252 research outputs found

    GPGPU-based surface inspection from structured white light

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    Development of a simulator for 3D pattern recognition scanners

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    Shape reconstruction using coded structured light is considered one of the most reliable techniques to recover object surfaces. The aim of the thesis was to develop a simulator capable of emulating such a model. Different types of objects were used for testing the algorithms in order to compare the results obtained with real scanners. The implementation recurs to GPU computing to take advantage of the high computational power. The thesis was carried out in collaboration with Euclid Labs.ope

    PC-grade parallel processing and hardware acceleration for large-scale data analysis

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    Arguably, modern graphics processing units (GPU) are the first commodity, and desktop parallel processor. Although GPU programming was originated from the interactive rendering in graphical applications such as computer games, researchers in the field of general purpose computation on GPU (GPGPU) are showing that the power, ubiquity and low cost of GPUs makes them an ideal alternative platform for high-performance computing. This has resulted in the extensive exploration in using the GPU to accelerate general-purpose computations in many engineering and mathematical domains outside of graphics. However, limited to the development complexity caused by the graphics-oriented concepts and development tools for GPU-programming, GPGPU has mainly been discussed in the academic domain so far and has not yet fully fulfilled its promises in the real world. This thesis aims at exploiting GPGPU in the practical engineering domain and presented a novel contribution to GPGPU-driven linear time invariant (LTI) systems that are employed by the signal processing techniques in stylus-based or optical-based surface metrology and data processing. The core contributions that have been achieved in this project can be summarized as follow. Firstly, a thorough survey of the state-of-the-art of GPGPU applications and their development approaches has been carried out in this thesis. In addition, the category of parallel architecture pattern that the GPGPU belongs to has been specified, which formed the foundation of the GPGPU programming framework design in the thesis. Following this specification, a GPGPU programming framework is deduced as a general guideline to the various GPGPU programming models that are applied to a large diversity of algorithms in scientific computing and engineering applications. Considering the evolution of GPU’s hardware architecture, the proposed frameworks cover through the transition of graphics-originated concepts for GPGPU programming based on legacy GPUs and the abstraction of stream processing pattern represented by the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) in which GPU is considered as not only a graphics device but a streaming coprocessor of CPU. Secondly, the proposed GPGPU programming framework are applied to the practical engineering applications, namely, the surface metrological data processing and image processing, to generate the programming models that aim to carry out parallel computing for the corresponding algorithms. The acceleration performance of these models are evaluated in terms of the speed-up factor and the data accuracy, which enabled the generation of quantifiable benchmarks for evaluating consumer-grade parallel processors. It shows that the GPGPU applications outperform the CPU solutions by up to 20 times without significant loss of data accuracy and any noticeable increase in source code complexity, which further validates the effectiveness of the proposed GPGPU general programming framework. Thirdly, this thesis devised methods for carrying out result visualization directly on GPU by storing processed data in local GPU memory through making use of GPU’s rendering device features to achieve realtime interactions. The algorithms employed in this thesis included various filtering techniques, discrete wavelet transform, and the fast Fourier Transform which cover the common operations implemented in most LTI systems in spatial and frequency domains. Considering the employed GPUs’ hardware designs, especially the structure of the rendering pipelines, and the characteristics of the algorithms, the series of proposed GPGPU programming models have proven its feasibility, practicality, and robustness in real engineering applications. The developed GPGPU programming framework as well as the programming models are anticipated to be adaptable for future consumer-level computing devices and other computational demanding applications. In addition, it is envisaged that the devised principles and methods in the framework design are likely to have significant benefits outside the sphere of surface metrology.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Surface Shape Perception in Volumetric Stereo Displays

