5 research outputs found


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    CMS (Content Management System) merupakan salah satu aplikasi web yang memungkinkan penggunanya membuat website sendiri tanpa harus menguasai bahasa pemrograman. Lokomedia merupakan CMS buatan Indonesia yang saat ini banyak dikenal dan digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia untuk berbagai keperluan. Melalui buku – buku yang ditulis oleh pembuatnya, menjadikan CMS ini mudah untuk dipelajari dan dikembangkan oleh para pencintanya. Namun dalam perkembangannya, Lokomedia saat ini belum menggunakan sistem plugin seperti Wordpress dimana website yang akan dibagun terkoneksi dengan plugin store sehingga pengguna dengan mudah menambahkan plugin atau modul yang diinginkan tanpa melakukan konfigurasi, hal tersebut menuntut pengguna harus memahami arsitektur CMS dan mengerti bahasa pemrograman web untuk menambahkan modul baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan model proses pengembangan sistem Modified Waterfall diawali dengan tahap analisis definisi persyaratan yaitu analisis kebutuhan dan merekayasa pengetahuan. Dilanjutkan dengan perancangan sistem dan perangkat lunak yaitu perancangan proses dan perancangan interface. Kemudian implementasi dan pengujian unit. Setelah itu sampai pada tahap terakhir yaitu integrasi pengujian sistem menggunakan metode black box test dan beta test. Aplikasi ini menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman. Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan aplikasi generator modul untuk mempermudah pengembangan sistem berbasis web. Aplikasi ini memiliki tiga langkah perancangan dan pada ahirnya menghasilkan kode program modul sesuai perancangan yang dilakukan, sehingga dapat mempercepat pembuatan modul dan meminimalkan kesalahan pengetikan kode program. Hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa aplikasi layak dan dapat digunakan. Kata Kunci : Generator Modul, Penghasil Modul, Penghasil Kode Program Modul, CMS Lokomedia

    Relationship between Module Size, Alternative Cost and Bugs

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    Selle lõputöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kas alternatiivkulu (AC) ja mooduli suurus viivad suurema vigade arvuni tarkvaraprojektis. Kasutades nelja tarkvaraprojekti – JQuery, Font-Awesome, ReactJS ja Atom – versiooniajaloost ja vearaportitest eraldatud andmeid, arvutame me nende alternatiivkulud. Seejärel kasutame me Kendalli korrelatsiooni, et uurida AC ja vigade ning mooduli suuruse (mõõdetuna koodiridades) ja vigade vahelise seose tugevust. Me leidsime, et moodulite suuruse ja vigade vahel on tugev korrelatsioon kõigis neljas tarkvaraprojektis. Samas AC ja vigade vaheline seos jäi tõendamata. Oma uurimusest järeldame, et tarkvaraprojekti kvaliteeditagamise tegevuste käigus tuleks suurtele moodulitele pöörata rohkem tähelepanu. Alternatiivkulu ei ole oluline vigade asukoha tuvastamiseks.The aim of this thesis is to find out if Alternative Cost (AC) and size of modules lead to more bugs in a software project. Using the historical churn extracted from revisions data and bug reports data retrieved from four software projects namely, JQuery, Font-Awesome, ReactJS, and Atom, we calculate their AC. After which we use Kendall correlation to investigate the strength of association between AC and bugs, and module size (measured in Lines of Code) and bugs. We find a strong association between size of modules in all four software projects and bugs existing in them, while that of AC and bugs remain inconclusive. From our investigation, we conclude that when quality assurance activities are performed on a software project, modules with larger size should be given more attention. On the other hand, using our result, Alternative Cost is not relevant for bugs localization

    Model driven language engineering

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    Modeling is a most important exercise in software engineering and development and one of the current practices is object-oriented (OO) modeling. The Object Management Group (OMG) has defined a standard object-oriented modeling language the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The OMG is not only interested in modeling languages; its primary aim is to enable easy integration of software systems and components using vendor-neutral technologies. This thesis investigates the possibilities for designing and implementing modeling frameworks and transformation languages that operate on models and to explore the validation of source and target models. Specifically, we will focus on OO models used in OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which can be expressed in terms of UML terms (e.g. classes and associations). The thesis presents the Kent Modeling Framework (KMF), a modeling framework that we developed, and describes how this framework can be used to generate a modeling tool from a model. It then proceeds to describe the customization of the generated code, in particular the definition of methods that allows a rapid and repeatable instantiation of a model. Model validation should include not only checking the well-formedness using OCL constraints, but also the evaluation of model quality. Software metrics are useful means for evaluating the quality of both software development processes and software products. As models are used to drive the entire software development process it is unlikely that high quality software will be obtained using low quality models. The thesis presents a methodology supported by KMF that uses the UML specification to compute the design metrics at an early stage of software development. The thesis presents a transformation language called YATL (Yet Another Transformation Language), which was designed and implemented to support the features provided by OMG's Request For Proposal and the future QVT standard. YATL is a hybrid language (a mix of declarative and imperative constructions) designed to answer the Query/Views/Transformations Request For Proposals issued by OMG and to express model transformations as required by the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach. Several examples of model transformations, which have been implemented using YATL and the support provided by KMF, are presented. These experiments investigate different knowledge areas as programming languages, visual diagrams and distributed systems. YATL was used to implement the following transformations: * UML to Java mapping * Spider diagrams to OCL mapping * EDOC to Web ServicesEThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Model driven language engineering

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    Modeling is a most important exercise in software engineering and development and one of the current practices is object-oriented (OO) modeling. The Object Management Group (OMG) has defined a standard object-oriented modeling language the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The OMG is not only interested in modeling languages; its primary aim is to enable easy integration of software systems and components using vendor-neutral technologies. This thesis investigates the possibilities for designing and implementing modeling frameworks and transformation languages that operate on models and to explore the validation of source and target models. Specifically, we will focus on OO models used in OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which can be expressed in terms of UML terms (e.g. classes and associations). The thesis presents the Kent Modeling Framework (KMF), a modeling framework that we developed, and describes how this framework can be used to generate a modeling tool from a model. It then proceeds to describe the customization of the generated code, in particular the definition of methods that allows a rapid and repeatable instantiation of a model. Model validation should include not only checking the well-formedness using OCL constraints, but also the evaluation of model quality. Software metrics are useful means for evaluating the quality of both software development processes and software products. As models are used to drive the entire software development process it is unlikely that high quality software will be obtained using low quality models. The thesis presents a methodology supported by KMF that uses the UML specification to compute the design metrics at an early stage of software development. The thesis presents a transformation language called YATL (Yet Another Transformation Language), which was designed and implemented to support the features provided by OMG's Request For Proposal and the future QVT standard. YATL is a hybrid language (a mix of declarative and imperative constructions) designed to answer the Query/Views/Transformations Request For Proposals issued by OMG and to express model transformations as required by the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach. Several examples of model transformations, which have been implemented using YATL and the support provided by KMF, are presented. These experiments investigate different knowledge areas as programming languages, visual diagrams and distributed systems. YATL was used to implement the following transformations: * UML to Java mapping * Spider diagrams to OCL mapping * EDOC to Web Service