56 research outputs found

    GRAAL: A Framework for Low-Power 3D Graphics Accelerators

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    Accelerating interpreted programming languages on GPUs with just-in-time compilation and runtime optimisations

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    Nowadays, most computer systems are equipped with powerful parallel devices such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). They are present in almost every computer system including mobile devices, tablets, desktop computers and servers. These parallel systems have unlocked the possibility for many scientists and companies to process significant amounts of data in shorter time. But the usage of these parallel systems is very challenging due to their programming complexity. The most common programming languages for GPUs, such as OpenCL and CUDA, are created for expert programmers, where developers are required to know hardware details to use GPUs. However, many users of heterogeneous and parallel hardware, such as economists, biologists, physicists or psychologists, are not necessarily expert GPU programmers. They have the need to speed up their applications, which are often written in high-level and dynamic programming languages, such as Java, R or Python. Little work has been done to generate GPU code automatically from these high-level interpreted and dynamic programming languages. This thesis presents a combination of a programming interface and a set of compiler techniques which enable an automatic translation of a subset of Java and R programs into OpenCL to execute on a GPU. The goal is to reduce the programmability and usability gaps between interpreted programming languages and GPUs. The first contribution is an Application Programming Interface (API) for programming heterogeneous and multi-core systems. This API combines ideas from functional programming and algorithmic skeletons to compose and reuse parallel operations. The second contribution is a new OpenCL Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that automatically translates a subset of the Java bytecode to GPU code. This is combined with a new runtime system that optimises the data management and avoids data transformations between Java and OpenCL. This OpenCL framework and the runtime system achieve speedups of up to 645x compared to Java within 23% slowdown compared to the handwritten native OpenCL code. The third contribution is a new OpenCL JIT compiler for dynamic and interpreted programming languages. While the R language is used in this thesis, the developed techniques are generic for dynamic languages. This JIT compiler uniquely combines a set of existing compiler techniques, such as specialisation and partial evaluation, for OpenCL compilation together with an optimising runtime that compile and execute R code on GPUs. This JIT compiler for the R language achieves speedups of up to 1300x compared to GNU-R and 1.8x slowdown compared to native OpenCL

    TEAPOT: a toolset for evaluating performance, power and image quality on mobile graphics systems

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    In this paper we present TEAPOT, a full system GPU simulator, whose goal is to allow the evaluation of the GPUs that reside in mobile phones and tablets. To this extent, it has a cycle accurate GPU model for evaluating performance, power models for the GPU, the memory subsystem and for OLED screens, and image quality metrics. Unlike prior GPU simulators, TEAPOT supports the OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0 API, so that it can simulate all commercial graphical applications available for Android systems. To illustrate potential uses of this simulating infrastructure, we perform two case studies. We first turn our attention to evaluating the impact of the OS when simulating graphical applications. We show that the overall GPU power/performance is greatly aff ected by common OS tasks, such as image composition, and argue that application level simulation is not sufficient to understand the overall GPU behavior. We then utilize the capabilities of TEAPOT to perform studies that trade image quality for energy. We demonstrate that by allowing for small distortions in the overall image quality, a signifi cant amount of energy can be saved.Postprint (author’s final draft

    A Composable Array Function Interface for Heterogeneous Computing in Java

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    Heterogeneous computing has now become mainstream with virtually every desktop machines featuring accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). While heterogeneity offers the promise of high-performance and high-efficiency, it comes at the cost of huge programming difficulties. Languages and interfaces for programming such system tend to be low-level and require expert knowledge of the hardware in order to achieve its potential. A promising approach for programming such heterogeneous systems is the use of array programming. This style of programming relies on well known parallel patterns that can be easily translated into GPU or other accelerator code. However, only little work has been done on integrating such concepts in mainstream languages such as Java. In this work, we propose a new Array Function interface implemented with the new features from Java 8. While similar in spirit to the new Stream API of Java, our API follows a different design based on reusability and composability. We demonstrate that this API can be used to generate OpenCL code for a simple application. We present encouraging preliminary performance results showing the potential of our approach

    Opportunistic acceleration of array-centric Python computation in heterogeneous environments

