2,296 research outputs found

    Inviwo -- A Visualization System with Usage Abstraction Levels

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    The complexity of today's visualization applications demands specific visualization systems tailored for the development of these applications. Frequently, such systems utilize levels of abstraction to improve the application development process, for instance by providing a data flow network editor. Unfortunately, these abstractions result in several issues, which need to be circumvented through an abstraction-centered system design. Often, a high level of abstraction hides low level details, which makes it difficult to directly access the underlying computing platform, which would be important to achieve an optimal performance. Therefore, we propose a layer structure developed for modern and sustainable visualization systems allowing developers to interact with all contained abstraction levels. We refer to this interaction capabilities as usage abstraction levels, since we target application developers with various levels of experience. We formulate the requirements for such a system, derive the desired architecture, and present how the concepts have been exemplary realized within the Inviwo visualization system. Furthermore, we address several specific challenges that arise during the realization of such a layered architecture, such as communication between different computing platforms, performance centered encapsulation, as well as layer-independent development by supporting cross layer documentation and debugging capabilities

    Hardware-accelerated interactive data visualization for neuroscience in Python.

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    Large datasets are becoming more and more common in science, particularly in neuroscience where experimental techniques are rapidly evolving. Obtaining interpretable results from raw data can sometimes be done automatically; however, there are numerous situations where there is a need, at all processing stages, to visualize the data in an interactive way. This enables the scientist to gain intuition, discover unexpected patterns, and find guidance about subsequent analysis steps. Existing visualization tools mostly focus on static publication-quality figures and do not support interactive visualization of large datasets. While working on Python software for visualization of neurophysiological data, we developed techniques to leverage the computational power of modern graphics cards for high-performance interactive data visualization. We were able to achieve very high performance despite the interpreted and dynamic nature of Python, by using state-of-the-art, fast libraries such as NumPy, PyOpenGL, and PyTables. We present applications of these methods to visualization of neurophysiological data. We believe our tools will be useful in a broad range of domains, in neuroscience and beyond, where there is an increasing need for scalable and fast interactive visualization

    GPU accelerated real-time multi-functional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm.

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    We present a GPU accelerated multi-functional spectral domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm. The system is capable of real-time processing and display of every intensity image, comprised of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines acquired at 20 frames per second. The update rate for all four images with size of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines simultaneously (intensity, phase retardation, flow and en face view) is approximately 10 frames per second. Additionally, we report for the first time the characterization of phase retardation and diattenuation by a sample comprised of a stacked set of polarizing film and wave plate. The calculated optic axis orientation, phase retardation and diattenuation match well with expected values. The speed of each facet of the multi-functional OCT CPU-GPU hybrid acquisition system, intensity, phase retardation, and flow, were separately demonstrated by imaging a horseshoe crab lateral compound eye, a non-uniformly heated chicken muscle, and a microfluidic device. A mouse brain with thin skull preparation was imaged in vivo and demonstrated the capability of the system for live multi-functional OCT visualization

    Dynamic Volume Rendering of Functional Medical Data on Dissimilar Hardware Platforms

