8 research outputs found

    Geodesic Gaussian kernels for value function approximation

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    The least-squares policy iteration approach works efficiently in value function approximation, given appropriate basis functions. Because of its smoothness, the Gaussian kernel is a popular and useful choice as a basis function. However, it does not allow for discontinuity which typically arises in real-world reinforcement learning tasks. In this paper, we propose a new basis function based on geodesic Gaussian kernels, which exploits the non-linear manifold structure induced by the Markov decision processes. The usefulness of the proposed method is successfully demonstrated in simulated robot arm control and Khepera robot navigation

    Online Informative Path Planning for Active Information Gathering of a 3D Surface

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    This paper presents an online informative path planning approach for active information gathering on three-dimensional surfaces using aerial robots. Most existing works on surface inspection focus on planning a path offline that can provide full coverage of the surface, which inherently assumes the surface information is uniformly distributed hence ignoring potential spatial correlations of the information field. In this paper, we utilize manifold Gaussian processes (mGPs) with geodesic kernel functions for mapping surface information fields and plan informative paths online in a receding horizon manner. Our approach actively plans information-gathering paths based on recent observations that respect dynamic constraints of the vehicle and a total flight time budget. We provide planning results for simulated temperature modeling for simple and complex 3D surface geometries (a cylinder and an aircraft model). We demonstrate that our informative planning method outperforms traditional approaches such as 3D coverage planning and random exploration, both in reconstruction error and information-theoretic metrics. We also show that by taking spatial correlations of the information field into planning using mGPs, the information gathering efficiency is significantly improved.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, to be published in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Analysis of local gyrification index using a novel shape-adaptive kernel and the standard FreeSurfer spherical kernel : evidence from chronic schizophrenia outpatients

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    Schizophrenia can be considered a brain disconnectivity condition related to aberrant neurodevelopment that causes alterations in the brain structure, including gyrification of the cortex. Literature findings on cortical folding are incoherent: they report hypogyria in the frontal, superior-parietal and temporal cortices, but also frontal hypergyria. This discrepancy in local gyrification index (LGI) results could be due to the commonly used spherical kernel (Freesurfer), which is a method of analysis that is still not spatially precise enough. In this study we would like to test the spatial accuracy of a novel method based on a shape-adaptive kernel (Cmorph). The analysis of differences in gyrification between chronic schizophrenia outpatients (n = 30) and healthy controls (n = 30) was conducted with two methods: Freesurfer LGI and Cmorph LGI. Widespread differences in the LGI between schizophrenia outpatients and healthy controls were found using both methods. Freesurfer showed hypogyria in the superior temporal gyrus and the right temporal pole; it also showed hypergyria in the rostral-middle-frontal cortex in schizophrenia outpatients. In comparison, Cmorph revealed that hypergyria is equally represented as hypogyria in orbitofrontal and central brain regions. The clusters from Cmorph were smaller and distributed more broadly, covering all lobes of the brain. The presented evidence from disrupted cortical folding in schizophrenia indicates that the shape-adaptive kernel approach has a potential to improve the knowledge on the disrupted cortical folding in schizophrenia; therefore, it could be a valuable tool for further investigation on big sample size

    Kernel-based approximate dynamic programming using Bellman residual elimination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2010.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-221).Many sequential decision-making problems related to multi-agent robotic systems can be naturally posed as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). An important advantage of the MDP framework is the ability to utilize stochastic system models, thereby allowing the system to make sound decisions even if there is randomness in the system evolution over time. Unfortunately, the curse of dimensionality prevents most MDPs of practical size from being solved exactly. One main focus of the thesis is on the development of a new family of algorithms for computing approximate solutions to large-scale MDPs. Our algorithms are similar in spirit to Bellman residual methods, which attempt to minimize the error incurred in solving Bellman's equation at a set of sample states. However, by exploiting kernel-based regression techniques (such as support vector regression and Gaussian process regression) with nondegenerate kernel functions as the underlying cost-to-go function approximation architecture, our algorithms are able to construct cost-to-go solutions for which the Bellman residuals are explicitly forced to zero at the sample states. For this reason, we have named our approach Bellman residual elimination (BRE). In addition to developing the basic ideas behind BRE, we present multi-stage and model-free extensions to the approach. The multistage extension allows for automatic selection of an appropriate kernel for the MDP at hand, while the model-free extension can use simulated or real state trajectory data to learn an approximate policy when a system model is unavailable.(cont.) We present theoretical analysis of all BRE algorithms proving convergence to the optimal policy in the limit of sampling the entire state space, and show computational results on several benchmark problems. Another challenge in implementing control policies based on MDPs is that there may be parameters of the system model that are poorly known and/or vary with time as the system operates. System performance can suer if the model used to compute the policy differs from the true model. To address this challenge, we develop an adaptive architecture that allows for online MDP model learning and simultaneous re-computation of the policy. As a result, the adaptive architecture allows the system to continuously re-tune its control policy to account for better model information 3 obtained through observations of the actual system in operation, and react to changes in the model as they occur. Planning in complex, large-scale multi-agent robotic systems is another focus of the thesis. In particular, we investigate the persistent surveillance problem, in which one or more unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and/or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) must provide sensor coverage over a designated location on a continuous basis. This continuous coverage must be maintained even in the event that agents suer failures over the course of the mission. The persistent surveillance problem is pertinent to a number of applications, including search and rescue, natural disaster relief operations, urban traffic monitoring, etc.(cont.) Using both simulations and actual flight experiments conducted in the MIT RAVEN indoor flight facility, we demonstrate the successful application of the BRE algorithms and the adaptive MDP architecture in achieving high mission performance despite the random occurrence of failures. Furthermore, we demonstrate performance benefits of our approach over a deterministic planning approach that does not account for these failures.by Brett M. Bethke.Ph.D

