288 research outputs found

    An Extensible "SCHEMA-LESS" Database Framework for Managing High-Throughput Semi-Structured Documents

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    Object-Relational database management system is an integrated hybrid cooperative approach to combine the best practices of both the relational model utilizing SQL queries and the object-oriented, semantic paradigm for supporting complex data creation. In this paper, a highly scalable, information on demand database framework, called NETMARK, is introduced. NETMARK takes advantages of the Oracle 8i object-relational database using physical addresses data types for very efficient keyword search of records spanning across both context and content. NETMARK was originally developed in early 2000 as a research and development prototype to solve the vast amounts of unstructured and semistructured documents existing within NASA enterprises. Today, NETMARK is a flexible, high-throughput open database framework for managing, storing, and searching unstructured or semi-structured arbitrary hierarchal models, such as XML and HTML

    label-based security enforcement for web applications

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    This paper presents SELinks, a programming language focused on building secure multi-tier web applications. SE-Links provides a uniform programming model, in the style of LINQ and Ruby on Rails, with language syntax for accessing objects residing either in the database or at the server. Object-level security policies are expressed as fullycustomizable, first-class labels which may themselves be subject to security policies. Access to labeled data is mediated via trusted, user-provided policy enforcement functions. SELinks has two novel features that ensure security policies are enforced correctly and efficiently. First, SELinks implements a type system called Fable that allows a protected object’s type to refer to its protecting label. The type system can check that labeled data is never accessed directly by the program without first consulting the appropriate policy enforcement function. Second, SELinks compiles policy enforcement code to database-resident user-defined functions that can be called directly during query processing. Database-side checking avoids transferring data to the server needlessly, while still allowing policies to be expressed in a customizable and portable manner. Our experience with two sizable web applications, a model health-care database and a secure wiki with fine-grained security policies, indicates that cross-tier policy enforcement in SELinks is flexible, relatively easy to use, and, when compared to a single-tier approach, improves throughput by nearly an order of magnitude. SELinks is freely available

    Tools for loading MEDLINE into a local relational database

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers who use MEDLINE for text mining, information extraction, or natural language processing may benefit from having a copy of MEDLINE that they can manage locally. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) distributes MEDLINE in eXtensible Markup Language (XML)-formatted text files, but it is difficult to query MEDLINE in that format. We have developed software tools to parse the MEDLINE data files and load their contents into a relational database. Although the task is conceptually straightforward, the size and scope of MEDLINE make the task nontrivial. Given the increasing importance of text analysis in biology and medicine, we believe a local installation of MEDLINE will provide helpful computing infrastructure for researchers. RESULTS: We developed three software packages that parse and load MEDLINE, and ran each package to install separate instances of the MEDLINE database. For each installation, we collected data on loading time and disk-space utilization to provide examples of the process in different settings. Settings differed in terms of commercial database-management system (IBM DB2 or Oracle 9i), processor (Intel or Sun), programming language of installation software (Java or Perl), and methods employed in different versions of the software. The loading times for the three installations were 76 hours, 196 hours, and 132 hours, and disk-space utilization was 46.3 GB, 37.7 GB, and 31.6 GB, respectively. Loading times varied due to a variety of differences among the systems. Loading time also depended on whether data were written to intermediate files or not, and on whether input files were processed in sequence or in parallel. Disk-space utilization depended on the number of MEDLINE files processed, amount of indexing, and whether abstracts were stored as character large objects or truncated. CONCLUSIONS: Relational database (RDBMS) technology supports indexing and querying of very large datasets, and can accommodate a locally stored version of MEDLINE. RDBMS systems support a wide range of queries and facilitate certain tasks that are not directly supported by the application programming interface to PubMed. Because there is variation in hardware, software, and network infrastructures across sites, we cannot predict the exact time required for a user to load MEDLINE, but our results suggest that performance of the software is reasonable. Our database schemas and conversion software are publicly available at

