10 research outputs found

    Spatial modelling of the transport mode choice: application on the Vienna transport network

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    A new approach for spatial modelling of transport mode choice is presented in the paper. The approach tackles the problem by considering the trade-off between subjective and objective factors. To obtain mode Preference Rates (PRs) based on subjective factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied. The objective factors are expressed with the journey time from any point in the map to destination according to the available transport mode choice on the specific connection. The results are presented as PRs of individual transport modes. The model is validated on the conducted the survey, with students of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) as a target audience. Members of different target groups (age, national, employment) decide differently regarding the transport choice, so it is better to analyse them separately. The presented model can be used for the city transport planning in any urban area. It can help promote the sustainable modes of transport in the areas that are less adjusted in sustainable manner

    Análise e visualização de dados de rastreamento para caracterização da logística urbana

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    Estudo de melhorias no sistema de transporte de uma empresa de serviços contábeis de Joinville/SC

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia de Transportes e Logística.Devido ao constante crescimento da população, a busca por alternativas de transporte mais sustentáveis, vem se tornando cada vez mais frequente. O uso das bicicletas surge como uma alternativa de transporte, que visa principalmente a redução da poluição atmosférica. O planejamento de transportes nas empresas, depende da escolha e do uso das ferramentas mais adequadas ao seu desenvolvimento, portanto, é essencial conhecer as características, funções e desempenho do instrumento que se pretende empregar na solução de problemas. Pesquisadores e planejadores costumam apoiar suas decisões em tecnologia SIG (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica). A partir deste panorama, o objetivo deste trabalho é estudar melhorias no transporte de documentos de uma empresa situada em Joinville. Primeiramente o cenário atual de transportes praticado é reproduzido em ambiente SIG. Cenários alternativos são propostos e analisados com o uso de ferramentas de SIG, com o intuito de obter redução de custos, considerando a otimização da rota praticada pelo modo de transporte atual, por motocicleta, assim como a proposição da melhor rota por um modo alternativo de transporte mais sustentável, por bicicleta. Trajetos mais eficientes foram encontrados para os dois modos de transportes analisados. Indicadores de custos foram definidos e calculados para cada alternativa estudada. A análise comparativa dos resultados encontrados demonstraram que é possível reduzir custos pela otimização da rota utilizando o modo motocicleta e, também, pela adoção do modo mais sustentável utilizando bicicleta.Due to the constant growth of the population, the search for more sustainable transportation alternatives is becoming more and more frequent. The use of bicycles appears as an alternative transportation, which aims, mainly, to reduce air pollution. The planning of transport in companies, depends on the choice and use of the most appropriate tools for their development, therefore, it is essential to know the characteristics, functions and performance of the instrument that is intended to be used in the solution of problems. Researchers and planners often support their decisions in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology. From this panorama, the objective of this work is to study improvements in the transportation of documents of a company located in Joinville, SC. First, the current transport scenario is reproduced in a GIS environment. Alternative scenarios are proposed and analyzed using GIS tools, with the purpose of obtaining cost reduction, considering the optimization of the route practiced by the current mode of transport, by motorcycle, as well as the proposition of the best route by an alternative mode of transport, more sustainable, by bicycle. More efficient routs were found for the two transport modes analyzed. Cost indicators were defined and calculated for each alternative studied. The comparative analysis of the results demonstrated that it is possible to reduce costs by optimizing the route using the motorcycle mode and also by adopting the more sustainable mode using a bicycle

    Uso de plataformas livres de sistemas de informação geográfica aplicados em estudos de transportes

