85,080 research outputs found

    Generating Non-redundant Multilevel Association Rules Using Min-max Exact Rules

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    Association Rule mining plays an important role in the discovery of knowledge and information. Association Rule mining discovers huge number of rules for any dataset for different support and confidence values, among this many of them are redundant, especially in the case of multi-level datasets. Mining non-redundant Association Rules in multi-level dataset is a big concern in field of Data mining. In this paper, we present a definition for redundancy and a concise representation called Reliable Exact basis for representing non-redundant Association Rules from multi-level datasets. The given non-redundant Association Rules are loss less representation for any datasets

    Non-redundant sequential association rule mining based on closed sequential patterns

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    In many applications, e.g., bioinformatics, web access traces, system utilisation logs, etc., the data is naturally in the form of sequences. People have taken great interest in analysing the sequential data and finding the inherent characteristics or relationships within the data. Sequential association rule mining is one of the possible methods used to analyse this data. As conventional sequential association rule mining very often generates a huge number of association rules, of which many are redundant, it is desirable to find a solution to get rid of those unnecessary association rules. Because of the complexity and temporal ordered characteristics of sequential data, current research on sequential association rule mining is limited. Although several sequential association rule prediction models using either sequence constraints or temporal constraints have been proposed, none of them considered the redundancy problem in rule mining. The main contribution of this research is to propose a non-redundant association rule mining method based on closed frequent sequences and minimal sequential generators. We also give a definition for the non-redundant sequential rules, which are sequential rules with minimal antecedents but maximal consequents. A new algorithm called CSGM (closed sequential and generator mining) for generating closed sequences and minimal sequential generators is also introduced. A further experiment has been done to compare the performance of generating non-redundant sequential rules and full sequential rules, meanwhile, performance evaluation of our CSGM and other closed sequential pattern mining or generator mining algorithms has also been conducted. We also use generated non-redundant sequential rules for query expansion in order to improve recommendations for infrequently purchased products

    Generating a condensed representation for association rules

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    International audienceAssociation rule extraction from operational datasets often produces several tens of thousands, and even millions, of association rules. Moreover, many of these rules are redundant and thus useless. Using a semantic based on the closure of the Galois connection, we define a condensed representation for association rules. This representation is characterized by frequent closed itemsets and their generators. It contains the non-redundant association rules having minimal antecedent and maximal consequent, called min-max association rules. We think that these rules are the most relevant since they are the most general non-redundant association rules. Furthermore, this representation is a basis, i.e., a generating set for all association rules, their supports and their confidences, and all of them can be retrieved needless accessing the data. We introduce algorithms for extracting this basis and for reconstructing all association rules. Results of experiments carried out on real datasets show the usefulness of this approach. In order to generate this basis when an algorithm for extracting frequent itemsets—such as Apriori for instance—is used, we also present an algorithm for deriving frequent closed itemsets and their generators from frequent itemsets without using the dataset

    Mining the smallest association rule set for predictions

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Mining transaction databases for association rules usually generates a large number of rules, most of which are unnecessary when used for subsequent prediction. In this paper we define a rule set for a given transaction database that is much smaller than the association rule set but makes the same predictions as the association rule set by the confidence priority. We call this subset the informative rule set. The informative rule set is not constrained to particular target items; and it is smaller than the non-redundant association rule set. We present an algorithm to directly generate the informative rule set, i.e., without generating all frequent itemsets first, and that accesses the database less often than other unconstrained direct methods. We show experimentally that the informative rule set is much smaller than both the association rule set and the non-redundant association rule set, and that it can be generated more efficiently

    Mining for Useful Association Rules Using the ATMS

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    Association rule mining has made many achievements in the area of knowledge discovery in databases. Recent years, the quality of the extracted association rules has drawn more and more attention from researchers in data mining community. One big concern is with the size of the extracted rule set. Very often tens of thousands of association rules are extracted among which many are redundant thus useless. In this paper, we first analyze the redundancy problem in association rules and then propose a novel ATMS-based method for extracting non-redundant association rules

    Evaluation and optimization of frequent association rule based classification

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    Deriving useful and interesting rules from a data mining system is an essential and important task. Problems such as the discovery of random and coincidental patterns or patterns with no significant values, and the generation of a large volume of rules from a database commonly occur. Works on sustaining the interestingness of rules generated by data mining algorithms are actively and constantly being examined and developed. In this paper, a systematic way to evaluate the association rules discovered from frequent itemset mining algorithms, combining common data mining and statistical interestingness measures, and outline an appropriated sequence of usage is presented. The experiments are performed using a number of real-world datasets that represent diverse characteristics of data/items, and detailed evaluation of rule sets is provided. Empirical results show that with a proper combination of data mining and statistical analysis, the framework is capable of eliminating a large number of non-significant, redundant and contradictive rules while preserving relatively valuable high accuracy and coverage rules when used in the classification problem. Moreover, the results reveal the important characteristics of mining frequent itemsets, and the impact of confidence measure for the classification task
