27 research outputs found

    Data-driven depth and 3D architectural layout estimation of an interior environment from monocular panoramic input

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    Recent years have seen significant interest in the automatic 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes, leading to a distinct and very-active sub-field within 3D reconstruction. The main objective is to convert rapidly measured data representing real-world indoor environments into models encompassing geometric, structural, and visual abstractions. This thesis focuses on the particular subject of extracting geometric information from single panoramic images, using either visual data alone or sparse registered depth information. The appeal of this setup lies in the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of data acquisition using 360o images. The challenge, however, is that creating a comprehensive model from mostly visual input is extremely difficult, due to noise, missing data, and clutter. My research has concentrated on leveraging prior information, in the form of architectural and data-driven priors derived from large annotated datasets, to develop end-to-end deep learning solutions for specific tasks in the structured reconstruction pipeline. My first contribution consists in a deep neural network architecture for estimating a depth map from a single monocular indoor panorama, operating directly on the equirectangular projection. Leveraging the characteristics of indoor 360-degree images and recognizing the impact of gravity on indoor scene design, the network efficiently encodes the scene into vertical spherical slices. By exploiting long- and short- term relationships among these slices, it recovers an equirectangular depth map directly from the corresponding RGB image. My second contribution generalizes the approach to handle multimodal input, also covering the situation in which the equirectangular input image is paired with a sparse depth map, as provided from common capture setups. Depth is inferred using an efficient single-branch network with a dynamic gating system, processing both dense visual data and sparse geometric data. Additionally, a new augmentation strategy enhances the model's robustness to various types of sparsity, including those from structured light sensors and LiDAR setups. While the first two contributions focus on per-pixel geometric information, my third contribution addresses the recovery of the 3D shape of permanent room surfaces from a single panoramic image. Unlike previous methods, this approach tackles the problem in 3D, expanding the reconstruction space. It employs a graph convolutional network to directly infer the room structure as a 3D mesh, deforming a graph- encoded tessellated sphere mapped to the spherical panorama. Gravity- aligned features are actively incorporated using a projection layer with multi-head self-attention, and specialized losses guide plausible solutions in the presence of clutter and occlusions. The benchmarks on publicly available data show that all three methods provided significant improvements over the state-of-the-art


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    Motion parallax for 360° RGBD video

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    We present a method for adding parallax and real-time playback of 360° videos in Virtual Reality headsets. In current video players, the playback does not respond to translational head movement, which reduces the feeling of immersion, and causes motion sickness for some viewers. Given a 360° video and its corresponding depth (provided by current stereo 360° stitching algorithms), a naive image-based rendering approach would use the depth to generate a 3D mesh around the viewer, then translate it appropriately as the viewer moves their head. However, this approach breaks at depth discontinuities, showing visible distortions, whereas cutting the mesh at such discontinuities leads to ragged silhouettes and holes at disocclusions. We address these issues by improving the given initial depth map to yield cleaner, more natural silhouettes. We rely on a three-layer scene representation, made up of a foreground layer and two static background layers, to handle disocclusions by propagating information from multiple frames for the first background layer, and then inpainting for the second one. Our system works with input from many of today''s most popular 360° stereo capture devices (e.g., Yi Halo or GoPro Odyssey), and works well even if the original video does not provide depth information. Our user studies confirm that our method provides a more compelling viewing experience than without parallax, increasing immersion while reducing discomfort and nausea

    Graphics Insertions into Real Video for Market Research

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    Multisensory Imagery Cues for Object Separation, Specularity Detection and Deep Learning based Inpainting

