162 research outputs found

    Increasing the performance and realism of procedurally generated buildings

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    As multimedia such as games and movies grow, so does the need for content. Textures, 3D models, expansive terrain, sound effects, and other data must be generated to support and enrich these multimedia productions. As this need for content continues to grow, two critical problems emerge: the cost of hiring artists to create the content becomes extremely large, as does the amount of memory needed to store and manipulate the content.;To combat these issues, procedural content generation, or content generated algorithmically rather than via an artist, has been introduced. Algorithmically generating content allows for rapid creation of large amounts of certain classes of content with little human effort; further, this content can be represented extremely compactly, often by only exposing a handful of parameters.;In the realm of 3D building generation, split grammars have proven useful for generating a wide variety of buildings while being relatively intuitive. These split grammars have been used to generate entire cities full of detailed buildings with a fairly small number of rules.;Split grammars have two important areas which can be expanded upon: first, the writing of an appropriate grammar can require a significant amount of work and knowledge, especially when a grammar is required that must follow a certain building style while providing a high degree of variation. Second, applying these grammars to produce a building can be slow, often requiring an offline pregeneration phase which eliminates the usefulness the size benefits of the grammar\u27s compactness.;For the first problem, we propose a data mining approach to refining preexisting grammars, wherein a user can specify buildings which they prefer, and from these preferences a set of rules will be generated that will guide future building generation. We will show that the generated rules have a high degree of accuracy when used to predict whether a user will like or dislike a building, often in the upper 90%.;For the second problem, we provide two areas of improvement: a preprocessing step which parses a split grammar to make it easier and more efficient to apply the grammar without loss of generality, and a scheme that allows the execution of a grammar entirely within a geometry shader on a modern graphics processing unit (GPU) such that building generation can take advantage of the parallelization found on modern graphics cards. We will show that this second improvement can provide a speed benefit anywhere between 3 and 10 times a purely CPU approach, with further speed benefits possible depending on the nature of the grammars

    Procedural 3D Caves, Clouds and Architecture Generation Method Based on Shape Grammar and Morphing

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    This paper presents a new procedural 3D modelconstructionalgorithm that benefits from a combination ofdiscrete and continuous modeling approaches. Our algorithmmodels complex scene components such as caves, architecturalbuildings, and clouds. The method combines the discretedescriptiveness of shape grammars with the continuous flexibilityof shape morphing. This combination allows for a modelingapproach that can be controlled by a morphing parameter toproduce various types of geometry. In the paper, we focus on thedescription of the algorithm while also showing its capabilities ingenerating complex scene components

    Design and Deployment of Photo2Building: A Cloud-based Procedural Modeling Tool as a Service

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    We present a Photo2Building tool to create a plausible 3D model of a building from only a single photograph. Our tool is based on a prior desktop version which, as described in this paper, is converted into a client-server model, with job queuing, web-page support, and support of concurrent usage. The reported cloud-based web-accessible tool can reconstruct a building in 40 seconds on average and costing only 0.60 USD with current pricing. This provides for an extremely scalable and possibly widespread tool for creating building models for use in urban design and planning applications. With the growing impact of rapid urbanization on weather and climate and resource availability, access to such a service is expected to help a wide variety of users such as city planners, urban meteorologists worldwide in the quest to improved prediction of urban weather and designing climate-resilient cities of the future.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, PEARC '20: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 26--30, 2020, Portland, OR, US

    Simulation assisted high-resolution psi analysis

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    Since the first demonstration of the potential of the differential SAR interferometry in the early 1990s a lot of effort has been made to accurately estimate ground deformation with imaging radar sensors. This led to the invention of the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) in the late 1990s. PSI enables the estimation of ground deformation for a set of temporally stable radar reflectors, the so called PS, with millimeter accuracy. The main advantage compared to methods commonly used for ground deformation monitoring like GPS is the possibility to cover large areas very economically. One of the main drawbacks is the opportunistic sampling of the target area, which is mainly governed by the distribution of stable radar reflectors within the scene. Besides problems caused by undersampling the main issue is due to the face, that the real world feature related to a PS is usually not known. This makes the interpretation of the results particularly difficult. While the assignment of these real world features is very difficult in the case of ERS like sensors, modern high resolution SAR sensors like TerraSAR-X (TSX) render this task possible. We investigate the use of SAR simulation to match real world features with PS extracted from a TSX stack acquired over the city of Berlin Germany. The simulation is based on a 3D city model of the area around the Potsdamer Platz, Berlin.National Natural Science Foundation of China/6095011035

