193 research outputs found

    Learning node labels with multi-category Hopfield networks

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    In several real-world node label prediction problems on graphs, in fields ranging from computational biology to World Wide Web analysis, nodes can be partitioned into categories different from the classes to be predicted, on the basis of their characteristics or their common properties. Such partitions may provide further information about node classification that classical machine learning algorithms do not take into account. We introduce a novel family of parametric Hopfield networks (m-category Hopfield networks) and a novel algorithm (Hopfield multi-category \u2014 HoMCat ), designed to appropriately exploit the presence of property-based partitions of nodes into multiple categories. Moreover, the proposed model adopts a cost-sensitive learning strategy to prevent the remarkable decay in performance usually observed when instance labels are unbalanced, that is, when one class of labels is highly underrepresented than the other one. We validate the proposed model on both synthetic and real-world data, in the context of multi-species function prediction, where the classes to be predicted are the Gene Ontology terms and the categories the different species in the multi-species protein network. We carried out an intensive experimental validation, which on the one hand compares HoMCat with several state-of-the-art graph-based algorithms, and on the other hand reveals that exploiting meaningful prior partitions of input data can substantially improve classification performances

    Between Peace and Conflict in the East and the West

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    This open access book features various studies on democratization, transformation, socio-economic development, and security issues in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) geographical region and beyond. Written by experts and scholars working in the field of human dimension, security, transformation and development in Europe and Asia, particularly in post-soviet and communist countries, it examines the connectivity that the OSCE provides between the East and the West. The 2021 edition of this Compilation Series of the OSCE Academy presents studies on peace and conflict as well as political regime development in various member states of the OSCE as well as their economic, security and human rights performance and the challenges countries and society face currently. The OSCE is working in promoting Human Rights and Democratization under the notion of Human Dimension of ODIHR and is enhancing securitization and development policies in Eurasia, Europe, Central Asia and North America since 1991. 2021 marks the 30th anniversary on the tremendous efforts in promoting democracy, security and development. This compilation reviews some of these efforts in light of this anniversary, the achievements and shortcomings

    Spartan Daily, May 17, 2004

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    Volume 122, Issue 69https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10003/thumbnail.jp

    Beating Competitors to International Markets: The Value of Geographically Balanced Networks for Innovation

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    Being able to launch new products internationally is critical for technology-based ventures to recoup the high costs of R&D and to exploit their innovations fully. Despite the widely recognized importance of networks within the innovation development process, there appear to be contrasting viewpoints as to whether local or foreign network partners contribute more in the race to internationalize. Drawing on the theoretical underpinnings of comparative advantage, we propose and empirically confirm that ventures pursuing a balance of local and foreign network connections for the development of an innovation are able to bring the product more rapidly into the international marketplace. Furthermore, both innovation complexity and industry clockspeed heighten the importance of geographic network balance to the speed of product internationalization

    The visual dimension in organizing, organization, and organization research: Core ideas, current developments, and promising avenues

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    With the unprecedented rise in the use of visuals, and its undeniable omnipresence in organizational contexts, as well as in the individual's everyday life, organization and management science has recently started to pay closer attention to the to date under-theorized "visual mode" of discourse and meaning construction. Building primarily on insights from the phenomenological tradition in organization theory and from social semiotics, this article sets out to consolidate previous scholarly efforts and to sketch a fertile future research agenda. After briefly exploring the workings of visuals, we introduce the methodological and theoretical "roots" of visual studies in a number of disciplines that have a long-standing tradition of incorporating the visual. We then continue by extensively reviewing work in the field of organization and management studies: More specifically, we present five distinct approaches to feature visuals in research designs and to include the visual dimension in scholarly inquiry. Subsequently, we outline, in some detail, promising avenues for future research, and close with a reflection on the impact of visualization on scientific practice itself. (authors' abstract

    The internationalization and website localization of small and medium-sized enterprises: A study of the strategies that "Cantina 3V" could adopt to address the Danish and Belgian markets

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    openIl presente lavoro di tesi ha lo scopo di andare a studiare il modo in cui Cantina 3V può aprirsi al mercato internazionale attraverso l'export. In particolar modo, vengono analizzati i mercati verso cui la cantina vorrebbe esportare, ovvero quello Danese e Belga. In seguito viene analizzato il tema della localizazzione del sito web (o website localization) per poi proporre una possibile traduzione del sito web della cantina. In merito a questo ultimo punto, lo scopo è quello di permettere alla cantina di avvicinarsi ai consumatori danesi e belgi. Infine, si analizzano le strategie che "Cantina 3V" vorrebbe adottare per aprirsi al mercato internazionale.This final dissertation aims to study the way in which “Cantina 3V” can open to the international market through exports. Particularly, the Danish and Belgian wine markets are analysed as they are the target markets “Cantina 3V” would like to address. Then, this study goes on by analysing the website localization in order to propose a possible English translation of the website of “Cantina 3V”. The reason for this is to allow the winery to get closer to Danish and Belgian wine consumers. Finally, it analyses the strategies that “Cantina 3V” could adopt to become an exporting winery