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    Multisensory imagery cues have been actively investigated in diverse applications in the computer vision community to provide additional geometric information that is either absent or difficult to capture from mainstream two-dimensional imaging. The inherent features of multispectral polarimetric light field imagery (MSPLFI) include object distribution over spectra, surface properties, shape, shading and pixel flow in light space. The aim of this dissertation is to explore these inherent properties to exploit new structures and methodologies for the tasks of object separation, specularity detection and deep learning-based inpainting in MSPLFI. In the first part of this research, an application to separate foreground objects from the background in both outdoor and indoor scenes using multispectral polarimetric imagery (MSPI) cues is examined. Based on the pixel neighbourhood relationship, an on-demand clustering technique is proposed and implemented to separate artificial objects from natural background in a complex outdoor scene. However, due to indoor scenes only containing artificial objects, with vast variations in energy levels among spectra, a multiband fusion technique followed by a background segmentation algorithm is proposed to separate the foreground from the background. In this regard, first, each spectrum is decomposed into low and high frequencies using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. Second, principal component analysis (PCA) is applied on both frequency images of the individual spectrum and then combined with the first principal components as a fused image. Finally, a polarimetric background segmentation (BS) algorithm based on the Stokes vector is proposed and implemented on the fused image. The performance of the proposed approaches are evaluated and compared using publicly available MSPI datasets and the dice similarity coefficient (DSC). The proposed multiband fusion and BS methods demonstrate better fusion quality and higher segmentation accuracy compared with other studies for several metrics, including mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Pearson correlation coefficient (PCOR) mutual information (MI), accuracy, Geometric Mean (G-mean), precision, recall and F1-score. In the second part of this work, a twofold framework for specular reflection detection (SRD) and specular reflection inpainting (SRI) in transparent objects is proposed. The SRD algorithm is based on the mean, the covariance and the Mahalanobis distance for predicting anomalous pixels in MSPLFI. The SRI algorithm first selects four-connected neighbouring pixels from sub-aperture images and then replaces the SRD pixel with the closest matched pixel. For both algorithms, a 6D MSPLFI transparent object dataset is captured from multisensory imagery cues due to the unavailability of this kind of dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms predict higher SRD accuracy and better SRI quality than the existing approaches reported in this part in terms of F1-score, G-mean, accuracy, the structural similarity index (SSIM), the PSNR, the mean squared error (IMMSE) and the mean absolute deviation (MAD). However, due to synthesising SRD pixels based on the pixel neighbourhood relationship, the proposed inpainting method in this research produces artefacts and errors when inpainting large specularity areas with irregular holes. Therefore, in the last part of this research, the emphasis is on inpainting large specularity areas with irregular holes based on the deep feature extraction from multisensory imagery cues. The proposed six-stage deep learning inpainting (DLI) framework is based on the generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture and consists of a generator network and a discriminator network. First, pixels’ global flow in the sub-aperture images is calculated by applying the large displacement optical flow (LDOF) method. The proposed training algorithm combines global flow with local flow and coarse inpainting results predicted from the baseline method. The generator attempts to generate best-matched features, while the discriminator seeks to predict the maximum difference between the predicted results and the actual results. The experimental results demonstrate that in terms of the PSNR, MSSIM, IMMSE and MAD, the proposed DLI framework predicts superior inpainting quality to the baseline method and the previous part of this research

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    Augmentieren von Personen in Monokularen Videodaten

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    When aiming at realistic video augmentation, i.e. the embedding of virtual, 3-dimensional objects into a scene's original content, a series of challenging problems has to be solved. This is especially the case when working with solely monocular input material, as important additional 3D information is missing and has to be recovered during the process, if necessary. In this work, I will present a semi-automatic strategy to tackle this task by providing solutions to individual problems in the context of virtual clothing as an example for realistic video augmentation. Starting with two different approaches for monocular pose and motion estimation, I will show how to build a 3D human body model by estimating detailed shape information as well as basic surface material properties. This information allows to further extract a dynamic illumination model from the provided input material. The illumination model is particularly important for rendering a realistic virtual object and adds a lot of realism to the final video augmentation. The animated human model is able to interact with virtual 3D objects and is used in the context of virtual clothing to animate simulated garments. To achieve the desired realism, I present an additional image-based compositing approach that realistically embeds the simulated garment into the original scene content. Combining the presented approaches provide an integrated strategy for realistic augmentation of actors in monocular video sequences.Unter der Zielsetzung einer realistischen Videoaugmentierung durch das Einbetten virtueller, dreidimensionaler Objekte in eine bestehende Videoaufnahme, gibt eine Reihe interessanter und schwieriger Problemen zu lösen. Besonders im Hinblick auf die Verarbeitung monokularer Eingabedaten fehlen wichtige räumliche Informationen, welche aus den zweidimensionalen Eingabedaten rekonstruiert werden müssen. In dieser Arbeit präsentiere ich eine halbautomatische Verfahrensweise, welche es ermöglicht, die einzelnen Teilprobleme einer umfassenden Videoaugmentierung nacheinander in einer integrierten Strategie zu lösen. Dies demonstriere ich am Beispiel von virtueller Kleidung. Beginnend mit zwei unterschiedlichen Ansätzen zur Posen- und Bewegungsrekonstruktion wird ein realistisches 3D Körpermodell eines Menschen erzeugt. Dazu wird die detaillierte Körperform durch ein geeignetes Verfahren approximiert und eine Rekonstruktion der Oberflächenmaterialen vorgenommen. Diese Informationen werden unter anderem dazu verwendet, aus dem Eingabevideo eine dynamische Szenenbeleuchtung zu rekonstruieren. Die Beleuchtungsinformationen sind besonders wichtig für eine realistische Videoaugmentierung, da gerade eine korrekte Beleuchtung den Realitätsgrad des virtuell generierten Objektes erhöht. Das rekonstruierte und animierte Körpermodell ist durch seinen Detailgrad in der Lage, mit virtuellen Objekten zu interagieren. Dies kommt besonders im Anwendungsfall von virtueller Kleidung zum tragen. Um den gewünschten Realitätsgrad zu erreichen, führe ich ein zusätzliches, bild-basiertes Korrekturverfahren ein, welches hilft, die finale Bildkomposition zu optimieren. Die Kombination aller präsentierter Teilverfahren bildet eine vollumfängliche Strategie zur Augmentierung von monokularem Videomaterial, die zur realistischen Simulation und Einbettung von virtueller Kleidung eines Schauspielers im Originalvideo verwendet werden kann

