11 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan DAS Berbasis Penggunaan Lahan Dengan Metode Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (Studi Kasus DAS Mamasa Sulawesi)

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    Degradasi yang terjadi di DAS Mamasa telah mengakibatkan erosi yang melebihi batas toleransi dan sedimentasi di Waduk Bakaru yang melebihi dead storage sediment. Untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut diperlukan pengelolaan penggunaan lahan di DAS tersebut. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model penggunaan lahan yang sesuai dengan preferensi masyarakat dan juga menurunkan laju erosi di DAS Mamasa serta sedimentasi di Waduk Bakaru. Model kajian erosi dan sedimentasi yang digunakan adalah formula Universal Soil Loss Equation yang direvisi, sedangkan untuk menentukan penggunaan lahan di DAS Mamasa digunakan sistem pengambilan keputusan Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making yang diintegrasikan dengan sistem informasi geografis. Validasi penggunaan lahan FMADM dilakukan dengan melaksanakan Focus Group Discussion. Dari hasil penelitian, model penggunaan lahan yang dapat menurunkan laju sedimentasi 132,08 m3/km2/thn adalah hutan seluas 56,39 %, Agroforestri 9,22 %, Kebun Campuran 9,12 %, dan Hutan Tanaman Buah-buahan 8,25 %, selebihnya berupa penggunaaan lahan dan tindakan konservasi : Penanaman dalam Strip, Pergiliran Tanaman, Teras Bangku pada persawahan, Penghijauan dan Tanaman Penutup serta Penanaman Tanaman Kopi

    A Comparison of Hybrid Decision Making Methods for Emergency Support

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    Abstract A situation consisting in evaluating and choosing among alternative actions can be managed from the point of view of Decision Making (DM). This paper presents an approach to design and develop Decision Support Systems (DSS) to be applied in emergency situations. In these situations the decision maker is under heavy stress because each different decision implies different important outcomes related with human and economic losses. First of all, a domain knowledge base has to be built from both the properties of emergency situations and the actions devoted to counteract them. From this knowledge, three different DM methods, based on the Probability Theory and the Possibility Theory, process the incoming emergency information and choose the best action for putting out the emergency situation. The resulting decisions of each method over a set of plausible emergency situations can be evaluated by a domain expert and the method with the best average performance can be built in the DSS. This DSS can help a decision maker find out an optimal decision in a short period of time maximizing security and minimizing stress.Peer reviewe

    Pengelolaan DAS Berbasis Penggunaan Lahan Dengan Metode Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (Studi Kasus DAS Mamasa Sulawesi)

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    Degradasi yang terjadi di DAS Mamasa telah mengakibatkan erosi yang melebihi batas toleransi dan sedimentasi di Waduk Bakaru yang melebihi dead storage sediment. Untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut diperlukan pengelolaan penggunaan lahan di DAS tersebut. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model penggunaan lahan yang sesuai dengan preferensi masyarakat dan juga menurunkan laju erosi di DAS Mamasa serta sedimentasi di Waduk Bakaru. Model kajian erosi dan sedimentasi yang digunakan adalah formula Universal Soil Loss Equation yang direvisi, sedangkan untuk menentukan penggunaan lahan di DAS Mamasa digunakan sistem pengambilan keputusan Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making yang diintegrasikan dengan sistem informasi geografis. Validasi penggunaan lahan FMADM dilakukan dengan melaksanakan Focus Group Discussion. Dari hasil penelitian, model penggunaan lahan yang dapat menurunkan laju sedimentasi 132,08 m3/km2/thn adalah hutan seluas 56,39 %, Agroforestri 9,22 %, Kebun Campuran 9,12 %, dan Hutan Tanaman Buah-buahan 8,25 %, selebihnya berupa penggunaaan lahan dan tindakan konservasi : Penanaman dalam Strip, Pergiliran Tanaman, Teras Bangku pada persawahan, Penghijauan dan Tanaman Penutup serta Penanaman Tanaman Kopi

