10 research outputs found

    Convexity and level sets for interval-valued fuzzy sets

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    Convexity is a deeply studied concept since it is very useful in many fields of mathematics, like optimization. When we deal with imprecision, the convexity is required as well and some important applications can be found fuzzy optimization, in particular convexity of fuzzy sets. In this paper we have extended the notion of convexity for interval-valued fuzzy sets in order to be able to cover some wider area of imprecision. We show some of its interesting properties, and study the preservation under the intersection and the cutworthy property. Finally, we applied convexity to decision-making problems.Slovak grant agency VEGAVedecka grantova agentura MSVVaS SR a SAV (VEGA) [1/0150/21]; Spanish Ministry of Science and TechnologySpanish Government [TIN-201787600-P, PGC2018-098623-B-I00]; FICYT [IDI/2018/000176]Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, MICYT: PGC2018-098623-B-I00, TIN-2017-87600-P; Fundación para el Fomento en Asturias de la Investigación Científica Aplicada y la Tecnología, FICYT: IDI/2018/00017

    Neke nove mrežno vrednosne algebarske strukture sa komparativnom analizom različitih pristupa

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    In this work a comparative analysis of several approaches to fuzzy algebraic structures and comparison of previous approaches to the recent one developed at University of  Novi Sad has been done. Special attention is paid to reducts and expansions of algebraic structures in fuzzy settings. Besides mentioning all the relevant algebras and properties developed in this setting, particular new algebras and properties are developed and investigated. Some new structures, in particular Omega Boolean algebras, Omega Boolean lattices and Omega Boolean rings are developed in the framework of omega structures. Equivalences among these structures are elaborated in details. Transfers from Omega groupoids to Omega groups and back are demonstrated. Moreover, normal subgroups are introduced in a particular way. Their connections to congruences are elaborated in this settings. Subgroups, congruences and normal subgroups are investigated for Ω-groups. These are latticevalued algebraic structures, defined on crisp algebras which are not necessarily groups, and in which the classical equality is replaced by a lattice-valued one. A normal Ω-subgroup is defined as a particular class in an Ω-congruence. Our main result is that the quotient groups over cuts of a normal Ω- subgroup of an Ω-group G, are classical normal subgroups of the corresponding quotient groups over G. We also describe the minimal normal Ω-subgroup of an Ω-group, and some other constructions related to Ω-valued congruences.Further results that are obtained are theorems that connect various approaches of fuzzy algebraic structures. A special notion of a generalized lattice valued Boolean algebra is introduced. The universe of this structure is an algebra with two binary, an unary and two nullary operations (as usual), but which is not a crisp Boolean algebra in general. A main element in our approach is a fuzzy  quivalence relation such that the Boolean algebras identities are approximately satisfied related to the considered fuzzy equivalence. Main properties of the new introduced notions are proved, and a connection with the notion of a structure of a generalized fuzzy lattice is provided.Ovaj rad bavi se komparativnom analizom različitih pristupa rasplinutim (fazi) algebarskim strukturama i odnosom tih struktura sa odgovarajućim klasičnim   algebrama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je poredenju postojećih pristupa ovom   problemu sa novim tehnikama i pojmovima nedavno razvijenim na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. U okviru ove analize, proučavana su i proširenja kao i redukti algebarskih struktura u kontekstu rasplinutih algebri. Brojne važne konkretne algebarske strukture istraživane su u ovom kontekstu, a neke nove uvedene su i ispitane. Bavili smo se detaljnim istrazivanjima Ω-grupa, sa stanovista kongruencija, normalnih podgrupa i veze sa klasicnim grupama. Nove strukture koje su u radu uvedene u posebnom delu, istrazene su sa aspekta svojstava i medusobne ekvivalentnosti. To su Ω-Bulove algebre, kao i odgo-varajuce mreže i Bulovi prsteni. Uspostavljena je uzajamna ekvivalentnost tih struktura analogno odnosima u klasičnoj algebri. U osnovi naše konstrukcije su mrežno vrednosne algebarske strukture denisane na klasičnim algebrama koje ne zadovoljavaju nužno identitete ispunjene na odgovarajucim klasičnim strukturama (Bulove algebre, prsteni, grupe itd.), već su to samo algebre istog tipa. Klasična jednakost zamenjena je posebnom kompatibilnom rasplinutom (mrežno-vrednosnom) relacijom ekvivalencije. Na navedeni nacin i u cilju koji je u osnovi teze (poredenja sa postojecim pristupima u ovoj naucnoj oblasti) proucavane su (vec denisane)  Ω-grupe. U nasim istraživanju uvedene su odgovarajuće normalne podgrupe. Uspostavljena je i istražena njihova veza sa Ω-kongruencijama. Normalna podgrupa  Ω-grupe definisana je kao posebna  klasa Ω-kongruencije. Jedan od rezultata u ovom delu je da su količničke grupe definisane pomocu nivoa Ω-jednakosti klasične normalne podgrupe odgovarajućih količničkih podgrupa polazne  -grupe. I u ovom slučaju osnovna  struktura na kojoj je denisana Ω-grupa je grupoid, ne nužno grupa. Opisane su osobine najmanje normalne podgrupe u terminima Ω-kongruencija, a date su i neke konstrukcije  Ω-kongruencija. Rezultati koji su izloženi u nastavku povezuju različite pristupe nekim mrežno- vrednosnim strukturama. Ω-Bulova algebra je uvedena na strukturi sa dve binarne, unarnom i dve nularne operacije, ali za koju se ne zahteva ispunjenost klasičnih aksioma. Identiteti za Bulove algebre važe kao mrežno-teoretske formule u odnosu na mrežno-vrednosnu jednakost. Klasicne Bulove algebre ih zadovoljavaju, ali obratno ne vazi: iz tih formula ne slede standardne aksiome za Bulove algebre. Na analogan nacin uveden je i  Ω-Bulov prsten. Glavna svojstva ovih struktura su opisana. Osnovna osobina je da se klasične Bulove algebre odnosno Bulovi prsteni javljaju kao količničke strukture na nivoima Ω -jednakosti. Veza ove strukture sa Ω-Bulovom mrežom je pokazana. Kao ilustracija ovih istraživanja, u radu je navedeno više primera

