61 research outputs found

    Generation of cubic graphs

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    We describe a new algorithm for the efficient generation of all non-isomorphic connected cubic graphs. Our implementation of this algorithm is more than 4 times faster than previous generators. The generation can also be efficiently restricted to cubic graphs with girth at least 4 or 5

    Generation of Cubic Graphs

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    We describe a new algorithm for the efficient generation of all non-isomorphic connected cubic graphs. Our implementation of this algorithm is more than 4 times faster than previous generators. The generation can also be efficiently restricted to cubic graphs with girth at least 4 or 5

    Generation of cubic graphs and snarks with large girth

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    We describe two new algorithms for the generation of all non-isomorphic cubic graphs with girth at least k≥5k\ge 5 which are very efficient for 5≤k≤75\le k \le 7 and show how these algorithms can be efficiently restricted to generate snarks with girth at least kk. Our implementation of these algorithms is more than 30, respectively 40 times faster than the previously fastest generator for cubic graphs with girth at least 6 and 7, respectively. Using these generators we have also generated all non-isomorphic snarks with girth at least 6 up to 38 vertices and show that there are no snarks with girth at least 7 up to 42 vertices. We present and analyse the new list of snarks with girth 6.Comment: 27 pages (including appendix

    On the smallest snarks with oddness 4 and connectivity 2

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    A snark is a bridgeless cubic graph which is not 3-edge-colourable. The oddness of a bridgeless cubic graph is the minimum number of odd components in any 2-factor of the graph. Lukot'ka, M\'acajov\'a, Maz\'ak and \v{S}koviera showed in [Electron. J. Combin. 22 (2015)] that the smallest snark with oddness 4 has 28 vertices and remarked that there are exactly two such graphs of that order. However, this remark is incorrect as -- using an exhaustive computer search -- we show that there are in fact three snarks with oddness 4 on 28 vertices. In this note we present the missing snark and also determine all snarks with oddness 4 up to 34 vertices.Comment: 5 page

    House of Graphs: a database of interesting graphs

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    In this note we present House of Graphs (http://hog.grinvin.org) which is a new database of graphs. The key principle is to have a searchable database and offer -- next to complete lists of some graph classes -- also a list of special graphs that already turned out to be interesting and relevant in the study of graph theoretic problems or as counterexamples to conjectures. This list can be extended by users of the database.Comment: 8 pages; added a figur

    Cuts in matchings of 3-connected cubic graphs

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    We discuss conjectures on Hamiltonicity in cubic graphs (Tait, Barnette, Tutte), on the dichromatic number of planar oriented graphs (Neumann-Lara), and on even graphs in digraphs whose contraction is strongly connected (Hochst\"attler). We show that all of them fit into the same framework related to cuts in matchings. This allows us to find a counterexample to the conjecture of Hochst\"attler and show that the conjecture of Neumann-Lara holds for all planar graphs on at most 26 vertices. Finally, we state a new conjecture on bipartite cubic oriented graphs, that naturally arises in this setting.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Improved expositio

    Products of distance degree regular and distance degree injective graphs.

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    The eccentricity e (u) of a vertex u is the maximum distance of u to any other vertex in G. The distance degree sequence (dds) of a vertex v in a graph G = (V, E) is a list of the number of vertices at distance 1, 2, …, e (u) in that order, where e (u) denotes the eccentricity of u in G. Thus the sequence is the dds of the vertex vi in G where denotes number of vertices at distance j from Vi . A graph is distance degree regular (DDR) graph if all vertices have the same dds. A graph is distance degree injective (DDI) graph if no two vertices have same dds. In this paper we consider Cartesian and normal products of DDR and DDI graphs. Some structural results have been obtained along with some characterizations
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