10 research outputs found

    Bounded-Depth High-Coverage Search Space for Noncrossing Parses

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    Volume: Proceeding volume: 13A recently proposed encoding for noncrossing digraphs can be used to implement generic inference over families of these digraphs and to carry out first-order factored dependency parsing. It is now shown that the recent proposal can be substantially streamlined without information loss. The improved encoding is less dependent on hierarchical processing and it gives rise to a high-coverage bounded-depth approximation of the space of non- crossing digraphs. This subset is presented elegantly by a finite-state machine that recognizes an infinite set of encoded graphs. The set includes more than 99.99% of the 0.6 million noncrossing graphs obtained from the UDv2 treebanks through planarisation. Rather than taking the low probability of the residual as a flat rate, it can be modelled with a joint probability distribution that is factorised into two underlying stochastic processes – the sentence length distribution and the related conditional distribution for deep nesting. This model points out that deep nesting in the streamlined code requires extreme sentence lengths. High depth is categorically out in common sentence lengths but emerges slowly at infrequent lengths that prompt further inquiry.A recently proposed encoding for non- crossing digraphs can be used to imple- ment generic inference over families of these digraphs and to carry out first-order factored dependency parsing. It is now shown that the recent proposal can be substantially streamlined without information loss. The improved encoding is less dependent on hierarchical processing and it gives rise to a high-coverage bounded-depth approximation of the space of non- crossing digraphs. This subset is presented elegantly by a finite-state machine that recognises an infinite set of encoded graphs. The set includes more than 99.99% of the 0.6 million noncrossing graphs obtained from the UDv2 treebanks through planarisation. Rather than taking the low probability of the residual as a flat rate, it can be modelled with a joint probability distribution that is factorised into two underlying stochastic processes – the sentence length distribution and the related conditional distribution for deep nesting. This model points out that deep nesting in the streamlined code requires extreme sentence lengths. High depth is categorically out in common sentence lengths but emerges slowly at infrequent lengths that prompt further inquiry.Peer reviewe

    Risteämättömien verkkojen perheiden yleinen aksiomatisointi dependenssijäsentämisessä

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    Proceeding volume: 55We present a simple encoding for unlabeled noncrossing graphs and show how its latent counterpart helps us to represent several families of directed and undirected graphs used in syntactic and semantic parsing of natural language as context-free languages. The families are separated purely on the basis of forbidden patterns in latent encoding, eliminating the need to differentiate the families of non-crossing graphs in inference algorithms: one algorithm works for all when the search space can be controlled in parser input.We present a simple encoding for unlabeled noncrossing graphs and show how its latent counterpart helps us to represent several families of directed and undirected graphs used in syntactic and semantic parsing of natural language as context-free languages. The families are separated purely on the basis of forbidden patterns in latent encoding, eliminating the need to differentiate the families of non-crossing graphs in inference algorithms: one algorithm works for all when the search space can be controlled in parser input.Peer reviewe

    Viable Dependency Parsing as Sequence Labeling

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    We recast dependency parsing as a sequence labeling problem, exploring several encodings of dependency trees as labels. While dependency parsing by means of sequence labeling had been attempted in existing work, results suggested that the technique was impractical. We show instead that with a conventional BiLSTM-based model it is possible to obtain fast and accurate parsers. These parsers are conceptually simple, not needing traditional parsing algorithms or auxiliary structures. However, experiments on the PTB and a sample of UD treebanks show that they provide a good speed-accuracy tradeoff, with results competitive with more complex approaches.Comment: Camera-ready version to appear at NAACL 2019 (final peer-reviewed manuscript). 8 pages (incl. appendix

    Height-Deterministic Target Languages and the Encoder-Decoder Parsing Model (poster on a working paper)

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    Motivated by Google’s Grammar as a Foreign Language model (Vinyals et al., 2015) where trees are represented as linear strings, the poster aims at a generalisation for graphs. The poster outlines a framework for studying the encoder-decoder parsing model and its simplification - parsing as sequence labeling via the simultaneous analysis of the attention mechanism and the linearisation scheme. According to our hypothesis, this is achieved by relating the linearised graphs and the behaviour of the decoder to various transition systems. The outlined framework is important since the set of labeled ordered graphs contains almost all linguistically motivated structures that can be assigned to natural language or its translation relations.Non peer reviewe

    Kuinka risteämättömät Universal Dependencies puupankkien puut voidaan voidaan upottaa matalakompleksiseen säännölliseen kieleen

