5 research outputs found

    A Singular web service for geometric computations

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    Outsourcing algebraic computations in dynamic geometry is a possible strategy used when software distribution constraints apply. Either if the target user machine has hardware limitations, or if the computer algebra system cannot be easily (or legally) packaged inside the geometric software, this approach can solve current shortcomings in dynamic environments. We report the design and implementation of a web service using Singular, a program specialized in ideal theory and commutative algebra. Besides its canonical address, a virtual appliance and a port to a low-cost ARM based computer are also provided. Any interactive geometric environment can then outsource computations where Singular is used, and incorporate their results into the system. In particular, we illustrate the capabilities of the web service by extending current abilities of GeoGebra to deal with algebraic loci and envelopes by means of a recent algorithm for studying parametric polynomial systems

    Automated Theorem Proving in GeoGebra: Current Achievements

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    GeoGebra is an open-source educational mathematics software tool, with millions of users worldwide. It has a number of features (integration of computer algebra, dynamic geometry, spreadsheet, etc.), primarily focused on facilitating student experiments, and not on formal reasoning. Since including automated deduction tools in GeoGebra could bring a whole new range of teaching and learning scenarios, and since automated theorem proving and discovery in geometry has reached a rather mature stage, we embarked on a project of incorporating and testing a number of different automated provers for geometry in GeoGebra. In this paper, we present the current achievements and status of this project, and discuss various relevant challenges that this project raises in the educational, mathematical and software contexts. We will describe, first, the recent and forthcoming changes demanded by our project, regarding the implementation and the user interface of GeoGebra. Then we present our vision of the educational scenarios that could be supported by automated reasoning features, and how teachers and students could benefit from the present work. In fact, current performance of GeoGebra, extended with automated deduction tools, is already very promising—many complex theorems can be proved in less than 1 second. Thus, we believe that many new and exciting ways of using GeoGebra in the classroom are on their way

    Formalization of various geometry models and applications in verification of automated theorem provers

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    У овој тези представљена је интерактивна формализација модела разних геометрија и алгебарских метода аутоматског доказивања геометријских те- орема...In this thesis is presented interactive formalization of various models of geometry and algebraic methods for automated proving geometry theorems...