1,057 research outputs found

    Fast, Accurate and Detailed NoC Simulations

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    Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures have a wide variety of parameters that can be adapted to the designer's requirements. Fast exploration of this parameter space is only possible at a high-level and several methods have been proposed. Cycle and bit accurate simulation is necessary when the actual router's RTL description needs to be evaluated and verified. However, extensive simulation of the NoC architecture with cycle and bit accuracy is prohibitively time consuming. In this paper we describe a simulation method to simulate large parallel homogeneous and heterogeneous network-on-chips on a single FPGA. The method is especially suitable for parallel systems where lengthy cycle and bit accurate simulations are required. As a case study, we use a NoC that was modelled and simulated in SystemC. We simulate the same NoC on the described FPGA simulator. This enables us to observe the NoC behavior under a large variety of traffic patterns. Compared with the SystemC simulation we achieved a speed-up of 80-300, without compromising the cycle and bit level accuracy

    Control Plane Hardware Design for Optical Packet Switched Data Centre Networks

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    Optical packet switching for intra-data centre networks is key to addressing traffic requirements. Photonic integration and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) can overcome bandwidth limits in switching systems. A promising technology to build a nanosecond-reconfigurable photonic-integrated switch, compatible with WDM, is the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). SOAs are typically used as gating elements in a broadcast-and-select (B\&S) configuration, to build an optical crossbar switch. For larger-size switching, a three-stage Clos network, based on crossbar nodes, is a viable architecture. However, the design of the switch control plane, is one of the barriers to packet switching; it should run on packet timescales, which becomes increasingly challenging as line rates get higher. The scheduler, used for the allocation of switch paths, limits control clock speed. To this end, the research contribution was the design of highly parallel hardware schedulers for crossbar and Clos network switches. On a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), the minimum scheduler clock period achieved was 5.0~ns and 5.4~ns, for a 32-port crossbar and Clos switch, respectively. By using parallel path allocation modules, one per Clos node, a minimum clock period of 7.0~ns was achieved, for a 256-port switch. For scheduler application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) synthesis, this reduces to 2.0~ns; a record result enabling scalable packet switching. Furthermore, the control plane was demonstrated experimentally. Moreover, a cycle-accurate network emulator was developed to evaluate switch performance. Results showed a switch saturation throughput at a traffic load 60\% of capacity, with sub-microsecond packet latency, for a 256-port Clos switch, outperforming state-of-the-art optical packet switches

    Dual Data Rate Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are becoming increasing important for the performance of modern multi-core systems-on-chip. The performance of current NoCs is limited, among others, by two factors: their limited clock frequency and long router pipeline. The clock frequency of a network defines the limits of its saturation throughput. However, for high throughput routers, clock is constrained by the control logic (for virtual channel and switch allocation) whereas the datapath (crossbar switch and links) possesses significant slack. This slack in the datapath wastes network throughput potential. Secondly, routers require flits to go through a large number of pipeline stages increasing packet latency at low traffic loads. These stages include router resource allocation, switch traversal (ST) and link traversal (LT). The allocation stages are used to manage contention among flits attempting to simultaneously access switch and links, and the ST stage is needed to change the routing dimension. In some cases, these stages are not needed and then requiring flits to go through them increases packet latency. The aim of this thesis is to improve NoC performance, in terms of network throughput, by removing the slack in the router datapath, and in terms of average packet latency, by enabling incoming flits to bypass, when possible, allocation and ST stages. More precisely, this thesis introduces Dual Data-Rate (DDR) NoC architectures which exploit the slack present in the NoC datapath to operate it at DDR. This requires a clock with period twice the datapath delay and removes the control logic from the critical path. DDR datapaths enable throughput higher than existing single data-rate (SDR) networks where the clock period is defined by the control logic. Additionally, this thesis supplements DDR NoC architectures with varying levels of pipeline stage bypassing capabilities to reduce low-load packet latency. In order to avoid complex logic required for bypassing from all inputs to all outputs, this thesis implements and evaluates a simplified bypassing approach. DDR NoC routers support bypassing of the allocation stage for flits propagating an in-network straight hop (i.e. East to West, North to South and vice versa) and when entering or exiting the network. Disabling bypassing during XY-turns limits its benefits, but, for most routing algorithms under low traffic loads, flits encounter at most one XY-turn on their way to the destination. Bypassing allocation stage enables incoming flits to directly initiate ST, when required conditions are met, and propagate at one cycle per hop. Furthermore, DDR NoC routers allow flits to bypass the ST stage when propagating a straight hop from the head of a specific input VC. Restricting ST bypassing from a specific VC further simplifies check logic to have clock period defined by datapath delays. Bypassing ST requires dedicated bypass paths from non-local input ports to opposite output ports. It enables flits to propagate half a cycle per hop. This thesis shows that compared to current state-of-the-art SDR NoCs, operating router’s datapath at DDR improves throughput by up to 20%. Adding to a DDR NoC an allocation bypassing mechanism for straight hops reduces its packet latency by up to 45%, while maintaining the DDR throughput advantage. Enhancing allocation bypassing to include flits entering and exiting the network further reduces latency by another 24%. Finally, adding ST bypassing further reduces latency by another 32%. Overall, DDR NoCs offer up to 40% lower latency and about 20% higher throughput compared to the SDR networks

    Algorithm-Hardware Codesign of Fast Parallel Round-Robin Arbiters

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    The Octopus switch

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    This chapter1 discusses the interconnection architecture of the Mobile Digital Companion. The approach to build a low-power handheld multimedia computer presented here is to have autonomous, reconfigurable modules such as network, video and audio devices, interconnected by a switch rather than by a bus, and to offload as much as work as possible from the CPU to programmable modules placed in the data streams. Thus, communication between components is not broadcast over a bus but delivered exactly where it is needed, work is carried out where the data passes through, bypassing the memory. The amount of buffering is minimised, and if it is required at all, it is placed right on the data path, where it is needed. A reconfigurable internal communication network switch called Octopus exploits locality of reference and eliminates wasteful data copies. The switch is implemented as a simplified ATM switch and provides Quality of Service guarantees and enough bandwidth for multimedia applications. We have built a testbed of the architecture, of which we will present performance and energy consumption characteristics
