957 research outputs found

    GPU Cost Estimation for Load Balancing in Parallel Ray Tracing

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    Interactive ray tracing has seen enormous progress in recent years. However, advanced rendering techniques requiring many million rays per second are still not feasible at interactive speed, and are only possible by means of highly parallel ray tracing. When using compute clusters, good load balancing is crucial in order to fully exploit the available computational power, and to not suffer from the overhead involved by synchronization barriers. In this paper, we present a novel GPU method to compute a costmap: a per-pixel cost estimate of the ray tracing rendering process. We show that the cost map is a powerful tool to improve load balancing in parallel ray tracing, and it can be used for adaptive task partitioning and enhanced dynamic load balancing. Its effectiveness has been proven in a parallel ray tracer implementation tailored for a cluster of workstations

    The Iray Light Transport Simulation and Rendering System

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    While ray tracing has become increasingly common and path tracing is well understood by now, a major challenge lies in crafting an easy-to-use and efficient system implementing these technologies. Following a purely physically-based paradigm while still allowing for artistic workflows, the Iray light transport simulation and rendering system allows for rendering complex scenes by the push of a button and thus makes accurate light transport simulation widely available. In this document we discuss the challenges and implementation choices that follow from our primary design decisions, demonstrating that such a rendering system can be made a practical, scalable, and efficient real-world application that has been adopted by various companies across many fields and is in use by many industry professionals today

    Efficient distributed load balancing for parallel algorithms

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    2009 - 2010With the advent of massive parallel processing technology, exploiting the power offered by hundreds, or even thousands of processors is all but a trivial task. Computing by using multi-processor, multi-core or many-core adds a number of additional challenges related to the cooperation and communication of multiple processing units. The uneven distribution of data among the various processors, i.e. the load imbalance, represents one of the major problems in data parallel applications. Without good load distribution strategies, we cannot reach good speedup, thus good efficiency. Load balancing strategies can be classified in several ways, according to the methods used to balance workload. For instance, dynamic load balancing algorithms make scheduling decisions during the execution and commonly results in better performance compared to static approaches, where task assignment is done before the execution. Even more important is the difference between centralized and distributed load balancing approaches. In fact, despite that centralized algorithms have a wider vision of the computation, hence may exploit smarter balancing techniques, they expose global synchronization and communication bottlenecks involving the master node. This definitely does not assure scalability with the number of processors. This dissertation studies the impact of different load balancing strategies. In particular, one of the key observations driving our work is that distributed algorithms work better than centralized ones in the context of load balancing for multi-processors (alike for multi-cores and many-cores as well). We first show a centralized approach for load balancing, then we propose several distributed approaches for problems having different parallelization, workload distribution and communication pattern. We try to efficiently combine several approaches to improve performance, in particular using predictive metrics to obtain a per task compute-time estimation, using adaptive subdivision, improving dynamic load balancing and addressing distributed balancing schemas. The main challenge tackled on this thesis has been to combine all these approaches together in new and efficient load balancing schemas. We assess the proposed balancing techniques, starting from centralized approaches to distributed ones, in distinctive real case scenarios: Mesh-like computation, Parallel Ray Tracing, and Agent-based Simulations. Moreover, we test our algorithms with parallel hardware such has cluster of workstations, multi-core processors and exploiting SIMD vectorial instruction set. Finally, we conclude the thesis with several remarks, about the impact of distributed techniques, the effect of the communication pattern and workload distribution, the use of cost estimation for adaptive partitioning, the trade-off fast versus accuracy in prediction-based approaches, the effectiveness of work stealing combined with sorting, and a non-trivial way to exploit hybrid CPUGPU computations. [edited by author]IX n.s

    High-fidelity rendering on shared computational resources

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    The generation of high-fidelity imagery is a computationally expensive process and parallel computing has been traditionally employed to alleviate this cost. However, traditional parallel rendering has been restricted to expensive shared memory or dedicated distributed processors. In contrast, parallel computing on shared resources such as a computational or a desktop grid, offers a low cost alternative. But, the prevalent rendering systems are currently incapable of seamlessly handling such shared resources as they suffer from high latencies, restricted bandwidth and volatility. A conventional approach of rescheduling failed jobs in a volatile environment inhibits performance by using redundant computations. Instead, clever task subdivision along with image reconstruction techniques provides an unrestrictive fault-tolerance mechanism, which is highly suitable for high-fidelity rendering. This thesis presents novel fault-tolerant parallel rendering algorithms for effectively tapping the enormous inexpensive computational power provided by shared resources. A first of its kind system for fully dynamic high-fidelity interactive rendering on idle resources is presented which is key for providing an immediate feedback to the changes made by a user. The system achieves interactivity by monitoring and adapting computations according to run-time variations in the computational power and employs a spatio-temporal image reconstruction technique for enhancing the visual fidelity. Furthermore, algorithms described for time-constrained offline rendering of still images and animation sequences, make it possible to deliver the results in a user-defined limit. These novel methods enable the employment of variable resources in deadline-driven environments

