19,062 research outputs found

    Promoting data provenance tracking in the archaeological interpretation process

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    n this paper we propose a model and a set of derivation rules for tracking data provenance during the archaeological interpretation process. The interpretation process is the main task performed by an archaeologist that, starting from ground data about evidences and findings, tries to derive knowledge about an ancient object or event. In particular, in this work we concentrate on the dating process used by archaeologists to assign one or more time intervals to a finding in order to define its lifespan on the temporal axis and we propose a framework to represent such information and infer new knowledge including provenance of data. Archaeological data, and in particular their temporal dimension, are typically vague, since many different interpretations can coexist, thus we will use Fuzzy Logic to assign a degree of confidence to values and Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Networks to model relationships between dating of different finding

    Tracking Data Provenance of Archaeological Temporal Information in Presence of Uncertainty

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    The interpretation process is one of the main tasks performed by archaeologists who, starting from ground data about evidences and findings, incrementally derive knowledge about ancient objects or events. Very often more than one archaeologist contributes in different time instants to discover details about the same finding and thus, it is important to keep track of history and provenance of the overall knowledge discovery process. To this aim, we propose a model and a set of derivation rules for tracking and refining data provenance during the archaeological interpretation process. In particular, among all the possible interpretation activities, we concentrate on the one concerning the dating that archaeologists perform to assign one or more time intervals to a finding to define its lifespan on the temporal axis. In this context, we propose a framework to represent and derive updated provenance data about temporal information after the mentioned derivation process. Archaeological data, and in particular their temporal dimension, are typically vague, since many different interpretations can coexist, thus, we will use Fuzzy Logic to assign a degree of confidence to values and Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Networks to model relationships between dating of different findings represented as a graph-based dataset. The derivation rules used to infer more precise temporal intervals are enriched to manage also provenance information and their following updates after a derivation step. A MapReduce version of the path consistency algorithm is also proposed to improve the efficiency of the refining process on big graph-based datasets

    Watershed rainfall forecasting using neuro-fuzzy networks with the assimilation of multi-sensor information

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    The complex temporal heterogeneity of rainfall coupled with mountainous physiographic context makes a great challenge in the development of accurate short-term rainfall forecasts. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of multiple rainfall sources (gauge measurement, and radar and satellite products) for assimilation-based multi-sensor precipitation estimates and make multi-step-ahead rainfall forecasts based on the assimilated precipitation. Bias correction procedures for both radar and satellite precipitation products were first built, and the radar and satellite precipitation products were generated through the Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensors (QPESUMS) and the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System (PERSIANN-CCS), respectively. Next, the synthesized assimilated precipitation was obtained by merging three precipitation sources (gauges, radars and satellites) according to their individual weighting factors optimized by nonlinear search methods. Finally, the multi-step-ahead rainfall forecasting was carried out by using the adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The Shihmen Reservoir watershed in northern Taiwan was the study area, where 641 hourly data sets of thirteen historical typhoon events were collected. Results revealed that the bias adjustments in QPESUMS and PERSIANN-CCS products did improve the accuracy of these precipitation products (in particular, 30-60% improvement rates for the QPESUMS, in terms of RMSE), and the adjusted PERSIANN-CCS and QPESUMS individually provided about 10% and 24% contribution accordingly to the assimilated precipitation. As far as rainfall forecasting is concerned, the results demonstrated that the ANFIS fed with the assimilated precipitation provided reliable and stable forecasts with the correlation coefficients higher than 0.85 and 0.72 for one- and two-hour-ahead rainfall forecasting, respectively. The obtained forecasting results are very valuable information for the flood warning in the study watershed during typhoon periods. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Intelligent control based on fuzzy logic and neural net theory

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    In the conception and design of intelligent systems, one promising direction involves the use of fuzzy logic and neural network theory to enhance such systems' capability to learn from experience and adapt to changes in an environment of uncertainty and imprecision. Here, an intelligent control scheme is explored by integrating these multidisciplinary techniques. A self-learning system is proposed as an intelligent controller for dynamical processes, employing a control policy which evolves and improves automatically. One key component of the intelligent system is a fuzzy logic-based system which emulates human decision making behavior. It is shown that the system can solve a fairly difficult control learning problem. Simulation results demonstrate that improved learning performance can be achieved in relation to previously described systems employing bang-bang control. The proposed system is relatively insensitive to variations in the parameters of the system environment

    A Survey of Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Network Models for Engineering Applications

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    This survey samples from the ever-growing family of adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network models used to perform the three primary machine learning modalities, namely, unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning. It comprises a representative list from classic to modern ART models, thereby painting a general picture of the architectures developed by researchers over the past 30 years. The learning dynamics of these ART models are briefly described, and their distinctive characteristics such as code representation, long-term memory and corresponding geometric interpretation are discussed. Useful engineering properties of ART (speed, configurability, explainability, parallelization and hardware implementation) are examined along with current challenges. Finally, a compilation of online software libraries is provided. It is expected that this overview will be helpful to new and seasoned ART researchers

    Commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning with fuzzy neural networks

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    This paper highlights the theory of common-sense knowledge in terms of representation and reasoning. A connectionist model is proposed for common-sense knowledge representation and reasoning. A generic fuzzy neuron is employed as a basic element for the connectionist model. The representation and reasoning ability of the model is described through examples