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOver 40 years ago, the first computer simulation of a protein was reported: the atomic motions of a 58 amino acid protein were simulated for few picoseconds. With today's supercomputers, simulations of large biomolecular systems with hundreds of thousands of atoms can reach biologically significant timescales. Through dynamics information biomolecular simulations can provide new insights into molecular structure and function to support the development of new drugs or therapies. While the recent advances in high-performance computing hardware and computational methods have enabled scientists to run longer simulations, they also created new challenges for data management. Investigators need to use local and national resources to run these simulations and store their output, which can reach terabytes of data on disk. Because of the wide variety of computational methods and software packages available to the community, no standard data representation has been established to describe the computational protocol and the output of these simulations, preventing data sharing and collaboration. Data exchange is also limited due to the lack of repositories and tools to summarize, index, and search biomolecular simulation datasets. In this dissertation a common data model for biomolecular simulations is proposed to guide the design of future databases and APIs. The data model was then extended to a controlled vocabulary that can be used in the context of the semantic web. Two different approaches to data management are also proposed. The iBIOMES repository offers a distributed environment where input and output files are indexed via common data elements. The repository includes a dynamic web interface to summarize, visualize, search, and download published data. A simpler tool, iBIOMES Lite, was developed to generate summaries of datasets hosted at remote sites where user privileges and/or IT resources might be limited. These two informatics-based approaches to data management offer new means for the community to keep track of distributed and heterogeneous biomolecular simulation data and create collaborative networks

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI 2015)

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    The goal of the DSLDI workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in sharing ideas on how DSLs should be designed, implemented, supported by tools, and applied in realistic application contexts. We are both interested in discovering how already known domains such as graph processing or machine learning can be best supported by DSLs, but also in exploring new domains that could be targeted by DSLs. More generally, we are interested in building a community that can drive forward the development of modern DSLs. These informal post-proceedings contain the submitted talk abstracts to the 3rd DSLDI workshop (DSLDI'15), and a summary of the panel discussion on Language Composition

    Cracking the 500-Language Problem

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    Natural language interface to relational database: a simplified customization approach

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    Natural language interfaces to databases (NLIDB) allow end-users with no knowledge of a formal language like SQL to query databases. One of the main open problems currently investigated is the development of NLIDB systems that are easily portable across several domains. The present study focuses on the development and evaluation of methods allowing to simplify customization of NLIDB targeting relational databases without sacrificing coverage and accuracy. This goal is approached by the introduction of two authoring frameworks that aim to reduce the workload required to port a NLIDB to a new domain. The first authoring approach is called top-down; it assumes the existence of a corpus of unannotated natural language sample questions used to pre-harvest key lexical terms to simplify customization. The top-down approach further reduces the configuration workload by autoincluding the semantics for negative form of verbs, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in the configuration model. The second authoring approach introduced is bottom-up; it explores the possibility of building a configuration model with no manual customization using the information from the database schema and an off-the-shelf dictionary. The evaluation of the prototype system with geo-query, a benchmark query corpus, has shown that the top-down approach significantly reduces the customization workload: 93% of the entries defining the meaning of verbs and adjectives which represents the hard work has been automatically generated by the system; only 26 straightforward mappings and 3 manual definitions of meaning were required for customization. The top-down approach answered correctly 74.5 % of the questions. The bottom-up approach, however, has correctly answered only 1/3 of the questions due to insufficient lexicon and missing semantics. The use of an external lexicon did not improve the system's accuracy. The bottom-up model has nevertheless correctly answered 3/4 of the 105 simple retrieval questions in the query corpus not requiring nesting. Therefore, the bottom-up approach can be useful to build an initial lightweight configuration model that can be incrementally refined by using the failed queries to train a topdown model for example. The experimental results for top-down suggest that it is indeed possible to construct a portable NLIDB that reduces the configuration effort while maintaining a decent coverage and accuracy

    X-Databases - The Integration of XML into Enterprise Database Management Systems

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    An examination of how the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and database management systems (DBMS) fit together, and current approaches to providing database technologies that support XML. Analysis of how XML is being deployed in four classes of XML Database (X-Database) applications provides a basis for understanding the direction of X-Database technology and associated standards. In a simple implementation, an XML Document Type Definition (DTD) is mapped to relational structures, and XML data are stored in a DBMS (Oracle8i). Sample queries are presented to retrieve XML from the database. A middleware tool (XSQL Java Servlet) is used to transform query results into records on a Web page. The results demonstrate that relational databases require data to be rigidly mapped to relational structures. The paper concludes by exploring future challenges to integrating XML and DTDs with X-Databases, which establishes the need for a more "native" integration approach
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