20 research outputs found

    Galerkin finite element solution for benjamin-bona-mahony-burgers equation with cubic b-splines

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    In this article, we study solitary-wave solutions of the nonlinear Benjamin–Bona–Mahony– Burgers(BBM–Burgers) equation based on a lumped Galerkin technique using cubic Bspline finite elements for the spatial approximation. The existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Galerkin version of the solutions have been established. An accuracy analysis of the Galerkin finite element scheme for the spatial approximation has been well studied. The proposed scheme is carried out for four test problems including dispersion of single solitary wave, interaction of two, three solitary waves and development of an undular bore. Then we propose a full discrete scheme for the resulting IVP. Von Neumann theory is used to establish stability analysis of the full discrete numerical algorithm. To display applicability and durableness of the new scheme, error norms L2, L∞ and three invariants I1, I2 and I3 are computed and the acquired results are demonstrated both numerically and graphically. The obtained results specify that our new scheme ensures an apparent and an operative mathematical instrument for solving nonlinear evolution equation

    Theoretical and computational structures on solitary wave solutions of Benjamin Bona Mahony-Burgers equation

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    This paper aims to obtain exact and numerical solutions of the nonlinear Benjamin Bona Mahony-Burgers (BBM-Burgers) equation. Here, we propose the modi ed Kudryashov method for getting the exact traveling wave solutions of BBM-Burgers equation and a septic B-spline collocation nite element method for numerical investigations. The numerical method is validated by studying solitary wave motion. Linear stability analysis of the numerical scheme is done with Fourier method based on von-Neumann theory. To show suitability and robustness of the new numerical algorithm, error norms L2, L1 and three invariants I1; I2 and I3 are calculated and obtained results are given both numerically and graphically. The obtained results state that our exact and numerical schemes ensure evident and they are penetrative mathematical instruments for solving nonlinear evolution equation

    Numerical approximation of the generalized regularized long wave equation using Petrov–Galerkin finite element method

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    The generalized regularized long wave (GRLW) equation has been developed to model a variety of physical phenomena such as ion-acoustic and magnetohydro dynamic waves in plasma,nonlinear transverse waves in shallow water and phonon packets in nonlinear crystals. This paper aims to develop andanalyze a powerful numerical scheme for the nonlinear GRLWequation by Petrov–Galerkin method in which the elementshape functions are cubic and weight functions are quadratic B-splines. The proposed method is implemented to three ref-erence problems involving propagation of the single solitarywave, interaction of two solitary waves and evolution of solitons with the Maxwellian initial condition. The variational for-mulation and semi-discrete Galerkin scheme of the equation are firstly constituted. We estimate rate of convergence of such an approximation. Using Fourier stability analysis of thelinearized scheme we show that the scheme is uncondition-ally stable. To verify practicality and robustness of the new scheme error norms L2, L∞ and three invariants I1, I2,and I3 are calculated. The computed numerical results are compared with other published results and confirmed to be precise and effective

    A Powerful Robust Cubic Hermite Collocation Method for the Numerical Calculations and Simulations of the Equal Width Wave Equation

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    In this article, non-linear Equal Width-Wave (EW) equation will be numerically solved . For this aim, the non-linear term in the equation is firstly linearized by Rubin-Graves type approach. After that, to reduce the equation into a solvable discretized linear algebraic equation system which is the essential part of this study, the Crank-Nicolson type approximation and cubic Hermite collocation method are respectively applied to obtain the integration in the temporal and spatial domain directions. To be able to illustrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed method, six test model problems that is single solitary wave, the interaction of two solitary waves, the interaction of three solitary waves, the Maxwellian initial condition, undular bore and finally soliton collision will be taken into consideration and solved. Since only the single solitary wave has an analytical solution among these solitary waves, the error norms Linf and L2 are computed and compared to a few of the previous works available in the literature. Furthermore, the widely used three invariants I1, I2 and I3 of the proposed problems during the simulations are computed and presented. Beside those, the relative changes in those invariants are presented. Also, a comparison of the error norms Linf and L2 and these invariants obviously shows that the proposed scheme produces better and compatible results than most of the previous works using the same parameters. Finally, von Neumann analysis has shown that the present scheme is unconditionally stable.Comment: 25 pages, 9 tables, 6 figure

    Numerical solutions of the generalized equal width wave equation using the Petrov–Galerkin method

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    In this article, we consider a generalized equal width wave (GEW) equation which is a significant nonlinear wave equation as it can be used to model many problems occurring in applied sciences. Here we study a Petrov–Galerkin method for the model problem, in which element shape functions are quadratic and weight functions are linear B-splines. We investigate the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the weak form of the equation. Then, we establish the theoretical bound of the error in the semi-discrete spatial scheme as well as of a full discrete scheme at t = t n. Furthermore, a powerful Fourier analysis has been applied to show that the proposed scheme is unconditionally stable. Finally, propagation of solitary waves and evolution of solitons are analyzed to demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the proposed scheme. The three invariants (I1, I2 and I3) of motion have been commented to verify the conservation features of the proposed algorithms. Our proposed numerical scheme has been compared with other published schemes and demonstrated to be valid, effective and it outperforms the others

    Numerical investigations of shallow water waves via generalized equal width (GEW) equation

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    In this article, a mathematical model representing solution of the nonlinear generalized equal width (GEW) equation has been considered. Here we aim to investigate solutions of GEW equation using a numerical scheme by using sextic B-spline Subdomain finite element method. At first Galerkin finite element method is proposed and a priori bound has been established. Then a semi-discrete and a Crank-Nicolson Galerkin finite element approximation have been studied respectively. In addition to that a powerful Fourier series analysis has been performed and indicated that our method is unconditionally stable. Finally, proficiency and practicality of the method have been demonstrated by illustrating it on two important problems of the GEW equation including propagation of single solitons and collision of double solitary waves. The performance of the numerical algorithm has been demonstrated for the motion of single soliton by computing L∞ and L2 norms and for the other problem computing three invariant quantities I1, I2 and I3. The presented numerical algorithm has been compared with other established schemes and it is observed that the presented scheme is shown to be effectual and valid

    Solitary Wave Solutions of the Generalized Rosenau-KdV-RLW Equation

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    This paper investigates the solitary wave solutions of the generalized Rosenau–Korteweg-de Vries-regularized-long wave equation. This model is obtained by coupling the Rosenau–Korteweg-de Vries and Rosenau-regularized-long wave equations. The solution of the equation is approximated by a local meshless technique called radial basis function (RBF) and the finite-difference (FD) method. The association of the two techniques leads to a meshless algorithm that does not requires the linearization of the nonlinear terms. First, the partial differential equation is transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using radial kernels. Then, the ODE system is solved by means of an ODE solver of higher-order. It is shown that the proposed method is stable. In order to illustrate the validity and the efficiency of the technique, five problems are tested and the results compared with those provided by other schemes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio