18 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Bright-English for Beginners application in improving students' vocabulary

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    Lack of vocabulary is the main problem for Indonesian students who learn English. One of the things that makes learning English difficult is the lack of vocabulary. In order that, the technology development in this current era can be used as a way to improve students’ vocabulary. There are many software or applications on phones and laptops that provide learning English. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether the “Bright-English for Beginners” application be able to increase students’ vocabulary or not. This type of research was included in the type of quantitative research with a group without treatment (control group) and a group with treatment (experimental group) which carry out a pre-test and post-test. Before giving the treatment, both groups were given a pre-test. After giving the treatment, which is an experimental group are taught by “Bright-English for Beginners” application and control group without it, the researcher gave a post-test. The results of this include 1) There is a relevant improvement for the group with treatment (experimental group) from the pre-test (before treatment) and post-test (after treatment), 2) There is a significant difference between students’ vocabulary utilizing “Bright-English for Beginners” application and without using it, 3) Vocabulary learning using the “Bright-English for Beginners” application has been proven to be more effective than using the usual method

    Penanaman Sikap Mitigasi Kebakaran Siswa SD Joseph Khatulistiwa Sintang Dengan Permainan “Gamikar”

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    Sintang Region is an area of level II in the Kalimantan Barat (West Borneo). The wide area of the land are 21.635km2, most the area are forest and soil. Sintang Region Fire Department was stated that fire disaster, including soil, forest and settlement fire always became similar problem every year, especially at dry season. On the year 2015, fire was the huge disaster that happened in Sintang Region. Fire Department already tried hard to prevent that fire disaster. Socialization and Education already done by Fire Department but that was not effective and efficient. Sintang Region is an area of level II in the Kalimantan Barat (West Borneo). The wide area of the land are 21.635km2, most the area are forest and soil. Sintang Region Fire Department was stated that fire disaster, including soil, forest and settlement fire always became similar problem every year, especially at dry season. On the year 2015, fire was the huge disaster that happened in Sintang Region. Fire Department already tried hard to prevent that fire disaster. Socialization and Education already done by Fire Department but that was not effective and efficient. SD Joseph Khatulistiwa in Sintang  is one of the elementary schools that has never received material on fire mitigation. For this reason, the writer needs to take up the theme of this activity by choosing SD Joseph Khatulistiwa Sintang as a target partner for Community Service activities (PkM). The method used in this PkM is learning activities through games called Gamikar. The approved activities will be carried out for 2 days. The target output of this activity is an improvement in the students' understanding of disaster mitigation. There were improvements seen from the initial and final measurements of PkM activities

    Community Rituals in Facing Volcanic Eruption Threat in Java

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    This research aims to explore the kinds of rituals done by the society in around Merapi mountain facing volcanic mountain eruption threat in Cangkringan and find educational meaning in the ritual. This research uses qualitative approach, phenomenology. Research informants are Cangkringan society, Merapi mountain caretaker, and Cangkringan figures. Data collecting technique are participant observation; the researcher involved directly in the ritual. Data then analyzed by using domain, taxonomic, componential, and cultural theme. Research result shows that Cangkringan society in facing Merapi mountain eruption threat is still traditionally by labuhan ritual , laku topo bisu ritual, and sedekah Gunung ritual. These rituals are representation of educational values and local wisdom whose most fundamental objectives are to maintain nature, the values of togetherness, in order and respect to achieve outer and inner harmony

    Disaster preparedness behaviors in biology education: Knowledge of environmental disaster mitigation

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    Environmental disaster was important issue to be solved. Current situation disasters such as flood, earthquake, tsunami, volcanoes and others could be happened. This study aimed to obtain information about the relationship between knowledge of disaster and preparedness behaviors and disaster preparedness behaviors. This research was a Sequential Explanatory combination research consisting of 2 variables, namely knowledge about disaster mitigation as an independent variable (X) and disaster preparedness behaviors as a dependent variable (Y). This research was conducted in January-June 2019. The population in this study was all students of Grade XI MIPA in MAN in Bogor City in the academic year 2018/2019 with a total sample of 207 respondents. Research data were obtained using multiple choice test and observation sheet. Quantitative data analysis with descriptive statistical calculations, prerequisite tests using the Liliefors test and the Bartlett test. The data hypotheses testing used the Pearson Product Moment formula. Analysis of qualitative data carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between knowledge of disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness behaviors (t-value 3.56 > t-statistic 0.05, r=0.234 & r2=5.51%) with a low interpretation value. The conclusion of this research there were low relationship between knowledge of disaster and preparedness behaviors

    Using Digital Game, Augmented Reality, and Head Mounted Displays for Immediate-Action Commander Training

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    Disaster education focusing on how we should take immediate actions after disasters strike is essential to protect our lives. However, children find it difficult to understand such disaster education. Instead of disaster education to children, adults should properly instruct them to take immediate actions in the event of a disaster. We refer to such adults as Immediate-Action Commanders (IACers) and attach importance to technology-enhanced IACer training programs with high situational and audio-visual realities. To realize such programs, we focused on digital game, augmented reality (AR) and head-mounted displays (HMDs). We prototyped three AR systems that superimpose interactive virtual objects onto HMDs’ real-time vision or a trainee’s actual view based on interactive fictional scenarios. In addition, the systems are designed to realize voice-based interactions between the virtual objects (i.e., virtual children) and the trainee. According to a brief comparative survey, the AR system equipped with a smartphone-based binocular opaque HMD (Google Cardboard) has the most promising practical system for technology-enhanced IACer training programs


