42,566 research outputs found

    Cyber security research frameworks for coevolutionary network defense

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    Cyber security is increasingly a challenge for organizations everywhere. Defense systems that require less expert knowledge and can adapt quickly to threats are strongly needed to combat the rise of cyber attacks. Computational intelligence techniques can be used to rapidly explore potential solutions while searching in a way that is unaffected by human bias. Several architectures have been created for developing and testing systems used in network security, but most are meant to provide a platform for running cyber security experiments as opposed to automating experiment processes. In the first paper, we propose a framework termed Distributed Cyber Security Automation Framework for Experiments (DCAFE) that enables experiment automation and control in a distributed environment. Predictive analysis of adversaries is another thorny issue in cyber security. Game theory can be used to mathematically analyze adversary models, but its scalability limitations restrict its use. Computational game theory allows us to scale classical game theory to larger, more complex systems. In the second paper, we propose a framework termed Coevolutionary Agent-based Network Defense Lightweight Event System (CANDLES) that can coevolve attacker and defender agent strategies and capabilities and evaluate potential solutions with a custom network defense simulation. The third paper is a continuation of the CANDLES project in which we rewrote key parts of the framework. Attackers and defenders have been redesigned to evolve pure strategy, and a new network security simulation is devised which specifies network architecture and adds a temporal aspect. We also add a hill climber algorithm to evaluate the search space and justify the use of a coevolutionary algorithm --Abstract, page iv

    Optimal IS Security Investment: Cyber Terrorism vs. Common Hacking

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    Proper investment in information systems security can protect national critical information systems. This research compares the optimal investment decision for organizations to protect themselves from common hackers and from cyber terrorists. A two-stage stochastic game model is proposed to model cyber terrorism activities as well as common hacking activities. The results of our specific simulation indicate that an optimal investment exists for games such as cyber crimes, and that the potential maximum loss to organizations from cyber terrorism is about fifty times more than from common hackers. This research can also be generalized to other practical fields such as financial fraud prevention. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is a novel approach that combines economic theory, deterrence theory, and IS security to explore the cyber terrorism problem

    From cyber-security deception to manipulation and gratification through gamification

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    Over the last two decades the field of cyber-security has experienced numerous changes associated with the evolution of other fields, such as networking, mobile communications, and recently the Internet of Things (IoT) [3]. Changes in mindsets have also been witnessed, a couple of years ago the cyber-security industry only blamed users for their mistakes often depicted as the number one reason behind security breaches. Nowadays, companies are empowering users, modifying their perception of being the weak link, into being the center-piece of the network design [4]. Users are by definition "in control" and therefore a cyber-security asset. Researchers have focused on the gamification of cyber- security elements, helping users to learn and understand the concepts of attacks and threats, allowing them to become the first line of defense to report anoma- lies [5]. However, over the past years numerous infrastructures have suffered from malicious intent, data breaches, and crypto-ransomeware, clearly showing the technical "know-how" of hackers and their ability to bypass any security in place, demonstrating that no infrastructure, software or device can be consid- ered secure. Researchers concentrated on the gamification, learning and teaching theory of cyber-security to end-users in numerous fields through various techniques and scenarios to raise cyber-situational awareness [2][1]. However, they overlooked the users’ ability to gather information on these attacks. In this paper, we argue that there is an endemic issue in the the understanding of hacking practices leading to vulnerable devices, software and architectures. We therefore propose a transparent gamification platform for hackers. The platform is designed with hacker user-interaction and deception in mind enabling researchers to gather data on the techniques and practices of hackers. To this end, we developed a fully extendable gamification architecture allowing researchers to deploy virtualised hosts on the internet. Each virtualised hosts contains a specific vulnerability (i.e. web application, software, etc). Each vulnerability is connected to a game engine, an interaction engine and a scoring engine

    Decision support approaches for cyber security investment

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    When investing in cyber security resources, information security managers have to follow effective decisionmaking strategies. We refer to this as the cyber security investment challenge.In this paper, we consider three possible decision support methodologies for security managers to tackle this challenge. We consider methods based on game theory, combinatorial optimisation, and a hybrid of the two. Our modelling starts by building a framework where we can investigate the effectiveness of a cyber security control regarding the protection of different assets seen as targets in presence of commodity threats. As game theory captures the interaction between the endogenous organisation’s and attackers’ decisions, we consider a 2-person control game between the security manager who has to choose among different implementation levels of a cyber security control, and a commodity attacker who chooses among different targets to attack. The pure game theoretical methodology consists of a large game including all controls and all threats. In the hybrid methodology the game solutions of individual control-games along with their direct costs (e.g. financial) are combined with a Knapsack algorithm to derive an optimal investment strategy. The combinatorial optimisation technique consists of a multi-objective multiple choice Knapsack based strategy. To compare these approaches we built a decision support tool and a case study regarding current government guidelines. The endeavour of this work is to highlight the weaknesses and strengths of different investment methodologies for cyber security, the benefit of their interaction, and the impact that indirect costs have on cyber security investment. Going a step further in validating our work, we have shown that our decision support tool provides the same advice with the one advocated by the UK government with regard to the requirements for basic technical protection from cyber attacks in SMEs
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