    Type-2 Fuzzy Alpha-cuts

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    Systems that utilise type-2 fuzzy sets to handle uncertainty have not been implemented in real world applications unlike the astonishing number of applications involving standard fuzzy sets. The main reason behind this is the complex mathematical nature of type-2 fuzzy sets which is the source of two major problems. On one hand, it is difficult to mathematically manipulate type-2 fuzzy sets, and on the other, the computational cost of processing and performing operations using these sets is very high. Most of the current research carried out on type-2 fuzzy logic concentrates on finding mathematical means to overcome these obstacles. One way of accomplishing the first task is to develop a meaningful mathematical representation of type-2 fuzzy sets that allows functions and operations to be extended from well known mathematical forms to type-2 fuzzy sets. To this end, this thesis presents a novel alpha-cut representation theorem to be this meaningful mathematical representation. It is the decomposition of a type-2 fuzzy set in to a number of classical sets. The alpha-cut representation theorem is the main contribution of this thesis. This dissertation also presents a methodology to allow functions and operations to be extended directly from classical sets to type-2 fuzzy sets. A novel alpha-cut extension principle is presented in this thesis and used to define uncertainty measures and arithmetic operations for type-2 fuzzy sets. Throughout this investigation, a plethora of concepts and definitions have been developed for the first time in order to make the manipulation of type-2 fuzzy sets a simple and straight forward task. Worked examples are used to demonstrate the usefulness of these theorems and methods. Finally, the crisp alpha-cuts of this fundamental decomposition theorem are by definition independent of each other. This dissertation shows that operations on type-2 fuzzy sets using the alpha-cut extension principle can be processed in parallel. This feature is found to be extremely powerful, especially if performing computation on the massively parallel graphical processing units. This thesis explores this capability and shows through different experiments the achievement of significant reduction in processing time.The National Training Directorate, Republic of Suda

