24 research outputs found

    Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring using Genetic Algorithms

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    Smart Meters provide detailed energy consumption data and rich contextual information which can be utilized to assist energy providers and consumers in understanding and managing energy use. Here, we present a novel approach using genetic algorithms to infer appliance level data from aggregate load curves without a-priori information. We introduce a theoretical framework to encode load data in a chromosomal representation, to reconstruct individual appliance loads and propose several fitness functions for the evaluation. Our results, using artificial and real world data, confirm the practical relevance and feasibility of our approach

    Developing User Centric HEMS Through Automated Appliance Recognition Framework

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    HomeEnergy Management Systems (HEMs) have been proven to help home users manage their power consumption and improve usage habits. With more advanced HEMs incorporating appliance recognition technology to enable tracking of appliances via its unique electrical signature, there still exists the drawback of requiring complex yet time consuming appliance registration stages. To curb this problem, this paper presents the framework required to automate the appliance registration process to create a much more user centric system. By demonstrating the working of the framework using one-class support vector machine with additional principal component analysis feature extraction using 10 household appliances, the classification rate of unregistered appliance into its rightful class was 100% with a recall rate of 67.04% for registered appliances. The results were obtained based on leave-one-out cross validation technique, excluding the results of the training dataset

    Event-Based Clustering with Energy Data

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    Context-based energy disaggregation in smart homes

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    In this paper, we address the problem of energy conservation and optimization in residential environments by providing users with useful information to solicit a change in consumption behavior. Taking care to highly limit the costs of installation and management, our work proposes a Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) approach, which consists of disaggregating the whole-house power consumption into the individual portions associated to each device. State of the art NILM algorithms need monitoring data sampled at high frequency, thus requiring high costs for data collection and management. In this paper, we propose an NILM approach that relaxes the requirements on monitoring data since it uses total active power measurements gathered at low frequency (about 1 Hz). The proposed approach is based on the use of Factorial Hidden Markov Models (FHMM) in conjunction with context information related to the user presence in the house and the hourly utilization of appliances. Through a set of tests, we investigated how the use of these additional context-awareness features could improve disaggregation results with respect to the basic FHMM algorithm. The tests have been performed by using Tracebase, an open dataset made of data gathered from real home environments

    Context-based energy disaggregation in smart homes

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    In this paper, we address the problem of energy conservation and optimization in residential environments by providing users with useful information to solicit a change in consumption behavior. Taking care to highly limit the costs of installation and management, our work proposes a Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) approach, which consists of disaggregating the whole-house power consumption into the individual portions associated to each device. State of the art NILM algorithms need monitoring data sampled at high frequency, thus requiring high costs for data collection and management. In this paper, we propose an NILM approach that relaxes the requirements on monitoring data since it uses total active power measurements gathered at low frequency (about 1 Hz). The proposed approach is based on the use of Factorial Hidden Markov Models (FHMM) in conjunction with context information related to the user presence in the house and the hourly utilization of appliances. Through a set of tests, we investigated how the use of these additional context-awareness features could improve disaggregation results with respect to the basic FHMM algorithm. The tests have been performed by using Tracebase, an open dataset made of data gathered from real home environments

    Disaggregating high-resolution gas metering data using pattern recognition

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Growing concern about the scale and extent of the gap between predicted and actual energy performance of new and retrofitted UK homes has led to a surge in the development of new tools and technologies trying to address the problem. A vital aspect of this work is to improve ease and accuracy of measuring in-use performance to better understand the extent of the gap and diagnose its causes. Existing approaches range from low cost but basic assessments allowing very limited diagnosis, to intensively instrumented experiments that provide detail but are expensive and highly disruptive, typically requiring the installation of specialist monitoring equipment and often vacating the house for several days. A key challenge in reducing the cost and difficulty of complex methods in occupied houses is to disaggregate space heating energy from that used for other uses without installing specialist monitoring equipment. This paper presents a low cost, non-invasive approach for doing so for a typical occupied UK home where space heating, hot water and cooking are provided by gas. The method, using dynamic pattern matching of total gas consumption measurements, typical of those provided by a smart meter, was tested by applying it to two occupied houses in the UK. The findings revealed that this method was successful in detecting heating patterns in the data and filtering out coinciding use

    Approaches to Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) in the Home

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    When designing and implementing an intelligent energy conservation system for the home, it is essential to have insight into the activities and actions of the occupants. In particular, it is important to understand what appliances are being used and when. In the computational sustainability research community this is known as load disaggregation or Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM). NILM is a foundational algorithm that can disaggregate a home’s power usage into the individual appliances that are running, identify energy conservation opportunities. This depth report will focus on NILM algorithms, their use and evaluation. We will examine and evaluate the anatomy of NILM, looking at techniques using load monitoring, event detection, feature ex- traction, classification, and accuracy measurement.&nbsp