8 research outputs found

    Recasting Residual-based Local Descriptors as Convolutional Neural Networks: an Application to Image Forgery Detection

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    Local descriptors based on the image noise residual have proven extremely effective for a number of forensic applications, like forgery detection and localization. Nonetheless, motivated by promising results in computer vision, the focus of the research community is now shifting on deep learning. In this paper we show that a class of residual-based descriptors can be actually regarded as a simple constrained convolutional neural network (CNN). Then, by relaxing the constraints, and fine-tuning the net on a relatively small training set, we obtain a significant performance improvement with respect to the conventional detector

    Hybrid LSTM and Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries

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    With advanced image journaling tools, one can easily alter the semantic meaning of an image by exploiting certain manipulation techniques such as copy-clone, object splicing, and removal, which mislead the viewers. In contrast, the identification of these manipulations becomes a very challenging task as manipulated regions are not visually apparent. This paper proposes a high-confidence manipulation localization architecture which utilizes resampling features, Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells, and encoder-decoder network to segment out manipulated regions from non-manipulated ones. Resampling features are used to capture artifacts like JPEG quality loss, upsampling, downsampling, rotation, and shearing. The proposed network exploits larger receptive fields (spatial maps) and frequency domain correlation to analyze the discriminative characteristics between manipulated and non-manipulated regions by incorporating encoder and LSTM network. Finally, decoder network learns the mapping from low-resolution feature maps to pixel-wise predictions for image tamper localization. With predicted mask provided by final layer (softmax) of the proposed architecture, end-to-end training is performed to learn the network parameters through back-propagation using ground-truth masks. Furthermore, a large image splicing dataset is introduced to guide the training process. The proposed method is capable of localizing image manipulations at pixel level with high precision, which is demonstrated through rigorous experimentation on three diverse datasets

    General-purpose image forensics using patch likelihood under image statistical models

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a new, conceptually simple and effective forensic method to address both the generality and the fine-grained tampering localization problems of image forensics. Corresponding to each kind of image operation, a rich GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) is learned as the image statistical model for small image patches. Thereafter, the binary classification problem, whether a given image block has been previously processed, can be solved by comparing the average patch log-likelihood values calculated on overlapping image patches under different GMMs of original and processed images. With comparisons to a powerful steganalytic feature, experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method, for multiple image operations, on whole images and small blocks

    RemNet: Remnant Convolutional Neural Network for Camera Model Identification and Image Manipulation Detection

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    Camera model identification (CMI) and image manipulation detection are of paramount importance in image forensics as digitally altered images are becoming increasingly commonplace. In this thesis, we propose a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for performing these two crucial tasks. Our proposed Remnant Convolutional Neural Network (RemNet) is designed with emphasis given on the preprocessing task considered to be inevitable for removing the scene content that heavily obscures the camera model fingerprints and image manipulation artifacts. Unlike the conventional approaches where fixed filters are used for preprocessing, the proposed remnant blocks, when coupled with a classification block and trained end-to-end, learn to suppress the unnecessary image contents dynamically. This helps the classification block extract more robust images forensics features from the remnant of the image. We also propose a variant of the network titled L2-constrained Remnant Convolutional Neural Network (L2-constrained RemNet), where an L2 loss is applied to the output of the preprocessor block, and categorical crossentropy loss is calculated based on the output of the classification block. The whole network is trained in an end-to-end manner by minimizing the total loss, which is a combination of the L2 loss and the categorical crossentropy loss. The whole network, consisting of a preprocessing block and a shallow classification block, when trained on 18 models from the Dresden database, shows 100% accuracy for 16 camera models with an overall accuracy of 98.15% on test images from unseen devices and scenes, outperforming the state-of-the-art deep CNNs used in CMI. Furthermore, the proposed remnant blocks, when cascaded with the existing deep CNNs, e.g., ResNet, DenseNet, boost their performances by a large margin. The proposed approach proves to be very robust in identifying the source camera models, even if the original images are post-processed. It also achieves an overall accuracy of 95.49% on the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2018 dataset, which indicates its generalizability. Furthermore, we attain an overall accuracy of 99.68% in image manipulation detection, which implies that it can be used as a general-purpose network for image forensic tasks

    Photo response non-uniformity based image forensics in the presence of challenging factors

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    With the ever-increasing prevalence of digital imaging devices and the rapid development of networks, the sharing of digital images becomes ubiquitous in our daily life. However, the pervasiveness of powerful image-editing tools also makes the digital images an easy target for malicious manipulations. Thus, to prevent people from falling victims to fake information and trace the criminal activities, digital image forensics methods like source camera identification, source oriented image clustering and image forgery detections have been developed. Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU), which is an intrinsic sensor noise arises due to the pixels non-uniform response to the incident, has been used as a powerful tool for image device fingerprinting. The forensic community has developed a vast number of PRNU-based methods in different fields of digital image forensics. However, with the technology advancement in digital photography, the emergence of photo-sharing social networking sites, as well as the anti-forensics attacks targeting the PRNU, it brings new challenges to PRNU-based image forensics. For example, the performance of the existing forensic methods may deteriorate due to different camera exposure parameter settings and the efficacy of the PRNU-based methods can be directly challenged by image editing tools from social network sites or anti-forensics attacks. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and design effective methods to mitigate some of these challenges on PRNU-based image forensics. We found that the camera exposure parameter settings, especially the camera sensitivity, which is commonly known by the name of the ISO speed, can influence the PRNU-based image forgery detection. Hence, we first construct the Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which contains images taken with diverse exposure parameter settings to facilitate further studies. To address the impact from ISO speed on PRNU-based image forgery detection, an ISO speed-specific correlation prediction process is proposed with a content-based ISO speed inference method to facilitate the process even if the ISO speed information is not available. We also propose a three-step framework to allow the PRNUbased source oriented clustering methods to perform successfully on Instagram images, despite some built-in image filters from Instagram may significantly distort PRNU. Additionally, for the binary classification of detecting whether an image's PRNU is attacked or not, we propose a generative adversarial network-based training strategy for a neural network-based classifier, which makes the classifier generalize better for images subject to unprecedented attacks. The proposed methods are evaluated on public benchmarking datasets and our Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which is released to the public as well. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the methods proposed in this thesis