335 research outputs found

    Generalized transversality conditions in fractional calculus of variations

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    Problems of calculus of variations with variable endpoints cannot be solved without transversality conditions. Here, we establish such type of conditions for fractional variational problems with the Caputo derivative. We consider: the Bolza-type fractional variational problem, the fractional variational problem with a Lagrangian that may also depend on the unspecified end-point phi(b), where x = phi(t) is a given curve, and the infinite horizon fractional variational problem. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Variable-Order Fractional Calculus of Variations

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    This book intends to deepen the study of the fractional calculus, giving special emphasis to variable-order operators. It is organized in two parts, as follows. In the first part, we review the basic concepts of fractional calculus (Chapter 1) and of the fractional calculus of variations (Chapter 2). In Chapter 1, we start with a brief overview about fractional calculus and an introduction to the theory of some special functions in fractional calculus. Then, we recall several fractional operators (integrals and derivatives) definitions and some properties of the considered fractional derivatives and integrals are introduced. In the end of this chapter, we review integration by parts formulas for different operators. Chapter 2 presents a short introduction to the classical calculus of variations and review different variational problems, like the isoperimetric problems or problems with variable endpoints. In the end of this chapter, we introduce the theory of the fractional calculus of variations and some fractional variational problems with variable-order. In the second part, we systematize some new recent results on variable-order fractional calculus of (Tavares, Almeida and Torres, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018). In Chapter 3, considering three types of fractional Caputo derivatives of variable-order, we present new approximation formulas for those fractional derivatives and prove upper bound formulas for the errors. In Chapter 4, we introduce the combined Caputo fractional derivative of variable-order and corresponding higher-order operators. Some properties are also given. Then, we prove fractional Euler-Lagrange equations for several types of fractional problems of the calculus of variations, with or without constraints.Comment: The final authenticated version of this preprint is available online as a SpringerBrief in Applied Sciences and Technology at [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94006-9]. In this version some typos, detected by the authors while reading the galley proofs, were corrected, SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer, Cham, 201

    Fractional Euler-Lagrange differential equations via Caputo derivatives

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    We review some recent results of the fractional variational calculus. Necessary optimality conditions of Euler-Lagrange type for functionals with a Lagrangian containing left and right Caputo derivatives are given. Several problems are considered: with fixed or free boundary conditions, and in presence of integral constraints that also depend on Caputo derivatives.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will appear as Chapter 9 of the book Fractional Dynamics and Control, D. Baleanu et al. (eds.), Springer New York, 2012, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-0457-6_9, in pres

    Fractional variational calculus for nondifferentiable functions

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    We prove necessary optimality conditions, in the class of continuous functions, for variational problems defined with Jumarie's modified Riemann-Liouville derivative. The fractional basic problem of the calculus of variations with free boundary conditions is considered, as well as problems with isoperimetric and holonomic constraints.Comment: Submitted 13-Aug-2010; revised 24-Nov-2010; accepted 28-March-2011; for publication in Computers and Mathematics with Application

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for the fractional calculus of variations with Caputo derivatives

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    We prove optimality conditions for different variational functionals containing left and right Caputo fractional derivatives. A sufficient condition of minimization under an appropriate convexity assumption is given. An Euler-Lagrange equation for functionals where the lower and upper bounds of the integral are distinct of the bounds of the Caputo derivative is also proved. Then, the fractional isoperimetric problem is formulated with an integral constraint also containing Caputo derivatives. Normal and abnormal extremals are considered.Comment: Submitted 6/March/2010 to Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation; revised 12/July/2010; accepted for publication 16/July/201

    The generalized natural boundary conditions for fractional variational problems in terms of the Caputo derivative

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    This paper presents necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for problems of the fractional calculus of variations with a Lagrangian depending on the free end-points. The fractional derivatives are defined in the sense of Caputo.Comment: Accepted (19 February 2010) for publication in Computers and Mathematics with Application

    A survey on fractional variational calculus

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    Main results and techniques of the fractional calculus of variations are surveyed. We consider variational problems containing Caputo derivatives and study them using both indirect and direct methods. In particular, we provide necessary optimality conditions of Euler-Lagrange type for the fundamental, higher-order, and isoperimetric problems, and compute approximated solutions based on truncated Gr\"{u}nwald--Letnikov approximations of Caputo derivatives.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is in 'Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications. Vol 1: Basic Theory', De Gruyter. Submitted 29-March-2018; accepted, after a revision, 13-June-201

    Fractional variational problems with the Riesz-Caputo derivative

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    In this paper we investigate optimality conditions for fractional variational problems, with a Lagrangian depending on the Riesz-Caputo derivative. First we prove a generalized Euler-Lagrange equation for the case when the interval of integration of the functional is different from the interval of the fractional derivative. Next we consider integral dynamic constraints on the problem, for several different cases. Finally, we determine optimality conditions for functionals depending not only on the admissible functions, but on time also, and we present a necessary condition for a pair function-time to be an optimal solution to the problem. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.FCTCIDM