    Smart Cities: Inverse Design of 3D Urban Procedural Models with Traffic and Weather Simulation

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    Urbanization, the demographic transition from rural to urban, has changed how we envision and share the world. From just one-fourth of the population living in cities one hundred years ago, now more than half of the population does, and this ratio is expected to grow in the near future. Creating more sustainable, accessible, safe, and enjoyable cities has become an imperative

    Visualization, Adaptation, and Transformation of Procedural Grammars

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    Procedural shape grammars are powerful tools for the automatic generation of highly detailed 3D content from a set of descriptive rules. It is easy to encode variations in stochastic and parametric grammars, and an uncountable number of models can be generated quickly. While shape grammars offer these advantages over manual 3D modeling, they also suffer from certain drawbacks. We present three novel methods that address some of the limitations of shape grammars. First, it is often difficult to grasp the diversity of models defined by a given grammar. We propose a pipeline to automatically generate, cluster, and select a set of representative preview images for a grammar. The system is based on a new view attribute descriptor that measures how suitable an image is in representing a model and that enables the comparison of different models derived from the same grammar. Second, the default distribution of models in a stochastic grammar is often undesirable. We introduce a framework that allows users to design a new probability distribution for a grammar without editing the rules. Gaussian process regression interpolates user preferences from a set of scored models over an entire shape space. A symbol split operation enables the adaptation of the grammar to generate models according to the learned distribution. Third, it is hard to combine elements of two grammars to emerge new designs. We present design transformations and grammar co-derivation to create new designs from existing ones. Algorithms for fine-grained rule merging can generate a large space of design variations and can be used to create animated transformation sequences between different procedural designs. Our contributions to visualize, adapt, and transform grammars makes the procedural modeling methodology more accessible to non-programmers

