341 research outputs found

    Application of Fractal and Wavelets in Microcalcification Detection

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    Breast cancer has been recognized as one or the most frequent, malignant tumors in women, clustered microcalcifications in mammogram images has been widely recognized as an early sign of breast cancer. This work is devote to review the application of Fractal and Wavelets in microcalcifications detection

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    A Review of Artificial Intelligence in Breast Imaging

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    With the increasing dominance of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, the important prospects for their application have extended to various medical fields, including domains such as in vitro diagnosis, intelligent rehabilitation, medical imaging, and prognosis. Breast cancer is a common malignancy that critically affects women’s physical and mental health. Early breast cancer screening—through mammography, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—can substantially improve the prognosis for breast cancer patients. AI applications have shown excellent performance in various image recognition tasks, and their use in breast cancer screening has been explored in numerous studies. This paper introduces relevant AI techniques and their applications in the field of medical imaging of the breast (mammography and ultrasound), specifically in terms of identifying, segmenting, and classifying lesions; assessing breast cancer risk; and improving image quality. Focusing on medical imaging for breast cancer, this paper also reviews related challenges and prospects for AI

    A Modified LeNet CNN for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively utilized in medical image processing to automatically extract meaningful features and classify various medical conditions, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses. In this paper, LeNet, a classic CNN architecture, has been successfully applied to breast cancer data analysis. It demonstrates its ability to extract discriminative features and classify malignant and benign tumors with high accuracy, thereby supporting early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. LeNet with corrected Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), a modification of the traditional ReLU activation function, has been found to improve the performance of LeNet in breast cancer data analysis tasks via addressing the “dying ReLU” problem and enhancing the discriminative power of the extracted features. This has led to more accurate, reliable breast cancer detection and diagnosis and improved patient outcomes. Batch normalization improves the performance and training stability of small and shallow CNN architecture like LeNet. It helps to mitigate the effects of internal covariate shift, which refers to the change in the distribution of network activations during training. This classifier will lessen the overfitting problem and reduce the running time. The designed classifier is evaluated against the benchmarking deep learning models, proving that this has produced a higher recognition rate. The accuracy of the breast image recognition rate is 89.91%. This model will achieve better performance in segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and breast cancer tumor detection

    Foundation and methodologies in computer-aided diagnosis systems for breast cancer detection

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that affects women all over the world. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer could decline the mortality rate. Some issues such as technical reasons, which related to imaging quality and human error, increase misdiagnosis of breast cancer by radiologists. Computer-aided detection systems (CADs) are developed to overcome these restrictions and have been studied in many imaging modalities for breast cancer detection in recent years. The CAD systems improve radiologists’ performance in finding and discriminat- ing between the normal and abnormal tissues. These procedures are performed only as a double reader but the absolute decisions are still made by the radiologist. In this study, the recent CAD systems for breast cancer detec- tion on different modalities such as mammography, ultrasound, MRI, and biopsy histopathological images are introduced. The foundation of CAD systems generally consist of four stages: Pre-processing, Segmentation, Fea- ture extraction, and Classification. The approaches which applied to design different stages of CAD system are summarised. Advantages and disadvantages of different segmentation, feature extraction and classification tech- niques are listed. In addition, the impact of imbalanced datasets in classification outcomes and appropriate methods to solve these issues are discussed. As well as, performance evaluation metrics for various stages of breast cancer detection CAD systems are reviewed

    Machine Learning in Ultrasound Computer-Aided Diagnostic Systems: A Survey

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    Comparative Analysis of Segment Anything Model and U-Net for Breast Tumor Detection in Ultrasound and Mammography Images

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    In this study, the main objective is to develop an algorithm capable of identifying and delineating tumor regions in breast ultrasound (BUS) and mammographic images. The technique employs two advanced deep learning architectures, namely U-Net and pretrained SAM, for tumor segmentation. The U-Net model is specifically designed for medical image segmentation and leverages its deep convolutional neural network framework to extract meaningful features from input images. On the other hand, the pretrained SAM architecture incorporates a mechanism to capture spatial dependencies and generate segmentation results. Evaluation is conducted on a diverse dataset containing annotated tumor regions in BUS and mammographic images, covering both benign and malignant tumors. This dataset enables a comprehensive assessment of the algorithm's performance across different tumor types. Results demonstrate that the U-Net model outperforms the pretrained SAM architecture in accurately identifying and segmenting tumor regions in both BUS and mammographic images. The U-Net exhibits superior performance in challenging cases involving irregular shapes, indistinct boundaries, and high tumor heterogeneity. In contrast, the pretrained SAM architecture exhibits limitations in accurately identifying tumor areas, particularly for malignant tumors and objects with weak boundaries or complex shapes. These findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate deep learning architectures tailored for medical image segmentation. The U-Net model showcases its potential as a robust and accurate tool for tumor detection, while the pretrained SAM architecture suggests the need for further improvements to enhance segmentation performance