7 research outputs found

    Practical Design Strategy for Two-phase Step up DC-DC Fibonacci Switched-Capacitor Converter

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    The Fibonacci Switched-Capacitor (SC) converter demonstrates the highest performance by using minimum number of capacitors. However, as the Fibonacci SC requires a wide range of voltage rating of the devices, its implementation is difficult. This paper presents two gate driving techniques for designing and implementing two-phase Fibonacci SC converter for both low and high step-up conversion ratios. The proposed gate driving techniques only require few auxiliary transistors to provide the required boosted voltages for turning the charge transfer switches in the converter on and off. As a result, the proposed gate driving techniques reduce the design complexity and increase the reliability of the Fibonacci SC converter. Practical 8X and 5X Fibonacci SC converters are simulated and constructed based on the proposed techniques. The high conversion efficiencies achieved prove the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    An Evaluation of 2-phase Charge Pump Topologies with Charge Transfer Switches for Green Mobile Technology

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    The development of charge pumps has been motivated by the power supply requirements of portable electronic devices. Charge pumps are inductorless DC-DC converters that are small size and high integration. The quality of the charge pump greatly depends on the effectiveness of switches to turn on and off at the designated clock phases. However, to date, no analysis has been carried out on the overall performance of charge pumps based on switch components in practice. This work demonstrates the characteristics of transistors as charge transfer switches and their effects on the performance of a charge pump. Three most common charge pump topologies are evaluated in terms of voltage drop due to on-resistance and charge loss per switch. Simulations are performed in 0.35μm Austriamicrosystems (AMS) technology for Dickson, Voltage Doubler and Makowski charge pump topologies in steady and dynamic states. In addition, the effect of switch parameters for different charge pump topologies are compared and analysed. We demonstrate that the Makowski charge pump is the topology for future green mobile technology

    Sub 1V Charge Pump based Micro Scale Energy Harvesting for Low Power Application

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    Harvesting energy from our environment is a promising solution to provide power to wireless sensor network, wearable devices and biomedical implantation. Now a days, usage of battery power system has disappeared because of replacement issues, installation costs every periodic year and the possibility of health hazard in the case of biomedical implants. Considering these issues, energy harvesting proves to be the most feasible and convenient option in the case of wearable devices and biomedical implantation. Hence, we have focused on indoor single solar cell energy harvesting to power ultra-low power load. The tree topology DC-DC converter is used for power management circuit with optimized efficiency. High efficiency is achieved by using ZVT MOSCAP. The power management circuit includes DC-DC converter and feed forward maximum power point tracking algorithm to transfer maximum power from the single solar cell. The system has ultra-low power battery protection and input condition sensor circuit to extend the life of the battery by protecting from overcharging and over discharging. Also, cold start up circuit is used to run the system when battery voltage drains out to zero. The objective of this system to make complete energy harvester unit is to drive wide range of ultra-low power applications. We have driven the ZigBee receiver to validate our system and the system works effectively

    Integrated charge pump voltage multiplier regulator for high current applications

