682 research outputs found

    Nonintegrability, Chaos, and Complexity

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    Two-dimensional driven dissipative flows are generally integrable via a conservation law that is singular at equilibria. Nonintegrable dynamical systems are confined to n*3 dimensions. Even driven-dissipative deterministic dynamical systems that are critical, chaotic or complex have n-1 local time-independent conservation laws that can be used to simplify the geometric picture of the flow over as many consecutive time intervals as one likes. Those conserevation laws generally have either branch cuts, phase singularities, or both. The consequence of the existence of singular conservation laws for experimental data analysis, and also for the search for scale-invariant critical states via uncontrolled approximations in deterministic dynamical systems, is discussed. Finally, the expectation of ubiquity of scaling laws and universality classes in dynamics is contrasted with the possibility that the most interesting dynamics in nature may be nonscaling, nonuniversal, and to some degree computationally complex

    The New Science of Complexity

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    Deterministic chaos, and even maximum computational complexity, have been discovered within Newtonian dynamics. Economists assume that prices and price changes can also obey abstract mathematical laws of motion. Sociologists and other postmodernists advertise that physics and chemistry have outgrown their former limitations, that chaos and complexity provide new holistic paradigms for science, and that the boundaries between the hard and soft sciences, once impenetrable, have disappeared like the Berlin Wall. Three hundred years after the deaths of Galileo, Descartes, and Kepler, and the birth of Newton, reductionism appears to be on the decline, with holistic approaches to science on the upswing. We therefore examine the evidence that dynamical laws of motion may be discovered from empirical studies of chaotic or complex phenomena, and also review the foundation of reductionism in invariance principle

    Discrete one-dimensional piecewise chaotic systems without fixed points

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    Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive feedback.Peer reviewe

    Properties making a chaotic system a good Pseudo Random Number Generator

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    We discuss two properties making a deterministic algorithm suitable to generate a pseudo random sequence of numbers: high value of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and high-dimensionality. We propose the multi dimensional Anosov symplectic (cat) map as a Pseudo Random Number Generator. We show what chaotic features of this map are useful for generating Pseudo Random Numbers and investigate numerically which of them survive in the discrete version of the map. Testing and comparisons with other generators are performed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, new version, title changed and minor correction

    Integrable and Chaotic Systems Associated with Fractal Groups

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    Fractal groups (also called self-similar groups) is the class of groups discovered by the first author in the 80-s of the last century with the purpose to solve some famous problems in mathematics, including the question raising to von Neumann about non-elementary amenability (in the association with studies around the Banach-Tarski Paradox) and John Milnor's question on the existence of groups of intermediate growth between polynomial and exponential. Fractal groups arise in various fields of mathematics, including the theory of random walks, holomorphic dynamics, automata theory, operator algebras, etc. They have relations to the theory of chaos, quasi-crystals, fractals, and random Schr\"odinger operators. One of important developments is the relation of them to the multi-dimensional dynamics, theory of joint spectrum of pencil of operators, and spectral theory of Laplace operator on graphs. The paper gives a quick access to these topics, provide calculation and analysis of multi-dimensional rational maps arising via the Schur complement in some important examples, including the first group of intermediate growth and its overgroup, contains discussion of the dichotomy "integrable-chaotic" in the considered model, and suggests a possible probabilistic approach to the study of discussed problems.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figure