    Digital ecosystems

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    We view Digital Ecosystems to be the digital counterparts of biological ecosystems, which are considered to be robust, self-organising and scalable architectures that can automatically solve complex, dynamic problems. So, this work is concerned with the creation, investigation, and optimisation of Digital Ecosystems, exploiting the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems. First, we created the Digital Ecosystem, a novel optimisation technique inspired by biological ecosystems, where the optimisation works at two levels: a first optimisation, migration of agents which are distributed in a decentralised peer-to-peer network, operating continuously in time; this process feeds a second optimisation based on evolutionary computing that operates locally on single peers and is aimed at finding solutions to satisfy locally relevant constraints. We then investigated its self-organising aspects, starting with an extension to the definition of Physical Complexity to include the evolving agent populations of our Digital Ecosystem. Next, we established stability of evolving agent populations over time, by extending the Chli-DeWilde definition of agent stability to include evolutionary dynamics. Further, we evaluated the diversity of the software agents within evolving agent populations, relative to the environment provided by the user base. To conclude, we considered alternative augmentations to optimise and accelerate our Digital Ecosystem, by studying the accelerating effect of a clustering catalyst on the evolutionary dynamics of our Digital Ecosystem, through the direct acceleration of the evolutionary processes. We also studied the optimising effect of targeted migration on the ecological dynamics of our Digital Ecosystem, through the indirect and emergent optimisation of the agent migration patterns. Overall, we have advanced the understanding of creating Digital Ecosystems, the self-organisation that occurs within them, and the optimisation of their Ecosystem-Oriented Architecture

    Ecological Dualisms Undone: Exploring The Roles Of Ideologies, Zero Waste, And Qualitative Life-Cycle Analysis In Punta Cana'S Building Material Culture

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    Materials, as the physical human-environment interface, are key challenges and requirements for sustainable design. This study investigates the epistemology of building materials to understand the considerations and consequences of material selection, both in and within the specific context of Punta Cana. By employing reflective research methods to interpret six environmental building philosophies, this study reveals the building community's need to resolve inflexible dualisms regarding technology, globalization, and cultural meaning to overcome professional divisions that hinder interventions toward sustainability. The results call for common goals, such as zero waste, to explore a wider range of suitable building solutions and provide unified sustainable design criteria. Finally, a qualitative life-cycle analysis suggests that bamboo, a building material commonly disregarded by dualistic mindsets, may convey more environmental, economic, and social benefits in Punta Cana than concrete, the prevailing Dominican structural building material. The conclusions of this study call for increased criticism and ethics throughout the design process to avoid misleading assumptions, represent implicated stakeholders, and promote context-based building solutions. Keywords: sustainable materials, environmental philosophy, zero waste, vernacular, bamboo, Dominican Republi

    In the same storm but not in the same boat : a case study of scalar politics in the Joal-Fadiouth marine protected area, Senegal

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) constitute today the favored tool for fisheries management and marine and coastal conservation around the globe. In practice, the establishment of MPAs is however not free from impacts on the coastal communities that rely on the ocean and its resources for their livelihoods and wellbeing. This is particularly so in developing countries, where communities living at sites where MPAs are increasingly being established tend to have low incomes that render them vulnerable to imposed constraints on their rights to access and exploit the resources they depend on. Senegal strongly relies on fisheries for its national economy, food security, and cultural continuity. However, overexploitation and the long-warned decline of fish stocks, and the longlived competition and contention over marine space and resources between the artisanal and industrial subsectors has since the 1990s led Senegalese artisanal fisheries into a socialecological crisis. With the aim of curbing this crisis, MPAs have since the mid-2000s constituted, the favored strategy for managing fisheries. Employing a political ecology lens this study was conducted with the twofold objective to, first, examine the local implementation of the Joal-Fadiouth MPA as a fisheries management intervention and its consequences for artisanal fishers, and second, to situate this intervention within the broader political economic seascape, with the aim to unveiling why the local scale, inherent to the Joal-Fadiouth MPA, remains the one favored for addressing overfishing and marine resource degradation in Senegalese waters. Adopting a case study design and qualitative research methods, this research was conducted through semi-structured interviews among the fisherfolk community of Joal-Fadiouth, as well as with multiple representatives from local and national institutions, and through photovoice focus groups with fishers. I have found the JFMPA to constitute an expression of scalar politics, whereby the local scale is the one being operationalized for fisheries management and addressing overfishing and the degradation of marine resources in Senegalese, as a means to allow the State for accumulating from both conservation and extractive zones concurrently, at the expanse of artisanal fishers.M-IE

    Globalization and Responsibility

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    The book "Globalization and Responsibility" consists of 8 chapters. The chapters in the book offer a decentered and dynamic terminology. They show that globalization consists of not only an objective process, but also of a lot of statements that define, describe and analyze the different experiences of the process. The chapters are written by authors and researchers from different academic disciplines, cultures and social contexts, therefore different experiences and scientific analyses on the consequences of globalization have been unified, starting from the multicultural and social epistemology to ethics of responsibility. Each chapter can be read separately, but in a complex, interconnected global universe of intertextuality of our world
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