    A Fuzzy Based Approach for New Product Concept Evaluation and Selection

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    Product developers make many decisions during the early stages of product development which have a profound impact on the final cost of the product. These decisions include selecting a product concept that best meet customer needs.  Product concept selection involves using the collective knowledge of many experts who possess different backgrounds and expertise in various fields to evaluate a set of product concepts developed to meet certain customer needs. This paper proposes a concept evaluation and selection methodology capable of capturing the fuzziness and vagueness impeded in concept evaluation. The proposed methodology integrates the Weighted Concept Selection Matrix with the Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) under a Fuzzy environment. The developed methodology has the capability of capturing the fuzziness and vagueness in the concept evaluators’ ratings. The methodology consists of eight steps that begins with retrieving the product concepts, developing the evaluation criteria and selecting the evaluators, and ends up by choosing the best concept. The criteria are prioritized and assigned fuzzy weights according to their importance with respect to the nature of the product and based on the capabilities of the manufacturing company.  Furthermore, the evaluators are prioritized and assigned fuzzy weights with respect to the criteria based on their different backgrounds. These weights are aggregated with the concepts’ fuzzy rating done by the evaluators in order to compute a final score for each concept. The usage of the methodology is verified and tested by using an illustrative example. Keywords: Product Design, Fuzzy systems, Multi-criteria Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchal Proces

    A Comparison of Hybrid Decision Making Methods for Emergency Support

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    The Evaluation with Multi Criteria Decision Model of Substance Abuse in High School Youth

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    Multi criteria decision making methods is a methodological tool that allows decision maker to choose the best alternative or sequence of these alternatives by optimizing the quantitative and qualitative criteria. In the study, classical and fuzzy multi criteria decision making methods are used for the purpose of identifying the risks in educational institutions posed by substance abuse, which is particularly widespread among today's teenagers, threatens human health and public welfare. In this context, the factors that affect the substance abuse and relative importance weights of these factors is specified according to expert choices by way of a survey that was prepared on substance abuse among young people is applied to high school students who are currently studying in Ankara's Keçiören district and analysis is made with using fuzzy ANP. In the second phase of the study, a comparative evaluate of the schools in the district that have a high density of students who are under the risk of substance abuse and need support in this regard, is identified with using fuzzy VIKOR methods of classical methods. Obtained results of this analysis used in substance abuse with a particular fiction shows that these methods can be used in areas requiring risk analysis and also in applications where delivery of important and sensitive decisions based on subjective opinion, decision makers are proposed more effective and realistic results

    A new parsimonious AHP methodology: assigning priorities to many objects by comparing pairwise few reference objects

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    We propose a development of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) permitting to use the methodology also for decision problems with a very large number of alternatives and several criteria. While the ap- plication of the original AHP method involves many pairwise comparisons between considered objects, that can be alternatives with respect to considered criteria or criteria between them, our parsimonious proposal is composed of five steps: (i) direct evaluation of the objects at hand; (ii) selection of some reference objects; (iii) application of the original AHP method to the reference objects; (iv) check of the consistency of the pairwise comparisons of AHP and the compatibility between the rating and the prior- itization with a subsequent discussion with the decision maker who can modify the rating or pairwise comparisons of reference objects; (v) revision of the direct evaluation on the basis of the prioritization supplied by AHP on reference objects. Our approach permits to avoid the distortion of comparing more relevant objects (reference points) with less relevant objects. Moreover, our AHP approach avoids rank reversal problems, that is, changes of the order in the prioritizations due to adding or removing one or more objects from the set of considered objects. The new proposal has been tested and experimentally validated

    Corporate Governance and IT Corporate Governance Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Creating Value