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    Orientadores: Jacobus Willibrordus Swart, Jader Alves de Lima FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho de Mestrado, foi projetado um conversor DC/DC charge-pump (CP) duplicador de tensão para corrente de carga máxima de 20mA, e que necessita de circuitos de controle para o apropriado acionamento das chaves, regulação de tensão e proteção do estágio duplicador de tensão. O sistema de controle projetado é composto por um circuito de regulação linear (CRL), um regulador Skip, um limitador de corrente (LC) e um circuito de bootstrapping (BOOT) que auxilia o acionamento do estágio duplicador. CP corresponde ao estágio de potência do sistema que faz interface direta com a carga, sendo sua tensão de entrada (PVIN) nominal no valor de 1,5V. O trabalho objetiva obter um conversor DC/DC funcional (demonstrado por resultados de Silício) atingindo resultados experimentais com o menor desvio possível comparados aos valores simulados durante o projeto. A tensão simulada de saída (VOUT), a vazio (sem carga), é 3V. Para carga máxima DC (20mA), o valor de VOUT simulado é de 2,4V. O circuito BOOT gera uma tensão na faixa de 4,5V - 5V, para uma carga DC de 1mA. A corrente limitada pelo bloco LC no circuito duplicador é 30mA. O CLR gera uma tensão inversamente proporcional a VOUT, tendo seus limites mínimo e máximo de 1,3V e 5,2V, respectivamente. Todo o sistema foi integrado no processo de fabricação AMS 0.35um HV, exceto os capacitores do estágio duplicador e do circuito de bootstrapping que são externos. Os resultados experimentais mostram desvio (comparados com simulação) de -12,5% em VOUT @ 20mA DC e -0,13% sem carga, -6% à saída de BOOT @ 1mA DC, +23% CLR mínimo, -3,85% em CRL máximo e +10% na corrente limitada. Durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, o Circuito de Regulação Linear (CRL) foi publicado no SBCCI 2009 apresentando sua rápida resposta à transientes de carga, o que é sua grande vantagem comparado a circuitos anteriormente propostosAbstract: In this work, a DC/DC charge-pump voltage-doubler converter, for maximum load current of 20mA, was designed and fabricated. The Charge Pump (CP) needs control circuits for properly switching, voltage regulation and protection of voltage doubler stage. The control system designed comprises a linear regulation circuit (CRL), a Skip mode regulator, current limitation circuit (LC) and a bootstrapping circuit (BOOT), which provides the appropriate voltage to turn on CP power transistors. The voltage doubler is the power stage that interfaces directly to the load and its nominal input voltage PVIN is 1.5V. The objective of this work is to guarantee that the proposed DC/DC converter works properly (proved by Silicon results) and to achieve experimental results with the least deviation possible compared to simulation. The nominal output voltage (VOUT) with no load is 3V. For maximum DC load (20mA), simulated VOUT is 2.4V. BOOT circuit provides voltage within 4.5V - 5V for DC current load of 1mA. The LC limits the drawn current through the voltage-doubler at 30mA. The CRL provides a control voltage inversely proportional to VOUT and its minimum and maximum are 1.3V and 5.2V respectively. The whole system has been integrated in AMS 0.35um HV except the capacitors of CP and BOOT circuits. The experimental results show deviation (comparing to simulation) of -12,5% on VOUT @ 20mA DC and -0,13% @ no load , -6% on BOOT output @ 1mA DC, +23% CLR minimum, -3,85% CRL maximum and +10% on LC circuit. During the development of this work, the CRL circuit has been published in the SBCCI 2009 conference to present its fast-response to stringent load transient which is the biggest CRL advantage compared to previously proposed circuitsMestradoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    A Charge-Recycling Scheme and Ultra Low Voltage Self-Startup Charge Pump for Highly Energy Efficient Mixed Signal Systems-On-A-Chip

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    The advent of battery operated sensor-based electronic systems has provided a pressing need to design energy-efficient, ultra-low power integrated circuits as a means to improve the battery lifetime. This dissertation describes a scheme to lower the power requirement of a digital circuit through the use of charge-recycling and dynamic supply-voltage scaling techniques. The novel charge-recycling scheme proposed in this research demonstrates the feasibility of operating digital circuits using the charge scavenged from the leakage and dynamic load currents inherent to digital design. The proposed scheme efficiently gathers the “ground-bound” charge into storage capacitor banks. This reclaimed charge is then subsequently recycled to power the source digital circuit. The charge-recycling methodology has been implemented on a 12-bit Gray-code counter operating at frequencies of less than 50 MHz. The circuit has been designed in a 90-nm process and measurement results reveal more than 41% reduction in the average energy consumption of the counter. The total energy savings including the power consumed for the generation of control signals aggregates to an average of 23%. The proposed methodology can be applied to an existing digital path without any design change to the circuit but with only small loss to the performance. Potential applications of this scheme are described, specifically in wide-temperature dynamic power reduction and as a source for energy harvesters. The second part of this dissertation deals with the design and development of a self-starting, ultra-low voltage, switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter that is essential to an energy harvesting system. The proposed charge-pump based SC-converter operates from 125-mV input and thus enables battery-less operation in ultra-low voltage energy harvesters. The charge pump does not require any external components or expensive post-fabrication processing to enable low-voltage operation. This design has been implemented in a 130-nm CMOS process. While the proposed charge pump provides significant efficiency enhancement in energy harvesters, it can also be incorporated within charge recycling systems to facilitate adaptable charge-recycling levels. In total, this dissertation provides key components needed for highly energy-efficient mixed signal systems-on-a-chip

