13,890 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Simulation Modeling of Construction and Infrastructure Operations Using Process Knowledge Discovery

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    Within the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) domain, simulation modeling is mainly used to facilitate decision-making by enabling the assessment of different operational plans and resource arrangements, that are otherwise difficult (if not impossible), expensive, or time consuming to be evaluated in real world settings. The accuracy of such models directly affects their reliability to serve as a basis for important decisions such as project completion time estimation and resource allocation. Compared to other industries, this is particularly important in construction and infrastructure projects due to the high resource costs and the societal impacts of these projects. Discrete event simulation (DES) is a decision making tool that can benefit the process of design, control, and management of construction operations. Despite recent advancements, most DES models used in construction are created during the early planning and design stage when the lack of factual information from the project prohibits the use of realistic data in simulation modeling. The resulting models, therefore, are often built using rigid (subjective) assumptions and design parameters (e.g. precedence logic, activity durations). In all such cases and in the absence of an inclusive methodology to incorporate real field data as the project evolves, modelers rely on information from previous projects (a.k.a. secondary data), expert judgments, and subjective assumptions to generate simulations to predict future performance. These and similar shortcomings have to a large extent limited the use of traditional DES tools to preliminary studies and long-term planning of construction projects. In the realm of the business process management, process mining as a relatively new research domain seeks to automatically discover a process model by observing activity records and extracting information about processes. The research presented in this Ph.D. Dissertation was in part inspired by the prospect of construction process mining using sensory data collected from field agents. This enabled the extraction of operational knowledge necessary to generate and maintain the fidelity of simulation models. A preliminary study was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of data-driven knowledge-based simulation modeling with focus on data collection using wireless sensor network (WSN) and rule-based taxonomy of activities. The resulting knowledge-based simulation models performed very well in properly predicting key performance measures of real construction systems. Next, a pervasive mobile data collection and mining technique was adopted and an activity recognition framework for construction equipment and worker tasks was developed. Data was collected using smartphone accelerometers and gyroscopes from construction entities to generate significant statistical time- and frequency-domain features. The extracted features served as the input of different types of machine learning algorithms that were applied to various construction activities. The trained predictive algorithms were then used to extract activity durations and calculate probability distributions to be fused into corresponding DES models. Results indicated that the generated data-driven knowledge-based simulation models outperform static models created based upon engineering assumptions and estimations with regard to compatibility of performance measure outputs to reality

    Automated Productivity Models for Earthmoving Operations

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    Earthmoving operations have significant importance, particularly for civil infrastructure projects. The performance of these operations should be monitored regularly to support timely recognition of undesirable productivity variances. Although productivity assessment occupies high importance in earthmoving operations, it does not provide sufficient information to assist project managers in taking the necessary actions in a timely manner. Assessment only is not capable of identifying problems encountered in these operations and their causes. Many studies recognized conditions and related factors that influence productivity of earthmoving operations. These conditions are mainly project-specific and vary from one project to another. Most of reported work in the literature focused on assessment rather than analysis of productivity. This study presents three integrated models that automate productivity measurement and analysis processes with capabilities to detect different adverse conditions that influence the productivity of earthmoving operations. The models exploit innovations in wireless and remote sensing technologies to provide project managers, contractors, and decision makers with a near-real-time automated productivity measurement and analysis. The developed models account for various uncertainties associated with earthmoving projects. The first model introduces a fuzzy-based standardization for customizing the configuration of onsite data acquisition systems for earthmoving operations. While the second model consists of two interrelated modules. The first is a customized automated data acquisition module, where a variety of sensors, smart boards, and microcontrollers are used to automate the data acquisition process. This module encompasses onsite fixed unit and a set of portable units attached to each truck used in the earthmoving fleet. The fixed unit is a communication gateway (Meshlium®), which has integrated MySQL database with data processing capabilities. Each mobile unit consists of a microcontroller equipped with a smart board that hosts a GPS module as well as a number of sensors such as accelerometer, temperature and humidity sensors, load cell and automated weather station. The second is a productivity measurement and analysis module, which processes and analyzes the data collected automatically in the first module. It automates the analysis process using data mining and machine learning techniques; providing a near-real-time web-based visualized representation of measurement and analysis outcomes. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to model productivity losses due to the existence of different influencing conditions. Laboratory and field work was conducted in the development and validation processes of the developed models. The work encompassed field and scaled laboratory experiments. The laboratory experiments were conducted in an open to sky terrace to allow for a reliable access to GPS satellites. Also, to make a direct connection between the data communication gateway (Meshlium®), initially installed on a PC computer to observe the received data latency. The laboratory experiments unitized 1:24 scaled loader and dumping truck to simulate loading, hauling and dumping operations. The truck was instrumented with the microcontroller equipped with an accelerometer, GPS module, load cell, and soil water content sensor. Thirty simulated earthmoving cycles were conducted using the scaled equipment. The collected data was recorded in a micro secure digital (SD) card in a comma separated value (CSV) format. The field work was carried out in the city of Saint-Laurent, Montreal, Quebec, Canada using a passenger vehicle to mimic the hauling truck operational modes. Fifteen Field simulated earthmoving cycles were performed. In this work two roads with different surface conditions, but of equal length (1150 m) represented the haul and return roads. These two roads were selected to validate the developed road condition analysis algorithm and to study the model’s capability in determining the consequences of adverse road conditions on the haul and return durations and thus on the tuck and fleet productivity. The data collected from the lab experiments and field work was used as input for the developed model. The developed model has shown perfect recognition of the state of truck throughout the fifteen field simulated earthmoving cycles. The developed road condition analysis algorithm has demonstrated an accuracy of 83.3% and 82.6% in recognizing road bumps and potholes, respectively. Also, the results indicated tiny variances in measuring the durations compared with actual durations using time laps displayed on a smart cell telephone; with an average invalidity percentage AIP% of 1.89 % and 1.33% for the joint hauling and return duration and total cycle duration, respectively