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    In the last 30 years, medical imaging has become one of the most used diagnostic tools in the medical profession. Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technologies have become widely adopted because of their ability to capture the human body in a non-invasive manner. A volumetric dataset is a series of orthogonal 2D slices captured at a regular interval, typically along the axis of the body from the head to the feet. Volume rendering is a computer graphics technique that allows volumetric data to be visualized and manipulated as a single 3D object. Iso-surface rendering, image splatting, shear warp, texture slicing, and raycasting are volume rendering methods, each with associated advantages and disadvantages. Raycasting is widely regarded as the highest quality renderer of these methods. Originally, CT and MRI hardware was limited to providing a single 3D scan of the human body. The technology has improved to allow a set of scans capable of capturing anatomical movements like a beating heart. The capturing of anatomical data over time is referred to as functional imaging. Functional MRI (fMRI) is used to capture changes in the human body over time. While fMRI’s can be used to capture any anatomical data over time, one of the more common uses of fMRI is to capture brain activity. The fMRI scanning process is typically broken up into a time consuming high resolution anatomical scan and a series of quick low resolution scans capturing activity. The low resolution activity data is mapped onto the high resolution anatomical data to show changes over time. Academic research has advanced volume rendering and specifically fMRI volume rendering. Unfortunately, academic research is typically a one-off solution to a singular medical case or set of data, causing any advances to be problem specific as opposed to a general capability. Additionally, academic volume renderers are often designed to work on a specific device and operating system under controlled conditions. This prevents volume rendering from being used across the ever expanding number of different computing devices, such as desktops, laptops, immersive virtual reality systems, and mobile computers like phones or tablets. This research will investigate the feasibility of creating a generic software capability to perform real-time 4D volume rendering, via raycasting, on desktop, mobile, and immersive virtual reality platforms. Implementing a GPU-based 4D volume raycasting method for mobile devices will harness the power of the increasing number of mobile computational devices being used by medical professionals. Developing support for immersive virtual reality can enhance medical professionals’ interpretation of 3D physiology with the additional depth information provided by stereoscopic 3D. The results of this research will help expand the use of 4D volume rendering beyond the traditional desktop computer in the medical field. Developing the same 4D volume rendering capabilities across dissimilar platforms has many challenges. Each platform relies on their own coding languages, libraries, and hardware support. There are tradeoffs between using languages and libraries native to each platform and using a generic cross-platform system, such as a game engine. Native libraries will generally be more efficient during application run-time, but they require different coding implementations for each platform. The decision was made to use platform native languages and libraries in this research, whenever practical, in an attempt to achieve the best possible frame rates. 4D volume raycasting provides unique challenges independent of the platform. Specifically, fMRI data loading, volume animation, and multiple volume rendering. Additionally, real-time raycasting has never been successfully performed on a mobile device. Previous research relied on less computationally expensive methods, such as orthogonal texture slicing, to achieve real-time frame rates. These challenges will be addressed as the contributions of this research. The first contribution was exploring the feasibility of generic functional data input across desktop, mobile, and immersive virtual reality. To visualize 4D fMRI data it was necessary to build in the capability to read Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) files. The NIfTI format was designed to overcome limitations of 3D file formats like DICOM and store functional imagery with a single high-resolution anatomical scan and a set of low-resolution anatomical scans. Allowing input of the NIfTI binary data required creating custom C++ routines, as no object oriented APIs freely available for use existed. The NIfTI input code was built using C++ and the C++ Standard Library to be both light weight and cross-platform. Multi-volume rendering is another challenge of fMRI data visualization and a contribution of this work. fMRI data is typically broken into a single high-resolution anatomical volume and a series of low-resolution volumes that capture anatomical changes. Visualizing two volumes at the same time is known as multi-volume visualization. Therefore, the ability to correctly align and scale the volumes relative to each other was necessary. It was also necessary to develop a compositing method to combine data from both volumes into a single cohesive representation. Three prototype applications were built for the different platforms to test the feasibility of 4D volume raycasting. One each for desktop, mobile, and virtual reality. Although the backend implementations were required to be different between the three platforms, the raycasting functionality and features were identical. Therefore, the same fMRI dataset resulted in the same 3D visualization independent of the platform itself. Each platform uses the same NIfTI data loader and provides support for dataset coloring and windowing (tissue density manipulation). The fMRI data can be viewed changing over time by either animation through the time steps, like a movie, or using an interface slider to “scrub” through the different time steps of the data. The prototype applications data load times and frame rates were tested to determine if they achieved the real-time interaction goal. Real-time interaction was defined by achieving 10 frames per second (fps) or better, based on the work of Miller [1]. The desktop version was evaluated on a 2013 MacBook Pro running OS X 10.12 with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and a NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M graphics card. The immersive application was tested in the C6 CAVE™, a 96 graphics node computer cluster comprised of NVIDIA Quadro 6000 graphics cards running Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The mobile application was evaluated on a 2016 9.7” iPad Pro running iOS 9.3.4. The iPad had a 64-bit Apple A9X dual core processor with 2 GB of built in memory. Two different fMRI brain activity datasets with different voxel resolutions were used as test datasets. Datasets were tested using both the 3D structural data, the 4D functional data, and a combination of the two. Frame rates for the desktop implementation were consistently above 10 fps, indicating that real-time 4D volume raycasting is possible on desktop hardware. The mobile and virtual reality platforms were able to perform real-time 3D volume raycasting consistently. This is a marked improvement for 3D mobile volume raycasting that was previously only able to achieve under one frame per second [2]. Both VR and mobile platforms were able to raycast the 4D only data at real-time frame rates, but did not consistently meet 10 fps when rendering both the 3D structural and 4D functional data simultaneously. However, 7 frames per second was the lowest frame rate recorded, indicating that hardware advances will allow consistent real-time raycasting of 4D fMRI data in the near future

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Fusion and visualization of intraoperative cortical images with preoperative models for epilepsy surgical planning and guidance.

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    OBJECTIVE: During epilepsy surgery it is important for the surgeon to correlate the preoperative cortical morphology (from preoperative images) with the intraoperative environment. Augmented Reality (AR) provides a solution for combining the real environment with virtual models. However, AR usually requires the use of specialized displays, and its effectiveness in the surgery still needs to be evaluated. The objective of this research was to develop an alternative approach to provide enhanced visualization by fusing a direct (photographic) view of the surgical field with the 3D patient model during image guided epilepsy surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We correlated the preoperative plan with the intraoperative surgical scene, first by a manual landmark-based registration and then by an intensity-based perspective 3D-2D registration for camera pose estimation. The 2D photographic image was then texture-mapped onto the 3D preoperative model using the solved camera pose. In the proposed method, we employ direct volume rendering to obtain a perspective view of the brain image using GPU-accelerated ray-casting. The algorithm was validated by a phantom study and also in the clinical environment with a neuronavigation system. RESULTS: In the phantom experiment, the 3D Mean Registration Error (MRE) was 2.43 ± 0.32 mm with a success rate of 100%. In the clinical experiment, the 3D MRE was 5.15 ± 0.49 mm with 2D in-plane error of 3.30 ± 1.41 mm. A clinical application of our fusion method for enhanced and augmented visualization for integrated image and functional guidance during neurosurgery is also presented. CONCLUSIONS: This paper presents an alternative approach to a sophisticated AR environment for assisting in epilepsy surgery, whereby a real intraoperative scene is mapped onto the surface model of the brain. In contrast to the AR approach, this method needs no specialized display equipment. Moreover, it requires minimal changes to existing systems and workflow, and is therefore well suited to the OR environment. In the phantom and in vivo clinical experiments, we demonstrate that the fusion method can achieve a level of accuracy sufficient for the requirements of epilepsy surgery