19 research outputs found

    From SpaceStat to CyberGIS: Twenty Years of Spatial Data Analysis Software

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    This essay assesses the evolution of the way in which spatial data analytical methods have been incorporated into software tools over the past two decades. It is part retrospective and prospective, going beyond a historical review to outline some ideas about important factors that drove the software development, such as methodological advances, the open source movement and the advent of the internet and cyberinfrastructure. The review highlights activities carried out by the author and his collaborators and uses SpaceStat, GeoDa, PySAL and recent spatial analytical web services developed at the ASU GeoDa Center as illustrative examples. It outlines a vision for a spatial econometrics workbench as an example of the incorporation of spatial analytical functionality in a cyberGIS.

    El paisaje a través de la representación gráfica: la Realidad Aumentad como herramienta de interpretación

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    Within a sociocultural context where visual components are becoming increasingly important and new technologies are spreading, geography must adapt to new demands, avoid trivialization in the use of images, and approach the task of creating graphic elements based on an effective and rigorous transmission of knowledge. Considering Augmented Reality as an advantageous technology due to the interactive, self-guided and dynamic nature of its tools, this research seeks to prove its effectiveness and determine the main benefits derived from its application in the representation of landscapes. The methodology takes as its starting point basic graphic materials, most of which are already known in landscape studies. Procedures based on new computer techniques are applied to these materials in order to obtain digital resources compatible with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. These resources can be integrated into more complex tools that help explain the composition and dynamics of landscapes. Thus, the figures presented in this article are accompanied by a web link and also incorporate a hyperlink, so that by clicking on them, the aforementioned resources are accessed. And those figures with the Observatorio del Territorio (OT) logo are image markers in themselves that allow Augmented Reality content to be opened on devices. The results are obtained by testing various forms of multimedia representation in the context of an R&D project with application in various urban, rural and natural areas of the Principality of Asturias. These are hosted on the server of the Observatorio del Territorio at the University of Oviedo. The conclusions indicate the beneficial use of dynamic sequences (animations, sliders…) for a better understanding of diachronic changes; the interactive third dimension for the representation of complex elements; or the general added value of combining information on media (audio, video, 360º panoramas, etc.) in the understanding of shapes and structures.En un contexto sociocultural donde los componentes visuales cobran cada vez más importancia y las nuevas tecnologías se difunden, la Geografía debe adaptarse a las nuevas exigencias, evitar la banalización en el uso de las imágenes y abordar la tarea de crear elementos gráficos que permitan una transmisión eficaz y rigurosa del conocimiento. Considerando la Realidad Aumentada como una tecnología ventajosa por el carácter interactivo, auto-guiado y dinámico de sus herramientas, esta investigación tiene como objetivo probar su efectividad y mostrar los principales beneficios derivados de su aplicación en la representación del paisaje. La metodología toma como punto de partida materiales gráficos de base, la mayor parte de los cuales son ya conocidos en los estudios del paisaje. Sobre estos materiales se aplican procedimientos basados en nuevas técnicas informáticas que permiten obtener recursos digitales compatibles con la Realidad Aumentada y la Realidad Virtual. Estos recursos pueden ser integrados en herramientas más complejas que ayudan a explicar la composición y dinámica de los paisajes. Así, las figuras presentadas en este artículo se acompañan de un enlace web e incorporan, además, un hipervínculo, de manera que al hacer clic sobre ellas se accede a los recursos mencionados. Aquellas figuras con el logo del Observatorio del Territorio (OT) constituyen marcadores de imagen en sí mismos que permiten abrir contenidos de Realidad Aumentada en los dispositivos. Los resultados provienen de probar varias formas de representación multimedia en el contexto de un proyecto de I+D con aplicación en diversas áreas urbanas, rurales y de dominante natural del Principado de Asturias. Estos se alojan en el servidor del Observatorio del Territorio de la Universidad de Oviedo. Las conclusiones subrayan el uso beneficioso de secuencias dinámicas (animaciones, comparadores de fechas con cortinilla deslizante...) para una mejor comprensión de los cambios; la tercera dimensión interactiva para la representación de elementos complejos; o el valor añadido general de combinar información de soportes (audio, vídeo, panorámicas 360º, etc.) en la comprensión de formas y estructuras.This work was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant CSO2017-84623-R. It is part of the results from the research project La Realidad Aumentada como herramienta para la explicación del paisaje. Aplicaciones a la docencia y al turismo

    Development of an open-source toolbox for the analysis and visualization of remotely sensed time series

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    The GEONETCast data-dissemination system delivers free multi-source raw satellite images and processed products to users worldwide; from these data, users can construct long time series to study dynamic phenomena. To explore these dynamics, using an animation with few controls is common practice. But animations easily produce information overload leading to change blindness, a problem that can be addressed in various ways. We present a combination of analytical and visual functionalities to better support visual exploration of animated time series. Analytical pre-processing functions include slicing and tracking of objects of interest. Results of the slicing and the tracking are input to the visualization environment, which is further enriched by tools to make various time, attribute, and area selections and by options to visually enhance selections relative to their surroundings, visualize the path of moving objects, and multiple layers. The resulting toolbox is dedicated to visual exploration and analysis of dynamic phenomena in time series. A case study demonstrates, with a use scenario, how it works. Early exposure of some visualization functions to users has already led to improvements, but more extensive testing will follow after further enrichment of the toolbox. Directions of future research are described

