11 research outputs found

    Genericity of weakly computable objects

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    International audienceIn computability theory many results state the existence of objects that in many respects lack algorithmic structure but at the same time are effective in some sense. Friedberg and Muchnik's answer to Post problem is one of the most celebrated results in this form. The main goal of the paper is to develop a general result that embodies a large number of these particular constructions, capturing the essential idea that is common to all of them, and expressing it in topological terms.To do so, we introduce the effective topological notions of irreversible function and directional genericity and provide two main results that identify situations when such constructions are possible, clarifying the role of topology in many arguments from computability theory. We apply these abstract results to particular situations, illustrating their strength and deriving new results.This paper is an extended version of a conference paper with detailed proofs and new results

    Semicomputable Geometry

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    Computability and semicomputability of compact subsets of the Euclidean spaces are important notions, that have been investigated for many classes of sets including fractals (Julia sets, Mandelbrot set) and objects with geometrical or topological constraints (embedding of a sphere). In this paper we investigate one of the simplest classes, namely the filled triangles in the plane. We study the properties of the parameters of semicomputable triangles, such as the coordinates of their vertices. This problem is surprisingly rich. We introduce and develop a notion of semicomputability of points of the plane which is a generalization in dimension 2 of the left-c.e. and right-c.e. numbers. We relate this notion to Solovay reducibility. We show that semicomputable triangles admit no finite parametrization, for some notion of parametrization

    Semicomputable Points in Euclidean Spaces

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    We introduce the notion of a semicomputable point in R^n, defined as a point having left-c.e. projections. We study the range of such a point, which is the set of directions on which its projections are left-c.e., and is a convex cone. We provide a thorough study of these notions, proving along the way new results on the computability of convex sets. We prove realization results, by identifying computability properties of convex cones that make them ranges of semicomputable points. We give two applications of the theory. The first one provides a better understanding of the Solovay derivatives. The second one is the investigation of left-c.e. quadratic polynomials. We show that this is, in fact, a particular case of the general theory of semicomputable points

    The Typical Constructible Object

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    International audienceBaire Category is an important concept in mathematical analysis. It provides a way of identifying the properties of typical objects and proving the existence of objects with specified properties avoiding explicit constructions. For instance it has been extensively used to better understand and separate classes of real functions such as analytic and smooth functions. Baire Category proves very useful in computability theory and computable analysis, again to understand the properties of typical objects and to prove existence results. However it cannot be used directly when studying classes of computable or computably enumerable objects: those objects are atypical. Here we show how Baire Category can be adapted to such small classes, and how one can define typical computably enumerable sets or lower semicomputable real numbers for instance

    Computability on quasi-Polish spaces

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    International audienceWe investigate the effectivizations of several equivalent definitions of quasi-Polish spaces and study which characterizations hold effectively. Being a computable effectively open image of the Baire space is a robust notion that admits several characterizations. We show that some natural effectivizations of quasi-metric spaces are strictly stronger

    A Galois connection between Turing jumps and limits

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    Limit computable functions can be characterized by Turing jumps on the input side or limits on the output side. As a monad of this pair of adjoint operations we obtain a problem that characterizes the low functions and dually to this another problem that characterizes the functions that are computable relative to the halting problem. Correspondingly, these two classes are the largest classes of functions that can be pre or post composed to limit computable functions without leaving the class of limit computable functions. We transfer these observations to the lattice of represented spaces where it leads to a formal Galois connection. We also formulate a version of this result for computable metric spaces. Limit computability and computability relative to the halting problem are notions that coincide for points and sequences, but even restricted to continuous functions the former class is strictly larger than the latter. On computable metric spaces we can characterize the functions that are computable relative to the halting problem as those functions that are limit computable with a modulus of continuity that is computable relative to the halting problem. As a consequence of this result we obtain, for instance, that Lipschitz continuous functions that are limit computable are automatically computable relative to the halting problem. We also discuss 1-generic points as the canonical points of continuity of limit computable functions, and we prove that restricted to these points limit computable functions are computable relative to the halting problem. Finally, we demonstrate how these results can be applied in computable analysis

    Comparing computability in two topologies

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    Computable analysis provides ways of representing points in a topological space, and therefore of defining a notion of computable points of the space. In this article, we investigate when two topologies on the same space induce different sets of computable points. We first study a purely topological version of the problem, which is to understand when two topologies are not σ-homeomorphic. We obtain a characterization leading to an effective version, and we prove that two topologies satisfying this condition induce different sets of computable points. Along the way, we propose an effective version of the Baire category theorem which captures the construction technique, and enables one to build points satisfying properties that are co-meager w.r.t. a topology, and are computable w.r.t. another topology. Finally, we generalize the result to three topologies and give an application to prove that certain sets do not have computable type, i.e. have a homeomorphic copy that is semicomputable but not computable

    On the extension of computable real functions

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    International audienceWe investigate interrelationships among different notions from mathematical analysis, effective topology, and classical computability theory. Our main object of study is the class of computable functions defined over an interval with the boundary being a left-c.e. real number. We investigate necessary and sufficient conditions under which such functions can be computably extended. It turns out that this depends on the behavior of the function near the boundary as well as on the class of left-c.e. real numbers to which the boundary belongs, that is, how it can be constructed. Of particular interest a class of functions is investigated: sawtooth functions constructed from computable enumerations of c.e. sets

    Aspects Topologiques des Représentations en Analyse Calculable

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    Computable analysis provides a formalization of algorithmic computations over infinite mathematical objects. The central notion of this theory is the symbolic representation of objects, which determines the computation power of the machine, and has a direct impact on the difficulty to solve any given problem. The friction between the discrete nature of computations and the continuous nature of mathematical objects is captured by topology, which expresses the idea of finite approximations of infinite objects.We thoroughly study the multiple interactions between computations and topology, analysing the information that can be algorithmically extracted from a representation. In particular, we focus on the comparison between two representations of a single family of objects, on the precise relationship between algorithmic and topological complexity of problems, and on the relationship between finite and infinite representations.L’analyse calculable permet de formaliser le traitement algorithmique d’objets mathématiques infinis. La théorie repose sur une représentation symbolique des objets, dont le choix détermine les capacités de calcul de la machine, notamment sa difficulté à résoudre chaque problème donné. La friction entre le caractère discret du calcul et la nature continue des objets est capturée par la topologie, qui exprime l’idée d’approximation finie d’objets infinis.Nous étudions en profondeur les multiples interactions entre calcul et topologie, cherchant à analyser l’information qui peut être extraite algorithmiquement d’une représentation. Je me penche plus particulièrement sur la comparaison entre deux représentations d’une même famille d’objets, sur les liens détaillés entre complexité algorithmique et topologique des problèmes, ainsi que sur les relations entre représentations finies et infinies