423 research outputs found

    Generalized Counterexamples to Liveness Properties

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    Abstract-We consider generalized counterexamples in the context of liveness property checking. A generalized counterexample comprises only a subset of values necessary to establish the existence of a concrete counterexample. While useful in various ways even for safety properties, the length of a generalized liveness counterexample may be exponentially shorter than that of a concrete counterexample, entailing significant potential algorithmic benefits. One application of this concept extends the k-LIVENESS proof technique of [1] to enable failure detection. The resulting algorithm is simple, and poses negligible overhead to k-LIVENESS in practice. We additionally propose dedicated algorithms to search for generalized liveness counterexamples, and to manipulate generalized counterexamples to and from concrete ones. Experiments confirm the capability of these techniques to detect failures more efficiently than existing techniques for various benchmarks

    Stop It, and Be Stubborn!

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    A system is AG EF terminating, if and only if from every reachable state, a terminal state is reachable. This publication argues that it is beneficial for both catching non-progress errors and stubborn set state space reduction to try to make verification models AG EF terminating. An incorrect mutual exclusion algorithm is used as an example. The error does not manifest itself, unless the first action of the customers is modelled differently from other actions. An appropriate method is to add an alternative first action that models the customer stopping for good. This method typically makes the model AG EF terminating. If the model is AG EF terminating, then the basic strong stubborn set method preserves safety and some progress properties without any additional condition for solving the ignoring problem. Furthermore, whether the model is AG EF terminating can be checked efficiently from the reduced state space

    The JKind Model Checker

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    JKind is an open-source industrial model checker developed by Rockwell Collins and the University of Minnesota. JKind uses multiple parallel engines to prove or falsify safety properties of infinite state models. It is portable, easy to install, performance competitive with other state-of-the-art model checkers, and has features designed to improve the results presented to users: inductive validity cores for proofs and counterexample smoothing for test-case generation. It serves as the back-end for various industrial applications.Comment: CAV 201

    Synthesis of Parametric Programs using Genetic Programming and Model Checking

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    Formal methods apply algorithms based on mathematical principles to enhance the reliability of systems. It would only be natural to try to progress from verification, model checking or testing a system against its formal specification into constructing it automatically. Classical algorithmic synthesis theory provides interesting algorithms but also alarming high complexity and undecidability results. The use of genetic programming, in combination with model checking and testing, provides a powerful heuristic to synthesize programs. The method is not completely automatic, as it is fine tuned by a user that sets up the specification and parameters. It also does not guarantee to always succeed and converge towards a solution that satisfies all the required properties. However, we applied it successfully on quite nontrivial examples and managed to find solutions to hard programming challenges, as well as to improve and to correct code. We describe here several versions of our method for synthesizing sequential and concurrent systems.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2013, arXiv:1402.661

    Verification and Planning Based on Coinductive Logic Programming

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    Coinduction is a powerful technique for reasoning about unfounded sets, unbounded structures, infinite automata, and interactive computations [6]. Where induction corresponds to least fixed point's semantics, coinduction corresponds to greatest fixed point semantics. Recently coinduction has been incorporated into logic programming and an elegant operational semantics developed for it [11, 12]. This operational semantics is the greatest fix point counterpart of SLD resolution (SLD resolution imparts operational semantics to least fix point based computations) and is termed co- SLD resolution. In co-SLD resolution, a predicate goal p( t) succeeds if it unifies with one of its ancestor calls. In addition, rational infinite terms are allowed as arguments of predicates. Infinite terms are represented as solutions to unification equations and the occurs check is omitted during the unification process. Coinductive Logic Programming (Co-LP) and Co-SLD resolution can be used to elegantly perform model checking and planning. A combined SLD and Co-SLD resolution based LP system forms the common basis for planning, scheduling, verification, model checking, and constraint solving [9, 4]. This is achieved by amalgamating SLD resolution, co-SLD resolution, and constraint logic programming [13] in a single logic programming system. Given that parallelism in logic programs can be implicitly exploited [8], complex, compute-intensive applications (planning, scheduling, model checking, etc.) can be executed in parallel on multi-core machines. Parallel execution can result in speed-ups as well as in larger instances of the problems being solved. In the remainder we elaborate on (i) how planning can be elegantly and efficiently performed under real-time constraints, (ii) how real-time systems can be elegantly and efficiently model- checked, as well as (iii) how hybrid systems can be verified in a combined system with both co-SLD and SLD resolution. Implementations of co-SLD resolution as well as preliminary implementations of the planning and verification applications have been developed [4]. Co-LP and Model Checking: The vast majority of properties that are to be verified can be classified into safety properties and liveness properties. It is well known within model checking that safety properties can be verified by reachability analysis, i.e, if a counter-example to the property exists, it can be finitely determined by enumerating all the reachable states of the Kripke structure

    Synthesis of Distributed Algorithms with Parameterized Threshold Guards

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    Hypertesting:The Case for Automated Testing of Hyperproperties

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    Abstract. Proof systems give absolute guarantees but are notoriously difficult to use for non-experts. Bug-finding tools make no completeness guarantees but offer a high degree of automation and are relatively easy to use for developers. For safety properties, the effectiveness of automatic test generation and bug finding is well established. For security properties like non-interference, which cannot be expressed as properties of a single program execution (i.e., hyperproperties), methods for testing and bug finding are in their infancy. In general, violations of hyperproperties cannot be expressed with a single test case like safety properties, so existing bug finding methods do not apply. This paper takes the position that we should fill this gap in the arsenal of ver-ification technology and outlines concepts and tools for the next generation of bug finding systems. In particular, we aim to establish a generalized concept for the generation of “hypertests”, sets of tests that either provide some level of con-fidence in the system or give counterexamples to hyperproperties. As concrete instances of hypertesting, we foresee automated testing for violations of secure information flow and of numeric and cryptographic properties of programs.
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