    Some classes of planar lattices and interval-valued fuzzy sets

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    U radu je ispitan sledeći problem: Pod kojim uslovima se može rekonstruisati  (sintetisati) intervalno-vrednosni rasplinuti skup iz  poznate familije nivo skupova. U tu svrhu su proučena svojstva mreža intervala za svaki od četiri izabrana mrežna  uređenja: poredak po komponentama, neprecizni poredak (skupovna inkluzija), strogi  i leksikografski poredak.  Definisane su i-između i ili-između ravne mreže   i ispitana njihova svojstva potrebna za rešavanje postavljenog problema sinteze za intervalno-vrednosne rasplinute skupove. Za i-između ravne mreže je dokazano da su, u svom konačnom slučaju, slim mreže i dualno, da su ili-između ravne mreže dualno-slim mreže. Data je karakterizacija kompletnih konačno prostornih i dualno konačno prostornih mreža.  Određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n  kompletnih lanaca tako da su očuvani supremumi i dualno, određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n lanaca tako da su očuvani infimumi.  U rešavanju problema sinteze posmatrana su dva tipa nivo skupova - gornji i donji nivo skupovi. Potreban i dovoljan uslov za sintezu intervalno-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa iz poznate familije nivo skupova određen je za mrežu intervala koja je uređena poretkom po komponentama, za oba tipa posmatranih nivo skupova. Za mrežu intervala uređenu nepreciznim poretkom, problem je rešen za donje nivo skupove, dok su za gornje nivo skupove određeni dovoljni uslovi. Za mrežu intervala koja je uređena leksikografskim poretkom, takođe su dati dovoljni uslovi i to za oba tipa nivo skupova.  Za mrežu intervala uređenu strogim poretkom problem nije rešavan, jer izlazi izvan okvira ovog rada. Dobijeni rezultati su primenjeni za rešavanje sličnog problema sinteze za intervalno-vrednosne intuicionističke rasplinute skupove  za mrežu intervala uređenu poretkom po komponentama.  Rezultati ovog istraživanja su od teorijskog značaja u teoriji mreža i teoriji rasplinutih skupova, ali postoji mogućnost za primenu u matematičkoj morfologiji i obradi slika.In this thesis  the following problem was investigated: Under which conditions an interval-valued fuzzy set can be reconstructed from the given family of cut sets. We consider interval-valued fuzzy sets as  a special type of lattice-valued fuzzy sets and  we studied properties of lattices of intervals using four different lattice  order: componentwise ordering, imprecision ordering (inclusion of sets), strong and lexicographical ordering. We proposed new definitions  of meet-between planar and join - between planar lattices, we investigated their properties and used them for solving problem of synthesis  in  interval-valued fuzzy sets. It has been proven that finite meet- between planar lattices and slim lattices are equivalent, and dually:    finite join-  between planar lattices and dually slim lattices are equivalent. Complete finitely  spatial lattices and complete dually finitely spatial lattices are fully characterized  in this setting. Next, we characterized  lattices which can be order embedded into a Cartesian product of  n  complete chains such that all suprema are preserved under the embedding. And dually, we characterized lattices which can be order embedded into a Cartesian product of n complete chains such that all infima are preserved under the embedding. We considered two types of cut sets – upper cuts and lower cuts. Solution of the  problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets are given for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering for both types of cut sets. Solution of problem of synthesis of  interval-valued fuzzy sets  are  given for lower cuts for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering.  Sufficient conditions are given for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering and family of upper cuts. Sufficient conditions are also given for lattices of intervals under lexicographical ordering. The problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets for lattices of  intervals under strong ordering is beyond the scope of this thesis. A similar problem of synthesis of  interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is solved for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering. These results are  mostly of theoretical importance in lattice theory and fuzzy sets theory, but also they could  be applied in mathematical morphology and in  image processing

    An L-Point Characterization of Normality and Normalizer of an L-Subgroup of an L-Group

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    AbstractIn this paper, we study the notion of normal L-subgroup of an L-group and provide its characterization by an L-point. We also provide a construction of the normalizer of an L-subgroup of a given L-group by using L-points. Moreover, we also discuss the product, homomorphic images and homomorphic preimages of normalizers

