4 research outputs found

    Using Synthetic Data to Enhance the Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Localization: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Human-centered data collection is typically costly and implicates issues of privacy. Various solutions have been proposed in the literature to reduce this cost, such as crowd-sourced data collection, or the use of semisupervised algorithms. However, semisupervised algorithms require a source of unlabeled data, and crowd-sourcing methods require numbers of active participants. An alternative passive data collection modality is fingerprint-based localization. Such methods use received signal strength or channel state information in wireless sensor networks to localize users in indoor/outdoor environments. In this letter, we introduce a novel approach to reduce training data collection costs in fingerprint-based localization by using synthetic data. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are used to learn the distribution of a limited sample of collected data and, following this, to produce synthetic data that can be used to augment the real collected data in order to increase overall positioning accuracy. Experimental results on a benchmark dataset show that by applying the proposed method and using a combination of 10% collected data and 90% synthetic data, we can obtain essentially similar positioning accuracy to that which would be obtained by using the full set of collected data. This means that by employing GAN-generated synthetic data, we can use 90% less real data, thereby reducing data-collection costs while achieving acceptable accuracy

    A credit risk model with small sample data based on G-XGBoost

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    Currently existing credit risk models, e.g., Scoring Card and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), usually have requirements for the capacity of modeling samples. The small sample size may result in the adverse outcomes for the trained models which may neither achieve the expected accuracy nor distinguish risks well. On the other hand, data acquisition can be difficult and restricted due to data protection regulations. In view of the above dilemma, this paper applies Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) to the construction of small and micro enterprises (SMEs) credit risk model, and proposes a novel training method, namely G-XGBoost, based on the XGBoost model. A few batches of real data are selected to train GAN. When the generative network reaches Nash equilibrium, the network is used to generate pseudo data with the same distribution. The pseudo data is then combined with real data to form an amplified sample set. The amplified sample set is used to train XGBoost for credit risk prediction. The feasibility and advantages of the G-XGBoost model are demonstrated by comparing with the XGBoost model

    Application of a generative adversarial network for multi-featured fermentation data synthesis and artificial neural network (ANN) modeling of bitter gourd–grape beverage production.

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have in recent times found increasing application in predictive modelling of various food processing operations including fermentation, as they have the ability to learn nonlinear complex relationships in high dimensional datasets, which might otherwise be outside the scope of conventional regression models. Nonetheless, a major limiting factor of ANNs is that they require quite a large amount of training data for better performance. Obtaining such an amount of data from biological processes is usually difficult for many reasons. To resolve this problem, methods are proposed to inflate existing data by artificially synthesizing additional valid data samples. In this paper, we present a generative adversarial network (GAN) able to synthesize an infinite amount of realistic multi-dimensional regression data from limited experimental data (n = 20). Rigorous testing showed that the synthesized data (n = 200) significantly conserved the variances and distribution patterns of the real data. Further, the synthetic data was used to generalize a deep neural network. The model trained on the artificial data showed a lower loss (2.029 ± 0.124) and converged to a solution faster than its counterpart trained on real data (2.1614 ± 0.117)

    Generative Adversarial Network and Its Application in Aerial Vehicle Detection and Biometric Identification System

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    In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown great potential in advancing the state-of-the-art in many areas of computer vision, most notably in image synthesis and manipulation tasks. GAN is a generative model which simultaneously trains a generator and a discriminator in an adversarial manner to produce real-looking synthetic data by capturing the underlying data distribution. Due to its powerful ability to generate high-quality and visually pleasingresults, we apply it to super-resolution and image-to-image translation techniques to address vehicle detection in low-resolution aerial images and cross-spectral cross-resolution iris recognition. First, we develop a Multi-scale GAN (MsGAN) with multiple intermediate outputs, which progressively learns the details and features of the high-resolution aerial images at different scales. Then the upscaled super-resolved aerial images are fed to a You Only Look Once-version 3 (YOLO-v3) object detector and the detection loss is jointly optimized along with a super-resolution loss to emphasize target vehicles sensitive to the super-resolution process. There is another problem that remains unsolved when detection takes place at night or in a dark environment, which requires an IR detector. Training such a detector needs a lot of infrared (IR) images. To address these challenges, we develop a GAN-based joint cross-modal super-resolution framework where low-resolution (LR) IR images are translated and super-resolved to high-resolution (HR) visible (VIS) images before applying detection. This approach significantly improves the accuracy of aerial vehicle detection by leveraging the benefits of super-resolution techniques in a cross-modal domain. Second, to increase the performance and reliability of deep learning-based biometric identification systems, we focus on developing conditional GAN (cGAN) based cross-spectral cross-resolution iris recognition and offer two different frameworks. The first approach trains a cGAN to jointly translate and super-resolve LR near-infrared (NIR) iris images to HR VIS iris images to perform cross-spectral cross-resolution iris matching to the same resolution and within the same spectrum. In the second approach, we design a coupled GAN (cpGAN) architecture to project both VIS and NIR iris images into a low-dimensional embedding domain. The goal of this architecture is to ensure maximum pairwise similarity between the feature vectors from the two iris modalities of the same subject. We have also proposed a pose attention-guided coupled profile-to-frontal face recognition network to learn discriminative and pose-invariant features in an embedding subspace. To show that the feature vectors learned by this deep subspace can be used for other tasks beyond recognition, we implement a GAN architecture which is able to reconstruct a frontal face from its corresponding profile face. This capability can be used in various face analysis tasks, such as emotion detection and expression tracking, where having a frontal face image can improve accuracy and reliability. Overall, our research works have shown its efficacy by achieving new state-of-the-art results through extensive experiments on publicly available datasets reported in the literature