    Parallel Seismic Ray Tracing

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    Seismic ray tracing is a common method for understanding and modeling seismic wave propagation. The wavefront construction (WFC) method handles wavefronts instead of individual rays, thereby providing a mechanism to control ray density on the wavefront. In this thesis we present the design and implementation of a parallel wavefront construction algorithm (pWFC) for seismic ray tracing. The proposed parallel algo- rithm is developed using the stapl library for parallel C++ code.We present the idea of modeling ray tubes with an additional ray in the center to facilitate parallelism. The parallel wavefront construction algorithm is applied to wide range of models such as simple synthetic models that enable us to study various aspects of the method while others are intended to be representative of basic geological features such as salt domes. We also present a theoretical model to understand the performance of the pWFC algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the proposed parallel wavefront construction algorithm on an IBM Power 5 cluster. We study the effect of using different mesh types, varying the position of source and their number etc. The method is shown to provide good scalable performance for different models. Load balancing is also shown to be the major factor hindering the performance of the algorithm. We provide two load balancing algorithms to solve the load imbalance problem. These algorithms will be developed as an extension of the current work

    DPP-PMRF: Rethinking Optimization for a Probabilistic Graphical Model Using Data-Parallel Primitives

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    We present a new parallel algorithm for probabilistic graphical model optimization. The algorithm relies on data-parallel primitives (DPPs), which provide portable performance over hardware architecture. We evaluate results on CPUs and GPUs for an image segmentation problem. Compared to a serial baseline, we observe runtime speedups of up to 13X (CPU) and 44X (GPU). We also compare our performance to a reference, OpenMP-based algorithm, and find speedups of up to 7X (CPU).Comment: LDAV 2018, October 201

    Architectures for ubiquitous 3D on heterogeneous computing platforms

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    Today, a wide scope for 3D graphics applications exists, including domains such as scientific visualization, 3D-enabled web pages, and entertainment. At the same time, the devices and platforms that run and display the applications are more heterogeneous than ever. Display environments range from mobile devices to desktop systems and ultimately to distributed displays that facilitate collaborative interaction. While the capability of the client devices may vary considerably, the visualization experiences running on them should be consistent. The field of application should dictate how and on what devices users access the application, not the technical requirements to realize the 3D output. The goal of this thesis is to examine the diverse challenges involved in providing consistent and scalable visualization experiences to heterogeneous computing platforms and display setups. While we could not address the myriad of possible use cases, we developed a comprehensive set of rendering architectures in the major domains of scientific and medical visualization, web-based 3D applications, and movie virtual production. To provide the required service quality, performance, and scalability for different client devices and displays, our architectures focus on the efficient utilization and combination of the available client, server, and network resources. We present innovative solutions that incorporate methods for hybrid and distributed rendering as well as means to manage data sets and stream rendering results. We establish the browser as a promising platform for accessible and portable visualization services. We collaborated with experts from the medical field and the movie industry to evaluate the usability of our technology in real-world scenarios. The presented architectures achieve a wide coverage of display and rendering setups and at the same time share major components and concepts. Thus, they build a strong foundation for a unified system that supports a variety of use cases.Heutzutage existiert ein großer Anwendungsbereich für 3D-Grafikapplikationen wie wissenschaftliche Visualisierungen, 3D-Inhalte in Webseiten, und Unterhaltungssoftware. Gleichzeitig sind die Geräte und Plattformen, welche die Anwendungen ausführen und anzeigen, heterogener als je zuvor. Anzeigegeräte reichen von mobilen Geräten zu Desktop-Systemen bis hin zu verteilten Bildschirmumgebungen, die eine kollaborative Anwendung begünstigen. Während die Leistungsfähigkeit der Geräte stark schwanken kann, sollten die dort laufenden Visualisierungen konsistent sein. Das Anwendungsfeld sollte bestimmen, wie und auf welchem Gerät Benutzer auf die Anwendung zugreifen, nicht die technischen Voraussetzungen zur Erzeugung der 3D-Grafik. Das Ziel dieser Thesis ist es, die diversen Herausforderungen zu untersuchen, die bei der Bereitstellung von konsistenten und skalierbaren Visualisierungsanwendungen auf heterogenen Plattformen eine Rolle spielen. Während wir nicht die Vielzahl an möglichen Anwendungsfällen abdecken konnten, haben wir eine repräsentative Auswahl an Rendering-Architekturen in den Kernbereichen wissenschaftliche Visualisierung, web-basierte 3D-Anwendungen, und virtuelle Filmproduktion entwickelt. Um die geforderte Qualität, Leistung, und Skalierbarkeit für verschiedene Client-Geräte und -Anzeigen zu gewährleisten, fokussieren sich unsere Architekturen auf die effiziente Nutzung und Kombination der verfügbaren Client-, Server-, und Netzwerkressourcen. Wir präsentieren innovative Lösungen, die hybrides und verteiltes Rendering als auch das Verwalten der Datensätze und Streaming der 3D-Ausgabe umfassen. Wir etablieren den Web-Browser als vielversprechende Plattform für zugängliche und portierbare Visualisierungsdienste. Um die Verwendbarkeit unserer Technologie in realitätsnahen Szenarien zu testen, haben wir mit Experten aus der Medizin und Filmindustrie zusammengearbeitet. Unsere Architekturen erreichen eine umfassende Abdeckung von Anzeige- und Rendering-Szenarien und teilen sich gleichzeitig wesentliche Komponenten und Konzepte. Sie bilden daher eine starke Grundlage für ein einheitliches System, das eine Vielzahl an Anwendungsfällen unterstützt