    Some classes of planar lattices and interval-valued fuzzy sets

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    U radu je ispitan sledeći problem: Pod kojim uslovima se može rekonstruisati  (sintetisati) intervalno-vrednosni rasplinuti skup iz  poznate familije nivo skupova. U tu svrhu su proučena svojstva mreža intervala za svaki od četiri izabrana mrežna  uređenja: poredak po komponentama, neprecizni poredak (skupovna inkluzija), strogi  i leksikografski poredak.  Definisane su i-između i ili-između ravne mreže   i ispitana njihova svojstva potrebna za rešavanje postavljenog problema sinteze za intervalno-vrednosne rasplinute skupove. Za i-između ravne mreže je dokazano da su, u svom konačnom slučaju, slim mreže i dualno, da su ili-između ravne mreže dualno-slim mreže. Data je karakterizacija kompletnih konačno prostornih i dualno konačno prostornih mreža.  Određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n  kompletnih lanaca tako da su očuvani supremumi i dualno, određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n lanaca tako da su očuvani infimumi.  U rešavanju problema sinteze posmatrana su dva tipa nivo skupova - gornji i donji nivo skupovi. Potreban i dovoljan uslov za sintezu intervalno-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa iz poznate familije nivo skupova određen je za mrežu intervala koja je uređena poretkom po komponentama, za oba tipa posmatranih nivo skupova. Za mrežu intervala uređenu nepreciznim poretkom, problem je rešen za donje nivo skupove, dok su za gornje nivo skupove određeni dovoljni uslovi. Za mrežu intervala koja je uređena leksikografskim poretkom, takođe su dati dovoljni uslovi i to za oba tipa nivo skupova.  Za mrežu intervala uređenu strogim poretkom problem nije rešavan, jer izlazi izvan okvira ovog rada. Dobijeni rezultati su primenjeni za rešavanje sličnog problema sinteze za intervalno-vrednosne intuicionističke rasplinute skupove  za mrežu intervala uređenu poretkom po komponentama.  Rezultati ovog istraživanja su od teorijskog značaja u teoriji mreža i teoriji rasplinutih skupova, ali postoji mogućnost za primenu u matematičkoj morfologiji i obradi slika.In this thesis  the following problem was investigated: Under which conditions an interval-valued fuzzy set can be reconstructed from the given family of cut sets. We consider interval-valued fuzzy sets as  a special type of lattice-valued fuzzy sets and  we studied properties of lattices of intervals using four different lattice  order: componentwise ordering, imprecision ordering (inclusion of sets), strong and lexicographical ordering. We proposed new definitions  of meet-between planar and join - between planar lattices, we investigated their properties and used them for solving problem of synthesis  in  interval-valued fuzzy sets. It has been proven that finite meet- between planar lattices and slim lattices are equivalent, and dually:    finite join-  between planar lattices and dually slim lattices are equivalent. Complete finitely  spatial lattices and complete dually finitely spatial lattices are fully characterized  in this setting. Next, we characterized  lattices which can be order embedded into a Cartesian product of  n  complete chains such that all suprema are preserved under the embedding. And dually, we characterized lattices which can be order embedded into a Cartesian product of n complete chains such that all infima are preserved under the embedding. We considered two types of cut sets – upper cuts and lower cuts. Solution of the  problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets are given for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering for both types of cut sets. Solution of problem of synthesis of  interval-valued fuzzy sets  are  given for lower cuts for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering.  Sufficient conditions are given for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering and family of upper cuts. Sufficient conditions are also given for lattices of intervals under lexicographical ordering. The problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets for lattices of  intervals under strong ordering is beyond the scope of this thesis. A similar problem of synthesis of  interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is solved for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering. These results are  mostly of theoretical importance in lattice theory and fuzzy sets theory, but also they could  be applied in mathematical morphology and in  image processing

