2,346 research outputs found

    PID control system analysis and design

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    With its three-term functionality offering treatment of both transient and steady-state responses, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control provides a generic and efficient solution to realworld control problems. The wide application of PID control has stimulated and sustained research and development to "get the best out of PID", and "the search is on to find the next key technology or methodology for PID tuning". This article presents remedies for problems involving the integral and derivative terms. PID design objectives, methods, and future directions are discussed. Subsequently, a computerized, simulation-based approach is presented, together with illustrative design results for first-order, higher order, and nonlinear plants. Finally, we discuss differences between academic research and industrial practice, so as to motivate new research directions in PID control

    PID control system analysis, design, and technology

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    Designing and tuning a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller appears to be conceptually intuitive, but can be hard in practice, if multiple (and often conflicting) objectives such as short transient and high stability are to be achieved. Usually, initial designs obtained by all means need to be adjusted repeatedly through computer simulations until the closed-loop system performs or compromises as desired. This stimulates the development of "intelligent" tools that can assist engineers to achieve the best overall PID control for the entire operating envelope. This development has further led to the incorporation of some advanced tuning algorithms into PID hardware modules. Corresponding to these developments, this paper presents a modern overview of functionalities and tuning methods in patents, software packages and commercial hardware modules. It is seen that many PID variants have been developed in order to improve transient performance, but standardising and modularising PID control are desired, although challenging. The inclusion of system identification and "intelligent" techniques in software based PID systems helps automate the entire design and tuning process to a useful degree. This should also assist future development of "plug-and-play" PID controllers that are widely applicable and can be set up easily and operate optimally for enhanced productivity, improved quality and reduced maintenance requirements

    Development of a MATLAB/Simulink - Arduino environment for experimental practices in control engineering teaching

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    This project presents the steps followed when implementing a platform based on MATLAB/Simulink and Arduino for the restoration of digital control practices. During this project, an Arduino shield has being designed. Along with this, a web page has also been created where all the material done during all this project is available and can be freely used. So anyone interested on doing a project can have a starting point instead of starting a project from scratch, which most of times this results hard to implement. Taking all this into account, the document is structured in the following manner. The first chapter talks about the hardware used and designed. The second one explains the software used and the configurations done on the laboratory’s PCs. After that, the web page Duino-Based Learning is explained, where you can find the five projects carried out in the "Control Automàtic" subject with their corresponding results. In this section too, as an additional research, the implemented indirect adaptive control will be explained, where the parameter estimation has been done by the Recursive Least Square algorithm. The last four sections before presenting the conclusions of the work, correspond to a satisfaction questionnaire done to the teachers that have used the setup, the costs and saves of the project, the environmental impact and the planning of the project respectively

    An Innovative Feedback Controls Design Approach for Aero Engines

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    The paper describes a feedback controls design approach for a generic regional jet turbofan engine, which can be adapted to aero engines in general. To demonstrate this approach, linear models for control design are generated at different operating conditions from a full envelope nonlinear simulation created with the NASA Glenn Research Center-developed Toolbox for the Modeling and Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems. The primary objective is to design a single feedback controller that achieves good performance, without the need of developing scheduled control designs to cover the engine operating envelope. An additional objective is to progressively design more robust controllers that can perform under large variations in plant dynamics to also cover control for engine limits and potentially for some off nominal or even damaged conditions

    Balancing experiments on a torque-controlled humanoid with hierarchical inverse dynamics

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    Recently several hierarchical inverse dynamics controllers based on cascades of quadratic programs have been proposed for application on torque controlled robots. They have important theoretical benefits but have never been implemented on a torque controlled robot where model inaccuracies and real-time computation requirements can be problematic. In this contribution we present an experimental evaluation of these algorithms in the context of balance control for a humanoid robot. The presented experiments demonstrate the applicability of the approach under real robot conditions (i.e. model uncertainty, estimation errors, etc). We propose a simplification of the optimization problem that allows us to decrease computation time enough to implement it in a fast torque control loop. We implement a momentum-based balance controller which shows robust performance in face of unknown disturbances, even when the robot is standing on only one foot. In a second experiment, a tracking task is evaluated to demonstrate the performance of the controller with more complicated hierarchies. Our results show that hierarchical inverse dynamics controllers can be used for feedback control of humanoid robots and that momentum-based balance control can be efficiently implemented on a real robot.Comment: appears in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 201