    Novel charge pump architecture with Fibonacci stage

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    U ovoj je doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljena nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe. U prvom dijelu rada opisan je osnovni princip rada najčešće korištene nabojske pumpe, Dicksonove nabojske pumpe, te razvijen njen novi matematički model. Novi matematički model je primjenjiv na bilo koju dvo faznu nabojsku pumpu i od postojećih se razlikuje po tome što uzima u obzir utjecaj otpora kanala tranzistora i izvora. Na osnovu predstavljenog matematičkog modela, predložena je nova metoda za određivanje parametara nabojske pumpe, koja također uzima u obzir otpor kanala tranzistora i otpor izvora, te je generalizirana tako da odgovara bilo kojoj dvo faznoj nabojskoj pumpi. Nabojske pumpe visokog dobitka, koje su u posljednje vrijeme postale popularne, također se mogu opisati predstavljenim matematičkim modelom i predloženom metodom određivanja parametara, ako koriste dva protufazna signala takta. Nakon teorijskih i matematičkih analiza, koje uključuju i utjecaj efekta podloge na napon praga tranzistora, predložena je nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe s Fibonaccijevim stupnjem. Proces projektiranja integriranog CMOS sklopa u Cadence okruženju je detaljno opisan i prikazani su rezultati simulacije sa i bez ekstrahiranih paratiznih parametara. Korištenjem Fibonaccijevom stupnja dobiveni su viši izlazni naponi od izlaznih napona klasičnih arhitektura nabojskih pumpi, a CVSL sklop je dokazan kao jednostavno i efikasno rješenje za ispravno upravljanje Fibonaccijevim stupnjem. Nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe je procesirana u sklopu testnog integriranog sklopa korištenjem 0,35 μm AMS-ovog C35B4C3 tehnološkog procesa, zajedno s Dicksonovom, CTS i modificiranom CTS nabojskom pumpom koje služe za usporedbu s novom arhitekturom. Rezultati mjerenja su uspoređeni s rezultatima simulacije, a njihova međusobna odstupanja su detaljno objašnjena. Na temelju usporedbe mjernih i simulacijskih rezultata, dokazano je da SPICE model netočno modelira rad tranzistora u području ispon napona praga te time i ponašanje nabojske pumpe za čisto kapacitivna opterećenja. Također, utvrđeno je formiranje niskopropusnog filtra na priključcima signala takta kod testnog integriranog sklopa, te su predložene metode za rješavanje tog problema.In this doctoral thesis a novel charge pump architecture is presented. In the first part of the thesis the basic principles of operation of the most common charge pump, Dickson charge pump, are described and a novel mathematical model is developed and presented. The presented model is appliable to any two-phase charge pump and it takes into account resistance of MOSFET switches and the power supply resistance as well. Based on the presented mathematical model, a new method for charge pump parameter determination is proposed, which also takes into account the switch and the power supply resistance, and it is generalized to correspond to any two-phase charge pump. Recent high gain charge pump designs, as long as they are two-phase designs, can also be descibed with presented mathematical model and proposed method. After theoretical and mathematical analysis, including body effect on the threshold voltage of the NMOS devices, a novel charge pump architecture with Fibonacci stage is presented. Designing process in Cadence environment is explained in detail and simulation results, both with and without exctracted parasitics, are given. The higher output voltages of the novel architecture, compared with common charge pump architectures, due to used Fibonacci stage are observed and the CVSL circuit is proven to be simple and efficient solution for high amplitude clock generator that is needed to drive the Fibonacci stage. The novel charge pump is proccessed in integrated circuit using 0,35 µm AMS C35B4C3 technology process, together with Dickson, CTS and modified CTS charge pump which are used for comparison with new architecture. Measurements of the fabricated charge pumps are compared with simulation results and the discrepancies are explained. Based on the measurement and simulation comparison, the SPICE model behavior in subthreshold region for a charge pump operating under capacitive load is proved to be faulty. Also, the forming of the low-pass filter on the clock signal pins in processed and bonded integrated circuit is determined, and some solutions are proposed

