31 research outputs found

    Towards a Novel Cooperative Logistics Information System Framework

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    Supply Chains and Logistics have a growing importance in global economy. Supply Chain Information Systems over the world are heterogeneous and each one can both produce and receive massive amounts of structured and unstructured data in real-time, which are usually generated by information systems, connected objects or manually by humans. This heterogeneity is due to Logistics Information Systems components and processes that are developed by different modelling methods and running on many platforms; hence, decision making process is difficult in such multi-actor environment. In this paper we identify some current challenges and integration issues between separately designed Logistics Information Systems (LIS), and we propose a Distributed Cooperative Logistics Platform (DCLP) framework based on NoSQL, which facilitates real-time cooperation between stakeholders and improves decision making process in a multi-actor environment. We included also a case study of Hospital Supply Chain (HSC), and a brief discussion on perspectives and future scope of work

    Book Review: Handbook of Global Supply Chain Management

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    This handbook where each chapter was written by the people most qualified and the overall handbookis edited by a team was the best approach. In keeping with the global theme andthe goal of a handbook, the editors tried, in as many chapters as possible, tohave international scholars and practitioners involved. The editors hope theresult is a handbook that addresses, for each topic, the global extent theoryneeded by scholars who teach and research in this area and the specifies neededby practitioners. The editors hope this book brings clarity and comprehensiveinsight to the phenomenon of global supply chains and their management. Forstudents, this handbook aids in understanding the scope and specifies. Forpractitioners, this handbook provides additional insights into the nuances ofmanaging global supply chains. For researchers, this book generates additionalquestions, the answers to which will continue to enrich our understanding ofand ability to manage global supply chains

    Роль логістичної системи фармацевтичного підприємства у процесах його адаптації до роботи у глобальному середовищі

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    Виконано аналіз основних рушійних сил та наслідків глобалізації промислового ринку, окреслено сфери можливих удосконалень логістичного ланцюжка фармацевтичного підприємства. Ключові слова: глобалізація, фармацевтичні підприємства, логістика, ланцюжок створення вартості, контролінг.Проведен анализ основных движущих сил и последствий глобализации промышленного рынка, очерчены сферы возможных усовершенствований логистической цепочки фармацевтического предприятия. Ключевые слова: глобализация, фармацевтические предприятия, логистика, цепочка создания стоимости, контроллинг.The main driving forces and implications of globalization of the industrial market were analyzed at the article, and the areas of possible improvements in supply chain of pharmaceutical companies were outlined. Keywords: globalization, pharmaceutical companies, logistics, value chain, controlling


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    International audienceSupply Chains and Logistics have a growing importance in global economy. Supply chains over the world are very heterogeneous and each one can both produce and receive massive amounts of structured and unstructured data in real-time, which are usually generated by information systems, smart objects or manually by humans. This heterogeneity is due to Logistics Systems components and processes that are developed by different modelling methods and running on many platforms. In this paper we attempt to identify current challenges and integration issues between separately designed Information and Communication Technology systems and we propose a distributed NoSQL based Logistics Information System architecture that facilitate real-time cooperation between stakeholders in a multi-actor environment. We included also a brief discussion on perspectives and future scope of work

    RiskVis: Supply chain visualization with risk management and real-time monitoring

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    Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR

    Selecting Optimal Overseas Warehouse Location in Global Supply Chain: An Application of Binary Integer Programming

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    Overseas warehouses are crucial nodes in today's worldwide supply chain. They offer timely delivery of products to remote customers at a low cost and with few shipping issues. A foreign warehouse is a cross-border solution that may be used to solve cross-border B2B and B2C transactions. Strategically positioned warehouses allow organizations to effortlessly cross borders across multiple countries, regardless of where company headquarters and production or assembly units are situated. We argued that selecting an overseas warehouse site has always come down to determining where the majority of a company's foreign clients are located such that when a customer places an order, it is fulfilled by the distribution warehouse closest to that client. In this study, a warehouse site optimization framework was developed using Binary Integer Programming to help decision-makers choose the best region, or sites, to build an overseas warehouse facility to meet expected customer demands. The proposed model is focused on determining the appropriate placement of the warehouse from a set of potential locations in order to decrease the travel distance between warehouse facilities and overseas customers. The overseas customers are assumed to be served by the warehouse that is closest to them geographically. When the number of to be overseas customers served is large, they might be organized into clusters. This pre-processing is based on the assumption that the warehouse charged with servicing the overseas customers of a certain cluster would care for all of them in that cluster. We presented four distinct case situations with varying characteristics. The k-means approach is used within the context of Binary Integer Programming to divide C overseas customers into G distinct and non-overlapping subgroups. Warehouse site influences transportation costs, and when new supply routes are introduced or a current supply chain is re-engineered, a thorough warehouse placement analysis is required. The proposed model would hope to help choose the best location for warehouses as well as other immovable infrastructure in the global supply chain

