20,588 research outputs found

    Uniscale and multiscale gait recognition in realistic scenario

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    The performance of a gait recognition method is affected by numerous challenging factors that degrade its reliability as a behavioural biometrics for subject identification in realistic scenario. Thus for effective visual surveillance, this thesis presents five gait recog- nition methods that address various challenging factors to reliably identify a subject in realistic scenario with low computational complexity. It presents a gait recognition method that analyses spatio-temporal motion of a subject with statistical and physical parameters using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFD). It introduces a part- based EFD analysis to achieve invariance to carrying conditions, and the use of physical parameters enables it to achieve invariance to across-day gait variation. Although spatio- temporal deformation of a subject’s shape in gait sequences provides better discriminative power than its kinematics, inclusion of dynamical motion characteristics improves the iden- tification rate. Therefore, the thesis presents a gait recognition method which combines spatio-temporal shape and dynamic motion characteristics of a subject to achieve robust- ness against the maximum number of challenging factors compared to related state-of-the- art methods. A region-based gait recognition method that analyses a subject’s shape in image and feature spaces is presented to achieve invariance to clothing variation and carry- ing conditions. To take into account of arbitrary moving directions of a subject in realistic scenario, a gait recognition method must be robust against variation in view. Hence, the the- sis presents a robust view-invariant multiscale gait recognition method. Finally, the thesis proposes a gait recognition method based on low spatial and low temporal resolution video sequences captured by a CCTV. The computational complexity of each method is analysed. Experimental analyses on public datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods

    Hierarchical and multi-featured fusion for effective gait recognition under variable scenarios

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    Human identification by gait analysis has attracted a great deal of interest in the computer vision and forensics communities as an unobtrusive technique that is capable of recognizing humans at range. In recent years, significant progress has been made, and a number of approaches capable of this task have been proposed and developed. Among them, approaches based on single source features are the most popular. However the recognition rate of these methods is often unsatisfactory due to the lack of information contained in single feature sources. Consequently, in this paper, a hierarchal and multi-featured fusion approach is proposed for effective gait recognition. In practice, using more features for fusion does not necessarily mean a better recognition rate and features should in fact be carefully selected such that they are complementary to each other. Here, complementary features are extracted in three groups: Dynamic Region Area; Extension and Space features; and 2D Stick Figure Model features. To balance the proportion of features used in fusion a hierarchical feature-level fusion method is proposed. Comprehensive results of applying the proposed techniques to three well-known datasets have demonstrated that our fusion based approach can improve the overall recognition rate when compared to a benchmark algorithm

    Gait recognition based on shape and motion analysis of silhouette contours

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    This paper presents a three-phase gait recognition method that analyses the spatio-temporal shape and dynamic motion (STS-DM) characteristics of a human subject’s silhouettes to identify the subject in the presence of most of the challenging factors that affect existing gait recognition systems. In phase 1, phase-weighted magnitude spectra of the Fourier descriptor of the silhouette contours at ten phases of a gait period are used to analyse the spatio-temporal changes of the subject’s shape. A component-based Fourier descriptor based on anatomical studies of human body is used to achieve robustness against shape variations caused by all common types of small carrying conditions with folded hands, at the subject’s back and in upright position. In phase 2, a full-body shape and motion analysis is performed by fitting ellipses to contour segments of ten phases of a gait period and using a histogram matching with Bhattacharyya distance of parameters of the ellipses as dissimilarity scores. In phase 3, dynamic time warping is used to analyse the angular rotation pattern of the subject’s leading knee with a consideration of arm-swing over a gait period to achieve identification that is invariant to walking speed, limited clothing variations, hair style changes and shadows under feet. The match scores generated in the three phases are fused using weight-based score-level fusion for robust identification in the presence of missing and distorted frames, and occlusion in the scene. Experimental analyses on various publicly available data sets show that STS-DM outperforms several state-of-the-art gait recognition methods

    Towards automated visual surveillance using gait for identity recognition and tracking across multiple non-intersecting cameras

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    Despite the fact that personal privacy has become a major concern, surveillance technology is now becoming ubiquitous in modern society. This is mainly due to the increasing number of crimes as well as the essential necessity to provide secure and safer environment. Recent research studies have confirmed now the possibility of recognizing people by the way they walk i.e. gait. The aim of this research study is to investigate the use of gait for people detection as well as identification across different cameras. We present a new approach for people tracking and identification between different non-intersecting un-calibrated stationary cameras based on gait analysis. A vision-based markerless extraction method is being deployed for the derivation of gait kinematics as well as anthropometric measurements in order to produce a gait signature. The novelty of our approach is motivated by the recent research in biometrics and forensic analysis using gait. The experimental results affirmed the robustness of our approach to successfully detect walking people as well as its potency to extract gait features for different camera viewpoints achieving an identity recognition rate of 73.6 % processed for 2270 video sequences. Furthermore, experimental results confirmed the potential of the proposed method for identity tracking in real surveillance systems to recognize walking individuals across different views with an average recognition rate of 92.5 % for cross-camera matching for two different non-overlapping views.<br/

    Silhouette-based gait recognition using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors

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    This paper presents a gait recognition method which combines spatio-temporal motion characteristics, statistical and physical parameters (referred to as STM-SPP) of a human subject for its classification by analysing shape of the subject's silhouette contours using Procrustes shape analysis (PSA) and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFDs). STM-SPP uses spatio-temporal gait characteristics and physical parameters of human body to resolve similar dissimilarity scores between probe and gallery sequences obtained by PSA. A part-based shape analysis using EFDs is also introduced to achieve robustness against carrying conditions. The classification results by PSA and EFDs are combined, resolving tie in ranking using contour matching based on Hu moments. Experimental results show STM-SPP outperforms several silhouette-based gait recognition methods

    Gait recognition under carrying condition : a static dynamic fusion method

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    When an individual carries an object, such as a briefcase, conventional gait recognition algorithms based on average silhouette/Gait Energy Image (GEI) do not always perform well as the object carried may have the potential of being mistakenly regarded as a part of the human body. To solve such a problem, in this paper, instead of directly applying GEI to represent the gait information, we propose a novel dynamic feature template for classification. Based on this extracted dynamic information and some static feature templates (i.e., head part and trunk part), we cast gait recognition on the large USF (University of South Florida) database by adopting a static/dynamic fusion strategy. For the experiments involving carrying condition covariate, significant improvements are achieved when compared with other classic algorithms