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia de Transportes e Logística.Os resultados do planejamento de transportes dependem da escolha e do uso das ferramentas mais adequadas ao seu desenvolvimento, portanto, é primordial conhecer as características, funções e desempenho do instrumento que se pretende empregar na solução de problemas. Pesquisadores e planejadores costumam apoiar suas decisões em tecnologia SIG (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica) e, para o caso do planejamento de transportes, é utilizado um segmento particular dos SIG, os SIG-T (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aplicados ao Transporte). Os SIG-T comumente utilizados são softwares comerciais, por conta disso, este estudo objetiva verificar a possibilidade de utilização de SIG open source em análises peculiares ao transporte. A verificação foi feita por meio da aplicação de técnicas e rotinas específicas ao planejamento de transporte em ambiente SIG open source, sendo que os softwares utilizados foram o QGIS, GRASS GIS e GeoDa. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as três ferramentas puderam ser aplicadas em diversas categorias de análise em transporte, entretanto, elas não se enquadram inteiramente na categoria de SIG-T. Os SIG estudados não conseguiram aplicar completamente modelos de previsão de demanda, ou não forneceram resultados suficientemente satisfatórios. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é prestar auxílio aos usuários de tecnologia SIG na escolha de ferramentas mais adequadas e, secundariamente, evidenciar o potencial do uso de SIG open source em diversas etapas do planejamento de transportes. As mudanças no planejamento fomentam a hipótese de que o conceito de SIG-T possa ser adaptado e ampliado para Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aplicados à Mobilidade (SIG-M).The results of transport planning depend on the choice and use of the most adequate tools for its development, therefore, it is essential to know the characteristics, functions and performance of the instrument that is to be used in the solution of problems. Researchers and planners often support their decisions in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology which, in the case of transportation planning, a particular segment of GIS, GIS-T (Geographic Information Systems applied to Transport) is used. The commonly used GIS-T are commercial software, therefore, this study aims to verify the possibility of using open source GIS in analyzes peculiar to transport. The verification was done through the application of specific techniques and routines to transportation planning in an open source GIS environment. The softwares used was QGIS, GRASS GIS and GeoDa. The results show that the three tools could be applied in several categories of transport analysis, however, they do not fit entirely into the category of GIS-T. The studied GIS were not able to fully apply demand prediction models or did not provide satisfactory results. The main contribution of this work is to assist GIS users in choosing the most appropriate tools and, secondarily, to highlight the potential of using open source GIS in several stages of transport planning. The changes in planning foster the hypothesis that the concept of GIS-T can be adapted and extended to Geographic Information Systems applied to Mobility (GIS-M)

    Kelionių grandinėmis pagrįsto susisiekimo poreikių modelio kūrimas ir taikymas miestų susisiekimo tinklo planavimui

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    This thesis is devoted to the analysis of the advanced and innovative tour-based travel demand modelling approach. Tour-based models explicitly recognise traffic as a derived demand for undertaking activities between homes and destinations. Travel demand of urban residents is modelled as trip sequences, which allows precise modelling of trip origin and destination points. The tour-based approach is deemed as a key step forwards towards even more complex agent-based modelling systems. The thesis is structured around three main chapters that can be summarised succinctly as a revision of the state of the practice and research, description of empirical research of travel behaviour, and tour-based model development. The 1st chapter revises the current state of practice and the research on travel demand modelling. All the building blocks that comprise transport models are discussed, and this lays the theoretical foundation for the following chapters. 1st chapter also gives a thorough comparison of trip-based and tour-based model-ling approaches and presents modelling environment. The 2nd chapter defines the process of conducting an empirical research of the travel behaviour patterns of urban residents. The 2nd chapter defines survey methodology and important mobility parameters such as activity sequences and their probabilities of homogeneous urban population segments. The outputs from the 2nd chapter are not only important and interesting on their own, but they also flow into the final third part of the work. The final 3rd chapter defines tour-based travel demand model development steps and showcases their practical application to the real-world scenario. Demand model quality assessment efforts and results are presented and discussed together with necessary explanations for significant deviations from reality. The resulting model is applied to investigate the performance of Siaurine Street in Vilnius, which is to be built in the coming years. At the very end of 3rd chapter a compre-hensive urban travel demand modelling framework is formulated and serves as a best practice guide. General conclusions summarises the whole study. These are followed by an extensive list of references that were mentioned or relied upon to some extent in the work. Finally, separate lists of scientific publications and conference presen-tations conclude the thesis. Overall, there have been five scientific articles published on the topic of the thesis. Four articles were published in scientific journals that are referenced in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database, and one article was published in a scientific journal that is referenced in other databases

    Towards a National 3D Mapping Product for Great Britain

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    Knowing where something happens and where people are located can be critically important to understand issues ranging from climate change to road accidents, crime, schooling, transport and much more. To analyse these spatial problems, two-dimensional representations of the world, such as paper or digital maps, have traditionally been used. Geographic information systems (GIS) are the tools that enable capture, modelling, storage, retrieval, sharing, manipulation, analysis, and presentation of geographically referenced data. Three-dimensional geographic information (3D GI) is data that can represent real-world features as objects in 3D space. 3D GI offers additional functionality not possible in 2D, including analysing and querying volume, visibility, surface and sub-surface, and shadowing. This thesis contributes to the understanding of user requirements and other data related considerations in the production of 3D geographic information at a national level. The study promotes Ordnance Survey’s efforts in developing a 3D geographic product through: (1) identifying potential applications; (2) analysing existing 3D city modelling approaches; (3) eliciting and formalising user requirements; (4) developing metrics to describe the usefulness of 3D data and; (5) evaluating the commerciality of 3D GI. A review of current applications of 3D showed that visualisation dominated as the main use, allowing for better communication, and supporting decision-making processes. Reflecting this, an examination of existing 3D city models showed that, despite the varying modelling approaches, there was a general focus towards accurate and realistic geometric representation of the urban environment. Web-based questionnaires and semi-structured interviews revealed that while some applications (e.g. subsurface, photovoltaics, air and noise quality) lead the field with a high adoption of 3D, others were laggards due to organisational inertia (e.g. insurance, facilities management). Individuals expressed positive views on the use of 3D, but still struggled to justify the value and business case. Simple building geometry coupled with non-building thematic classes was perceived to be most useful by users. Several metrics were developed to quantify and compare the characteristics of thirty-three 3D datasets. Results showed that geometry-based metrics such as minimum feature length or Euler characteristic can be used to provide additional information as part of fitness-for-purpose evaluations. The metrics can also contribute to quality control during data production. An investigation into the commercial opportunities explored the economic value of 3D, the market size of 3D data in Great Britain, as well as proposed a number of opportunities within the wider business context of Ordnance Survey