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    RESUMEN: La creación de valor depende directamente de la Gobernanza Corporativa (GC) y de la Gobernanza Corporativa de TI (GCTI), ambas vinculadas con los objetivos corporativos porque presentan a la empresa de manera más segura y sostenible a los stakeholders y a la sociedad en general, aumentando su diferencial competitivo. En este sentido de crear valor para satisfacer las necesidades de las partes interesadas, estructurando sistémicamente la empresa y perfeccionando su proceso decisorio multicriterio es en el que este trabajo integra las dos gobernanzas a través de los criterios de Beneficios, Riesgos y Recursos y de diferentes sub-criterios y alternativas de decisión. Para ello se aplica el método Analytic Hierarchy Process para definir cuáles son las prioridades en GC y GCTI que más valor crean para las empresas. Esta cuestión ha sido respondida generando un modelo teóricopráctico estructurado por medio del Generador de Sistemas de Apoyo a la Decisión. Los resultados encontrados están relacionados con los criterios de Beneficios (55%), Recursos (24%) y Riesgos (21%). Las alternativas prioritarias están vinculadas con decisiones de: inversión y prioridades de TI (32,6%); necesidades de aplicaciones de negocios (24,6%); principios de TI (16,0%); arquitectura de TI (16,0%); e infraestructura de TI (10,8%).ABSTRACT: Value Creation directly depends on Corporate Governance (CG) and Corporate Governance of IT (CGTI), both linked to corporate objectives because they present the company in a more secure and sustainable way to stakeholders and society in general, increasing their competitive differential. In this sense of creating value to satisfy the needs of stakeholders, systemically structuring the company and perfecting its multicriteria decision-making process is where this work integrates the two governances through the criteria of Benefits, Risks and Resources and different sub-criteria and decision alternatives. To do this, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is applied to define the CG and CGTI priorities that create the most value for companies. This question has been answered by generating a theoreticalpractical model structured through the Decision Support System Generator. The results found are related to the criteria of Benefits (55%), Resources (24%) and Risks (21%). The priority alternatives are linked to decisions of: IT investment and priorities (32.6%); business application needs (24.6%); IT principles (16.0%); IT architecture (16,0%); and IT infrastructure (10.8%)

    Fuzzy multicriteria analysis and its applications for decision making under uncertainty

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    Multicriteria decision making refers to selecting or ranking alternatives from available alternatives with respect to multiple, usually conflicting criteria involving either a single decision maker or multiple decision makers. It often takes place in an environment where the information available is uncertain, subjective and imprecise. To adequately solve this decision problem, the application of fuzzy sets theory for adequately modelling the uncertainty and imprecision in multicriteria decision making has proven to be effective. Much research has been done on the development of various fuzzy multicriteria analysis approaches for effectively solving the multicriteria decision making problem, and numerous applications have been reported in the literature. In general, existing approaches can be categorized into (a) multicriteria decision making with a single decision maker and (b) multicriteria group decision making. Existing approaches, however, are not totally satisfactory due to various shortcomings that they suffer from including (a) the inability to adequately model the uncertainty and imprecision of human decision making, (b) the failure to effectively handle the requirements of decision maker(s), (c) the tedious mathematical computation required, and (d) cognitively very demanding on the decision maker(s). This research has developed four novel approaches for effectively solving the multicriteria decision making problem under uncertainty. To effectively reduce the cognitive demand on the decision maker, a pairwise comparison based approach is developed in Chapter 4 for solving the multicriteria problem under uncertainty. To adequately meet the interest of various stakeholders in the multicriteria decision making process, a decision support system (DSS) based approach is introduced in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, a consensus oriented approach is presented in multicriteria group decision making on which a DSS is proposed for facilitating consensus building in solving the multicriteria group decision making problem. In Chapter 7, a risk-oriented approach is developed for adequately modelling the inherent risk in multicriteria group decision making with the use of the concept of ideal solutions so that the complex and unreliable process of comparing fuzzy utilities usually required in fuzzy multicriteria analysis is avoided. Empirical studies of four real fuzzy multicriteria decision making problems are presented for illustrating the applicability of the approaches developed in solving the multicriteria decision making problem. A hospital location selection problem is discussed in Chapter 8. An international distribution centre location problem is illustrated in Chapter 9. A supplier selection problem is presented in Chapter 10. A hotel location problem is discussed in Chapter 11. These studies have shown the distinct advantages of the approaches developed respectively in this research from different perspectives in solving the multicriteria decision making problem