    Technologies for safe and resilient earthmoving operations: A systematic literature review

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    Resilience engineering relates to the ability of a system to anticipate, prepare, and respond to predicted and unpredicted disruptions. It necessitates the use of monitoring and object detection technologies to ensure system safety in excavation systems. Given the increased investment and speed of improvement in technologies, it is necessary to review the types of technology available and how they contribute to excavation system safety. A systematic literature review was conducted which identified and classified the existing monitoring and object detection technologies, and introduced essential enablers for reliable and effective monitoring and object detection systems including: 1) the application of multisensory and data fusion approaches, and 2) system-level application of technologies. This study also identified the developed functionalities for accident anticipation, prevention and response to safety hazards during excavation, as well as those that facilitate learning in the system. The existing research gaps and future direction of research have been discussed

    Earthwork Haul-Truck Cycle-Time Monitoring – A Case Study

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    Recent developments in autonomous technologies have motivated practitioners to adopt new technologies in highway and earthwork construction projects. This project set out to (1) identify new and emerging autonomous earthwork technologies and (2) set up a field study to monitor site-level equipment operations at an earthmoving project. The results of the first part of this study are described in a separate report (2015 Conference on Autonomous and Robotic Construction of Infrastructure [CARCI]). The information reported herein presents the results of the site-level monitoring of an earthwork project, where the objective was to quantify haul truck cycle time. The site selected for monitoring was located in Johnston, Iowa, and required grading to build up a residential development. The project involved about 200,000 cubic yards of excavation and placement. Installing a storm sewer and digging a pond were also required for the project. The soils on site were of glacial origin and were generally classified as silty clays. Position tracking devices were installed on the equipment to monitor the time and position of the equipment for several days. Based on statistical analysis (non-parametric) of the haul cycle times for three haul trucks, the results are presented in terms of frequency distributions and accompanying statistical parameters. Recommendations are provided to build on this study so that additional earthwork sites can be evaluated to more broadly quantify the many factors affecting earthwork productivity

    An Augmented Interaction Strategy For Designing Human-Machine Interfaces For Hydraulic Excavators

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    Lack of adequate information feedback and work visibility, and fatigue due to repetition have been identified as the major usability gaps in the human-machine interface (HMI) design of modern hydraulic excavators that subject operators to undue mental and physical workload, resulting in poor performance. To address these gaps, this work proposed an innovative interaction strategy, termed “augmented interaction”, for enhancing the usability of the hydraulic excavator. Augmented interaction involves the embodiment of heads-up display and coordinated control schemes into an efficient, effective and safe HMI. Augmented interaction was demonstrated using a framework consisting of three phases: Design, Implementation/Visualization, and Evaluation (D.IV.E). Guided by this framework, two alternative HMI design concepts (Design A: featuring heads-up display and coordinated control; and Design B: featuring heads-up display and joystick controls) in addition to the existing HMI design (Design C: featuring monitor display and joystick controls) were prototyped. A mixed reality seating buck simulator, named the Hydraulic Excavator Augmented Reality Simulator (H.E.A.R.S), was used to implement the designs and simulate a work environment along with a rock excavation task scenario. A usability evaluation was conducted with twenty participants to characterize the impact of the new HMI types using quantitative (task completion time, TCT; and operating error, OER) and qualitative (subjective workload and user preference) metrics. The results indicated that participants had a shorter TCT with Design A. For OER, there was a lower error probability due to collisions (PER1) with Design A, and lower error probability due to misses (PER2)with Design B. The subjective measures showed a lower overall workload and a high preference for Design B. It was concluded that augmented interaction provides a viable solution for enhancing the usability of the HMI of a hydraulic excavator

    Fusing Loop and GPS Probe Measurements to Estimate Freeway Density

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    In an age of ever-increasing penetration of GPS-enabled mobile devices, the potential of real-time "probe" location information for estimating the state of transportation networks is receiving increasing attention. Much work has been done on using probe data to estimate the current speed of vehicle traffic (or equivalently, trip travel time). While travel times are useful to individual drivers, the state variable for a large class of traffic models and control algorithms is vehicle density. Our goal is to use probe data to supplement traditional, fixed-location loop detector data for density estimation. To this end, we derive a method based on Rao-Blackwellized particle filters, a sequential Monte Carlo scheme. We present a simulation where we obtain a 30\% reduction in density mean absolute percentage error from fusing loop and probe data, vs. using loop data alone. We also present results using real data from a 19-mile freeway section in Los Angeles, California, where we obtain a 31\% reduction. In addition, our method's estimate when using only the real-world probe data, and no loop data, outperformed the estimate produced when only loop data were used (an 18\% reduction). These results demonstrate that probe data can be used for traffic density estimation