    Big data-driven multimodal traffic management : trends and challenges

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    GIS and Transport Modeling – Strengthening the Spatial Perspective

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    The movement and transport of people and goods is spatial by its very nature. Thus, geospatial fundamentals of transport systems need to be adequately considered in transport models. Until recently this was not always the case. Instead, transport research and geography evolved widely independently in domain silos. However, driven by recent conceptual, methodological and technical developments the need for an integrated approach is obvious. This paper attempts to outline the potential of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for transport modeling. We identify three fields of transport modeling where the spatial perspective can significantly contribute to a more efficient modeling process and more reliable model results, namely geospatial data, disaggregated transport models and the role of geo-visualization. For these three fields, available findings from various domains are compiled before open aspects are formulated as research questions. The overall aim of this paper is to strengthen the spatial perspective in transport modeling and to call for a further integration of GIS in the domain of transport modeling

    Assessing Social Sustainability in Urban Road Transportation of Abuja, Nigeria

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    The definition of a concept of Social Sustainability is challenging. It is one of three pillars of sustainability yet neglected by researchers due to the complexity of definition, application, and implementation. This study focuses on a neglected area of research – understanding a concept of Social Sustainability within the context of urban road transportation planning in Abuja, Nigeria. Abuja has a population of 776, 300 (2006 census) with a growth rate of 9%. The administrative region of Abuja – the Federal Capital Territory – has a population of 1,406,239. A survey in 2008 recorded an average daily passenger number for bus travel in the whole administrative region as just under 800,000. The city is facing issues of inadequate road transport infrastructure and facilities. Coupled with the increasing population and urbanisation, how are the authorities handling the various demands for the provision of this much-needed infrastructure and how this link to a concept of social sustainability for the city. The research comprises semi-structured interview with 261 commuters, 4 Transport Unions operating in the city, and 4 government agencies handling transport and its related issues in the city. SPSS and NVivo software were used in the analysis of the gathered data. The results highlight the difficulties faced by commuters in accessing urban road transport, the quality of service, public engagement, and the decision-making process of the city’s road transport sector. A conceptual framework for social sustainability is presented, summarising the themes for social sustainability, as discussed with participants. Then, two priority areas of social sustainability for citizens are discussed – stakeholder engagement in decision-making and social inclusion. The findings from this study highlight the inadequate engagement between citizens and the government on matters that impact their daily lives. A practical framework for engaging stakeholders in the provision of urban road transportation in Abuja is proposed. The study finds that understanding the needs and priorities of commuters and operators of road transport facilities, supported by the necessary numerical and factual data is important for establishing a sustainable transport system in Abuja. This should be a focus for Abuja and Nigerian policy planners and decision makers. The work also has implications for practitioners and scholars who are trying to implement social sustainability as part of transport planning in other developing nations, with their own distinct cultures, values, characteristics, and beliefs

    International Journal of Geo-Information / GIS and Transport Modeling - Strengthening the Spatial Perspective

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    The movement and transport of people and goods is spatial by its very nature. Thus, geospatial fundamentals of transport systems need to be adequately considered in transport models. Until recently, this was not always the case. Instead, transport research and geography evolved widely independently in domain silos. However, driven by recent conceptual, methodological and technical developments, the need for an integrated approach is obvious. This paper attempts to outline the potential of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for transport modeling. We identify three fields of transport modeling where the spatial perspective can significantly contribute to a more efficient modeling process and more reliable model results, namely, geospatial data, disaggregated transport models and the role of geo-visualization. For these three fields, available findings from various domains are compiled, before open aspects are formulated as research directions, with exemplary research questions. The overall aim of this paper is to strengthen the spatial perspective in transport modeling and to call for a further integration of GIS in the domain of transport modeling