for Ethical Use

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    Without ethical practices, student data could be used to curtail academic success rather than help ensure it. For example, without a clear plan in place, an institution could use predictive analytics to justify using fewer resources to recruit low-income students because their chances of enrolling are less sure than for more affluent prospective students. In this report, New America lays out important questions to consider as administrators formulate how to use predictive analytics ethically

    Bridging the Data Divide: Understanding State Agency and University Research Partnerships within SLDS

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    This report examines this question through an analysis of state agency-university researcher partnerships that exist in State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS). Building state agency-university researcher partnerships is an important value of SLDS. To examine state agency-university researcher partnerships within SLDS, our analysis is guided by the following set of questions based on 71 interviews conducted with individuals most directly involved with SLDS efforts in Virginia, Maryland, Texas and Washington. The findings from this analysis suggest that each state’s SLDS organization and governance structure includes university partners in differing ways. In general, stronger partnership efforts are driven by legislative action or executive-level leadership. Regardless of structure, the operation of these partnerships is shaped by the agency’s previous experience and cultural norms surrounding the value and inclusion of university researchers