    Parallel For Loops on Heterogeneous Resources

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    In recent years, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have piqued the interest of researchers in scientific computing. Their immense floating point throughput and massive parallelism make them ideal for not just graphical applications, but many general algorithms as well. Load balancing applications and taking advantage of all computational resources in a machine is a difficult challenge, especially when the resources are heterogeneous. This dissertation presents the clUtil library, which vastly simplifies developing OpenCL applications for heterogeneous systems. The core focus of this dissertation lies in clUtil\u27s ParallelFor construct and our novel PINA scheduler which can efficiently load balance work onto multiple GPUs and CPUs simultaneously

    Parallel Rendering and Large Data Visualization

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    We are living in the big data age: An ever increasing amount of data is being produced through data acquisition and computer simulations. While large scale analysis and simulations have received significant attention for cloud and high-performance computing, software to efficiently visualise large data sets is struggling to keep up. Visualization has proven to be an efficient tool for understanding data, in particular visual analysis is a powerful tool to gain intuitive insight into the spatial structure and relations of 3D data sets. Large-scale visualization setups are becoming ever more affordable, and high-resolution tiled display walls are in reach even for small institutions. Virtual reality has arrived in the consumer space, making it accessible to a large audience. This thesis addresses these developments by advancing the field of parallel rendering. We formalise the design of system software for large data visualization through parallel rendering, provide a reference implementation of a parallel rendering framework, introduce novel algorithms to accelerate the rendering of large amounts of data, and validate this research and development with new applications for large data visualization. Applications built using our framework enable domain scientists and large data engineers to better extract meaning from their data, making it feasible to explore more data and enabling the use of high-fidelity visualization installations to see more detail of the data.Comment: PhD thesi

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationRecent trends in high performance computing present larger and more diverse computers using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or coprocessors and reduced memory. These changes pose formidable challenges for applications code to attain scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a runtime system that shields users from architectural complexities oer a portable solution for easy programming. The Uintah framework, for example, solves a broad class of large-scale problems on structured adaptive grids using fluid-flow solvers coupled with particle-based solids methods. However, the original Uintah code had limited scalability as tasks were run in a predefined order based solely on static analysis of the task graph and used only message passing interface (MPI) for parallelism. By using a new hybrid multithread and MPI runtime system, this research has made it possible for Uintah to scale to 700K central processing unit (CPU) cores when solving challenging fluid-structure interaction problems. Those problems often involve moving objects with adaptive mesh refinement and thus with highly variable and unpredictable work patterns. This research has also demonstrated an ability to run capability jobs on the heterogeneous systems with Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The new runtime system for Uintah executes directed acyclic graphs of computational tasks with a scalable asynchronous and dynamic runtime system for multicore CPUs and/or accelerators/coprocessors on a node. Uintah's clear separation between application and runtime code has led to scalability increases without significant changes to application code. This research concludes that the adaptive directed acyclic graph (DAG)-based approach provides a very powerful abstraction for solving challenging multiscale multiphysics engineering problems. Excellent scalability with regard to the different processors and communications performance are achieved on some of the largest and most powerful computers available today