    Regularized approximate policy iteration using kernel for on-line reinforcement learning

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    By using Reinforcement Learning (RL), an autonomous agent interacting with the environment can learn how to take adequate actions for every situation in order to optimally achieve its own goal. RL provides a general methodology able to solve uncertain and complex decision problems which may be present in many real-world applications. RL problems are usually modeled as a Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) deeply studied in the literature. The main peculiarity of a RL algorithm is that the RL agent is assumed to learn the optimal policies from its experiences without knowing the parameters of the MDP. The key element in solving the MDP is learning a value function which gives the expectation of total reward an agent might expect at its current state taking a given action. This value function allows to obtain the optimal policy. In this thesis we study the capacity of SVR using kernel methods to adapt and solve complex RL problems in large or continuous state space. SVR can be studied using a geometrical interpretation in terms of optimal margin or can be seen as a regularization problem given in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) SVR have good properties over the generalization ability and as they are based a on convex optimization problem, they do not suffer from sub-optimality. SVR are non-parametric showing the ability to automatically adapt to the complexity of the problem. Accordingly, applying SVR to approximate value functions sounds to be a good approach. SVR can be solved both in batch mode when the whole set of training sample are at disposal of the learning agents or incrementally which enables the addition or removal of training samples very effectively. Incremental SVR finds the appropriate KKT conditions for new or updated data by modifying their influences into the regression function maintaining consistence in the KKT conditions for the rest of data used for learning. In RL problems an incremental SVR should be able to approximate the action value function leading to the optimal policy. Accordingly, computation load should be lower, learning speed faster and generalization more effective than other existing method The overall contribution coming from of our work is to develop, formalize, implement and study a new RL technique for generalization in discrete and continuous state spaces with finite actions. Our method uses the Approximate Policy Iteration (API) framework with the BRM criterion which allows to represent the action value function using SVR. This approach for RL is the first one we know using SVR compatible to the agent interaction- with-the-environment framework of RL which shows his power by solving a large number of benchmark problems, including very difficult ones, like the bicycle driving and riding control problem. In addition, unlike most RL approaches to generalization, we develop a proof finding theoretical bounds for the convergence of the method to the optimal solution under given conditions.Mediante el uso de aprendizaje por refuerzo (RL), un agente autónomo interactuando con el medio ambiente puede aprender a tomar adecuada acciones para cada situación con el fin de lograr de manera óptima su propia meta. RL proporciona una metodología general capaz de resolver problemas de decisión complejos que pueden estar presentes en muchas aplicaciones del mundo real. Problemas RL usualmente se modelan como una Procesos de Decisión de Markov (MDP) estudiados profundamente en la literatura. La principal peculiaridad de un algoritmo de RL es que el agente es asumido para aprender las políticas óptimas de sus experiencias sin saber los parámetros de la MDP. El elemento clave en resolver el MDP está en el aprender una función de valor que da la expectativa de recompensa total que un agente puede esperar en su estado actual para tomar una acción determinada. Esta función de valor permite obtener la política óptima. En esta tesis se estudia la capacidad del SVR utilizando núcleo métodos para adaptarse y resolver problemas RL complejas en el espacio estado grande o continua. RVS puede ser estudiado mediante un interpretación geométrica en términos de margen óptimo o puede ser visto como un problema de regularización dado en un Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). SVR tiene buenas propiedades sobre la capacidad de generalización y ya que se basan en una optimización convexa problema, ellos no sufren de sub-optimalidad. SVR son no paramétrico que muestra la capacidad de adaptarse automáticamente a la complejidad del problema. En consecuencia, la aplicación de RVS para aproximar funciones de valor suena para ser un buen enfoque. SVR puede resolver tanto en modo batch cuando todo el conjunto de muestra de entrenamiento están a disposición de los agentes de aprendizaje o incrementalmente que permite la adición o eliminación de muestras de entrenamiento muy eficaz. Incremental SVR encuentra las condiciones adecuadas para KKT nuevas o actualizadas de datos modificando sus influencias en la función de regresión mantener consistencia en las condiciones KKT para el resto de los datos utilizados para el aprendizaje. En los problemas de RL una RVS elemental será capaz de aproximar la función de valor de acción que conduce a la política óptima. En consecuencia, la carga de cálculo debería ser menor, la velocidad de aprendizaje más rápido y generalización más efectivo que el otro método existente La contribución general que viene de nuestro trabajo es desarrollar, formalizar, ejecutar y estudiar una nueva técnica de RL para la generalización en espacio de estados discretos y continuos con acciones finitas. Nuestro método utiliza el marco de la Approximate Policy Iteration (API) con el criterio de BRM que permite representar la función de valor de acción utilizando SVR. Este enfoque de RL es el primero que conocemos usando SVR compatible con el marco de RL con agentes interaccionado con el ambiente que muestra su poder mediante la resolución de un gran número de problemas de referencia, incluyendo los muy difíciles, como la conducción de bicicletas y problema de control de conducción. Además, a diferencia de la mayoría RL se acerca a la generalización, desarrollamos un hallazgo prueba límites teóricos para la convergencia del método a la solución óptima en condiciones dadas