5 research outputs found


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    Improvisasjon er en sentral metode i musikkterapien og i de senere år har man forsøkt å se sammenhenger mellom den musikalske interaksjonen som skjer og dynamikken i samspillet mellom spedbarnet og den voksne. Dette åpner opp for å se på kroppens og gestenes rolle i kommunikasjonen, og ved å betrakte musikalske handlinger som gestiske handlinger, etablerer vi en forståelse for noe fellesmenneskelig og kroppsfundert som ligger til grunn for musikkterapeutiske improvisasjoner. Kroppens tilstedeværelse i persepsjonen kommer også til syne ved resepsjon av musikk, noe som gir begreper som kroppskognisjon og endret kroppstilstand en viktig plass i teorien om vårt forhold til musikk og hvordan vi kan danne relasjoner til andre gjennom kroppsbaserte musikalske handlinger

    Gesture-sound causality from the audience’s perspective: : investigating the aesthetic experience of performances with digital musical instruments.

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    In contrast to their traditional, acoustic counterparts, digital musical instruments (DMIs) rarely feature a clear, causal relationship between the performer’s actions and the sounds produced. They often function simply as systems for controlling digital sound synthesis, triggering computer-generated audio. This study aims to shed light on how the level of perceived causality of DMI designs impacts audience members’ aesthetic responses to new DMIs. In a preliminary survey, 49 concert attendees listed adjectives that described their experience of a number of DMI performances. In a subsequent experiment, 31 participants rated video clips of performances with DMIs with causal and acausal mapping designs using the eight most popular adjectives from the preliminary survey. The experimental stimuli were presented in their original version and in a manipulated version with a reduced level of gesture-sound causality. The manipulated version was created by placing the audio track of one section of the recording over the video track of a different section. It was predicted that the causal DMIs would be rated more positively, with the manipulation having a stronger effect on the ratings for the causal DMIs. Our results confirmed these hypotheses, and indicate that a lack of perceptible causality does have a negative impact on ratings of DMI performances. The acausal group received no significant difference in ratings between original and manipulated clips. We posit that this result arises from the greater understanding that clearer gesture-sound causality offers spectators. The implications of this result for DMI design and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved

    E-Drama: Facilitating Online Role-play using an AI Actor and Emotionally Expressive Characters.

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    This paper describes a multi-user role-playing environment, e-drama, which enables groups of people to converse online, in scenario driven virtual environments. The starting point of this research – edrama – is a 2D graphical environment in which users are represented by static cartoon figures. An application has been developed to enable integration of the existing edrama tool with several new components to support avatars with emotionally expressive behaviours, rendered in a 3D environment. The functionality includes the extraction of affect from open-ended improvisational text. The results of the affective analysis are then used to: (a) control an automated improvisational AI actor – EMMA (emotion, metaphor and affect) that operates a bit-part character in the improvisation; (b) drive the animations of avatars using the Demeanour framework in the user interface so that they react bodily in ways that are consistent with the affect that they are expressing. Finally, we describe user trials that demonstrate that the changes made improve the quality of social interaction and users’ sense of presence. Moreover, our system has the potential to evolve normal classroom education for young people with or without learning disabilities by providing 24/7 efficient personalised social skill, language and career training via role-play and offering automatic monitoring

    Καλλιέργεια του μουσικού αυτιού: δημιουργία προϋποθέσεων για την απόκτησή του και τρόποι εκπαίδευσής του

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    Πτυχιακή εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019.Η βιβλιοθήκη διαθέτει αντίτυπο της πτυχιακής μόνο σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή.ΠΤΥ ΜΕΤ/17Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές (σ. 45-52

    Le lien réciproque entre musique et mouvement étudié à travers les mouvements induits par la musique

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    Music and movement are inseparable. The movements that are spontaneously procuded when listening to music are thought to be related to the close relationship between the perceptual and motor system in listeners. This particular link is the main topic of this thesis. A first approach was focused on the impact of music-induced movements on music cognition. In two studies, we show that moving along to music neither enhances the retention of new musical pieces (Study 1) nor the retention of the contextual information related to their encoding (Study 2). These results suggest a shallow processing inherent to the expression of musical affordances required for the production of music-induced movements in the motor task. Moreover, they suggest that music is automatically processed in a motoric fashion independantly of the task. Our results also brought forward the importance of the musical groove. A second approach focused on the influence of the perception of musical rhythms on the production of rythmic movements. Our third study tested the hypothesis that different limbs would be differentially influenced depending on the musical tempo. Results show that the tapping taks was the most influenced by the perception of musical rhythms. We argued that this would come from the similar nature of the musical pulse and the timing mecanisms involved in the tapping task and motor resonance phenomena. We also observed different strategies put in place to cope with the task. All these results are discussed in light of the link between perception and action, embodied musical cognition and musical affordances.La musique et le mouvement sont inséparables. Les mouvements produits spontanément lors de l'écoute musicale seraient le reflet d'un lien étroit entre le système perceptif et moteur. Ce lien est l'objet d'étude de cette thèse. Une première approche concernait l'impact des mouvements induits par la musique sur la cognition musicale. Dans deux études, nous montrons que bouger en rythme sur la musique n'améliore ni la rétention de nouveaux morceaux de musique (Etude 1) ni la rétention d'informations contextuelles relatives à leur encodage (Etude 2). Les résultats des ces deux études suggèrent la superficialité du traitement inhérent à l'expression des affordances musicales nécessaire à la production de mouvements induits par la musique dans la tâche motrice ainsi qu'un traitement moteur automatique de la musique indépendamment de la tâche. L'importance du groove musical a également été mise en évidence. Une deuxième approche concernait l'influence de la perception de rythmes musicaux sur la production de mouvements rythmiques. Notre troisième étude testait l'hypothèse selon laquelle les membres du corps seraient influencés de manière différente en fonction du tempo musical. Les résultats montrent que la tâche de tapping était la plus influencée par la perception de rythmes musicaux. Ceci serait dû à la nature similaire de la pulsation musicale et des mécanismes de timing impliqués dans le tapping ainsi qu'à des phénomènes de résonance motrice. Nous avons également observé la mise en place de certaines stratégies face à la tâche. L'ensemble de ces résultats est discuté à la lumière du lien entre perception et action, de la cognition musicale incarnée et des affordances musicales