84,156 research outputs found

    Gender differences in the temporal voice areas

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    There is not only evidence for behavioral differences in voice perception between female and male listeners, but also recent suggestions for differences in neural correlates between genders. The fMRI functional voice localizer (comprising a univariate analysis contrasting stimulation with vocal versus non-vocal sounds) is known to give robust estimates of the temporal voice areas (TVAs). However there is growing interest in employing multivariate analysis approaches to fMRI data (e.g. multivariate pattern analysis; MVPA). The aim of the current study was to localize voice-related areas in both female and male listeners and to investigate whether brain maps may differ depending on the gender of the listener. After a univariate analysis, a random effects analysis was performed on female (n = 149) and male (n = 123) listeners and contrasts between them were computed. In addition, MVPA with a whole-brain searchlight approach was implemented and classification maps were entered into a second-level permutation based random effects models using statistical non-parametric mapping (SnPM; Nichols & Holmes 2002). Gender differences were found only in the MVPA. Identified regions were located in the middle part of the middle temporal gyrus (bilateral) and the middle superior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere). Our results suggest differences in classifier performance between genders in response to the voice localizer with higher classification accuracy from local BOLD signal patterns in several temporal-lobe regions in female listeners

    Speaker-independent emotion recognition exploiting a psychologically-inspired binary cascade classification schema

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    In this paper, a psychologically-inspired binary cascade classification schema is proposed for speech emotion recognition. Performance is enhanced because commonly confused pairs of emotions are distinguishable from one another. Extracted features are related to statistics of pitch, formants, and energy contours, as well as spectrum, cepstrum, perceptual and temporal features, autocorrelation, MPEG-7 descriptors, Fujisakis model parameters, voice quality, jitter, and shimmer. Selected features are fed as input to K nearest neighborhood classifier and to support vector machines. Two kernels are tested for the latter: Linear and Gaussian radial basis function. The recently proposed speaker-independent experimental protocol is tested on the Berlin emotional speech database for each gender separately. The best emotion recognition accuracy, achieved by support vector machines with linear kernel, equals 87.7%, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. Statistical analysis is first carried out with respect to the classifiers error rates and then to evaluate the information expressed by the classifiers confusion matrices. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

    Anatomo-functional correspondence in the superior temporal sulcus

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    The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is an intriguing region both for its complex anatomy and for the multiple functions that it hosts. Unfortunately, most studies explored either the functional organization or the anatomy of the STS only. Here, we link these two aspects by investigating anatomo-functional correspondences between the voice-sensitive cortex (Temporal Voice Areas) and the STS depth. To do so, anatomical and functional scans of 116 subjects were processed such as to generate individual surface maps on which both depth and functional voice activity can be analyzed. Individual depth profiles of manually drawn STS and functional profiles from a voice localizer (voice > non-voice) maps were extracted and compared to assess anatomo-functional correspondences. Three major results were obtained: first, the STS exhibits a highly significant rightward depth asymmetry in its middle part. Second, there is an anatomo-functional correspondence between the location of the voice-sensitive peak and the deepest point inside this asymmetrical region bilaterally. Finally, we showed that this correspondence was independent of the gender and, using a machine learning approach, that it existed at the individual level. These findings offer new perspectives for the understanding of anatomo-functional correspondences in this complex cortical region

    Discovering Gender Differences in Facial Emotion Recognition via Implicit Behavioral Cues

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    We examine the utility of implicit behavioral cues in the form of EEG brain signals and eye movements for gender recognition (GR) and emotion recognition (ER). Specifically, the examined cues are acquired via low-cost, off-the-shelf sensors. We asked 28 viewers (14 female) to recognize emotions from unoccluded (no mask) as well as partially occluded (eye and mouth masked) emotive faces. Obtained experimental results reveal that (a) reliable GR and ER is achievable with EEG and eye features, (b) differential cognitive processing especially for negative emotions is observed for males and females and (c) some of these cognitive differences manifest under partial face occlusion, as typified by the eye and mouth mask conditions.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction.201

    Glottal Source Cepstrum Coefficients Applied to NIST SRE 2010

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    Through the present paper, a novel feature set for speaker recognition based on glottal estimate information is presented. An iterative algorithm is used to derive the vocal tract and glottal source estimations from speech signal. In order to test the importance of glottal source information in speaker characterization, the novel feature set has been tested in the 2010 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (NIST SRE10). The proposed system uses glottal estimate parameter templates and classical cepstral information to build a model for each speaker involved in the recognition process. ALIZE [1] open-source software has been used to create the GMM models for both background and target speakers. Compared to using mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC), the misclassification rate for the NIST SRE 2010 reduced from 29.43% to 27.15% when glottal source features are use

    Analysis of Speaker Clustering Strategies for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

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    This paper describes a method for speaker clustering, with the application of building average voice models for speakeradaptive HMM-based speech synthesis that are a good basis for adapting to specific target speakers. Our main hypothesis is that using perceptually similar speakers to build the average voice model will be better than use unselected speakers, even if the amount of data available from perceptually similar speakers is smaller. We measure the perceived similarities among a group of 30 female speakers in a listening test and then apply multiple linear regression to automatically predict these listener judgements of speaker similarity and thus to identify similar speakers automatically. We then compare a variety of average voice models trained on either speakers who were perceptually judged to be similar to the target speaker, or speakers selected by the multiple linear regression, or a large global set of unselected speakers. We find that the average voice model trained on perceptually similar speakers provides better performance than the global model, even though the latter is trained on more data, confirming our main hypothesis. However, the average voice model using speakers selected automatically by the multiple linear regression does not reach the same level of performance. Index Terms: Statistical parametric speech synthesis, hidden Markov models, speaker adaptatio

    Perception of Alcoholic Intoxication in Speech

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    The ALC sub-challenge of the Interspeech Speaker State Chal-lenge (ISSC) aims at the automatic classification of speech sig-nals into intoxicated and sober speech. In this context we con-ducted a perception experiment on data derived from the same corpus to analyze the human performance on the same task. The results show that human still outperform comparable baseline results of ISSC. Female and male listeners perform on the same level, but there is strong evidence that intoxication in female voices is easier to be recognized than in male voices. Prosodic features contribute to the decision of human listeners but seem not to be dominant. In analogy to Doddington’s zoo of speaker verification we find some evidence for the existence of lambs and goats but no wolves. Index Terms: alcoholic intoxication, speech perception, forced choice, intonation, Alcohol Language Corpu