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    In complex volume visualization applications, understanding the displayed objects and their spatial relationships is challenging for several reasons. One of the most important obstacles is that these objects can be translucent and can overlap spatially, making it difficult to understand their spatial structures. However, in many applications, for example medical visualization, it is crucial to have an accurate understanding of the spatial relationships among objects. The addition of visual cues has the potential to help human perception in these visualization tasks. Descriptive line elements, in particular, have been found to be effective in conveying shape information in surface-based graphics as they sparsely cover a geometrical surface, consistently following the geometry. We present two approaches to apply such line elements to a volume rendering process and to verify their effectiveness in volume-based graphics. This thesis reviews our progress to date in this area and discusses its effects and limitations. Specifically, it examines the volume renderer implementation that formed the foundation of this research, the design of the pilot study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of this technique, the results obtained. It further discusses improvements designed to address the issues revealed by the statistical analysis. The improved approach is able to handle visualization targets with general shapes, thus making it more appropriate to real visualization applications involving complex objects

    Perception of Unstructured Environments for Autonomous Off-Road Vehicles

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    Autonome Fahrzeuge benötigen die Fähigkeit zur Perzeption als eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine kontrollierbare und sichere Interaktion, um ihre Umgebung wahrzunehmen und zu verstehen. Perzeption für strukturierte Innen- und Außenumgebungen deckt wirtschaftlich lukrative Bereiche, wie den autonomen Personentransport oder die Industrierobotik ab, während die Perzeption unstrukturierter Umgebungen im Forschungsfeld der Umgebungswahrnehmung stark unterrepräsentiert ist. Die analysierten unstrukturierten Umgebungen stellen eine besondere Herausforderung dar, da die vorhandenen, natürlichen und gewachsenen Geometrien meist keine homogene Struktur aufweisen und ähnliche Texturen sowie schwer zu trennende Objekte dominieren. Dies erschwert die Erfassung dieser Umgebungen und deren Interpretation, sodass Perzeptionsmethoden speziell für diesen Anwendungsbereich konzipiert und optimiert werden müssen. In dieser Dissertation werden neuartige und optimierte Perzeptionsmethoden für unstrukturierte Umgebungen vorgeschlagen und in einer ganzheitlichen, dreistufigen Pipeline für autonome Geländefahrzeuge kombiniert: Low-Level-, Mid-Level- und High-Level-Perzeption. Die vorgeschlagenen klassischen Methoden und maschinellen Lernmethoden (ML) zur Perzeption bzw.~Wahrnehmung ergänzen sich gegenseitig. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Kombination von Perzeptions- und Validierungsmethoden für jede Ebene eine zuverlässige Wahrnehmung der möglicherweise unbekannten Umgebung, wobei lose und eng gekoppelte Validierungsmethoden kombiniert werden, um eine ausreichende, aber flexible Bewertung der vorgeschlagenen Perzeptionsmethoden zu gewährleisten. Alle Methoden wurden als einzelne Module innerhalb der in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagenen Perzeptions- und Validierungspipeline entwickelt, und ihre flexible Kombination ermöglicht verschiedene Pipelinedesigns für eine Vielzahl von Geländefahrzeugen und Anwendungsfällen je nach Bedarf. Low-Level-Perzeption gewährleistet eine eng gekoppelte Konfidenzbewertung für rohe 2D- und 3D-Sensordaten, um Sensorausfälle zu erkennen und eine ausreichende Genauigkeit der Sensordaten zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus werden neuartige Kalibrierungs- und Registrierungsansätze für Multisensorsysteme in der Perzeption vorgestellt, welche lediglich die Struktur der Umgebung nutzen, um die erfassten Sensordaten zu registrieren: ein halbautomatischer Registrierungsansatz zur Registrierung mehrerer 3D~Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Sensoren und ein vertrauensbasiertes Framework, welches verschiedene Registrierungsmethoden kombiniert und die Registrierung verschiedener Sensoren mit unterschiedlichen Messprinzipien ermöglicht. Dabei validiert die Kombination mehrerer Registrierungsmethoden die Registrierungsergebnisse in einer eng gekoppelten Weise. Mid-Level-Perzeption ermöglicht die 3D-Rekonstruktion unstrukturierter Umgebungen mit zwei Verfahren zur Schätzung der Disparität von Stereobildern: ein klassisches, korrelationsbasiertes Verfahren für Hyperspektralbilder, welches eine begrenzte Menge an Test- und Validierungsdaten erfordert, und ein zweites Verfahren, welches die Disparität aus Graustufenbildern mit neuronalen Faltungsnetzen (CNNs) schätzt. Neuartige Disparitätsfehlermetriken und eine Evaluierungs-Toolbox für die 3D-Rekonstruktion von Stereobildern ergänzen die vorgeschlagenen Methoden zur Disparitätsschätzung aus Stereobildern und ermöglichen deren lose gekoppelte Validierung. High-Level-Perzeption konzentriert sich auf die Interpretation von einzelnen 3D-Punktwolken zur Befahrbarkeitsanalyse, Objekterkennung und Hindernisvermeidung. Eine Domänentransferanalyse für State-of-the-art-Methoden zur semantischen 3D-Segmentierung liefert Empfehlungen für eine möglichst exakte Segmentierung in neuen Zieldomänen ohne eine Generierung neuer Trainingsdaten. Der vorgestellte Trainingsansatz für 3D-Segmentierungsverfahren mit CNNs kann die benötigte Menge an Trainingsdaten weiter reduzieren. Methoden zur Erklärbarkeit künstlicher Intelligenz vor und nach der Modellierung ermöglichen eine lose gekoppelte Validierung der vorgeschlagenen High-Level-Methoden mit Datensatzbewertung und modellunabhängigen Erklärungen für CNN-Vorhersagen. Altlastensanierung und Militärlogistik sind die beiden Hauptanwendungsfälle in unstrukturierten Umgebungen, welche in dieser Arbeit behandelt werden. Diese Anwendungsszenarien zeigen auch, wie die Lücke zwischen der Entwicklung einzelner Methoden und ihrer Integration in die Verarbeitungskette für autonome Geländefahrzeuge mit Lokalisierung, Kartierung, Planung und Steuerung geschlossen werden kann. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die vorgeschlagene Pipeline flexible Perzeptionslösungen für autonome Geländefahrzeuge bietet und die begleitende Validierung eine exakte und vertrauenswürdige Perzeption unstrukturierter Umgebungen gewährleistet

