10 research outputs found

    Impact of Remote User Interface Design and Delivery on Energy Demand

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    Abstract-Client-side User Interface (UI) for web applications clearly plays a critical role in user performance and efficiency. Growing user expectations drive UI design to greater functionality with ever increasing expectations for rich and continuous interactivity. Such increases require greater and greater computational resources. At the same time, web applications are increasingly accessed through mobile, battery-powered devices, such as notebooks, tablets, smartphones, and even watches. In effect, users are simultaneously increasing dependence on battery power and the pace of battery discharge with demanding applications. While UI design often considers factors such as usability, bandwidth consumption, etc., little consideration is given to the impact rendering and delivery design have on energy consumption. While we may expect novel technologies to expand battery capacity, the demands consistently outpace improvements. Careful consideration of UI design strategy may reduce the energy demands placed to the users device. This paper presents a study considering existing UI design and delivery strategies and evaluates their impact on energy consumption

    Approches de Design Rationale: Cadre de Référence

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    Deriving Configuration Interfaces from Feature Models : A Vision Paper

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    International audienceIn software product lines, feature models are the de-facto standard for representing variability as well as for configuring products. Yet, configuration relying on feature models faces two issues: i) it assumes knowledge of the underlying formalism, which may not be true for end users and ii) it does not take advantage of advanced user-interface controls, leading to usability and integration problems with other parts of the user interface. To address these issues, our research focuses on the generation of configuration interfaces based on variability models, both from the visual and behavioral perspectives. We tackle visual issues by generating abstract user-interfaces from feature models. Regarding configuration behavior, in particular the configuration sequence, we plan to use feature configuration workflows, variability-aware models that exhibit similar characteristics as of task, user, discourse and business models found in the in the human-computer interaction community. This paper discusses the main challenges and possible solutions to realize our vision

    Implementation of a web-based code generator for the Android mobile platform

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2018Producing software compels programmers to have in-depth knowledge of several programming languages, tools and frameworks. This time-consuming process demands dedication and mastery which are typically the foremost reasons most novice programmers give up a little into the software development process. This project seeks to eliminate learning programming languages and tools to create Android applications and reduce the time used in creating Android applications. This paper presents a comprehensive implementation of a code generator intended for skilled and novice programmers to build Android applications through drag and drop. Likened to other code generators, using this code generator does not require knowledge of a programming language. A key advantage of using this code generator is the ability to download the source code of the generated Android application for customization, a feature that other code generators do not provide. Regarding outputs, the code generator creates an APK that can be installed on an Android device or uploaded to the Google Play store, backend and frontend pages with a database to save all the data of the generated Android application.Ashesi Universit

    Implementation of a web-based code generator for the android Mobile platform

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    Applied Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2018.Producing software compels programmers to have in-depth knowledge of several programming languages, tools, and frameworks. This time-consuming process demands dedication and mastery which are typically the foremost reasons most novice programmers give up a little into the software development process. This project seeks to eliminate learning programming languages and tools to create Android applications and reduce the time used in creating Android applications. This paper presents a comprehensive implementation of a code generator intended for skilled and novice programmers to build Android applications through drag and drop. Likened to other code generators, using this code generator does not require knowledge of a programming language. A key advantage of using this code generator is the ability to download the source code of the generated Android application for customization, a feature that other code generators do not provide. Regarding outputs, the code generator creates an APK that can be installed on an Android device or uploaded to the Google Play store, backend and frontend pages with a database to save all the data of the generated Android application

    Entwicklung eines Editors zum Entwurf von Benutzerschnittstellen fĂĽr Web Services auf Basis der abstrakten UI-Beschreibungssprache WSGUI