    Ω-Algebarski sistemi

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    The research work carried out in this thesis is aimed   at fuzzifying algebraic and relational structures in the framework of Ω-sets, where Ω is a complete lattice. Therefore we attempt to synthesis universal algebra and fuzzy set theory. Our  investigations of Ω-algebraic structures are based on Ω-valued equality, satisability of identities and cut techniques. We introduce Ω-algebras, Ω-valued congruences,  corresponding quotient  Ω-valued-algebras and  Ω-valued homomorphisms and we investigate connections among these notions. We prove that there is an Ω-valued homomorphism from an Ω-algebra to the corresponding quotient Ω-algebra. The kernel of an Ω-valued homomorphism is an Ω-valued congruence. When dealing with cut structures, we prove that an Ω-valued homomorphism determines classical homomorphisms among the corresponding quotient structures over cut  subalgebras. In addition, an  Ω-valued congruence determines a closure system of classical congruences on cut subalgebras. In addition, identities are preserved under Ω-valued homomorphisms. Therefore in the framework of Ω-sets we were able to introduce Ω-attice both as an ordered and algebraic structures. By this Ω-poset is defined as an Ω-set equipped with  Ω-valued order which is  antisymmetric with respect to the corresponding Ω-valued equality. Thus defining the notion of pseudo-infimum and pseudo-supremum we obtained the definition of Ω-lattice as an ordered structure. It is also defined that the an Ω-lattice as an algebra is a bi-groupoid equipped with an Ω-valued equality fulfilling some particular lattice Ω-theoretical formulas. Thus using axiom of choice we proved that the two approaches are equivalent. Then we also introduced the notion of complete Ω-lattice based on Ω-lattice. It was defined as a generalization of the classical complete lattice. We proved results that characterizes Ω-structures and many other interesting results. Also the connection between Ω-algebra and the notion of weak congruences is presented. We conclude with what we feel are most interesting areas for future work.Tema ovog rada je fazifikovanje algebarskih i relacijskih struktura u okviru omega- skupova, gdeje Ω kompletna mreza. U radu se bavimo sintezom oblasti univerzalne algebre i teorije rasplinutih (fazi) skupova. Naša istraživanja omega-algebarskih struktura bazirana su na omega-vrednosnoj jednakosti,zadovoljivosti identiteta i tehnici rada sa nivoima. U radu uvodimo omega-algebre,omega-vrednosne kongruencije, odgovarajuće omega-strukture, i omega-vrednosne homomorfizme i istražujemo veze izmedju ovih pojmova. Dokazujemo da postoji Ω -vrednosni homomorfizam iz Ω -algebre na odgovarajuću količničku Ω -algebru. Jezgro Ω -vrednosnog homomorfizma je Ω- vrednosna kongruencija. U vezi sa nivoima struktura, dokazujemo da Ω -vrednosni homomorfizam odredjuje klasične homomorfizme na odgovarajućim količničkim strukturama preko nivoa podalgebri. Osim toga, Ω-vrednosna kongruencija odredjuje sistem zatvaranja klasične kongruencije na nivo podalgebrama. Dalje, identiteti su očuvani u Ω- vrednosnim homomorfnim slikama.U nastavku smo u okviru Ω-skupova uveli Ω-mreže kao uredjene skupove i kao algebre i dokazali ekvivalenciju ovih pojmova. Ω-poset je definisan kao Ω -relacija koja je antisimetrična i tranzitivna u odnosu na odgovarajuću Ω-vrednosnu jednakost. Definisani su pojmovi pseudo-infimuma i pseudo-supremuma i tako smo dobili definiciju Ω-mreže kao uredjene strukture. Takodje je definisana Ω-mreža kao algebra, u ovim kontekstu nosač te strukture je bi-grupoid koji je saglasan sa Ω-vrednosnom jednakošću i ispunjava neke mrežno-teorijske formule. Koristeći aksiom izbora dokazali smo da su dva pristupa ekvivalentna. Dalje smo uveli i pojam potpune Ω-mreže kao uopštenje klasične potpune mreže. Dokazali smo još neke rezultate koji karakterišu Ω-strukture.Data je i veza izmedju Ω-algebre i pojma slabih kongruencija.Na kraju je dat prikaz pravaca daljih istrazivanja

