18 research outputs found

    Gene selection algorithms for microarray data based on least squares support vector machine

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    BACKGROUND: In discriminant analysis of microarray data, usually a small number of samples are expressed by a large number of genes. It is not only difficult but also unnecessary to conduct the discriminant analysis with all the genes. Hence, gene selection is usually performed to select important genes. RESULTS: A gene selection method searches for an optimal or near optimal subset of genes with respect to a given evaluation criterion. In this paper, we propose a new evaluation criterion, named the leave-one-out calculation (LOOC, A list of abbreviations appears just above the list of references) measure. A gene selection method, named leave-one-out calculation sequential forward selection (LOOCSFS) algorithm, is then presented by combining the LOOC measure with the sequential forward selection scheme. Further, a novel gene selection algorithm, the gradient-based leave-one-out gene selection (GLGS) algorithm, is also proposed. Both of the gene selection algorithms originate from an efficient and exact calculation of the leave-one-out cross-validation error of the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM). The proposed approaches are applied to two microarray datasets and compared to other well-known gene selection methods using codes available from the second author. CONCLUSION: The proposed gene selection approaches can provide gene subsets leading to more accurate classification results, while their computational complexity is comparable to the existing methods. The GLGS algorithm can also better scale to datasets with a very large number of genes

    Linear Time Feature Selection for Regularized Least-Squares

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    We propose a novel algorithm for greedy forward feature selection for regularized least-squares (RLS) regression and classification, also known as the least-squares support vector machine or ridge regression. The algorithm, which we call greedy RLS, starts from the empty feature set, and on each iteration adds the feature whose addition provides the best leave-one-out cross-validation performance. Our method is considerably faster than the previously proposed ones, since its time complexity is linear in the number of training examples, the number of features in the original data set, and the desired size of the set of selected features. Therefore, as a side effect we obtain a new training algorithm for learning sparse linear RLS predictors which can be used for large scale learning. This speed is possible due to matrix calculus based short-cuts for leave-one-out and feature addition. We experimentally demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm and its ability to find good quality feature sets.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Identifying genes that contribute most to good classification in microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: The goal of most microarray studies is either the identification of genes that are most differentially expressed or the creation of a good classification rule. The disadvantage of the former is that it ignores the importance of gene interactions; the disadvantage of the latter is that it often does not provide a sufficient focus for further investigation because many genes may be included by chance. Our strategy is to search for classification rules that perform well with few genes and, if they are found, identify genes that occur relatively frequently under multiple random validation (random splits into training and test samples). RESULTS: We analyzed data from four published studies related to cancer. For classification we used a filter with a nearest centroid rule that is easy to implement and has been previously shown to perform well. To comprehensively measure classification performance we used receiver operating characteristic curves. In the three data sets with good classification performance, the classification rules for 5 genes were only slightly worse than for 20 or 50 genes and somewhat better than for 1 gene. In two of these data sets, one or two genes had relatively high frequencies not noticeable with rules involving 20 or 50 genes: desmin for classifying colon cancer versus normal tissue; and zyxin and secretory granule proteoglycan genes for classifying two types of leukemia. CONCLUSION: Using multiple random validation, investigators should look for classification rules that perform well with few genes and select, for further study, genes with relatively high frequencies of occurrence in these classification rules

    Classification of Dengue Fever Patients Based on Gene Expression Data Using Support Vector Machines

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    Background: Symptomatic infection by dengue virus (DENV) can range from dengue fever (DF) to dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), however, the determinants of DF or DHF progression are not completely understood. It is hypothesised that host innate immune response factors are involved in modulating the disease outcome and the expression levels of genes involved in this response could be used as early prognostic markers for disease severity. Methodology/Principal Findings: mRNA expression levels of genes involved in DENV innate immune responses were measured using quantitative real time PCR (qPCR). Here, we present a novel application of the support vector machines (SVM) algorithm to analyze the expression pattern of 12 genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 28 dengue patients (13 DHF and 15 DF) during acute viral infection. The SVM model was trained using gene expression data of these genes and achieved the highest accuracy of ,85% with leave-one-out cross-validation. Through selective removal of gene expression data from the SVM model, we have identified seven genes (MYD88, TLR7, TLR3, MDA5, IRF3, IFN-a and CLEC5A) that may be central in differentiating DF patients from DHF, with MYD88 and TLR7 observed to be the most important. Though the individual removal of expression data of five other genes had no impact on the overall accuracy, a significant combined role was observed when the SVM model of the two main genes (MYD88 and TLR7) was re-trained to include the five genes, increasing the overall accuracy to ,96%. Conclusions/Significance: Here, we present a novel use of the SVM algorithm to classify DF and DHF patients, as well as to elucidate the significance of the various genes involved. It was observed that seven genes are critical in classifying DF and DHF patients: TLR3, MDA5, IRF3, IFN-a, CLEC5A, and the two most important MYD88 and TLR7. While these preliminary results are promising, further experimental investigation is necessary to validate their specific roles in dengue disease

    Effect of Feature Selection on Gene Expression Datasets Classification Accurac

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    Feature selection attracts researchers who deal with machine learning and data mining. It consists of selecting the variables that have the greatest impact on the dataset classification, and discarding the rest. This dimentionality reduction allows classifiers to be fast and more accurate. This paper traits the effect of feature selection on the accuracy of widely used classifiers in literature. These classifiers are compared with three real datasets which are pre-processed with feature selection methods. More than 9% amelioration in classification accuracy is observed, and k-means appears to be the most sensitive classifier to feature selection

