28 research outputs found

    Gasification for Practical Applications

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    Although there were many books and papers that deal with gasification, there has been only a few practical book explaining the technology in actual application and the market situation in reality. Gasification is a key technology in converting coal, biomass, and wastes to useful high-value products. Until renewable energy can provide affordable energy hopefully by the year 2030, gasification can bridge the transition period by providing the clean liquid fuels, gas, and chemicals from the low grade feedstock. Gasification still needs many upgrades and technology breakthroughs. It remains in the niche market, not fully competitive in the major market of electricity generation, chemicals, and liquid fuels that are supplied from relatively cheap fossil fuels. The book provides the practical information for researchers and graduate students who want to review the current situation, to upgrade, and to bring in a new idea to the conventional gasification technologies

    Bibliography of Lewis Research Center technical publications announced in 1993

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    This compilation of abstracts describes and indexes the technical reporting that resulted from the scientific and engineering work performed and managed by the Lewis Research Center in 1993. All the publications were announced in the 1993 issues of STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and/or IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts). Included are research reports, journal articles, conference presentations, patents and patent applications, and theses

    Innovation: Key to the future

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    The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Annual Report is presented. A description of research and development projects is included. Topics covered include: space science; space systems; transportation systems; astronomy and astrophysics; earth sciences; solar terrestrial physics; microgravity science; diagnostic and inspection system; information, electronic, and optical systems; materials and manufacturing; propulsion; and structures and dynamics

    Renewable Energy

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    This book discusses renewable energy resources and systems as well as energy efficiency. It contains twenty-three chapters over six sections that address a multitude of renewable energy types, including solar and photovoltaic, biomass, hydroelectric, and geothermal. The information presented herein is a scientific contribution to energy and environmental regulations, quality and efficiency of energy services, energy supply security, energy market-based approaches, government interventions, and the spread of technological innovation

    Metalurgija Journal 1962-2022 y – List of Published Papers

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    U periodu 1962.–2012., tijekom 60 godina neprekidnog izlaženja, u časopisu Metalurgija su objavljivali autori iz preko 40 država, od Mexica do Kine (sa svih 5 kontinenata). Cilj članka je dati Listu objavljenih radova u 199 svezaka ili 238 brojeva, sa 2721 znanstvenih i stručnih, te 287 priloga (ukupno 3008 radova), autora, koji su svoje rezultate i ideje provjeravali ili ih našli na stranicama ovog časopisa. Svima hvala.For the interval 1962-2022 y, during the continuos publication last 60 years, in Metalurgija Journal Authors from 40 countries from Mexico to China (all 5 continent ) have publish. The goal of the Article is give List of Papers published in this interval, 199 issues or 238 numbers, 2721 scientific and technical, and 287 contributions (total 3008 papers ) of Authors whose investigation results and ideas have been examined and found on the pages of this Journal. Thanks for all

    Metalurgija Journal 1962-2022 y – List of Published Papers

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    U periodu 1962.–2012., tijekom 60 godina neprekidnog izlaženja, u časopisu Metalurgija su objavljivali autori iz preko 40 država, od Mexica do Kine (sa svih 5 kontinenata). Cilj članka je dati Listu objavljenih radova u 199 svezaka ili 238 brojeva, sa 2721 znanstvenih i stručnih, te 287 priloga (ukupno 3008 radova), autora, koji su svoje rezultate i ideje provjeravali ili ih našli na stranicama ovog časopisa. Svima hvala.For the interval 1962-2022 y, during the continuos publication last 60 years, in Metalurgija Journal Authors from 40 countries from Mexico to China (all 5 continent ) have publish. The goal of the Article is give List of Papers published in this interval, 199 issues or 238 numbers, 2721 scientific and technical, and 287 contributions (total 3008 papers ) of Authors whose investigation results and ideas have been examined and found on the pages of this Journal. Thanks for all

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018


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    In this paper the authors shows the research made for improving high-power audio speaker devices performance using permanent NdFeB magnets special technology. Magnetic losses inside these audio devices are due to mechanical system frictions and to thermal effect of Joules eddy currents. In this regard, by special technology, were made conical surfaces at top plate and center pin. Analysing results obtained by modelling the magnetic circuit finite element method using electronic software package,was measured increase efficiency by over 10 %, from 1,136T to13T

    A Short Review on 4D Printing

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    Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-layer of material, the material traditionally being plastics, metals or ceramics, however ‘smart’ materials are now in use. Nowadays, the term “3D Printing” has become a much-used synonym for additive manufacturing. The use of computing, 3D solid modeling applications, layering materials and machine equipment is common to majority of additive manufacturing technologies. Advancing from this 3D printing technology, is an emerging trend for what is being termed “4D printing”. 4D printing places dependency on smart materials, the functionality of additive manufacturing machines and in ingenious design processes. Although many developments have been made, limitations are still very much in existence, particularly with regards to function and application. The objective of this short review is to discuss the developments, challenges and outlook for 4D printing technology. The review revealed that 4D printing technology has application potential but further research work will be vital for the future success of 4D printing

    Microgravity Science and Applications: Program Tasks and Bibliography for Fiscal Year 1996

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    NASA's Microgravity Science and Applications Division (MSAD) sponsors a program that expands the use of space as a laboratory for the study of important physical, chemical, and biochemical processes. The primary objective of the program is to broaden the value and capabilities of human presence in space by exploiting the unique characteristics of the space environment for research. However, since flight opportunities are rare and flight research development is expensive, a vigorous ground-based research program, from which only the best experiments evolve, is critical to the continuing strength of the program. The microgravity environment affords unique characteristics that allow the investigation of phenomena and processes that are difficult or impossible to study an Earth. The ability to control gravitational effects such as buoyancy driven convection, sedimentation, and hydrostatic pressures make it possible to isolate phenomena and make measurements that have significantly greater accuracy than can be achieved in normal gravity. Space flight gives scientists the opportunity to study the fundamental states of physical matter-solids, liquids and gasses-and the forces that affect those states. Because the orbital environment allows the treatment of gravity as a variable, research in microgravity leads to a greater fundamental understanding of the influence of gravity on the world around us. With appropriate emphasis, the results of space experiments lead to both knowledge and technological advances that have direct applications on Earth. Microgravity research also provides the practical knowledge essential to the development of future space systems. The Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications (OLMSA) is responsible for planning and executing research stimulated by the Agency's broad scientific goals. OLMSA's Microgravity Science and Applications Division (MSAD) is responsible for guiding and focusing a comprehensive program, and currently manages its research and development tasks through five major scientific areas: biotechnology, combustion science, fluid physics, fundamental physics, and materials science. FY 1996 was an important year for MSAD. NASA continued to build a solid research community for the coming space station era. During FY 1996, the NASA Microgravity Research Program continued investigations selected from the 1994 combustion science, fluid physics, and materials science NRAS. MSAD also released a NASA Research Announcement in microgravity biotechnology, with more than 130 proposals received in response. Selection of research for funding is expected in early 1997. The principal investigators chosen from these NRAs will form the core of the MSAD research program at the beginning of the space station era. The third United States Microgravity Payload (USMP-3) and the Life and Microgravity Spacelab (LMS) missions yielded a wealth of microgravity data in FY 1996. The USMP-3 mission included a fluids facility and three solidification furnaces, each designed to examine a different type of crystal growth