    Impedance matching and DC-DC converter designs for tunable radio frequency based mobile telecommunication systems

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    Tunability and adaptability for radio frequency (RF) front-ends are highly desirable because they not only enhance functionality and performance but also reduce the circuit size and cost. This thesis presents a number of novel design strategies in DC-DC converters, impedance networks and adaptive algorithms for tunable and adaptable RF based mobile telecommunication systems. Specifically, the studies are divided into three major directions: (a) high voltage switch controller based DC-DC converters for RF switch actuation; (b) impedance network designs for impedance transformation of RF switches; and (c) adaptive algorithms for determining the required impedance states at the RF switches. In the first stage, two-phase step-up switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters are explored. The SC converter has a simple control method and a reduced physical volume. The research investigations started with the linear and the non-linear voltage gain topologies. The non-linear voltage gain topology provides a higher voltage gain in a smaller number of stages compared to the linear voltage gain topology. Amongst the non-linear voltage gain topologies, a Fibonacci SC converter has been identified as having lower losses and a higher conversion ratio compared to other topologies. However, the implementation of a high voltage (HV) gain Fibonacci SC converter is complex due to the requirement of widely different gate voltages for the transistors in the Fibonacci converter. Gate driving strategies have been proposed that only require a few auxiliary transistors in order to provide the required boosted voltages for switching the transistors on and off. This technique reduces the design complexity and increases the reliability of the HV Fibonacci SC converter. For the linear voltage gain topology, a high performance complementary-metaloxide- semiconductor (CMOS) based SC DC-DC converter has been proposed in this work. The HV SC DC-DC converter has been designed in low voltage (LV) transistors technology in order to achieve higher voltage gain. Adaptive biasing circuits have been proposed to eliminate the leakage current, hence avoiding latch-up which normally occurs with low voltage transistors when they are used in a high voltage design. Thus, the SC DC-DC converter achieves more than 25% higher boosted voltage compared to converters that use HV transistors. The proposed design provides a 40% power reduction through the charge recycling circuit that reduces the effect of non-ideality in integrated HV capacitors. Moreover, the SC DC-DC converter achieves a 45% smaller area than the conventional converter through optimising the design parameters. In the second stage, the impedance network designs for transforming the impedance of RF switches to the maximum achievable impedance tuning region are investigated. The maximum achievable tuning region is bounded by the fundamental properties of the selected impedance network topology and by the tunable values of the RF switches that are variable over a limited range. A novel design technique has been proposed in order to achieve the maximum impedance tuning region, through identifying the optimum electrical distance between the RF switches at the impedance network. By varying the electrical distance between the RF switches, high impedance tuning regions are achieved across multi frequency standards. This technique reduces the cost and the insertion loss of an impedance network as the required number of RF switches is reduced. The prototype demonstrates high impedance coverages at LTE (700MHz), GSM (900MHz) and GPS (1575MHz). Integration of a tunable impedance network with an antenna for frequency-agility at the RF front-end has also been discussed in this work. The integrated system enlarges the bandwidth of a patch antenna by four times the original bandwidth and also improves the antenna return loss. The prototype achieves frequency-agility from 700MHz to 3GHz. This work demonstrates that a single transceiver with multi frequency standards can be realised by using a tunable impedance network. In the final stage, improvement to an adaptive algorithm for determining the impedance states at the RF switches has been proposed. The work has resulted in one more novel design techniques which reduce the search time in the algorithm, thus minimising the risk of data loss during the impedance tuning process. The approach reduces the search time by more than an order of magnitude by exploiting the relationships among the mass spring’s coefficient values derived from the impedance network parameters, thereby significantly reducing the convergence time of the algorithm. The algorithm with the proposed technique converges in less than half of the computational time compared to the conventional approach, hence significantly improving the search time of the algorithm. The design strategies proposed in this work contribute towards the realisation of tunable and adaptable RF based mobile telecommunication systems