    State of the art of audio- and video based solutions for AAL

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    Working Group 3. Audio- and Video-based AAL ApplicationsIt is a matter of fact that Europe is facing more and more crucial challenges regarding health and social care due to the demographic change and the current economic context. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has stressed this situation even further, thus highlighting the need for taking action. Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies come as a viable approach to help facing these challenges, thanks to the high potential they have in enabling remote care and support. Broadly speaking, AAL can be referred to as the use of innovative and advanced Information and Communication Technologies to create supportive, inclusive and empowering applications and environments that enable older, impaired or frail people to live independently and stay active longer in society. AAL capitalizes on the growing pervasiveness and effectiveness of sensing and computing facilities to supply the persons in need with smart assistance, by responding to their necessities of autonomy, independence, comfort, security and safety. The application scenarios addressed by AAL are complex, due to the inherent heterogeneity of the end-user population, their living arrangements, and their physical conditions or impairment. Despite aiming at diverse goals, AAL systems should share some common characteristics. They are designed to provide support in daily life in an invisible, unobtrusive and user-friendly manner. Moreover, they are conceived to be intelligent, to be able to learn and adapt to the requirements and requests of the assisted people, and to synchronise with their specific needs. Nevertheless, to ensure the uptake of AAL in society, potential users must be willing to use AAL applications and to integrate them in their daily environments and lives. In this respect, video- and audio-based AAL applications have several advantages, in terms of unobtrusiveness and information richness. Indeed, cameras and microphones are far less obtrusive with respect to the hindrance other wearable sensors may cause to one’s activities. In addition, a single camera placed in a room can record most of the activities performed in the room, thus replacing many other non-visual sensors. Currently, video-based applications are effective in recognising and monitoring the activities, the movements, and the overall conditions of the assisted individuals as well as to assess their vital parameters (e.g., heart rate, respiratory rate). Similarly, audio sensors have the potential to become one of the most important modalities for interaction with AAL systems, as they can have a large range of sensing, do not require physical presence at a particular location and are physically intangible. Moreover, relevant information about individuals’ activities and health status can derive from processing audio signals (e.g., speech recordings). Nevertheless, as the other side of the coin, cameras and microphones are often perceived as the most intrusive technologies from the viewpoint of the privacy of the monitored individuals. This is due to the richness of the information these technologies convey and the intimate setting where they may be deployed. Solutions able to ensure privacy preservation by context and by design, as well as to ensure high legal and ethical standards are in high demand. After the review of the current state of play and the discussion in GoodBrother, we may claim that the first solutions in this direction are starting to appear in the literature. A multidisciplinary 4 debate among experts and stakeholders is paving the way towards AAL ensuring ergonomics, usability, acceptance and privacy preservation. The DIANA, PAAL, and VisuAAL projects are examples of this fresh approach. This report provides the reader with a review of the most recent advances in audio- and video-based monitoring technologies for AAL. It has been drafted as a collective effort of WG3 to supply an introduction to AAL, its evolution over time and its main functional and technological underpinnings. In this respect, the report contributes to the field with the outline of a new generation of ethical-aware AAL technologies and a proposal for a novel comprehensive taxonomy of AAL systems and applications. Moreover, the report allows non-technical readers to gather an overview of the main components of an AAL system and how these function and interact with the end-users. The report illustrates the state of the art of the most successful AAL applications and functions based on audio and video data, namely (i) lifelogging and self-monitoring, (ii) remote monitoring of vital signs, (iii) emotional state recognition, (iv) food intake monitoring, activity and behaviour recognition, (v) activity and personal assistance, (vi) gesture recognition, (vii) fall detection and prevention, (viii) mobility assessment and frailty recognition, and (ix) cognitive and motor rehabilitation. For these application scenarios, the report illustrates the state of play in terms of scientific advances, available products and research project. The open challenges are also highlighted. The report ends with an overview of the challenges, the hindrances and the opportunities posed by the uptake in real world settings of AAL technologies. In this respect, the report illustrates the current procedural and technological approaches to cope with acceptability, usability and trust in the AAL technology, by surveying strategies and approaches to co-design, to privacy preservation in video and audio data, to transparency and explainability in data processing, and to data transmission and communication. User acceptance and ethical considerations are also debated. Finally, the potentials coming from the silver economy are overviewed.publishedVersio