    A Transformative Process Control Solution

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    Knowing that a technology invented almost hundred years ago (PID controller) is still dominating industrial process control, a historical review was done to understand how the control field evolved. Model dependency and high level of mathematics appear as the main reasons that prevent other technologies from penetrating the engineering practice. A relatively novel methodology introduced by J. Han in 1998 called Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) came with characteristics that matches process control needs and restrictions on model dependency. This study will present a transformative solution for process control based on that. The control algorithm is designed and discretized for digital implementation in PLC or DSC. The tuning process is explained in a logical and intuitive way based on time and frequency domain characteristics. The idea was to use the language familiar to industry practitioners. To show its applicability, a case study was done for server’s temperature control; and the results show energy savings of 30% when compared to PID controllers. This solution is not yet optimal, since it is generally applicable for a wide range of processes, but it aims to be a step further in process control

    A Transformative Process Control Solution

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    Knowing that a technology invented almost hundred years ago (PID controller) is still dominating industrial process control, a historical review was done to understand how the control field evolved. Model dependency and high level of mathematics appear as the main reasons that prevent other technologies from penetrating the engineering practice. A relatively novel methodology introduced by J. Han in 1998 called Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) came with characteristics that matches process control needs and restrictions on model dependency. This study will present a transformative solution for process control based on that. The control algorithm is designed and discretized for digital implementation in PLC or DSC. The tuning process is explained in a logical and intuitive way based on time and frequency domain characteristics. The idea was to use the language familiar to industry practitioners. To show its applicability, a case study was done for server’s temperature control; and the results show energy savings of 30% when compared to PID controllers. This solution is not yet optimal, since it is generally applicable for a wide range of processes, but it aims to be a step further in process control

    Decoupling Controller Design Based on Gain and Phase Margin Specifications for a Coupled Tank System Model

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    The objective of a multi-variable control involves maintaining various control variables at independent set points. The interactions present in the system affects more than one controlled variables because of the manipulated variable. Decouplers are designed to reduce the interactions in between the loops in to achieve a satisfactory responses when there is presence of non-minimum phase zeros,multiple time delays and large uncertainty. The dynamic and static decoupling are the two types of decoupling strategies. In this thesis, these control strategies are discussed. In practice, there exists certain process unmodelled dynamics. Hence, there is a necessity to examine the robust stability of a system to check whether the control system stability is ascertained in presence of these unmodelled dynamics. This thesis deals with designing a controller along with decoupler to achieve the desired performance of a TITO system. At first, a decoupler is being designed from the plant matrix. Then, a first order plus dead time model is obtained for each of the decoupled process on the basis of the frequency response fitting. After getting the FOPDT model a decentralized PI/PID controller for each reduced order decoupled model is designed to obtain desired gain and phase margins. The present technique is applied to a coupled tank system. The characteristics like non-minimum phase and non-linear characteristics make the control of coupled tank liquid level system, a standout amongst the most difficult benchmark control problems. The main objective of the coupled tank system is to maintain a desired level of liquid in the two tanks independent of each other when the water enters the tank and when the water flows out. The coupling impact here in this framework is a coupling switch that permits stream of water in the tank at higher level to a tank at lower level. Lastly, robust stability of the control system is analyzed in the presence of various process uncertainties like additive uncertainty and multiplicative uncertainties. The stability analysis is examined using the small gain theorem or the spectral radius criterion. The robust stability of the coupled tank system is also determined

    Chaotic-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal PID tuning in automatic voltage regulator systems

