14 research outputs found

    Term Functions and Fundamental Relation of Fuzzy Hyperalgebras

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    We introduce and study term functions over fuzzy hyperalgebras. We start from this idea that the set of nonzero fuzzy subsets of a fuzzy hyperalgebra can be organized naturally as a universal algebra, and constructing the term functions over this algebra. We present the form of generated subfuzzy hyperalgebra of a given fuzzy hyperalgebra as a generalization of universal algebras and multialgebras. Finally, we characterize the form of the fundamental relation of a fuzzy hyperalgebra

    Fuzzy hyperalgebras and direct product

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    We introduce and study the direct product of a family of fuzzy hyperalgebras of the same type and present some properties of it.

    Fuzzy hypergroups based on fuzzy relations

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    AbstractBased on fuzzy reasoning in fuzzy logic, this paper studies a fuzzy hyperoperation and a fuzzy hypergroupoid associated with a fuzzy relation. A sufficient and necessary condition for such a fuzzy hypergroupoid being a fuzzy hypergroup is given, and the properties of the fuzzy hypergroups associated with fuzzy relations are investigated. Furthermore, the definition of normal fuzzy hypergroups is put forward and it is shown that the category NFHG of normal fuzzy hypergroups satisfies all the axioms of topos except for the subobject classifier axiom

    Solvable groups derived from fuzzy hypergroups

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    In this paper we introduce the smallest equivalence relation ξ ∗ on a finite fuzzy hypergroup S such that the quotient group S/ξ ∗ , the set of all equivalence classes, is a solvable group. The characterization of solvable groups via strongly regular relation is investigated and several results on the topic are presented


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    One has considered the Hypergroupoid Η Γ = associated with a multivalued function Γ from H to a set D, defined as follows:∀ x ∈ H, x ο Γ x = ⎨y⏐ Γ(y) ∩ Γ(x) ≠ ∅⎬ ,∀ (y,z) ∈ H 2 , y ο Γ z = y ο Γ y ∪ z ο Γ z ,and one has calculated the fuzzy grade ∂(Η Γ ) for several functions Γ defined on sets H, such that ⎮H⎮ ∈ ⎨3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 16⎬

    Fundamental relations and identities of fuzzy hyperalgebras

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    Inspired by fuzzy hyperalgebras and fuzzy polynomial function (term function), some homomorphism properties of fundamental relation on fuzzy hyperalgebras are conveyed. The obtained relations of fuzzy hyperalgebra are utilized for certain applications, i.e., biological phenomena and genetics along with some elucidatory examples presenting various aspects of fuzzy hyperalgebras. Then, by considering the definition of identities (weak and strong) as a class of fuzzy polynomial function, the smallest equivalence relation (fundamental relation) is obtained which is an important tool for fuzzy hyperalgebraic systems. Through the characterization of these equivalence relations of a fuzzy hyperalgebra, we assign the smallest equivalence relation αi1i2∗ on a fuzzy hyperalgebra via identities where the factor hyperalgebra is a universal algebra. We extend and improve the identities on fuzzy hyperalgebras and characterize the smallest equivalence relation αJ∗ on the set of strong identities