83 research outputs found

    Matching Queries to Frequently Asked Questions: Search Functionality for the MRSA Web-Portal

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    As part of the long-term EUREGIO MRSA-net project a system was developed which enables health care workers and the general public to quickly find answers to their questions regarding the MRSA pathogen. This paper focuses on how these questions can be answered using Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques on a Frequently-Asked-Questions-style (FAQ) database

    Dutch hypernym detection : does decompounding help?

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    This research presents experiments carried out to improve the precision and recall of Dutch hypernym detection. To do so, we applied a data-driven semantic relation finder that starts from a list of automatically extracted domain-specific terms from technical corpora, and generates a list of hypernym relations between these terms. As Dutch technical terms often consist of compounds written in one orthographic unit, we investigated the impact of a decompounding module on the performance of the hypernym detection system. In addition, we also improved the precision of the system by designing filters taking into account statistical and linguistic information. The experimental results show that both the precision and recall of the hypernym detection system improved, and that the decompounding module is especially effective for hypernym detection in Dutch

    Sub-word indexing and blind relevance feedback for English, Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi IR

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    The Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) provides document collections, topics, and relevance assessments for information retrieval (IR) experiments on Indian languages. Several research questions are explored in this paper: 1. how to create create a simple, languageindependent corpus-based stemmer, 2. how to identify sub-words and which types of sub-words are suitable as indexing units, and 3. how to apply blind relevance feedback on sub-words and how feedback term selection is affected by the type of the indexing unit. More than 140 IR experiments are conducted using the BM25 retrieval model on the topic titles and descriptions (TD) for the FIRE 2008 English, Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi document collections. The major findings are: The corpus-based stemming approach is effective as a knowledge-light term conation step and useful in case of few language-specific resources. For English, the corpusbased stemmer performs nearly as well as the Porter stemmer and significantly better than the baseline of indexing words when combined with query expansion. In combination with blind relevance feedback, it also performs significantly better than the baseline for Bengali and Marathi IR. Sub-words such as consonant-vowel sequences and word prefixes can yield similar or better performance in comparison to word indexing. There is no best performing method for all languages. For English, indexing using the Porter stemmer performs best, for Bengali and Marathi, overlapping 3-grams obtain the best result, and for Hindi, 4-prefixes yield the highest MAP. However, in combination with blind relevance feedback using 10 documents and 20 terms, 6-prefixes for English and 4-prefixes for Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi IR yield the highest MAP. Sub-word identification is a general case of decompounding. It results in one or more index terms for a single word form and increases the number of index terms but decreases their average length. The corresponding retrieval experiments show that relevance feedback on sub-words benefits from selecting a larger number of index terms in comparison with retrieval on word forms. Similarly, selecting the number of relevance feedback terms depending on the ratio of word vocabulary size to sub-word vocabulary size almost always slightly increases information retrieval effectiveness compared to using a fixed number of terms for different languages

    Searching strategies for the Bulgarian language

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    This paper reports on the underlying IR problems encountered when indexing and searching with the Bulgarian language. For this language we propose a general light stemmer and demonstrate that it can be quite effective, producing significantly better MAP (around + 34%) than an approach not applying stemming. We implement the GL2 model derived from the Divergence from Randomness paradigm and find its retrieval effectiveness better than other probabilistic, vector-space and language models. The resulting MAP is found to be about 50% better than the classical tf idf approach. Moreover, increasing the query size enhances the MAP by around 10% (from T to TD). In order to compare the retrieval effectiveness of our suggested stopword list and the light stemmer developed for the Bulgarian language, we conduct a set of experiments on another stopword list and also a more complex and aggressive stemmer. Results tend to indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between these variants and our suggested approach. This paper evaluates other indexing strategies such as 4-gram indexing and indexing based on the automatic decompounding of compound words. Finally, we analyze certain queries to discover why we obtained poor results, when indexing Bulgarian documents using the suggested word-based approac

    Toward higher effectiveness for recall-oriented information retrieval: A patent retrieval case study

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    Research in information retrieval (IR) has largely been directed towards tasks requiring high precision. Recently, other IR applications which can be described as recall-oriented IR tasks have received increased attention in the IR research domain. Prominent among these IR applications are patent search and legal search, where users are typically ready to check hundreds or possibly thousands of documents in order to find any possible relevant document. The main concerns in this kind of application are very different from those in standard precision-oriented IR tasks, where users tend to be focused on finding an answer to their information need that can typically be addressed by one or two relevant documents. For precision-oriented tasks, mean average precision continues to be used as the primary evaluation metric for almost all IR applications. For recall-oriented IR applications the nature of the search task, including objectives, users, queries, and document collections, is different from that of standard precision-oriented search tasks. In this research study, two dimensions in IR are explored for the recall-oriented patent search task. The study includes IR system evaluation and multilingual IR for patent search. In each of these dimensions, current IR techniques are studied and novel techniques developed especially for this kind of recall-oriented IR application are proposed and investigated experimentally in the context of patent retrieval. The techniques developed in this thesis provide a significant contribution toward evaluating the effectiveness of recall-oriented IR in general and particularly patent search, and improving the efficiency of multilingual search for this kind of task

    GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task: Companion Paper

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    This paper describes the GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task workshop at KONVENS. It provides background information on the motivation of this task, the data-set, the evaluation method, and an overview of the participating systems, followed by a discussion of their results. In contrast to previous NER tasks, the GermEval 2014 edition uses an extended tagset to account for derivatives of names and tokens that contain name parts. Further, nested named entities had to be predicted, i.e. names that contain other names. The eleven participating teams employed a wide range of techniques in their systems. The most successful systems used state-of-the- art machine learning methods, combined with some knowledge-based features in hybrid systems

    GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task: Companion Paper

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    This paper describes the GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task workshop at KONVENS. It provides background information on the motivation of this task, the data-set, the evaluation method, and an overview of the participating systems, followed by a discussion of their results. In contrast to previous NER tasks, the GermEval 2014 edition uses an extended tagset to account for derivatives of names and tokens that contain name parts. Further, nested named entities had to be predicted, i.e. names that contain other names. The eleven participating teams employed a wide range of techniques in their systems. The most successful systems used state-of-the- art machine learning methods, combined with some knowledge-based features in hybrid systems

    Approaches to Automatic Text Structuring

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    Structured text helps readers to better understand the content of documents. In classic newspaper texts or books, some structure already exists. In the Web 2.0, the amount of textual data, especially user-generated data, has increased dramatically. As a result, there exists a large amount of textual data which lacks structure, thus making it more difficult to understand. In this thesis, we will explore techniques for automatic text structuring to help readers to fulfill their information needs. Useful techniques for automatic text structuring are keyphrase identification, table-of-contents generation, and link identification. We improve state of the art results for approaches to text structuring on several benchmark datasets. In addition, we present new representative datasets for users’ everyday tasks. We evaluate the quality of text structuring approaches with regard to these scenarios and discover that the quality of approaches highly depends on the dataset on which they are applied. In the first chapter of this thesis, we establish the theoretical foundations regarding text structuring. We describe our findings from a user survey regarding web usage from which we derive three typical scenarios of Internet users. We then proceed to the three main contributions of this thesis. We evaluate approaches to keyphrase identification both by extracting and assigning keyphrases for English and German datasets. We find that unsupervised keyphrase extraction yields stable results, but for datasets with predefined keyphrases, additional filtering of keyphrases and assignment approaches yields even higher results. We present a de- compounding extension, which further improves results for datasets with shorter texts. We construct hierarchical table-of-contents of documents for three English datasets and discover that the results for hierarchy identification are sufficient for an automatic system, but for segment title generation, user interaction based on suggestions is required. We investigate approaches to link identification, including the subtasks of identifying the mention (anchor) of the link and linking the mention to an entity (target). Approaches that make use of the Wikipedia link structure perform best, as long as there is sufficient training data available. For identifying links to sense inventories other than Wikipedia, approaches that do not make use of the link structure outperform the approaches using existing links. We further analyze the effect of senses on computing similarities. In contrast to entity linking, where most entities can be discriminated by their name, we consider cases where multiple entities with the same name exist. We discover that similarity de- pends on the selected sense inventory. To foster future evaluation of natural language processing components for text structuring, we present two prototypes of text structuring systems, which integrate techniques for automatic text structuring in a wiki setting and in an e-learning setting with eBooks

    Adaptation of machine translation for multilingual information retrieval in the medical domain

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    Objective. We investigate machine translation (MT) of user search queries in the context of cross-lingual information retrieval (IR) in the medical domain. The main focus is on techniques to adapt MT to increase translation quality; however, we also explore MT adaptation to improve eectiveness of cross-lingual IR. Methods and Data. Our MT system is Moses, a state-of-the-art phrase-based statistical machine translation system. The IR system is based on the BM25 retrieval model implemented in the Lucene search engine. The MT techniques employed in this work include in-domain training and tuning, intelligent training data selection, optimization of phrase table configuration, compound splitting, and exploiting synonyms as translation variants. The IR methods include morphological normalization and using multiple translation variants for query expansion. The experiments are performed and thoroughly evaluated on three language pairs: Czech–English, German–English, and French–English. MT quality is evaluated on data sets created within the Khresmoi project and IR eectiveness is tested on the CLEF eHealth 2013 data sets. Results. The search query translation results achieved in our experiments are outstanding – our systems outperform not only our strong baselines, but also Google Translate and Microsoft Bing Translator in direct comparison carried out on all the language pairs. The baseline BLEU scores increased from 26.59 to 41.45 for Czech–English, from 23.03 to 40.82 for German–English, and from 32.67 to 40.82 for French–English. This is a 55% improvement on average. In terms of the IR performance on this particular test collection, a significant improvement over the baseline is achieved only for French–English. For Czech–English and German–English, the increased MT quality does not lead to better IR results. Conclusions. Most of the MT techniques employed in our experiments improve MT of medical search queries. Especially the intelligent training data selection proves to be very successful for domain adaptation of MT. Certain improvements are also obtained from German compound splitting on the source language side. Translation quality, however, does not appear to correlate with the IR performance – better translation does not necessarily yield better retrieval. We discuss in detail the contribution of the individual techniques and state-of-the-art features and provide future research directions