    Towards a Novel Cooperative Logistics Information System Framework

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    International audienceSupply Chains and Logistics have a growing importance in global economy. Supply Chain Information Systems over the world are heterogeneous and each one can both produce and receive massive amounts of structured and unstructured data in real-time, which are usually generated by information systems, connected objects or manually by humans. This heterogeneity is due to Logistics Information Systems components and processes that are developed by different modelling methods and running on many platforms; hence, decision making process is difficult in such multi-actor environment. In this paper we identify some current challenges and integration issues between separately designed Logistics Information Systems (LIS), and we propose a Distributed Cooperative Logistics Platform (DCLP) framework based on NoSQL, which facilitates real-time cooperation between stakeholders and improves decision making process in a multi-actor environment. We included also a case study of Hospital Supply Chain (HSC), and a brief discussion on perspectives and future scope of work

    Control Tower as a tracking tool in the area of Transport goods in a company commercialize of Tobacco

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    En una empresa comercializadora de tabaco, el área de transporte hace parte de la cadena de abastecimiento de la compañía, por lo cual su responsabilidad está guiada a informar la trazabilidad de cada despacho de mercancía que se genere, en este caso la importancia que toma el manejo de la información a tiempo real es significativa ya que con ella se visualizan factores que impactan en diferentes áreas de la cadena de abastecimiento como planeación, facturación etc. El desarrollo de una herramienta que permita unificar el control del área de transporte con lleva a despertar el interés en los nuevos avances tecnológicos que se han desarrollado en un mercado global, esto ha generado que las áreas de logística indaguen para mejorar procesos y optimizar tiempos; una herramienta que desarrollo esto en el área de transporte es el “Control Tower” donde permite que se visualice la trazabilidad en tiempo real de un despacho y/o vehículo de carga, manteniendo el reporte de tiempos y novedades mediante una aplicación móvil que unifica cada uno de los procesos o pasos que implica el transporte de mercancía de tabaco o productos derivados. Con ello se obtuvo un enfoque de tipo cualitativo que permitió analizar e identificar las variables interpretadas.In a company commercialize of tobacco, the transport area is part of the supply chain of a company, for which its responsibility is guided to inform the tracking of each goods dispatch that is generated, in this case the importance that the management of the information takes in real time it is significant since with it visualize factors that impact in different areas of the supply chain as planning, invoicing, etc. The development of a tool that allows to unify the control of the transport area with leads to arouse the interest in the new technological advances that have been developed in a global market, this has generated that the logistics areas inquire to improve processes and optimize times; a tool that developed this in the transport area is the "Control Tower" where it allows to visualize the real time tracking of a dispatch and / or load vehicle, maintaining the report of times and novelties through a mobile application that unifies each one of the processes or steps involved in the transportation of goods of tobacco or derivate products. With this, a qualitative approach was obtained that allowed analyzing and identifying the interpreted variables

    Global organizations and supply chain: new research avenues in the international human resource management

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    Purpose: This article aims at proposing a research agenda in the intersection of strategic supply chain management and logistics (SCML) of global organizations from the perspective of international human resource management (IHRM). Design/methodology/approach: To disclose the intellectual structure of research to date across both fields, the content of up to 280 articles dealing with IHRM and 174 papers addressing challenges in SCML in global organizations from a human resource management (HRM) viewpoint were analyzed. A stepwise hierarchical cluster and discriminant analysis were conducted to map a joint research agenda. Approaches from Upper Echelons theory and co-evolutionary theory of global organizations were adopted. Findings: Top management teams are crucial to manage SCML successfully in today’s global organizations. Research on this intersection should draw attention to find antecedents, consequences and the process showing how those talented people grouped in dispersed teams can be a source of competitive advantage. Six different areas of research are proposed. After discussing them, it is proposed that the mainstream should focus on the human capital, those key individuals of an organization that make things happen. In the near future, the global organization’s competitiveness will be shaped by how the organization manages its Human Capital (HC) in SCML. Methodologies such as meta-analysis are suggested to summarize the extant literature on IHRM when applied to SCML in global organizations. Research limitations/implications: The search was conducted in SSCI-ISIWoK and Scopus databases. As a limitation, some articles and other scientific contributions not abstracted there were not included. Nevertheless, both searches enabled obtaining balanced results between scope and richness of content. Originality/value: Only a marginal portion of literature reviews have been conducted by using mixed methods in the fields of IHRM and SCML. The results will be useful for scholars of both fields in their attempts to enlarge the knowledge boundaries in these areas. From a practitioner’s viewpoint, this research may provide an integrative framework for global organizations to build a competitive advantage based on managing HC and its SCML strategically