    Artificial intelligence and visual analytics in geographical space and cyberspace: Research opportunities and challenges

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    In recent decades, we have witnessed great advances on the Internet of Things, mobile devices, sensor-based systems, and resulting big data infrastructures, which have gradually, yet fundamentally influenced the way people interact with and in the digital and physical world. Many human activities now not only operate in geographical (physical) space but also in cyberspace. Such changes have triggered a paradigm shift in geographic information science (GIScience), as cyberspace brings new perspectives for the roles played by spatial and temporal dimensions, e.g., the dilemma of placelessness and possible timelessness. As a discipline at the brink of even bigger changes made possible by machine learning and artificial intelligence, this paper highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with geographical space in relation to cyberspace, with a particular focus on data analytics and visualization, including extended AI capabilities and virtual reality representations. Consequently, we encourage the creation of synergies between the processing and analysis of geographical and cyber data to improve sustainability and solve complex problems with geospatial applications and other digital advancements in urban and environmental sciences

    Geospatial big data and cartography : research challenges and opportunities for making maps that matter

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    Geospatial big data present a new set of challenges and opportunities for cartographic researchers in technical, methodological, and artistic realms. New computational and technical paradigms for cartography are accompanying the rise of geospatial big data. Additionally, the art and science of cartography needs to focus its contemporary efforts on work that connects to outside disciplines and is grounded in problems that are important to humankind and its sustainability. Following the development of position papers and a collaborative workshop to craft consensus around key topics, this article presents a new cartographic research agenda focused on making maps that matter using geospatial big data. This agenda provides both long-term challenges that require significant attention as well as short-term opportunities that we believe could be addressed in more concentrated studies.PostprintPeer reviewe


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    Geo-Visualisation (GV) and Visual Analytics (VA) of geo-spatial data have become a focus of interest for research, industries, government and other organisations for improving the mobility, energy efficiency, waste management and public administration of a smart city. The geo-spatial data requirements, increasing volumes, varying formats and quality standards, present challenges in managing, storing, visualising and analysing the data. A survey covering GV and VA of the geo-spatial data collected from a smart city helps to portray the potential of such techniques, which is still required. Therefore, this survey presents GV and VA techniques for the geo-spatial urban data represented in terms of location, multi-dimensions including time, and several other attributes. Further, the current study provides a comprehensive review of the existing literature related to GV and VA from cities, highlighting the important open white spots for the cities’ geo-spatial data handling in term of visualisation and analytics. This will aid to get a better insight into the urban system and enable sustainable development of the future cities by improving human interaction with the geo-spatial data

    Publishing Extremadura “leader” local action groups data in a geoportal

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    Desde los años 90 hasta la actualidad se viene implantando en el medio rural europeo, y en concreto en Extremadura, el "Método LEADER", una estrategia territorial con el fin de activar el desarrollo económico de sus zonas rurales y disminuir sus diferencias respecto a las urbanas, mediante la diversificación económica del territorio a partir de la explotación de sus recursos endógenos y a través de la cofinanciación de proyectos contando siempre con la participación de la población local y teniendo en cuenta sus características y necesidades. En este trabajo se persigue exponer una experiencia de desarrollo de un geoportal en internet destinado a publicar los datos de gestión de esta Iniciativa europea (proyectos, inversiones, medidas de actuación, etc.), además de otros indicadores medioambientales, demográficos, económicos, servicios culturales y equipamientos e infraestructuras, diseñado con ArcGIS Server y Viewer for Flex. Con la publicación de esos resultados se pretende difundir los efectos de la implantación de estrategias de desarrollo no tan tradicionales en el modo de gestionar fondos públicos, como es el Método LEADER, todavía desconocidas por la mayoría de los ciudadanos, así como la influencia, en la distribución de las mismas, de los contextos económicos, demográficos y físicos existentes en los territorios rurales benefactores de las ayudas al Desarrollo Rural. Dicho conocimiento permitiría una valoración más rigurosa y fundada de los efectos territoriales de esas políticas de desarrollo por parte de la población local y de los agentes y gestores de la misma.From the 90s to the present day, Rural Policies called LEADER Method have been put in place in European rural areas, in particular in Extremadura. LEADER method is a territorial strategy to achieve economic development in rural areas and to reduce the differences between them and urban areas. These is carried out through economic diversification of the territory from the exploitation of local resources and through co-financing projects always with the participation of local people and taking into account their characteristics and needs. In this research it is exposed an experience of developing an online geoportal intended to publish data management of this European Initiative (projects, investments, measures, etc.), along with other environmental, demographic, economic, infrastructure and cultural indicators in a geoportal designed with ArcGIS Server and Viewer for Flex. With the publication of these data allows the dissemination and implementation knowledge of the effects of implementation of progress strategy (not as traditional in its mode administer public funds) known as LEADER Method. This method is yet unknown by most part of citizens, as well as the influence of economic, demographic and natural contexts of benefactor rural areas in the distribution of rural development aids. Such knowledge would allow a more rigorous assessment the territorial impact of these policies by local people, and agents and managers of this initiative.• Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) y el Gabinete de Iniciativas Transfronterizas del Gobierno de Extremadura: Proyecto 'RURURBAN - PARTENARIADOS RURALES-URBANOS • Dirección General de Modernización e Innovación Tecnológica del Gobierno de Extremadura, cofinanciada con fondos FSE: Ayuda para la formación del personal investigador predoctoralpeerReviewe