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    Dynamic scripting languages, like Python, are growing in popularity and increasingly used by non-expert programmers. These languages provide high level abstractions such as safe memory management, dynamic type handling and array bounds checking. The reduction in boilerplate code enables the concise expression of computation compared to statically typed and compiled languages. This improves programmer productivity. Increasingly, scripting languages are used by domain experts to write numerically intensive code in a variety of domains (e.g. Economics, Zoology, Archaeology and Physics). These programs are often used not just for prototyping but also in deployment. However, such managed program execution comes with a significant performance penalty arising from the interpreter having to decode and dispatch based on dynamic type checking. Modern computer systems are increasingly equipped with accelerators such as GPUs. However, the massive speedups that can be achieved by GPU accelerators come at the cost of program complexity. Directly programming a GPU requires a deep understanding of the computational model of the underlying hardware architecture. While the complexity of such devices is abstracted by programming languages specialised for heterogeneous devices such as CUDA and OpenCL, these are dialects of the low-level C systems programming language used primarily by expert programmers. This thesis presents the design and implementation of ALPyNA, a loop parallelisation and GPU code generation framework. A novel staged parallelisation approach is used to aggressively parallelise each execution instance of a loop nest. Loop dependence relationships that cannot be inferred statically are deferred for runtime analysis. At runtime, these dependences are augmented with runtime information obtained by introspection and the loop nest is parallelised. Parallel GPU kernels are customised to the runtime dependence graph, JIT compiled and executed. A systematic analysis of the execution speed of loop nests is performed using 12 standard loop intensive benchmarks. The evaluation is performed on two CPU–GPU machines. One is a server grade machine while the other is a typical desktop. ALPyNA’s GPU kernels achieve orders of magnitude speedup over the baseline interpreter execution time (up to 16435x) and large speedups (up to 179.55x) over JIT compiled CPU code. The varied performance of JIT compiled GPU code motivates the need for a sophisticated cost model to select the device providing the best speedups at runtime for varying domain sizes. This thesis describes a novel lightweight analytical cost model to determine the fastest device to execute a loop nest at runtime. The ALPyNA Cost Model (ACM) adapts to runtime dependence analysis and is parameterised on the hardware characteristics of the underlying target CPU or GPU. The cost model also takes into account the relative rate at which the interpreter is able to supply the GPU with computational work. ACM is re-targetable to other accelerator devices and only requires minimal install time profiling

    Navigating the Landscape for Real-time Localisation and Mapping for Robotics, Virtual and Augmented Reality

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    Visual understanding of 3D environments in real-time, at low power, is a huge computational challenge. Often referred to as SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping), it is central to applications spanning domestic and industrial robotics, autonomous vehicles, virtual and augmented reality. This paper describes the results of a major research effort to assemble the algorithms, architectures, tools, and systems software needed to enable delivery of SLAM, by supporting applications specialists in selecting and configuring the appropriate algorithm and the appropriate hardware, and compilation pathway, to meet their performance, accuracy, and energy consumption goals. The major contributions we present are (1) tools and methodology for systematic quantitative evaluation of SLAM algorithms, (2) automated, machine-learning-guided exploration of the algorithmic and implementation design space with respect to multiple objectives, (3) end-to-end simulation tools to enable optimisation of heterogeneous, accelerated architectures for the specific algorithmic requirements of the various SLAM algorithmic approaches, and (4) tools for delivering, where appropriate, accelerated, adaptive SLAM solutions in a managed, JIT-compiled, adaptive runtime context.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE 201

    Helium: a transparent inter-kernel optimizer for OpenCL

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    Enhancing productivity and performance portability of opencl applications on heterogeneous systems using runtime optimizations

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    Initially driven by a strong need for increased computational performance in science and engineering, heterogeneous systems have become ubiquitous and they are getting increasingly complex. The single processor era has been replaced with multi-core processors, which have quickly been surrounded by satellite devices aiming to increase the throughput of the entire system. These auxiliary devices, such as Graphics Processing Units, Field Programmable Gate Arrays or other specialized processors have very different architectures. This puts an enormous strain on programming models and software developers to take full advantage of the computing power at hand. Because of this diversity and the unachievable flexibility and portability necessary to optimize for each target individually, heterogeneous systems remain typically vastly under-utilized. In this thesis, we explore two distinct ways to tackle this problem. Providing automated, non intrusive methods in the form of compiler tools and implementing efficient abstractions to automatically tune parameters for a restricted domain are two complementary approaches investigated to better utilize compute resources in heterogeneous systems. First, we explore a fully automated compiler based approach, where a runtime system analyzes the computation flow of an OpenCL application and optimizes it across multiple compute kernels. This method can be deployed on any existing application transparently and replaces significant software engineering effort spent to tune application for a particular system. We show that this technique achieves speedups of up to 3x over unoptimized code and an average of 1.4x over manually optimized code for highly dynamic applications. Second, a library based approach is designed to provide a high level abstraction for complex problems in a specific domain, stencil computation. Using domain specific techniques, the underlying framework optimizes the code aggressively. We show that even in a restricted domain, automatic tuning mechanisms and robust architectural abstraction are necessary to improve performance. Using the abstraction layer, we demonstrate strong scaling of various applications to multiple GPUs with a speedup of up to 1.9x on two GPUs and 3.6x on four