2,394 research outputs found

    Full Issue 20(2)

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    Ranking of transport network development projects in the Sverdlovsk railroad area based on fuzzy logic

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    Relevance.  Due to the turbulence of economic processes in the period of sanctions pressure on the economy, decisions should be made, effective, first of all, from a national position.  For this purpose, it is necessary to justify them using multi-criteria and all available information, which at the initial stages is fundamentally incomplete, insufficiently reliable and sometimes weakly formalized. In such cases, it is advisable to use special methods to assess the decisions made in conditions of uncertainty, in particular methods of fuzzy logic and mathematics.Purpose of the study. The study is aimed at assessing the order of priority of transport rail support on the investigated most important in the federal and regional scale main lines by including the most significant technological and economic criteria, reflecting the nationwide priority.Data and Methods. To compare different methods of priority construction of the main lines of railway lines, we used the procedure of fuzzy multi-criteria analysis of the projects. The assumed priorities of transport rail support are based on four trunk line projects: the Middle Urals Latitudinal Railway on the N-Tagil - Perm section; the Troitsko-Pechorsk - Ivdel section; the Perm - Chernushka section; the Ust - Aha - Uray - Khanty-Mansiysk - Salym section.Results. The paper proves the possibility of applying the approach based on fuzzy logic to the analysis of economic processes in the period of shocks to the economy, caused, in particular, by the introduction of sanctions from unfriendly countries. The estimated priority of transport rail support on the four projects of the most important trunk lines is assessed.Conclusions. With the help of fuzzy logic methods, it is possible to find compromise options that satisfy the various interests of those affecting the decisions, regardless of the structural organization of the backbone industries, one of which is undoubtedly the transport industry

    Introduction to the Special Issue on Sustainable Solutions for the Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    The intelligent transportation systems improve the transportation system’s operational efficiency and enhance its safety and reliability by high-tech means such as information technology, control technology, and computer technology. In recent years, sustainable development has become an important topic in intelligent transportation’s development, including new infrastructure and energy distribution, new energy vehicles and new transportation systems, and the development of low-carbon and intelligent transportation equipment. New energy vehicles’ development is a significant part of green transportation, and its automation performance improvement is vital for smart transportation. The development of intelligent transportation and green, low-carbon, and intelligent transportation equipment needs to be promoted, a significant feature of transportation development in the future. For intelligent infrastructure and energy distribution facilities, the electricity for popular electric vehicles and renewable energy, such as nuclear power and hydrogen power, should be considered

    Railway Engineering: Timetable Planning and Control, Artificial Intelligence and Externalities

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    This chapter is a case study of the dissemination of railway engineering research in Latin America developed by a railway engineering research group. The leader of the group is a female researcher. The authors aim to inspire to other women researchers in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries who are trying to develop research in IT areas, many times facing serious difficulties, incomprehension, and great challenges. This chapter is divided in set sections like introduction, background, development of railway engineering research. This third section is divided into subsections like timetable planning and trains control, characterization of Panama metro line 1, dwelling times, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, social-economics railway externalities, and environmental railway externalities. The fourth section presents the results of the relationship between research activity and teaching of railway engineering obtained in this case study. Finally, the authors present a brief vision about future and emerging regional trends about railway engineering projects.This chapter is a case study of the dissemination of railway engineering research in Latin America developed by a railway engineering research group. The leader of the group is a female researcher. The authors aim to inspire to other women researchers in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries who are trying to develop research in IT areas, many times facing serious difficulties, incomprehension, and great challenges. This chapter is divided in set sections like introduction, background, development of railway engineering research. This third section is divided into subsections like timetable planning and trains control, characterization of Panama metro line 1, dwelling times, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, social-economics railway externalities, and environmental railway externalities. The fourth section presents the results of the relationship between research activity and teaching of railway engineering obtained in this case study. Finally, the authors present a brief vision about future and emerging regional trends about railway engineering projects

    Supporting Cross-sectoral Infrastructure Investment Planning

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    Sustainable Real Estate: Management, Assessment and Innovations

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    Production and consumption activities have determined a weakness of the sustainable real estate economy. The main problems are the subordination of public decision making, which is subjected to pressure from big companies; inefficient appraisal procedures; excessive use of financial leverage in investment projects; the atypical nature of markets; income positions in urban transformations; and the financialization of real estate markets, with widespread negative effects. A delicate role in these complex problems is assigned to real estate appraisal activities, called to make value judgments on real estate goods and investment projects, the prices of which are often formed in atypical real estate markets, giving ever greater importance to sustainable development and transformation issues. This Special Issue is dedicated to developing and disseminating knowledge and innovations related to most recent real estate evaluation methodologies applied in the fields of architecture and civil, building, environmental, and territorial engineering. Suitable works include studies on econometric models, sustainable building management, building costs, risk management and real estate appraisal, mass appraisal methods applied to real estate properties, urban and land economics, transport economics, the application of economics and financial techniques to real estate markets, the economic valuation of real estate investment projects, the economic effects of building transformations or projects on the environment, and sustainable real estate

    Modeling of the BFU incidence of the Panama metroline 1

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    The objetive of this paper is modeling of the BFU incidenceof the Panama metro line 1. This paper performed a group of statisticalanalysis like: Analysis of measures ofcentral tendency, estimation of the characteristic equation of the data and its determination coefficient and the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Sminov test with three contrasts (normal, exponential and Weibull). This research article presents the results of the modeling of the incidence type BFU of Panama metroline 1. Theseresults showthat the incidence BFU have a exponential statisticalbehaviourand it has been decreasing in the 2017-2021. The results of Kolmogorov-Sminovnon-parametric testshowthat thedistribution that best fits the data of the incidences of BFU typeis the exponentialdistributio