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    Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. History has proven that this country has been hit by various types of natural disasters for a long time. Unfortunately, disaster mitigation efforts through disaster education seem to be still not optimally conducted in Indonesia. There are only two subjects that formally contain the content of disaster education. Meanwhile, other subjects, including Indonesian history, are not required to provide students with the content of disaster education. Even though, there are many historical events in the subject of history of Indonesia that discuss the occurrence of disasters in Indonesia. Another challenge is how to integrate disaster education in history learning. One alternative method offered by this paper is through ADIT learning model. Indonesia merupakan negara yang rawan bencana. Sejarah telah membuktikan bahwa negara ini telah dilanda berbagai jenis bencana alam sejak lama. Sayangnya, upaya mitigasi bencana melalui pendidikan kebencanaan tampaknya masih belum maksimal dilakukan di Indonesia. Hanya ada dua mata pelajaran yang secara formal memuat muatan pendidikan kebencanaan. Sedangkan mata pelajaran lain, termasuk sejarah Indonesia, tidak wajib membekali siswa dengan muatan pendidikan kebencanaan. Padahal, banyak peristiwa sejarah dalam mata kuliah sejarah Indonesia yang membahas tentang terjadinya bencana di Indonesia. Tantangan lainnya adalah bagaimana mengintegrasikan pendidikan kebencanaan dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Salah satu alternatif metode yang ditawarkan oleh makalah ini adalah melalui model pembelajaran ADIT. 

    Environmental supplement book of flood disaster for university students

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    Solving natural disaster problems, especially floods, requires community participation. One of the efforts that can be done is by implementing the environmental supplement book of flood disasters based on innovation learning model for natural science and environmental learning (ILMIZI). The purpose of this research was to implement a supplementary book to improve university students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and pro-environmental behavior (PEB). This was an experiment method consisting of experimental class and control class. The samples were 115 university students with 60 university students in experimental class and 55 university students in control class. The data analysis was a t-test that aims to test the significance of the difference in the mean HOTS and PEB scores for the experimental class and the control class. In addition to the t-test, descriptive analysis was also carried out by comparing the HOTS and PEB scores between the experimental class and the control class. The results of this study indicated that the t-test results were significant, which means that supplement books could increase HOTS and PEB of university students. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that university students were still weak in flood mitigation efforts related to the provision of disaster evacuation tools. In an effort to prevent disasters, it was necessary to innovate environmental learning to support sustainability. A conclusion can be drawn that the use of supplementary books can increase university students’ HOTS and PEB

    Preparing children for climate related disasters

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    Climate-related disasters affect different dimensions of children’s health and well-being both directly and indirectly. Reducing children’s vulnerability and exposure to climate-related disasters is crucial to protect them against risks. Children as climate-change agents and future leaders at local, national and international level can obviously contribute to reduce vulnerabilities in families and communities and transfer knowledge to them. Moreover, children can advocate for climate change mitigation. In the long term, participation of children in the climate change mitigation programmes may lead to fewer disasters and, consequently, less risk to their health. As government policies have failed to fully address and respond to the drivers of climate-related disasters, disasters preparedness and education for children should be considered an essential activity to protect children from disaster’s risks. Main factors in shaping children’s behaviour and response to disaster are increasing the risk perception and knowledge of the children. When a child perceived likelihood, susceptibility and severity of a disaster (such as earthquake), then they would be able and willing to learn how to prepare for that. So far, disaster education programmes for children have mostly relied on offline school-based training. Different innovative approaches can be applied to continue education within online and digital formats including virtual reality, digital games and online platforms. However, an advocacy support by influential entities such as companies engaged in entertainment industry is required to raise the awareness of public and particularly the children about disaster preparedness

    Development and Validation of “Hazard O’Clock”: A Home Hazard and Disaster Awareness Game

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    The Philippines is the fourth most disaster-prone country in the world due to its location in the Pacific Ring of Fire and Pacific Typhoon Belt. When it comes to these disasters, children below the age of 18 are considered to be among the most vulnerable. This study aimed to develop a mobile game about Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in the home setting that can be used as a teaching aid for children. The information integrated into the game was from different resources made by various government agencies. The Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model was used in the development of the game, and game development educators and STEM educators evaluated it. Using a 5-point Likert scale survey, the game’s quality and appropriateness were evaluated for the following categories: Instructional Content, Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, and Usability. For each category, the mean score ratings were 4.43, 4.43, 4.80, and 4.60 respectively. Overall, the game received a rating of 4.52 indicating that it is Very Appropriate for its purpose. The research findings have shown that the game, Hazard O’Clock, could be used as a teaching aid for DRRM

    Serious gaming in flood risk management

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    Serious gaming is increasingly used to explore important real-world problems and a growing number of serious games are addressing flood-related issues. However, there has been limited synthesis of these attempts and their contributions to the ongoing shift toward a more holistic and governance-based flood resilience perspective in flood risk management (FRM). This international review collates and analyses these attempts in order to develop a knowledge base of serious gaming in the field of FRM. It contains 37 games that were developed with different rationales that include engaging players in the topic of FRM, supporting practice by exploring future options through collaboration, improving communication of FRM, as educational tools, and to collect research data. The gameplay countries and player characteristics, game characteristics, relevance to FRM, game rationales, and collection of data are explored in this paper. Identified serious games provided an unconventional and entertaining approach to engage stakeholders on flood-related issues. The review analyzed the serious games in light of the shift toward flood resilience and identified limitations in the documentation of serious games and their potential in understanding the longer-term impacts of gameplay on players. Furthermore, the vast majority of reviewed games were played in a single country and missed out on understanding the cultural production and perspectives of FRM that could support cross-cultural learning and inspiration for future FRM strategies. Overall, the review identified an important role for serious games in the shift toward governance and the adoption of more holistic flood resilience perspectives. This article is categorized under: Human Water > Water Governance Human Water > Methods Science of Water > Water Extremes