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    Introduction. In an electrical power system, the output of the synchronous generators varies due to disturbances or sudden load changes. These variations in output severely affect power system stability and power quality. The synchronous generator is equipped with an automatic voltage regulator to maintain its terminal voltage at rated voltage. Several control techniques utilized to improve the response of the automatic voltage regulator system, however, proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the most frequently used controller but its parameters require optimization. Novelty. In this paper, the chaotic sequence based on the logistic map is hybridized with particle swarm optimization to find the optimal parameters of the PID for the automatic voltage regulator system. The logistic map chaotic sequence-based initialization and global best selection enable the algorithm to escape from local minima stagnation and improve its convergence rate resulting in best optimal parameters. Purpose. The main objective of the proposed approach is to improve the transient response of the automatic voltage regulator system by minimizing the maximum overshoot, settling time, rise time, and peak time values of the terminal voltage, and eliminating the steady-state error. Methods. In the process of parameter tuning, the Chaotic particle swarm optimization technique was run several times through the proposed hybrid objective function, which accommodates the advantages of the two most commonly used objective functions with a minimum number of iterations, and an optimal PID gain value was found. The proposed algorithm is compared with current metaheuristic algorithms including conventional particle swarm optimization, improved kidney algorithm, and others. Results. For performance evaluation, the characteristics of the integral of time multiplied squared error and Zwe-Lee Gaing objective functions are combined. Furthermore, the time-domain analysis, frequency-domain analysis, and robustness analysis are carried out to show the better performance of the proposed algorithm. The result shows that automatic voltage regulator tuned with the chaotic particle swarm optimization based PID yield improvement in overshoot, settling time, and function value of 14.41 %, 37.91 %, 1.73 % over recently proposed IKA, and 43.55 %, 44.5 %, 16.67 % over conventional particle swarm optimization algorithms. The improvement in transient response further improves the automatic voltage regulator system stability for electrical power systems.Вступ. В електроенергетичній системі потужність синхронних генераторів змінюється внаслідок збурень або різких змін навантаження. Ці зміни в потужності серйозно впливають на стабільність енергетичної системи та якість електроенергії. Синхронний генератор оснащений автоматичним регулятором напруги для підтримання напруги на його клемах на рівні номінальної напруги. Декілька методів управління використовуються для поліпшення реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги, однак пропорційний інтегральний похідний контролер (PID-контролер) є найбільш часто використовуваним контролером, але його параметри вимагають оптимізації. Новизна. У цій роботі хаотична послідовність, заснована на логістичній схемі, гібридизується за допомогою оптимізації рою частинок, щоб знайти оптимальні параметри PID для системи автоматичного регулятора напруги. Ініціалізація на основі хаотичної послідовності логістичної схеми та найкращий глобальний вибір дозволяють алгоритму вийти із локальної мінімальної стагнації та покращити швидкість збіжності, що дає найкращі оптимальні параметри. Мета. Основною метою запропонованого підходу є поліпшення перехідної реакції системи автоматичного регулятора напруги шляхом мінімізації максимального перевищення, часу встановлення, часу наростання та пікових значень напруги на клемах і усунення помилки у стаціонарного стані. Методи. У процесі настройки параметрів техніку оптимізації рою хаотичних частинок кілька разів пропускали через запропоновану гібридну цільову функцію, яка враховує переваги двох найбільш часто використовуваних цільових функцій з мінімальною кількістю ітерацій,і знайдено оптимальне значення коефіцієнту підсилення PID. Запропонований алгоритм порівнюється з сучасними метаевристичними алгоритмами, включаючи звичайну оптимізацію рою частинок, вдосконалений алгоритм нирок та інші. Результати. Для оцінки ефективності об'єднуються характеристики інтеграла у часі, помноженого на похибки у квадраті, та цільових функцій Цве-Лі Гейнга. Крім того, проводяться аналіз у часовій області, аналіз у частотної області та аналіз стійкості, щоб показати кращу ефективність запропонованого алгоритму. Результат показує, що автоматичний регулятор напруги, налаштований на хаотичну оптимізацію рою частинок, заснований на поліпшенні виходу PID в перевищеннях,часі налаштування та значенні функції перевищує на 14,41 %, 37,91 %, 1,73 % нещодавно запропонований нирковий алгоритм та на 43,55 %, 44,5 %, 16,67 % перевищує звичайні алгоритми оптимізації рою частинок. Поліпшення перехідної реакції ще більше покращує стабільність автоматичного регулятора напруги для систем електроенергетики