    Improving Usability in Procedural Modeling

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    This work presents new approaches and algorithms for procedural modeling geared towards user convenience and improving usability, in order to increase artists’ productivity. Procedural models create geometry for 3D models from sets of rules. Existing approaches that allow to model trees, buildings, and terrain are reviewed and possible improvements are discussed. A new visual programming language for procedural modeling is discussed, where the user connects operators to visual programs called model graphs. These operators create geometry with textures, assign or evaluate variables or control the sequence of operations. When the user moves control points using the mouse in 3D space, the model graph is executed to change the geometry interactively. Thus, model graphs combine the creativity of freehand modeling with the power of programmed modeling while displaying the program structure more clearly than textbased approaches. Usability is increased as a result of these advantages. Also, an interactive editor for botanical trees is demonstrated. In contrast to previous tree modeling systems, we propose linking rules, parameters and geometry to semantic entities. This has the advantage that problems of associating parameters and instances are completely avoided. When an entity is clicked in the viewport, its parameters are displayed immediately, changes are applied to selected entities, and viewport editing operations are reflected in the parameter set. Furthermore, we store the entities in a hierarchical data structure and allow the user to activate recursive traversal via selection options for all editing operations. The user may choose to apply viewport or parameter changes to a single entity or many entities at once, and only the geometry for the affected entities needs to be updated. The proposed user interface simplifies the modeling process and increases productivity. Interactive editing approaches for 3D models often allow more precise control over a model than a global set of parameters that is used to generate a shape. However, usually scripted procedural modeling generates shapes directly from a fixed set of parameters, and interactive editing mostly uses a fixed set of tools. We propose to use scripts not only to generate models, but also for manipulating the models. A base script would set up the state of an object, and tool scripts would modify that state. The base script and the tool scripts generate geometry when necessary. Together, such a collection of scripts forms a template, and templates can be created for various types of objects. We examine how templates simplify the procedural modeling workflow by allowing for editing operations that are context-sensitive, flexible and powerful at the same time. Many algorithms have been published that produce geometry for fictional landscapes. There are algorithms which produce terrain with minimal setup time, allowing to adapt the level of detail as the user zooms into the landscape. However, these approaches lack plausible river networks, and algorithms that create eroded terrain with river networks require a user to supervise creation and minutes or hours of computation. In contrast to that, this work demonstrates an algorithm that creates terrain with plausible river networks and adaptive level of detail with no more than a few seconds of preprocessing. While the system can be configured using parameters, this text focuses on the algorithm that produces the rivers. However, integrating more tools for user-controlled editing of terrain would be possible.Verbesserung der Usability bei prozeduraler Modellierung Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, prozedurale Modellierung durch neue neue Ansätze und Algorithmen einfacher, bequemer und anwendungsfreundlicher zu machen, und damit die Produktivität der Künstler zu erhöhen. Diese Anforderungen werden häufig unter dem Stichwort Usability zusammengefasst. Prozedurale Modelle spezifizieren 3D-Modelle über Regeln. Existierende Ansätze für Bäume, Gebäude und Terrain werden untersucht und es werden mögliche Verbesserungen diskutiert. Eine neue visuelle Programmiersprache für prozedurale Modelle wird vorgestellt, bei der Operatoren zu Modellgraphen verschaltet werden. Die Operatoren erzeugen texturierte Geometrie, weisen Variablen zu und werten sie aus, oder sie steuern den Ablauf der Operationen. Wenn der Benutzer Kontrollpunkte im Viewport mit der Maus verschiebt, wird der Modellgraph ausgeführt, um interaktiv neue Geometrie für das Modell zu erzeugen. Modellgraphen kombinieren die kreativen Möglichkeiten des freihändigen Editierens mit der Mächtigkeit der prozeduralen Modellierung. Darüber hinaus sind Modellgraphen eine visuelle Programmiersprache und stellen die Struktur der Algorithmen deutlicher dar als textbasierte Programmiersprachen. Als Resultat dieser Verbesserungen erhöht sich die Usability. Ein interaktiver Editor für botanische Bäume wird ebenfalls vorgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Ansätzen schlagen wir vor, Regeln, Parameter und Geometrie zu semantischen Entitäten zu verschmelzen. Auf diese Weise werden Zuordnungsprobleme zwischen Parametern und deren Instanzen komplett vermieden. Wenn im Viewport eine Instanz angeklickt wird, werden sofort ihre Parameter angezeigt, alle Änderungen wirken sich direkt auf die betroffenen Instanzen aus, und Änderungen im Viewport werden sofort in den Parametern reflektiert. Darüber hinaus werden die Entitäten in einer hierarchischen Datenstruktur gespeichert und alle Änderungen können rekursiv auf der Hierarchie ausgeführt werden. Dem Benutzer werden Selektionsoptionen zur Verfügung gestellt, über die er Änderungen an den Parametern oder Änderungen im Viewport an einzelnen oder vielen Instanzen gleichzeitig vornehmen kann. Anschließend muss das System nur die Geometrie der betroffenen Instanzen aktualisieren. Auch hier ist das Ziel, das User Interface möglichst an den Bedürfnissen des Benutzers auszurichten, um Vereinfachungen und eine Erhöhung der Produktivität zu erreichen. Interaktive Editieransätze für 3D-Modelle erlauben häufig eine präzisere Kontrolle über ein Modell als ein globaler Parametersatz, der für die Erzeugung des Modells genutzt wird. Trotzdem erzeugen prozedurale Modellierskripte ihre Modelle meist direkt aus einem festen Parametersatz, während interaktive Tools meist mit hartkodierten Operationen arbeiten. Wir schlagen vor, Skripte nicht nur zur Erzeugung der Modelle zu verwenden, sondern auch um die erzeugten Modelle zu editieren. Ein Basisskript soll die Statusinformationen eines Objekts anlegen, während weitere Skripte diesen Status verändern und passende Geometrie erzeugen. Diese Skripte bilden dann ein Template zum Erzeugen einer Klasse von Objekten. Verschiedene Objekttypen können jeweils ihr eigenes Template haben. Wir zeigen, wie Templates den Workflow mit prozeduralen Modellen vereinfachen können, indem Operationen geschaffen werden, die gleichzeitig kontext-sensitiv, mächtig und flexibel sind. Es existiert eine Reihe von Verfahren, um Geometrie für synthetische Landschaften zu erzeugen. Ein Teil der Algorithmen erzeugt Geometrie mit minimaler Vorberechnung und erlaubt es, den Detailgrad der Landschaft interaktiv an die Perspektive anzupassen. Leider fehlen den so erzeugten Landschaften plausible Flussnetze. Algorithmen, die erodiertes Terrain mit Flussnetzen erzeugen, müssen aufwendig vom Benutzer überwacht werden und brauchen Minuten oder Stunden Rechenzeit. Im Gegensatz dazu stellen wir einen Algorithmus vor, der plausible Flussnetze erzeugt, während sich der Betrachter interaktiv durch die Szene bewegt. Das System kann über Parameter gesteuert werden, aber der Fokus liegt auf dem Algorithmus zur Erzeugung der Flüsse. Dennoch wäre es möglich, Tools zum benutzergesteuerten Editieren von Terrain zu integrieren
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