    The Use of Automated Search in Deriving Software Testing Strategies

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    Testing a software artefact using every one of its possible inputs would normally cost too much, and take too long, compared to the benefits of detecting faults in the software. Instead, a testing strategy is used to select a small subset of the inputs with which to test the software. The criterion used to select this subset affects the likelihood that faults in the software will be detected. For some testing strategies, the criterion may result in subsets that are very efficient at detecting faults, but implementing the strategy -- deriving a 'concrete strategy' specific to the software artefact -- is so difficult that it is not cost-effective to use that strategy in practice. In this thesis, we propose the use of metaheuristic search to derive concrete testing strategies in a cost-effective manner. We demonstrate a search-based algorithm that derives concrete strategies for 'statistical testing', a testing strategy that has a good fault-detecting ability in theory, but which is costly to implement in practice. The cost-effectiveness of the search-based approach is enhanced by the rigorous empirical determination of an efficient algorithm configuration and associated parameter settings, and by the exploitation of low-cost commodity GPU cards to reduce the time taken by the algorithm. The use of a flexible grammar-based representation for the test inputs ensures the applicability of the algorithm to a wide range of software

    Mobile robot tank with GPU assistance

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    Robotic research has been costly and tremendously time consuming; this is due to the cost of sensors, motors, computational unit, physical construction, and fabrication. There are also a lot of man hours clocked in for algorithm design, software development, debugging and optimizing. Robotic vision input usually consists of 2 or more color cameras to construct a 3D virtual space. Additional cameras can also be added to enrich the detailed virtual 3D environment, however, the computational complexity increases when more cameras are added. This is due to not only the additional processing power that is required running the software but also the complexity of stitching multiple cameras together to form a sensor. Another method of creating the 3D virtual space is the utilization of range finder sensors. These types of sensors are usually relatively expensive and still require complex algorithms for calibration and correlation to real life distances. Sensing of a robot position can be facilitated by the addition of accelerometers and gyroscope sensors. A significant robotic design is robot interaction. One type of interaction is through verbal exchange. Such interaction requires an audio input receiver and transmitter on the robot. In order to achieve acceptable recognitions, different types of audio receivers may be implemented and many receivers are required to be deployed. Depending on the environment, noise cancellation hardware and software may be needed to enhance the verbal interaction performance. In this thesis different audio sensors are evaluated and implemented with Microsoft Speech Platform. Any robotic research requires a proper control algorithm and logic process. As a result, the majority of these control algorithms rely heavily on mathematics. High performance computational processing power is needed to process all the raw data in real-time. However, any high performance computation proportionally consumes more energy, so to conserve battery life on the robot, many robotic researchers implement remote computation by processing the raw data remotely. This implementation has one major drawback: in order to transmit raw data remotely, a robust communication infrastructure is needed. Without a robust communication the robot will suffers in failures due to the sheer amount of raw data in communication. I am proposing a solution to the computation problem by harvesting the General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit (GPU)’s computational power for complex mathematical raw data processing. This approach utilizes many-cores parallelism for multithreading real-time computation with a minimum of 10x the computational flops of traditional Central Processing Unit (CPU). By shifting the computation on the GPU the entire computation will be done locally on the robot itself to eliminate the need of any external communication system for remote data processing. While the GPU is used to perform image processing for the robot, the CPU is allowed to dedicate all of its processing power to run the other functions of the robot. Computer vision has been an interesting topic for a while; it utilizes complex mathematical techniques and algorithms in an attempt to achieve image processing in real-time. Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) is a library consisting of pre-programed image processing functions for several different languages, developed by Intel. This library greatly reduces the amount of development time. Microsoft Kinect for XBOX has all the sensors mentioned above in a single convenient package with first party SDK for software development. I perform the robotic implementation utilizing Microsoft Kinect for XBOX as the primary sensor, OpenCV for image processing functions and NVidia GPU to off-load complex mathematical raw data processing for the robot. This thesis’s objective is to develop and implement a low cost autonomous robot tank with Microsoft Kinect for XBOX as the primary sensor, a custom onboard Small Form Factor (SFF) High Performance Computer (HPC) with NVidia GPU assistance for the primary computation, and OpenCV library for image processing functions

    Interactive High Performance Volume Rendering

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    This thesis is about Direct Volume Rendering on high performance computing systems. As direct rendering methods do not create a lower-dimensional geometric representation, the whole scientific dataset must be kept in memory. Thus, this family of algorithms has a tremendous resource demand. Direct Volume Rendering algorithms in general are well suited to be implemented for dedicated graphics hardware. Nevertheless, high performance computing systems often do not provide resources for hardware accelerated rendering, so that the visualization algorithm must be implemented for the available general-purpose hardware. Ever growing datasets that imply copying large amounts of data from the compute system to the workstation of the scientist, and the need to review intermediate simulation results, make porting Direct Volume Rendering to high performance computing systems highly relevant. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. As part of the first contribution, after devising a software architecture for general implementations of Direct Volume Rendering on highly parallel platforms, parallelization issues and implementation details for various modern architectures are discussed. The contribution results in a highly parallel implementation that tackles several platforms. The second contribution is concerned with the display phase of the “Distributed Volume Rendering Pipeline”. Rendering on a high performance computing system typically implies displaying the rendered result at a remote location. This thesis presents a remote rendering technique that is capable of hiding latency and can thus be used in an interactive environment
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