40,733 research outputs found

    An efficient constraint handling method for genetic algorithms

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    Many real-world search and optimization problems involve inequality and/or equality constraints and are thus posed as constrained optimization problems. In trying to solve constrained optimization problems using genetic algorithms (GAs) or classical optimization methods, penalty function methods have been the most popular approach, because of their simplicity and ease of implementation. However, since the penalty function approach is generic and applicable to any type of constraint (linear or nonlinear), their performance is not always satisfactory. Thus, researchers have developed sophisticated penalty functions specific to the problem at hand and the search algorithm used for optimization. However, the most difficult aspect of the penalty function approach is to find appropriate penalty parameters needed to guide the search towards the constrained optimum. In this paper, GA's population-based approach and ability to make pair-wise comparison in tournament selection operator are exploited to devise a penalty function approach that does not require any penalty parameter. Careful comparisons among feasible and infeasible solutions are made so as to provide a search direction towards the feasible region. Once sufficient feasible solutions are found, a niching method (along with a controlled mutation operator) is used to maintain diversity among feasible solutions. This allows a real-parameter GA's crossover operator to continuously find better feasible solutions, gradually leading the search near the true optimum solution. GAs with this constraint handling approach have been tested on nine problems commonly used in the literature, including an engineering design problem. In all cases, the proposed approach has been able to repeatedly find solutions closer to the true optimum solution than that reported earlier

    Tree-guided group lasso for multi-response regression with structured sparsity, with an application to eQTL mapping

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    We consider the problem of estimating a sparse multi-response regression function, with an application to expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) mapping, where the goal is to discover genetic variations that influence gene-expression levels. In particular, we investigate a shrinkage technique capable of capturing a given hierarchical structure over the responses, such as a hierarchical clustering tree with leaf nodes for responses and internal nodes for clusters of related responses at multiple granularity, and we seek to leverage this structure to recover covariates relevant to each hierarchically-defined cluster of responses. We propose a tree-guided group lasso, or tree lasso, for estimating such structured sparsity under multi-response regression by employing a novel penalty function constructed from the tree. We describe a systematic weighting scheme for the overlapping groups in the tree-penalty such that each regression coefficient is penalized in a balanced manner despite the inhomogeneous multiplicity of group memberships of the regression coefficients due to overlaps among groups. For efficient optimization, we employ a smoothing proximal gradient method that was originally developed for a general class of structured-sparsity-inducing penalties. Using simulated and yeast data sets, we demonstrate that our method shows a superior performance in terms of both prediction errors and recovery of true sparsity patterns, compared to other methods for learning a multivariate-response regression.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOAS549 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Note On The Effectiveness OF Stochastic Optimization Algorithms For Robust Design

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    Robust design optimization (RDO) uses statistical decision theory and optimization techniques to optimize a design over a range of uncertainty (introduced by the manufacturing process and unintended uses). Since engineering ob jective functions tend to be costly to evaluate and prohibitively expensive to integrate (required within RDO), surrogates are introduced to allow the use of traditional optimization methods to find solutions. This paper explores the suitability of radically different (deterministic and stochastic) optimization methods to solve prototypical robust design problems. The algorithms include a genetic algorithm using a penalty function formulation, the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) method, and two gradient-based constrained nonlinear optimizers (method of feasible directions and sequential quadratic programming). The results show that the fully deterministic standard optimization algorithms are consistently more accurate, consistently more likely to terminate at feasible points, and consistently considerably less expensive than the fully nondeterministic algorithms

    Optimization Study For The Cross-Section Of A Concrete Gravity Dam: Genetic Algorithm Model And Application

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    Concrete gravity dams have trapezoidal shape in their cross section and shall guarantee the global stability against acting loads like hydrostatic and uplift pressures through his gravitational actions (self-weight and others). This study focuses on the shape optimization of concrete gravity dams using genetic algorithms. In this case, the dam cross section area is considered as the objective function and the design variables are the geometric parameters of the gravity dam. The optimum cross-section of a concrete gravity dam is achieved by the Genetic Algorithm (GA) through a Matlab routine developed by the author. Sliding, overturning and floating verifications are implemented in the program. In order to assess the efficiency of the proposed methodology for gravity dams optimization, one application is presented adopting the concrete gravity dam of Belo Monte Hydropower Plant (HPP), considering normal loading condition and others assumptions presented.Peer Reviewe

    A Hierachical Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization in IMRT

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    Purpose: Current inverse planning methods for IMRT are limited because they are not designed to explore the trade-offs between the competing objectives between the tumor and normal tissues. Our goal was to develop an efficient multiobjective optimization algorithm that was flexible enough to handle any form of objective function and that resulted in a set of Pareto optimal plans. Methods: We developed a hierarchical evolutionary multiobjective algorithm designed to quickly generate a diverse Pareto optimal set of IMRT plans that meet all clinical constraints and reflect the trade-offs in the plans. The top level of the hierarchical algorithm is a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). The genes of the individuals generated in the MOEA are the parameters that define the penalty function minimized during an accelerated deterministic IMRT optimization that represents the bottom level of the hierarchy. The MOEA incorporates clinical criteria to restrict the search space through protocol objectives and then uses Pareto optimality among the fitness objectives to select individuals. Results: Acceleration techniques implemented on both levels of the hierarchical algorithm resulted in short, practical runtimes for optimizations. The MOEA improvements were evaluated for example prostate cases with one target and two OARs. The modified MOEA dominated 11.3% of plans using a standard genetic algorithm package. By implementing domination advantage and protocol objectives, small diverse populations of clinically acceptable plans that were only dominated 0.2% by the Pareto front could be generated in a fraction of an hour. Conclusions: Our MOEA produces a diverse Pareto optimal set of plans that meet all dosimetric protocol criteria in a feasible amount of time. It optimizes not only beamlet intensities but also objective function parameters on a patient-specific basis