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    Received September 5, 2022; accepted November 11, 2022.Дата поступления 5 сентября 2022 г.; дата принятия к печати 11 ноября 2022 г.Due to the turbulence of economic processes in the period of sanctions pressure on the economy, decisions should be made, effective, first of all, from a national position. For this purpose, it is necessary to justify them using multi-criteria and all available information, which at the initial stages is fundamentally incomplete, insufficiently reliable and sometimes weakly formalized. In such cases, it is advisable to use special methods to assess the decisions made in conditions of uncertainty, in particular methods of fuzzy logic and mathematics. Purpose of the study. The study is aimed at assessing the order of priority of transport rail support on the investigated most important in the federal and regional scale main lines by including the most significant technological and economic criteria, reflecting the nationwide priority. Data and Methods. To compare different methods of priority construction of the main lines of railway lines, we used the procedure of fuzzy multi-criteria analysis of the projects. The assumed priorities of transport rail support are based on four trunk line projects: the Middle Urals Latitudinal Railway on the N-Tagil – Perm section; the Troitsko-Pechorsk – Ivdel section; the Perm – Chernushka section; the Ust – Aha – Uray – Khanty-Mansiysk – Salym section. Results. The paper proves the possibility of applying the approach based on fuzzy logic to the analysis of economic processes in the period of shocks to the economy, caused, in particular, by the introduction of sanctions from unfriendly countries. The estimated priority of transport rail support on the four projects of the most important trunk lines is assessed. Conclusions. With the help of fuzzy logic methods, it is possible to find compromise options that satisfy the various interests of those affecting the decisions, regardless of the structural organization of the backbone industries, one of which is undoubtedly the transport industry.Актуальность. В связи с турбулентностью экономических процессов в период санкционного давления на экономику должны приниматься решения, эффективные, в первую очередь, с общегосударственных позиций. Для этого необходимо их обоснование с учетом многокритериальности и всей доступной информации, которая на первоначальных стадиях обладает принципиальной неполнотой, недостаточной достоверностью и подчас слабой степенью ее формализации. В таких случаях целесообразно применение специальных методов, позволяющих оценивать принимаемые решения в условиях неопределенности, в частности методов нечеткой логики и математики. Цель исследования заключается в оценке очередности транспортного железнодорожного обеспечения на исследуемых наиболее важных в федеральном и региональном масштабе магистральных направлениях за счет включения наиболее значимых технологических и экономических критериев, отражающих общегосударственный приоритет. Данные и методы. Для сравнения различных способов очередности сооружений магистральных направлений железнодорожных линий использовалась процедура нечеткого многокритериального анализа проектов. Предполагаемые очередности транспортного железнодорожного обеспечения основаны на четырех проектах магистральных направлений: среднеуральский широтный ход (СУШХ) на участке Н-Тагил – Пермь; участок Троицко-Печорск – Ивдель; участок Пермь – Чернушка; участок Усть – Аха – Урай – Ханты- Мансийск – Салым. Результаты исследования. Доказана возможность применения подхода на основе нечеткой логики к анализу экономических процессов в период шоковых воздействий на экономику, обусловленных, в частности, введением санкций со стороны недружественных стран. Оценена предполагаемая очередность транспортного железнодорожного обеспечения на четырех проектах наиболее важных магистральных направлений. Выводы. С помощью методов нечеткой логики возможно нахождение компромиссных вариантов, удовлетворяющих различным интересам лиц, влияющих на принимаемые решения независимо от структурной организации системообразующих отраслей, одной из которых несомненно является транспортная отрасль.现实性:由于制裁压力经济进程面临动荡,必须首先从国家层面做出有效 决策。这就要求在考虑到多标准和所有可用信息的情况下对其进行论证。 而这些信息在初始阶段基本上是不完整、不够可靠、有时还很不正式的。 研究目标:文章通过纳入反映国家优先事项的最重要技术和经济标准, 来评估联邦和区域干线上运输铁路供应的优先权。数据与方法:为了比较确定铁路干线建设优先次序的不同方式,本文采 用了模糊多准则决策法。拟议的铁路运输优先项目基于四条干线:中乌 拉尔-塔吉尔-彼尔姆段;特罗伊茨克-佩乔尔斯克-伊夫德尔段;彼尔姆- 切尔努什卡段;乌斯-阿赫-乌拉伊-汉特-曼西斯克-萨雷姆段。 研究结果:在经济受到冲击期间,特别是不友好国家实行制裁所造成的 冲击期内,应用模糊逻辑分析经济进程的可能性已经得到证明。本文对 最重要干线四个项目的铁路运输优先级进行了评估。 结论:使用模糊逻辑法,有可能找到满足决策者各种利益的折衷方案。无论骨干产业的结构组织如何,运输部门都是影响决策的最重要部门之一。This article was prepared under the approved research plan of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2022.Статья подготовлена в рамках утвержденного плана научных исследований Института экономики УрО РАН на 2022 год.本文根據俄羅斯科學院烏拉爾 分院經濟研究所批准的 2022 年研究計劃編寫

    Full Issue 18(2)

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