    Lattice-valued intuitionistic preference structures and applications

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    Intuicionistički rasplinuti skupovi su već proučavani i definisani u kontekstu mrežnovrednosnih struktura, ali svaka od postojećih definicija imala je odgovarajuće nedostatke. U ovom radu razvijena je definicija intuicionističkog poset-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa, kojom se poset predstavlja kao podskup distributivne mreže. Na ovaj način možemo ispitivati funkcije pripadanja i nepripadanja i njihove odnose bez upotrebe komplementiranja na posetu. Takođe, u ovako postavljenim okvirima, svaki poset (a samim tim i mreža) može biti kodomen intuicionističkog rasplinutog skupa (čime se isključuje uslov ograničenosti poseta). Primenom uvedene definicije razmatrane su IP-vrednosne rasplinute relacije, x-blokovi ovih relacija i familije njihovih nivoa.Razvijene su jake poset vrednosne relacije reciprociteta koje  predstavljaju uopštenje relacija reciprociteta sa intervala [0,1]. Pokazano je da ovakve relacije imaju svojstva slična poset-vrednosnim relacijama preferencije. Međutim, postoje velika ograničenja za primenu ovakvih relacija jer su zahtevi dosta jaki. Uvedene su IP-vrednosne relacije reciprociteta koje se mogu definisati za veliku klasu poseta.Ovakve relacije pogodne su za opisivanje preferencija. Posmatrana je intuicionistička poset-vrednosna relacija preferencije, koja je refleksivna rasplinuta relacija, nad skupom alternativa. U samom procesu višekriterijumskog odlučivanja može se pojaviti situacija kada alternative nisu međusobno uporedive u odnosu na relaciju preferencije, kao i nedovoljna određenost samih alternativa. Da bi se prevazišli ovakvi problemi uvodi se intuicionistička poset-vrednosna relacija preferencije kao intuicionistička rasplinuta relacija na skupu alternativa sa vrednostima u uređenom skupu. Analizirana su neka njena svojstva. Ovakav model pogodan je za upoređivanje alternativa koje nisu, nužno, u linearnom poretku. Dato je nekoliko opravdanja za uvodjenje oba tipa definisanih relacija. Jedna od mogućnosti jeste preko mreže intervala elemenata iz konačnog lanca S, a koji predstavljaju ocene određene alternative. Relacije preferencije mogu uzimati vrednosti sa ove mreže i time se može prevazići nedostatak informacija ili neodlučnost donosioca odluke.Intuitionistic fuzzy sets have already been explored in depth and defined in the context of lattice-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, however, every existing definition has certain drawbacks. In this thesis, a definition of poset-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is developed, which introduces a poset as a subset of a distributive lattice. In this manner, functions of membership and non-membership can be examined as well as  their relations without using complement in the poset. Also, in such framework, each poset (and the lattice) can be a co-domain of an intuitionistic fuzzy set (which excludes the condition of the bounded poset). Introduced definition defines IP-valued fuzzy relations, x-blocks of these relations andfamilies of their levels. Strong IP-valued  reciprocialy relations have been developed as a generalization of reciprocal relations from interval [0,1]. It has been shown that these relations have properties similar to the P-valued preferences relations. However, there are great constraints on the application of these relations because the requirements are quite strong.IP- valued reciprocial relations have been introduced, which can be defined for a large class of posets. Such relations are suitable for describing preferences.An intuitionistic poset-valued preference relation, which is a reflexive fuzzy relation, over the set of  alternatives, has been examined. In the process of a multi-criteria decision making, a situation can occur that the alternatives cannot be compared by the preference relation, as well as insufficient determination of the mentioned alternatives. In order to overcome similar problems, we have introduced an intuitionistic poset-valued preference relation as an intuitionistic fuzzy set over the set of alternatives with values in a certain poset. We have analyzed some its performances. This model is suitable for comparing alternatives which are not necessarily linearly ordered. There are several justifications for the introduction of  both types of defined relations. One of the possibilities is via the lattice of the intervals  of elements from the finite chain S, which represent the preference of a particular alternative. Preferences relations can take values from this lattice and this can overcome the lack of informations or the decisiveness of the decision maker

    Fuzzy Interval Matrices, Neutrosophic Interval Matrices and their Applications

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    The new concept of fuzzy interval matrices has been introduced in this book for the first time. The authors have not only introduced the notion of fuzzy interval matrices, interval neutrosophic matrices and fuzzy neutrosophic interval matrices but have also demonstrated some of its applications when the data under study is an unsupervised one and when several experts analyze the problem. Further, the authors have introduced in this book multiexpert models using these three new types of interval matrices. The new multi expert models dealt in this book are FCIMs, FRIMs, FCInMs, FRInMs, IBAMs, IBBAMs, nIBAMs, FAIMs, FAnIMS, etc. Illustrative examples are given so that the reader can follow these concepts easily. This book has three chapters. The first chapter is introductory in nature and makes the book a self-contained one. Chapter two introduces the concept of fuzzy interval matrices. Also the notion of fuzzy interval matrices, neutrosophic interval matrices and fuzzy neutrosophic interval matrices, can find applications to Markov chains and Leontief economic models. Chapter three gives the application of fuzzy interval matrices and neutrosophic interval matrices to real-world problems by constructing the models already mentioned. Further these models are mainly useful when the data is an unsupervised one and when one needs a multi-expert model. The new concept of fuzzy interval matrices and neutrosophic interval matrices will find their applications in engineering, medical, industrial, social and psychological problems. We have given a long list of references to help the interested reader.Comment: 304 page