1,704 research outputs found

    Mom, Dad It’s Only a Game! Perceived Gambling and Gaming Behaviors among Adolescents and Young Adults: an Exploratory Study

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    Gambling and gaming are increasingly popular activities among adolescents. Although gambling is illegal in Portugal for youth under the age of 18 years, gambling opportunities are growing, mainly due to similarity between gambling and other technology-based games. Given the relationship between gambling and gaming activities, the paucity of research on gambling and gaming behaviors in Portugal, and the potential negative consequences in the lives of young people, the goal of this study was to explore and compare the perceptions of these two behaviors between Portuguese adolescents and young adults. Results from six focus groups (three with adolescents and three with young adults, comprising 37 participants aged between 13 and 26 years) indicated different perceptions for the two age groups. For adolescents, gaming was associated with addiction whereas for young adults it was perceived a tool for increasing personal and social skills. With regard to gambling, adolescents associated it with luck and financial rewards, whereas young adults perceived it as an activity with more risks than benefits. These results suggest developmental differences that have implications for intervention programs and future research

    Detection of Deception in a Virtual World

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    This work explores the role of multimodal cues in detection of deception in a virtual world, an online community of World of Warcraft players. Case studies from a five-year ethnography are presented in three categories: small-scale deception in text, deception by avoidance, and large-scale deception in game-external modes. Each case study is analyzed in terms of how the affordances of the medium enabled or hampered deception as well as how the members of the community ultimately detected the deception. The ramifications of deception on the community are discussed, as well as the need for researchers to have a deep community knowledge when attempting to understand the role of deception in a complex society. Finally, recommendations are given for assessment of behavior in virtual worlds and the unique considerations that investigators must give to the rules and procedures of online communities.</jats:p

    Massively Multiplayer Online Gamers: Motivations and Risks

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    Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) are a popular type of online video game. While these games and their players have been studied previously, there is gap in the literature that examines the relationship between one’s motivation to play MMOGs and loneliness, depression, and problematic use. For this study, 440 players of World of Warcraft (WoW), a popular MMOG, completed a demographics questionnaire and four measures, including Williams, Yee, & Caplan’s (2008) motivation measure, Peter’s & Malesky’s (2008) World of Warcraft-specific Problematic Usage-Engagement Questionnaire, UCLA’s Loneliness scale, and The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. Results from quantitative analyses suggest that MMO players who are motivated to play for reasons of achievement and immersion are more likely to experience problematic use than those persons who play for social motivations. Loneliness and depression were only positively related with immersion motivated players, and there exists a significant negative relationship between social motivation and depression. These results suggest that gamers who play WoW for immersive reasons are the most at-risk in comparison to their peers. Implications for counseling, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed

    Social gaming: A systematic review

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    Digital games often constitute a shared activity where people can spend time together, communicate and socialize. Several commercial titles place social interaction at the center of their design. Prior works have investigated the social outcomes of gaming, and factors that impact the experience. Yet, we lack a comprehensive understanding of how social gaming has been approached and explored before. In this work, we present a systematic review covering 263 publications, gathered in February 2021, that study gaming experiences involving more than one person, with a focus on the social element that emerges among partakers (players and/or spectators). We contribute with a systematized understanding of (1) how the topic is being defined and approached, (2) what facets (mainly in terms of outcomes and determinants of the experience) are being acknowledged and (3) the methodologies leveraged to examine these. Our analysis, based on mixed deductive and inductive coding, reveals relevant gaps and tendencies, including (1) the emphasis in novel technologies and unconventional games, (2) the apparent negligence of player diversity, and (3) lower ecological validity associated with totally mediated evaluations and a lack of established constructs to assess social outcomes

    Internet Gaming Disorder: the interplay between physical activity and user–avatar relationship

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    Understanding both the risk and protective factors associated with Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been viewed by many in the gaming studies field as an area of research priority. The present study focused on the potential risk and protective effects of user-avatar (game figure) relationship and physical activity (PA) respectively. To address these aims, a cross-sectional and a longitudinal mixed-methods design were combined (comprising both psychological and physiological assessments). A sample of 121 emerging adult gamers (18%29 years) residing in Australia, who played massively multiplayer online games, were assessed in relation to their IGD behaviors using the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form. Additionally, the Proto-Self-Presence scale was used to evaluate the extent to which gamers identified with the body of their avatar. Finally, a PA monitor (Fit Bit Flex ) measured levels of energy consumed during real world daily activities (active minutes). A number of linear regressions and moderation analyses were conducted. Findings confirmed that Proto-Self-Presence functioned as an IGD risk factor and that PA acted protectively, weakening the association between Proto-Self-Presence and IGD behaviors. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to IGD treatment and gaming development aspects

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Player Motivations and Problematic Involvement in Multiplayer Online Games: Exploring an Alternative Diagnostic Approach that Minimizes the Risk of Pathologizing Healthy Gaming Behaviors

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    More than 80 million people in the United States play online video games, and this prevalent form of entertainment has enabled players from various geographic settings to interact in highly complex and realistic virtual worlds. However, despite the popularity of online gaming and the evolution of a socially oriented culture, the rapid growth of the industry has raised concerns among parents, educators, clinicians, and the general public about the potential consequences of online gaming. The proposal to classify Internet gaming disorder as a behavioral addiction has produced considerable debate as to whether the classification is empirically justified. Evidence suggests that problematic online gaming cannot be measured using addiction criteria because of its inability to distinguish problematic usage from high levels of healthy engagement. The purpose of this study was to explore an alternative, non-addiction approach that would minimize the risk of pathologizing healthy gaming behaviors. A systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to measure the relationships between player motivations and gaming-related problems. Results indicated that escapism and advancement were strongly associated with gaming-related problems. Teamwork and discovery were found to be unassociated with gaming-related problems. Implications regarding the complexity of the escapism construct, the need for a deeper understanding of advancement, the relevance of motivations that are unassociated with problems, and methodological issues within the literature are discussed. Recommendations for researchers, parents, gamers, clinicians, policy makers, and executive leaders are also provided