    Comparison of feature selection and classification for MALDI-MS data

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    INTRODUCTION: In the classification of Mass Spectrometry (MS) proteomics data, peak detection, feature selection, and learning classifiers are critical to classification accuracy. To better understand which methods are more accurate when classifying data, some publicly available peak detection algorithms for Matrix assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS) data were recently compared; however, the issue of different feature selection methods and different classification models as they relate to classification performance has not been addressed. With the application of intelligent computing, much progress has been made in the development of feature selection methods and learning classifiers for the analysis of high-throughput biological data. The main objective of this paper is to compare the methods of feature selection and different learning classifiers when applied to MALDI-MS data and to provide a subsequent reference for the analysis of MS proteomics data. RESULTS: We compared a well-known method of feature selection, Support Vector Machine Recursive Feature Elimination (SVMRFE), and a recently developed method, Gradient based Leave-one-out Gene Selection (GLGS) that effectively performs microarray data analysis. We also compared several learning classifiers including K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier (KNNC), Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC), Nearest Mean Scaled Classifier (NMSC), uncorrelated normal based quadratic Bayes Classifier recorded as UDC, Support Vector Machines, and a distance metric learning for Large Margin Nearest Neighbor classifier (LMNN) based on Mahanalobis distance. To compare, we conducted a comprehensive experimental study using three types of MALDI-MS data. CONCLUSION: Regarding feature selection, SVMRFE outperformed GLGS in classification. As for the learning classifiers, when classification models derived from the best training were compared, SVMs performed the best with respect to the expected testing accuracy. However, the distance metric learning LMNN outperformed SVMs and other classifiers on evaluating the best testing. In such cases, the optimum classification model based on LMNN is worth investigating for future study

    Gene selection for classification of microarray data based on the Bayes error

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With DNA microarray data, selecting a compact subset of discriminative genes from thousands of genes is a critical step for accurate classification of phenotypes for, e.g., disease diagnosis. Several widely used gene selection methods often select top-ranked genes according to their individual discriminative power in classifying samples into distinct categories, without considering correlations among genes. A limitation of these gene selection methods is that they may result in gene sets with some redundancy and yield an unnecessary large number of candidate genes for classification analyses. Some latest studies show that incorporating gene to gene correlations into gene selection can remove redundant genes and improve classification accuracy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we propose a new method, Based Bayes error Filter (BBF), to select relevant genes and remove redundant genes in classification analyses of microarray data. The effectiveness and accuracy of this method is demonstrated through analyses of five publicly available microarray datasets. The results show that our gene selection method is capable of achieving better accuracies than previous studies, while being able to effectively select relevant genes, remove redundant genes and obtain efficient and small gene sets for sample classification purposes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed method can effectively identify a compact set of genes with high classification accuracy. This study also indicates that application of the Bayes error is a feasible and effective wayfor removing redundant genes in gene selection.</p

    Very Important Pool (VIP) genes – an application for microarray-based molecular signatures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advances in DNA microarray technology portend that molecular signatures from which microarray will eventually be used in clinical environments and personalized medicine. Derivation of biomarkers is a large step beyond hypothesis generation and imposes considerably more stringency for accuracy in identifying informative gene subsets to differentiate phenotypes. The inherent nature of microarray data, with fewer samples and replicates compared to the large number of genes, requires identifying informative genes prior to classifier construction. However, improving the ability to identify differentiating genes remains a challenge in bioinformatics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new hybrid gene selection approach was investigated and tested with nine publicly available microarray datasets. The new method identifies a Very Important Pool (VIP) of genes from the broad patterns of gene expression data. The method uses a bagging sampling principle, where the re-sampled arrays are used to identify the most informative genes. Frequency of selection is used in a repetitive process to identify the VIP genes. The putative informative genes are selected using two methods, t-statistic and discriminatory analysis. In the t-statistic, the informative genes are identified based on p-values. In the discriminatory analysis, disjoint Principal Component Analyses (PCAs) are conducted for each class of samples, and genes with high discrimination power (DP) are identified. The VIP gene selection approach was compared with the p-value ranking approach. The genes identified by the VIP method but not by the p-value ranking approach are also related to the disease investigated. More importantly, these genes are part of the pathways derived from the common genes shared by both the VIP and p-ranking methods. Moreover, the binary classifiers built from these genes are statistically equivalent to those built from the top 50 p-value ranked genes in distinguishing different types of samples.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The VIP gene selection approach could identify additional subsets of informative genes that would not always be selected by the p-value ranking method. These genes are likely to be additional true positives since they are a part of pathways identified by the p-value ranking method and expected to be related to the relevant biology. Therefore, these additional genes derived from the VIP method potentially provide valuable biological insights.</p

    A new regularized least squares support vector regression for gene selection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Selection of influential genes with microarray data often faces the difficulties of a large number of genes and a relatively small group of subjects. In addition to the curse of dimensionality, many gene selection methods weight the contribution from each individual subject equally. This equal-contribution assumption cannot account for the possible dependence among subjects who associate similarly to the disease, and may restrict the selection of influential genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A novel approach to gene selection is proposed based on kernel similarities and kernel weights. We do not assume uniformity for subject contribution. Weights are calculated via regularized least squares support vector regression (RLS-SVR) of class levels on kernel similarities and are used to weight subject contribution. The cumulative sum of weighted expression levels are next ranked to select responsible genes. These procedures also work for multiclass classification. We demonstrate this algorithm on acute leukemia, colon cancer, small, round blue cell tumors of childhood, breast cancer, and lung cancer studies, using kernel Fisher discriminant analysis and support vector machines as classifiers. Other procedures are compared as well.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This approach is easy to implement and fast in computation for both binary and multiclass problems. The gene set provided by the RLS-SVR weight-based approach contains a less number of genes, and achieves a higher accuracy than other procedures.</p