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    Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt das Themengebiet der automatischen Erzeugung von grafischen Benutzeroberflächen (GUIs) im Kontext von Webservices. Es geht dabei konkret um einen Editor, mit dem Hinweise zur Generierung von Dialogen erstellt werden können. Diese Hinweise sollen dann von den dialogerzeugenden Anwendungen einbezogen werden, um eine dynamische Interaktion mit Webservices durch beliebige Nutzer ohne dienstspezifische Software zu ermöglichen. Die Arbeit führt in die aktuellen Techniken zur GUI-Generierung ein und stellt Transformationsprinzipien vor, die eine Generierung ausgehend von einem formalen Datenmodell ermöglichen. Dabei müssen mangelnde Modellparameter in Beschreibungen von Webservices manuell ausgeglichen werden (WSGUI-Konzepte). Diese Zielstellung führt zum Entwurf des WSGUI-Editors. Die anschließende Implementierung berücksichtigt darüber hinaus Integrationsaspekte wie die Publizierung von WSGUI-Hinweisen, Einbindung von GUI-Übersetzungen und eine Vorschau auf die zu generierenden Dialoge. Abgeschlossen wird die Arbeit mit einer Bewertung des Editors, aber auch einer Reihe von Vorschlägen zur Vereinfachung ähnlich gelagerter zukünftiger Projekte im Umfeld von Webservices

    Unified GUI adaptation in Dynamic Software Product Lines

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    In the modern world of mobile computing and ubiquitous technology, society is able to interact with technology in new and fascinating ways. To help provide an improved user experience, mobile software should be able to adapt itself to suit the user. By monitoring context information based on the environment and user, the application can better meet the dynamic requirements of the user. Similarly, it is noticeable that programs can require different static changes to suit static requirements. This program commonality and variability can benefit from the use of Software Product Line Engineering, reusing artefacts over a set of similar programs, called a Software Product Line (SPL). Historically, SPLs are limited to handling static compile time adaptations. Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL) however, allow for the program configuration to change at runtime, allow for compile time and runtime adaptation to be developed in a single unified approach. While currently DSPLs provide methods for dealing with program logic adaptations, variability in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) has largely been neglected. Due to this, depending on the intended time to apply GUI adaptation, different approaches are required. The main goal of this work is to extend a unified representation of variability to the GUI, whereby GUI adaptation can be applied at compile time and at runtime. In this thesis, an approach to handling GUI adaptation within DSPLs, providing a unified representation of GUI variability is presented. The approach is based on Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP), enabling developers to implement GUI adaptation along with program logic in feature modules. This approach is applied to Document-Oriented GUIs, also known as GUI description languages. In addition to GUI unification, we present an approach to unifying context and feature modelling, and handling context dynamically at runtime, as features of the DSPL. This unification can allow for more dynamic and self-aware context acquisition. To validate our approach, we implemented tool support and middleware prototypes. These different artefacts are then tested using a combination of scenarios and scalability tests. This combination first helps demonstrate the versatility and its relevance of the different approach aspects. It further brings insight into how the approach scales with DSPL size

    Generative und Merkmal-orientierte Entwicklung von Software-Produktlinien mit noninvasiven Frames

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    Frames sind parametrisierte Elemente zur Erzeugung von Programmen in einer beliebigen Zielprogrammiersprache. Ihre Handhabung ist einfach und schnell zu erlernen. Allerdings findet bei Verwendung von Frames eine “Verunreinigung” des Programmcodes, der als Basis für die Generatorentwicklung dient, mit Befehlen der Generatorsprache statt. Dies erschwert die Weiterverwendung der gewohnten Entwicklungsumgebung für die Zielprogrammiersprache. Eine eventuelle Weiterentwicklung der Programmbasis muss anschließend in Form von Frames erfolgen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgt die Beschreibung noninvasiver Frames, bei denen Informationen zur Position der Frames getrennt vom Programmcode aufbewahrt werden. Ihre Vermischung erfolgt in einem separaten Schritt zur Darstellung oder zur eigentlichen Codeerzeugung. Der Prozess der Generatorentwicklung auf der Basis noninvasiver Frames passt sich gut in die Prozesse von Merkmal-orientierter (FOSD) und Generativer Softwareentwicklung (GSE) ein, weil noninvasive Frames die automatisierte Prüfung aller mit dem Generator erzeugbaren Programme hinsichtlich Syntax und bestimmter semantischer Eigenschaften unterstützen und die Generierung durch Auswahl der gewünschten Programmeigenschaften ermöglichen. Die Machbarkeit der Entwicklung von Softwaregeneratoren mit noninvasiven Frames wird anhand zweier Fallstudien demonstriert

    Generative Programming of graphical user interfaces

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