13 research outputs found

    Exploring Fitness and Edit Distance of Mutated Python Programs

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    Genetic Improvement (GI) is the process of using computational search techniques to improve existing software e.g. in terms of execution time, power consumption or correctness. As in most heuristic search algorithms, the search is guided by fitness with GI searching the space of program variants of the original software. The relationship between the program space and fitness is seldom simple and often quite difficult to analyse. This paper makes a preliminary analysis of GI’s fitness distance measure on program repair with three small Python programs. Each program undergoes incremental mutations while the change in fitness as measured by proportion of tests passed is monitored. We conclude that the fitnesses of these programs often does not change with single mutations and we also confirm the inherent discreteness of bug fixing fitness functions. Although our findings cannot be assumed to be general for other software they provide us with interesting directions for further investigation

    Visualising the Search Landscape of the Triangle Program

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    High order mutation analysis of a software engineering benchmark, including schema and local optima networks, suggests program improvements may not be as hard to find as is often assumed. 1) Bit-wise genetic building blocks are not deceptive and can lead to all global optima. 2) There are many neutral networks, plateaux and local optima, nevertheless in most cases near the human written C source code there are hill climbing routes including neutral moves to solutions

    Genetic Programming + Proof Search = Automatic Improvement

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    Search Based Software Engineering techniques are emerging as important tools for software maintenance. Foremost among these is Genetic Improvement, which has historically applied the stochastic techniques of Genetic Programming to optimize pre-existing program code. Previous work in this area has not generally preserved program semantics and this article describes an alternative to the traditional mutation operators used, employing deterministic proof search in the sequent calculus to yield semantics-preserving transformations on algebraic data types. Two case studies are described, both of which are applicable to the recently-introduced `grow and graft' technique of Genetic Improvement: the first extends the expressiveness of the `grafting' phase and the second transforms the representation of a list data type to yield an asymptotic efficiency improvement

    Evaluation of genetic improvement tools for improvement of non-functional properties of software

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    Genetic improvement (GI) improves both functional properties of software, such as bug repair, and non-functional properties, such as execution time, energy consumption, or source code size. There are studies summarising and comparing GI tools for improving functional properties of software; however there is no such study for improvement of its non-functional properties using GI. Therefore, this research aims to survey and report on the existing GI tools for improvement of non-functional properties of software. We conducted a literature review of available GI tools, and ran multiple experiments on the found open-source tools to examine their usability. We applied a cross-testing strategy to check whether the available tools can work on different programs. Overall, we found 63 GI papers that use a GI tool to improve nonfunctional properties of software, within which 31 are accompanied with open-source code. We were able to successfully run eight GI tools, and found that ultimately only two ---Gin and PyGGI--- can be readily applied to new general software

    Search-based energy optimization of some ubiquitous algorithms

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    Reducing computational energy consumption is of growing importance, particularly at the extremes (i.e. mobile devices and datacentres). Despite the ubiquity of the JavaTM Virtual Machine (JVM), very little work has been done to apply Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) to minimize the energy consumption of programs that run on it. We describe OPACITOR , a tool for measuring the energy consumption of JVM programs using a bytecode level model of energy cost. This has several advantages over time-based energy approximations or hardware measurements. It is: deterministic.  unaffected by the rest of the computational environment.  able to detect small changes in execution profile, making it highly amenable to metaheuristic search which requires locality of representation. We show how generic SBSE approaches coupled with OPACITOR achieve substantial energy savings for three widely-used software components. Multi-Layer Perceptron implementations minimis- ing both energy and error were found, and energy reductions of up to 70% and 39.85% were obtained over the original code for Quicksort and Object-Oriented container classes respectively. These highlight three important considerations for automatically reducing computational energy: tuning software to particular distributions of data; trading off energy use against functional properties; and handling internal dependencies which can exist within software that render simple sweeps over program variants sub-optimal. Against these, global search greatly simplifies the developer’s job, freeing development time for other tasks

    Genetic Improvement of Software: a Comprehensive Survey

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    Genetic improvement (GI) uses automated search to find improved versions of existing software. We present a comprehensive survey of this nascent field of research with a focus on the core papers in the area published between 1995 and 2015. We identified core publications including empirical studies, 96% of which use evolutionary algorithms (genetic programming in particular). Although we can trace the foundations of GI back to the origins of computer science itself, our analysis reveals a significant upsurge in activity since 2012. GI has resulted in dramatic performance improvements for a diverse set of properties such as execution time, energy and memory consumption, as well as results for fixing and extending existing system functionality. Moreover, we present examples of research work that lies on the boundary between GI and other areas, such as program transformation, approximate computing, and software repair, with the intention of encouraging further exchange of ideas between researchers in these fields

    Exploring the Accuracy - Energy Trade-off in Machine Learning

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    Machine learning accounts for considerable global electricity demand and resulting environmental impact, as training a large deep-learning model produces 284 000kgs of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. In recent years, search-based approaches have begun to explore improving software to consume less energy. Machine learning is a particularly strong candidate for this because it is possible to trade off functionality (accu-racy) against energy consumption, whereas with many programs functionality is simply a pass-or-fail constraint. We use a grid search to explore hyperparameter configurations for a multilayer perceptron on five classification data sets, considering trade-offs of classification accuracy against training or inference energy. On one data set, we show that 77% of energy consumption for inference can saved by reducing accuracy from 94.3% to 93.2%. Energy for training can also be reduced by 30-50% with minimal loss of accuracy. We also find that structural parameters like hidden layer size is a major driver of the energy-accuracy trade-off, but there is some evidence that non-structural hyperparameters influence the trade-off too. We also show that a search-based approach has the potential to identify these trade-offs more efficiently than the grid search

    Genetic Improvement of Software: a Comprehensive Survey

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    Genetic improvement uses automated search to find improved versions of existing software. We present a comprehensive survey of this nascent field of research with a focus on the core papers in the area published between 1995 and 2015. We identified core publications including empirical studies, 96% of which use evolutionary algorithms (genetic programming in particular). Although we can trace the foundations of genetic improvement back to the origins of computer science itself, our analysis reveals a significant upsurge in activity since 2012. Genetic improvement has resulted in dramatic performance improvements for a diverse set of properties such as execution time, energy and memory consumption, as well as results for fixing and extending existing system functionality. Moreover, we present examples of research work that lies on the boundary between genetic improvement and other areas, such as program transformation, approximate computing, and software repair, with the intention of encouraging further exchange of ideas between researchers in these fields

    A Survey of Genetic Improvement Search Spaces

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    Genetic Improvement (GI) uses automated search to improve existing software. Most GI work has focused on empirical studies that successfully apply GI to improve software's running time, fix bugs, add new features, etc. There has been little research into why GI has been so successful. For example, genetic programming has been the most commonly applied search algorithm in GI. Is genetic programming the best choice for GI? Initial attempts to answer this question have explored GI's mutation search space. This paper summarises the work published on this question to date

    Genetic Improvement of Software (Dagstuhl Seminar 18052)

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    We document the program and the immediate outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 18052 “Genetic Improvement of Software”. The seminar brought together researchers in Genetic Improvement (GI) and related areas of software engineering to investigate what is achievable with current technology and the current impediments to progress and how GI can affect the software development process. Several talks covered the state-of-the-art and work in progress. Seven emergent topics have been identified ranging from the nature of the GI search space through benchmarking and practical applications. The seminar has already resulted in multiple research paper publications. Four by participants of the seminar will be presented at the GI workshop co-located with the top conference in software engineering - ICSE. Several researchers started new collaborations, results of which we hope to see in the near future