2,373 research outputs found

    Extreme Value GARCH modelling with Bayesian Inference

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    Extreme value theory is widely used financial applications such as risk analysis, forecasting and pricing models. One of the major difficulties in the applications to finance and economics is that the assumption of independence of time series observations is generally not satisfied, so that the dependent extremes may not necessarily be in the domain of attraction of the classical generalised extreme value distribution. This study examines a conditional extreme value distribution with the added specification that the extreme values (maxima or minima) follows a conditional autoregressive heteroscedasticity process. The dependence has been modelled by allowing the location and scale parameters of the extreme distribution to vary with time. The resulting combined model, GEV-GARCH, is developed by implementing the GARCH volatility mechanism in these extreme value model parameters. Bayesian inference is used for the estimation of parameters and posterior inference is available through the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The model is firstly applied to relevant simulated data to verify model stability and reliability of the parameter estimation method. Then real stock returns are used to consider evidence for the appropriate application of the model. A comparison is made between the GEV-GARCH and traditional GARCH models. Both the GEV-GARCH and GARCH show similarity in the resulting conditional volatility estimates, however the GEV-GARCH model differs from GARCH in that it can capture and explain extreme quantiles better than the GARCH model because of more reliable extrapolation of the tail behaviour.Extreme value distribution, dependency, Bayesian, MCMC, Return quantile

    Extreme Value GARCH modelling with Bayesian Inference

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    RePEC Working Paper Series No: 05/2009Extreme value theory is widely used financial applications such as risk analysis, forecasting and pricing models. One of the major difficulties in the applications to finance and economics is that the assumption of independence of time series observations is generally not satisfied, so that the dependent extremes may not necessarily be in the domain of attraction of the classical generalised extreme value distribution. This study examines a conditional extreme value distribution with the added specification that the extreme values (maxima or minima) follows a conditional autoregressive heteroscedasticity process. The dependence has been modelled by allowing the location and scale parameters of the extreme distribution to vary with time. The resulting combined model, GEV-GARCH, is developed by implementing the GARCH volatility mechanism in these extreme value model parameters. Bayesian inference is used for the estimation of parameters and posterior inference is available through the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The model is firstly applied to relevant simulated data to verify model stability and reliability of the parameter estimation method. Then real stock returns are used to consider evidence for the appropriate application of the model. A comparison is made between the GEV-GARCH and traditional GARCH models. Both the GEV-GARCH and GARCH show similarity in the resulting conditional volatility estimates, however the GEV-GARCH model differs from GARCH in that it can capture and explain extreme quantiles better than the GARCH model because of more reliable extrapolation of the tail behaviour

    Bayesian Extreme Value Mixture Modelling for Estimating VaR

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    A new extreme value mixture modelling approach for estimating Value-at-Risk (VaR) is proposed, overcoming the key issues of determining the threshold which defines the distribution tail and accounts for uncertainty due to threshold choice. A two-stage approach is adopted: volatility estimation followed by conditional extremal modelling of the independent innovations. Bayesian inference is used to account for all uncertainties and enables inclusion of expert prior information, potentially overcoming the inherent sparsity of extremal data. Simulations show the reliability and flexibility of the proposed mixture model, followed by VaR forecasting for capturing returns during the current financial crisis.Extreme values; Bayesian; Threshold estimation; Value-at-Risk

    Bayesian analysis of FIAPARCH model: an application to São Paulo stock market

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    In this paper, we develop a Bayesian analysis of a FIAPARCH(p,d,q) model for parameter estimation and conditional variance prediction. In order to study the inference problem we use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.This methodology is illustrated in a simulation study and it is applied to a set of observations concerning the returns of IBOVESPA value

    Approximate Bayesian inference in semiparametric copula models

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    We describe a simple method for making inference on a functional of a multivariate distribution. The method is based on a copula representation of the multivariate distribution and it is based on the properties of an Approximate Bayesian Monte Carlo algorithm, where the proposed values of the functional of interest are weighed in terms of their empirical likelihood. This method is particularly useful when the "true" likelihood function associated with the working model is too costly to evaluate or when the working model is only partially specified.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figure

    A component GARCH model with time varying weights

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    We present a novel GARCH model that accounts for time varying, state dependent, persistence in the volatility dynamics. The proposed model generalizes the component GARCH model of Ding and Granger (1996). The volatility is modelled as a convex combination of unobserved GARCH components where the combination weights are time varying as a function of appropriately chosen state variables. In order to make inference on the model parameters, we develop a Gibbs sampling algorithm. Adopting a fully Bayesian approach allows to easily obtain medium and long term predictions of relevant risk measures such as value at risk and expected shortfall. Finally we discuss the results of an application to a series of daily returns on the S&P500.GARCH, persistence, volatility components, value-at-risk, expected shortfall


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    In this paper, we perform Bayesian inference and prediction for a GARCH model where the innovations are assumed to follow a mixture of two Gaussian distributions. This GARCH model can capture the patterns usually exhibited by many financial time series such as volatility clustering, large kurtosis and extreme observations. A Griddy-Gibbs sampler implementation is proposed for parameter estimation and volatility prediction. The method is illustrated using the Swiss Market Index.

    Efficient Gibbs Sampling for Markov Switching GARCH Models

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    We develop efficient simulation techniques for Bayesian inference on switching GARCH models. Our contribution to existing literature is manifold. First, we discuss different multi-move sampling techniques for Markov Switching (MS) state space models with particular attention to MS-GARCH models. Our multi-move sampling strategy is based on the Forward Filtering Backward Sampling (FFBS) applied to an approximation of MS-GARCH. Another important contribution is the use of multi-point samplers, such as the Multiple-Try Metropolis (MTM) and the Multiple trial Metropolize Independent Sampler, in combination with FFBS for the MS-GARCH process. In this sense we ex- tend to the MS state space models the work of So [2006] on efficient MTM sampler for continuous state space models. Finally, we suggest to further improve the sampler efficiency by introducing the antithetic sampling of Craiu and Meng [2005] and Craiu and Lemieux [2007] within the FFBS. Our simulation experiments on MS-GARCH model show that our multi-point and multi-move strategies allow the sampler to gain efficiency when compared with single-move Gibbs sampling.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figure