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    A recently proposed balanced-bracket encoding (Yli-Jyrä and GómezRodríguez 2017) has given us a way to embed all noncrossing dependency graphs into the string space and to formulate their exact arcfactored inference problem (Kuhlmann and Johnsson 2015) as the best string problem in a dynamically constructed and weighted unambiguous context-free grammar. The current work improves the encoding and makes it shallower by omitting redundant brackets from it. The streamlined encoding gives rise to a bounded-depth subset approximation that is represented by a small finite-state automaton. When bounded to 7 levels of balanced brackets, the automaton has 762 states and represents a strict superset of more than 99.9999% of the noncrossing trees available in Universal Dependencies 2.4 (Nivre et al. 2019). In addition, it strictly contains all 15-vertex noncrossing digraphs. When bounded to 4 levels and 90 states, the automaton still captures 99.2% of all noncrossing trees in the reference dataset. The approach is flexible and extensible towards unrestricted graphs, and it suggests tight finite-state bounds for dependency parsing, and for the main existing parsing methods.A recently proposed balanced-bracket encoding (Yli-Jyrä and Gómez-Rodríguez 2017) has given us a way to embed all noncrossing dependency graphs into the string space and to formulate their exact arc-factored inference problem (Kuhlmann and Johnsson 2015) as the best string problem in a dynamically constructed and weighted unambiguous context-free grammar. The current work improves the encoding and makes it shallower by omitting redundant brackets from it. The streamlined encoding gives rise to a bounded-depth subset approximation that is represented by a small finite-state automaton. When bounded to 7 levels of balanced brackets, the automaton has 762 states and represents a strict superset of more than 99.9999% of the noncrossing trees available in Universal Dependencies 2.4 (Nivre et al. 2019). In addition, it strictly contains all 15-vertex noncrossing digraphs. When bounded to 4 levels and 90 states, the automaton still captures 99.2% of all noncrossing trees in the reference dataset. The approach is flexible and extensible towards unrestricted graphs, and it suggests tight finite-state bounds for dependency parsing, and for the main existing parsing methods.Peer reviewe

    Memory limitations are hidden in grammar

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    [Abstract] The ability to produce and understand an unlimited number of different sentences is a hallmark of human language. Linguists have sought to define the essence of this generative capacity using formal grammars that describe the syntactic dependencies between constituents, independent of the computational limitations of the human brain. Here, we evaluate this independence assumption by sampling sentences uniformly from the space of possible syntactic structures. We find that the average dependency distance between syntactically related words, a proxy for memory limitations, is less than expected by chance in a collection of state-of-the-art classes of dependency grammars. Our findings indicate that memory limitations have permeated grammatical descriptions, suggesting that it may be impossible to build a parsimonious theory of human linguistic productivity independent of non-linguistic cognitive constraints

    Järjestettyjen verkkojen siirtymäpohjainen koodaus ja formaalien kielten teoria

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    The ISBN of the host publication can be found on the web site of the conference (https://wwwtcs.inf.tu-dresden.de/fsmnlp2019/accepted_papers/).Transition-based parsing of natural language uses transition systems to build directed annotation graphs (digraphs) for sentences. In this paper, we define, for an arbitrary ordered digraph, a unique decomposition and a corresponding linear encoding that are associated bijectively with each other via a new transition system. These results give us an efficient and succinct representation for digraphs and sets of digraphs. Based on the system and our analysis of its syntactic properties, we give structural bounds under which the set of encoded digraphs is restricted and becomes a context-free or a regular string language. The context-free restriction is essentially a superset of the encodings used previously to characterize properties of noncrossing digraphs and to solve maximal subgraphs problems. The regular restriction with a tight bound is shown to capture the Universal Dependencies v2.4 treebanks in linguistics.Transition-based parsing of natural language uses transition systems to build directed annotation graphs (digraphs) for sentences. In this paper, we define, for an arbitrary ordered digraph, a unique decomposition and a corresponding linear encoding that are associated bijectively with each other via a new transition system. These results give us an efficient and succinct representation for digraphs and sets of digraphs. Based on the system and our analysis of its syntactic properties, we give structural bounds under which the set of encoded digraphs is restricted and becomes a context-free or a regular string language. The context-free restriction is essentially a superset of the encodings used previously to characterise properties of noncrossing digraphs and to solve maximal subgraphs problems. The regular restriction with a tight bound is shown to capture the Universal Dependencies v2.4 treebanks in linguistics.Peer reviewe

    Constraint Grammar is a hand-crafted Transformer

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    Syvät neuroverkot (DNN) ja lingvistiset säännöt ovat tällä hetkellä luonnollisen kielen käsittelyteknologioiden ääripäitä. Aina viime aikoihin asti on ollut epäselvää kuinka näitä teknologioita voitaisiin yhdistää. Sen vuoksi näitä teknologioita on tutkittu lähes täysin toisistaan erillään olevissa tutkimusyhteisöissä. Muistutan tässä artikkelissa ensimmäiseksi siitä että sekä sekä Rajoitekieliopilla (CG) että tavallisilla rekurrenteilla neuroverkoilla (RNN) on äärellistilaisia ominaisuuksia. Sitten suhteutan CG:n Google Transformer-arkkitehtuuriin (jossa käytetään kahdenlaista attention-mekanismia) sekä argumentoin, että näiden näennäisesti toisistaan riippumattomien arkkitehtuurien välillä on merkittäviä samankaltaisuuksia.Deep neural networks (DNN) and linguistic rules are currently the opposite ends in the scale for NLP technologies. Until recently, it has not been known how to combine these technologies most effectively. Therefore, the technologies have been the object of almost disjoint research communities. In this presentation, I first recall that both Constraint Grammar (CG) and vanilla RNNs have finite-state properties. Then I relate CG to Google’s Transformer architecture (with two kinds of attention) and argue that there are significant similarities between these two seemingly unrelated architectures.Peer reviewe

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    Valence de graphes et polyominos arbres

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